Chapter 212

[This morning, China demanded a public apology for our coast guard’s radical response. Also, if measures are not taken to prevent recurrence […]

China started full-scale pressure on its dead fishermen as an excuse.

However, far from an apology, our government demanded China’s voluntary crackdown on illegal fishing by Chinese fishermen, and in the end, the opinions of the two countries ran parallel.

[China has declared that if there is no prompt action from our side, it will take its own measures to protect its fishermen.]

Since then, China’s response has exceeded expectations.

Not only deploying destroyers in the West Sea, but also armed demonstrations through fighters.

As a result, the government hastily fiddled with the Taiwanese card, but I emphasized that the time is not yet.

“It is important to break their will to accept an apology, but it is also important to make them realize that force does not work against us. The fact that the dispatch of destroyers that are not even coast guard ships is that they treat us that much, and that misconception must be broken.”

“Are you really going to exchange bombardment?”

The Minister of Foreign Affairs expressed concern with my opinion.

It’s not something I can’t understand.

If the bombardment comes and goes, then it is a situation where a local war is really taking place.

No, at the very least, on the day they investigate each other’s fire control radar, that will further magnify the problem.

“But the problem gets worse if we solve the confrontation first.”


The foreign minister looked at me as if he was talking about that.

“They disregarded normal procedures and dispatched destroyers. That means they’re not at all concerned about conflicts with us. In the meantime, if we withdraw first, we will never forget the taste and send the warship first.”

The foreign minister bit his lip at those words.

But in the end, as if he could not shake off his concerns, he resists again.

“From what I have heard, if we fire a fire control radar on our ship from the other side, we have no choice but to respond in the same way. If you do, the other side can fire missiles or bombardment first, so what do you think about that?”

“If that were the case, would our ships do any harm? The Minister seems to be concerned about that because he does not know it well, but the destroyers we are confronting now are not so clumsy.”


The foreign minister became dumb with honey at those words.

Then, this time, the defense minister, who was listening next to him, assisted with a word.

“Of course, if you are at the level of King Sejong, there is no reason to be defeated by them. But we also need to listen to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. In case of prolonged confrontation, accidental clashes cannot be completely ruled out.”

I quietly listened to him.

The defense minister, who glanced at my expression, spoke again with a cautious attitude.

“In that case, we will eventually fire counterattacks, but their air-to-air defense system, which only has an accuracy of less than 30%, will not be able to withstand our fire. In other words, it is said that that clumsy Chinese destroyer will most likely sink, but at that time, it is really irreversible.”

“If you’re afraid of that, you shouldn’t have confronted them in the first place.”

As the minister’s pilgrimage continued for a while, the president cut off his horse and came in.

“Enter Identification Area.”

Heping Elementary School, belonging to the People’s Republic of China Dongbu High School, entered the Korean Air Defense Identification Zone near the West Sea according to orders.

The mission entrusted to him is the continuation of the Namha, which is in the state of invading the identification zone.

He felt a bit reluctant because it was a task assigned only to him, but there was no reason to feel insecure.

After all, there would be no deployment for a small country like South Korea to dare launch missiles at Chinese fighters.

If there is anything I can do, all I can do is sortie for an intercept.

Even if that were the case, it would be quite a headache for them because they were ordered to hold on to the end for today.

‘Isn’t that a little strange?’

But after a while, Heping felt something different from usual.

It’s been a few minutes since they invaded the airspace, and the interceptors that should have flew right away are still nowhere to be seen.

No, obviously interceptors are being caught on the radar, but the location is ambiguous.

‘Why are the interceptors going up north?’

Heping checked his radar again just in case.


instantaneous interference.

At the same time as I had an ominous feeling, I looked outside, and suddenly, something swung and passed under the fuselage of the J11 that Heping was driving.


Embarrassed, Heping immediately turned on his nose.

However, the object that flew to the other side quickly flew towards his fighter again, and then cleverly digs into the blind spot.

‘Damn, why wasn’t that on the radar? Have you ever been struck by a disturbance signal?

He quickly checked the radar.

A signal from the bandit that blinks for a moment and then disappears.

The word “electronic electricity” came to his mind in an instant.

‘Are you going to use electronic electricity for an intercept mission?’

At first, that was disconcerting.

After that, the thought that came to mind again is the question of whether this kind of disturbance is possible even with electronic electricity.

At that moment, an ominous feeling engulfed his spine, and the gas of politeness hurriedly rises from the blind spot again.

“Obviously it looked like a ghost eagle… Damn it! What kind of motivation is that?”

It took a while to identify the bandit’s identity, but Heping, startled by his opponent’s great maneuverability, immediately turned to grab his tail.

But at that moment, the Ghost Eagle lifts the rider again.

After that, it shows strange mobility again and disappears from sight in an instant.

“what is this······.”



At that moment, a red light flashed indicating that his fighter was locked with a loud warning sound.

Embarrassed, Heping made an evasive maneuver and looked everywhere, but the tail of the missile was nowhere to be seen.

Even more disconcerting is that the Ghost Eagle, who came into view again, was flying alongside him from the other side, sending a signal.

turn it off quickly!

as if that’s what it meant.

