Chapter 183

– Lee Yong-jae, a bastard. Hey! If you’re like me, you’ll be embarrassed and beat up the legislator.

?I wanted to eat a shot in my heart with that attitude with a sense of authority.

Absolute sympathy. In that sense, honestly, Jin Hyunseung is great. The opponent is a key member of the ruling party, but he openly broke the joint.

Aren’t you afraid of the repercussions?

?It’s possible because it’s Hyunseung Jin. To be honest, it wouldn’t be an issue for Chairman Jin to bury a member of the National Assembly if he wants to. It’s pathetic for a member of the National Assembly who doesn’t know my subject.

– What will happen to us if Jin Hyun-seung says he is upset and says that the company will move to the US?

Are you stupid? It’s not a company that makes sweets or anything, how can you move the military industry so easily?

?I think that’s stupid? Still, you have to keep in mind that Jawu is one of America’s mouth-watering places. Perhaps the United States will exert all kinds of pressure on our government, saying that Chairman Jin is handsome even if he shows a slight glance?

It was the second day after the first hearing was over, and the public opinion was talking about the situation at the time.

It starts with my attitude being overly arrogant, and rather points out Lee Yong-jae’s sense of authority.

Fortunately, most of the words were friendly to me, and if this happens, the weight of public opinion will shift sharply in the future.

“I think the Hanseo Ilbo and the Daeil Ilbo are going to stick with each other until the end.”

Director Kim Young-gi said as he placed the two newspapers he was holding on my desk.

As he said, the knights who criticized me became more intense than before.

This is almost to the point of being sarcastic, but at this point, it is difficult for me to show mercy any more.

“Let’s ask Samjong and all the companies we invest in to terminate their advertising contracts with the newspaper.”

“Anyway, I just finished talking with Chairman Lee Young-hoon. We have been secretly speaking out against all of Jaewoo’s affiliates, as well as all the companies that supply us with materials. Oh yeah! Hyeonu Group Chairman Chung also expressed his intention to cooperate, which was a bit surprising.”

“It seems that Hyunwoo Group has suffered a lot from those two media outlets. No, where would Hyeonu be? In the yard where plundering the knights was the way they lived. In any case, I would like to express my special thanks to Chairman Jung.”

Director Kim Young-gi nodded his head at those words.

Perhaps he was even imagining what would happen after that, a smile was on his lips.

“Perhaps the damage will be huge if the cancellation of the advertising contract starts in earnest. If the advertisements from the companies that built the united front disappear, about 90% of the advertisement sales are lost.”

“It would be. But it won’t die easily. Those two newspapers are backed by huge Japanese funds. What we need to be on the lookout for at this point is the fake articles they write in support of evil.”

“What is that…….”

Director Kim Young-gi looked at me with an incomprehensible expression.

He was just explaining again while he unfolded the newspapers in front of him.

“When a mouse runs into a corner, it bites a cat. So, there is a possibility that they too will write obscene articles against companies that have turned their backs on them.”

“Then it’s not a problem. In a situation where there are quite a few people who blindly believe only in newspaper articles.”

“It’s a problem. So now we have to figure out how to stop it.”

“What specifically….”

He looked into my eyes slowly and asked.

Well, maybe there’s only one way to stop it.

“Closed. That is the only answer.”

“Is it obsolete? Newspapers?”

Director Kim Young-gi looked at me with a surprised face.

After all, he knows better how difficult it is to close a newspaper in this country.

But it’s not entirely impossible.

In the end, if the money line is blocked, and in addition to that, there is a sufficient basis for legal sanctions to be imposed.

Especially when the head is decisively blown away.

“It is easy to see the end of a snake when its head is blown away. I’m going to try to trample some of those heads this time.”



“Why are the shoes like this?”

Early in the morning, on the way to work, Lee Yong-jae saw his shoes and became angry with the person inside.

However, he is in a state of shoes that is no different from usual.