‘Obviously he’s over there……why does the lock-on alarm keep ringing?’

He looked at the battle information window at the same time as he thought.

In case he did, the other fighters approaching from the vicinity of his aircraft could not be caught.

Then there was only one answer.

‘Is the sensor malfunctioning?’

As soon as I gave the answer, my back became cold again.

Because I thought that the malfunction of this sensor might not be a coincidence either.


In the end, he turned to airspace to escape the immediate situation, and as if he had accepted it as a sign of abandonment, the Korean military’s fighter jets also quickly departed.


After some time has elapsed, the alarm sound that had been so loud suddenly stopped and the sound stopped.

Exactly right after exiting Korean airspace.

I tried to turn my nose to the inside of the identification zone again, just in case, but for some reason I stopped.

“Damn it! Playing hide and seek again with that ghostly bastard…”

After much deliberation, Heping finally announced his intention to withdraw to the upper management.

Not surprisingly, all kinds of profanity coming through the radio.

He immediately informed the headquarters of what had just happened, and there was silence for a while on the other side.

“Please give me directions.”

Heping rushed the headquarters again.

The evacuation order was then issued.


His eyes narrowed again for a moment, even thinking that he was lucky.

“Damn it, I’m worried about having to go back and explain.”

The fact that there is an electronic electricity that goes beyond the level of disturbance and plays with the opponent’s aircraft altogether.


At that time, his aircraft began to show abnormal signs again.

Not only did the radar signal turn off in an instant, but also the various sensors were jammed.

In a moment of goosebumps, he shows a confused expression as he quickly rushes to increase his speed.

“Fuck, which way do you want to go?”


[This morning, a Chinese fighter that invaded our air defense identification zone crashed in the high seas. The Chinese government insists that we are responsible for this, but our government protested, stating that there was no particular fighting situation.][The Chinese government is known to have been searching the nearby waters for three days to salvage the crashed aircraft. However, other than the tail wing that has fallen off, there is still no significant income…..] […] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The Chinese fighter’s invasion of the identification zone and our response to it aggravated the situation a little more.

On the surface, there was no direct engagement, but in any case, the country’s fighter was lost due to an unknown crash.

The self-deprecating Chinese government has since launched a more blatant protest, which is the sky and the sea. It was done in two places at the same time.

“One J11 squadron is constantly in and out of our identification zone.”

“The Chinese destroyer is now confronting our destroyer in the West Sea.”

Tensions grew more and more at the news that was heard over and over again.

If this is the case, it’s a natural procedure to go straight to a local war.(Read more @

Recognizing the Awakened of the situation, the ROK-US Combined Forces Commander immediately came to our leadership, and their pressure acted as another burden.

[Our destroyers arrived at the Jeju base to prevent engagement, not to help.]

It was an attitude that could be seen of course for the United States.

China is already showing signs of ending its economic war with the United States.

However, if a local war breaks out in this situation, they do not know in which direction the situation will unfold, and their efforts may soon be in vain.

But the president’s will was resolute.

[We would like to avoid conflict if we can, but if we step back in this situation, China will do the same every time in the future.][I’m not asking you to bend your pride, isn’t it to solve it through conversation first?][If they had the will to resolve it through dialogue, they wouldn’t have committed the rudeness they sent from the destroyer first. Moreover, he would not have even created a serious situation that even encroached upon the identification zone. Commander Megan, you still don’t understand the situation. The fact that China is now trying to pressure the US through clashes with us?][···········.]

Commander Megan’s eyes widened at those words.

The president, who loosened the tie as if frustrated, continued with a serious expression.

[Currently, the United States has only one role to play. Continuous pressure on China so that even if a local war breaks out, it does not escalate into an all-out escalation.][Does that make sense? If a fight breaks out and either side suffers damage, the situation will naturally spread. In that situation, if we put pressure on them, they…][I have to make it so that I can’t help but listen.]

The president cut off Commander Meghan’s subsequent words.

Then he spoke again with a calm expression toward him, who was closing his eyes.

[Why not make China realize that it is in a situation where it will not be able to escalate war? For example, Taiwan is preparing for battle… or India, which is in a border dispute, is wriggling. Otherwise… the US fleet is sortie here. As it is, I wonder if they also want to avoid the escalation of a battle in the state of being rolled back and forth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No, in that situation, they are more likely to withdraw.]

The president glanced at me at the end of his words.

Like this is right? with the look you want.

I nodded my head slightly, and then Megan spoke again with a look of exasperation.

[Do you know how much sacrifice we have to make to bring out Taiwan and bring out India? I’m sorry, but my government would rather block Korea.][What channel?][···········.][In a situation where we already have the OPCON.]

Megan’s eyes widened at the sudden outburst of the President’s words.

Suddenly, the door to the conference room opened and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff rushed in as the car was about to react with a blushing face.

“President! Fighting between fighters just took place in the Air Defense Identification Zone in the West Sea.”

Commander Megan, who understood what he was saying, smirked and dropped his chin.

On the contrary, the president, who had a calm expression on his face, glanced at the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and asked.

“So, what is the result?”

“One Chinese squadron was all shot down.”

Can you make nuclear weapons too?-213

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