His wife, who noticed that he was arrogant, suddenly turned cold.

“Don’t bring problems that can’t be solved outside into the house.”

The woman, who spoke bluntly, turned coldly.

His mood, which had gone down to the floor due to the already messed up situation, is now digging into the basement.

In the end, the target of his anger was his assistant, who was just waiting with the vehicle.

“Aren’t you going to leave early?”

“Yeah? I arrived earlier than usual, but…”

“I told you several times that you would stop by the constituency office today. I should have been quicker to do that. What kind of politics are you going to do because you are so lazy?”

“Even so, I think we have enough time.”

The assistant responded as if embarrassed.

But in the yard where the beginning itself comes from coercion, can those words come into your ears ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Lee Yong-jae raises his voice and bruises again.

“If you go early, you can go early. What a lot of nagging. It’s noisy and the schedule has changed, so just go straight to Yeouido.”


The assistant looked at him with puzzled eyes.

As if that was the case, why did he bruise him over time?

However, Lee Yong-jae got into the car regardless of the aide’s reaction, and immediately opened the newspapers prepared in the seat next to him.


Contrary to his wishes today, most of the articles were about the current government and Jin Hyun-seung.

“It’s like people who live only captive by the ghosts of the past. How long are you going to waste your time with anti-Japanese feelings?”

No, it would be nice if that was all, but even the knights who doubted their identity now.

Unbearable, he hurriedly threw the newspapers away.

“What are the Hanseo Ilbo and the Daeil Ilbo doing? The more you do this, the more you need to support it. Would an interview with retired generals be of any help to me in this situation?”

At those words, the head of the aide in the front seat trembled.

The attitude seemed to be concerned that sparks would set off again.

Unsurprisingly, Lee Yong-jae’s question immediately flew in.

“What do you think?”

“Yeah? What do you mean?”

The assistant stammered and asked.

Lee Yong-jae, with his tongue stuck, picks up the newspaper again and shakes it.

“Did you not see the article? I heard that I’m trying to touch Jae-woo after receiving Japanese orders again. Does it look like I’m being sarcastic to you?”


The assistant made a shy expression as if he had nothing to say.

In hindsight, that’s the case.

However, I can’t show my heart directly in front of that sad old man.

However, as if he didn’t want to see the appearance, Lee Yong-jae kept his eyes open.

“Do you have no idea at all?”

“It’s not….”

“Okay, no, why is this country so anxious that it can’t be eaten in Japan? To be honest, there is something good about stimulating Japan.”


The assistant remained silent.

Fortunately, Lee Yong-jae’s words continued as if he was not expecting a reply.

“Things these days. Everyone seems to be living in an illusion just because our economy has grown a bit, but they don’t realize that it’s just a powerless small country.”

“Ah, that’s a bit. To be honest, at the current level of economic and military power, it is enough to raise a voice……”

The assistant spat out his words involuntarily, then quickly picked up the liver and swallowed it.

Unsurprisingly, Lee Yong-jae’s face was frowned upon.

Soon after, as if he had caught another pod, his full-length speech continued.

“Yeah, let’s say we’ve improved a bit. It is true that we are better than before, both militarily and economically. But do you think it compares to Japan? You seem to be mistaken, but Japan’s potential is fundamentally different from ours. debt increase? The capital they spread all over the world alone is enough to make a living for more than 40 years. What is the debt in that yard?”


“And when we dragged oxcarts, they were a country where they built aircraft carriers and went to war. Subjects you don’t even know…”


The assistant responded with a mischievous smile and turned his head.

As if feeling that he was too excited, Lee Yong-jae sighed and pulled out his cell phone.

“By the way, haven’t you called Rep. Han Ji-yul yet?”

Han Ji-yul was one of the party forces that supported him this time.

Although he is a character of a small faction, his strength is a little weak, but he was drawn in from the desire to be better than nothing.

No, looking at it, it would be more accurate to say that Han Ji-yul first contacted him rather than he was attracted to him.

The problem is that for some reason, I haven’t been able to talk to him since yesterday evening.

“I’m sorry, but for some reason, I haven’t been able to contact you since last night.”

The aide responded with an apologetic expression over and over again.

Maybe he changed his mind in the meantime?

With some ominous heart, Lee Yong-jae eventually called Han Ji-yul’s office directly, and soon heard some suspicious news.

– The doctor is in the hospital now.

“What are you talking about? Why is a person who was fine until yesterday hospitalized?”

-I’m in the emergency room after showing symptoms of acute food poisoning from what I ate yesterday evening.

As soon as he heard those words, Lee Yong-jae’s excellent sense of urgency was activated.

His food poisoning is bullshit.

There must be some other reason.

Just in case, he calls another supporter, Lim Chang-ryeol, this time.

“Are you hospitalized for overwork?”

It was also the case that the phone could not be called.

What is this ominous feeling?

“Go to the Woodam Lab.”

He immediately redirected his car to his long-time custodian, the Udam Institute for Policy Studies.

It’s a policy lab. In fact, it served as the Korean branch of the Sasaki Foundation.

Follow me!

But then, suddenly, his phone rang.

The name of the caller floating on the screen is Woodam Policy Research Institute.

As soon as I pressed the call button in the hope that everything went well, I heard the urgent voice of the head of the research center from the other side.

– This member of Parliament. Did you not watch the news right now?

“News, what news?”

– Now, the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office is conducting a search and seizure of Lee’s constituency office on suspicion of illegal political funds, but what if the person concerned is not aware of it?

“What do you mean? It’s a search and seizure.”

Lee Yong-jae raised his voice in absurdity.(Read more @

Regardless of whether it is true or not, this cannot and should not exist.

What an absurd thing that the JoongAng Ilbo is investigating a member of the ruling party’s core faction, not anyone else.

Maybe the president’s pressure?

He bit his lip, thinking that there was a good chance.

“I think the president is crazy. No matter how much he raises his sword against the ruling party lawmaker, who is his support base.”

-I don’t know if that’s the president’s intentions, but there are rumors that a prosecutor’s investigation into our institute is foreshadowed, so there’s no uproar here either. Oh yeah! The prosecutor’s office revealed that the source of Lee’s illegal funds was STS. Did you receive anything from it?


-STS is a marine horse. According to the reporter, before the merger with Jae-woo, the president of that place disrupted the stock market through fraudulent accounting. There is now a scoop saying that some of the profits from there went to Congressman Lee.

In an instant, Lee Yong-jae’s eyes widened.

how did they know that

What he had received only in cash, perfectly laundered just in case.

Not to mention that the cash he received was also traced through beings unrelated to him.

-uh! A video has just been uploaded.

“Video, what kind of video are you talking about?”

He was awakened again by the strange news over the handset.

Soon, the news is that he and STS Chosun Chairman and his secret transaction video are streaming through the news.

Lee Yong-jae, who had lost his mind halfway, dropped his cell phone.

“Who the hell did that?”

No matter how much I thought about it, there was no reason for such a video to be taken.

Just in case, the deal was made in the most closed place possible.

Then who is it?

Someone who could have filmed such a video.


After thinking for a long time, it was the assistant sitting in the front seat that touched Lee Yong-jae’s head.

At that time, he was the only one who supported him and the only one who knew the truth.

He cautiously called out the aide’s name, just in case.

“Hey, Ahn Sang-pil.”


The aide looked at Lee Yong-jae, who suddenly called his name, with his blank eyes.

Judging from his facial expression alone, there is no doubt that he is the culprit.

But then, suddenly, the aide’s mouth begins to twist to an ominous degree.


“Why are you doing this, Senator? Do you have anything you need?”


Can you make nuclear weapons too?-184

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