Chapter 173

“What are you thinking so hard when you sit down to eat with friends after a long time?”

Hee-won’s bruises flew towards me, who was drowning in the swamp of thoughts.

Dissatisfaction with not concentrating on himself as a friend, even though it was a meal he hadn’t had in nearly years.

He smiled softly and expressed his regret, but it was only a matter of time before he fell into the swamp of trouble again.

‘As Hee-won said, Russia wants it.’

Moreover, in the case of non-motorized vehicles, the risk of technology leakage is not so great.

Considering the relationship with Russia, whose strategic value will grow in the future, wouldn’t it be better to export it as he said and prepare for the next time he will say something regrettable?

– You won’t have to walk the tightrope.

At that moment, I suddenly remembered the story Liam had told me.

Well, even if that’s true, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t care about the full cooperation with Russia yet, but I think it’s at a level that is applicable to this issue at least.


The thought made me laugh out loud.

Hee-won’s bruises, who glanced at me like a crazy person, flew in again, but I waved my hand and continued my thoughts again.

‘The problem is that, in the case of Putin, there is a high possibility that he will really ask for a technology transfer.’

No matter how much I thought about it, that part caught my heart.

The core technology of the non-powered exoskeleton is material and deposition technology.

Even if the technical value is less compared to the powered exoskeleton, it is not just about selling for money.

“If it’s a trade-off for a skill that’s worth it, I don’t know…….”

“What is he saying now. What did you eat wrong today?”

Heewon reacted again to the words I had unintentionally spit out.

I feel like the flow of my thoughts is constantly being disrupted because of him.

I thought it was annoying, so I expressed my intention not to disturb you openly now.

‘Is there any kind of technology that Russia can do that… In the case of the avant-garde, there is no need for me to touch it first, since cooperation has been proposed by the other side first. If I had to touch it, how about space launch vehicle technology or technology that holds plasma in the aircraft?’

Those were the first two that came to mind.

Space launch vehicle technology that has nothing to do with the West, and plasma stealth technology that has reached the highest level in the world.

Especially in the case of plasma technology, I was more greedy because I realized that it would not be easy for me to raise it to the level of Russia, although I was confident.

‘If you consider the level of technology in Russia that has definitely succeeded in commercialization.’

As I recall, it was probably around 2021 that Russia succeeded in constructing Plasma Stealth.

Even though all countries in the world thought it was absolutely impossible.

As a result, the Western world at the time once again became an opportunity to realize Russia’s scientific level, and it also gave me an opportunity to rethink the country of Russia.

‘If we can get that, we can have an internally armed spear as well as more reliable stealth performance.’

In particular, due to the nature of plasma, which completely absorbs radar waves, it is possible to overcome the shortcomings of stealth that is made up of simply RAM and shape design.

If that applies to the KF-02, it would not be a dream for our fighter to be guaranteed a higher level of stealth than the F-22.

‘The problem is that in this era, Russia’s development progress is not yet very high. If I do a comparative study with the data I have, wouldn’t it be possible to reduce the time for sure?’

“I can’t.”

As the thoughts ran through him, his mind became impatient.

As soon as he puts down the spoon and jumps up from his seat, Hee-won spits out a muffled sound.

“What is it?”

“Eat it and go. I have work, so I need to meet someone.”

He uttered a few words and quickly left the restaurant.

Hee-won’s groan is heard from behind.

“Hey, you child! Calculate and go.”


– It feels like our relationship was established earlier than expected.

On the way, he tried to talk to Liam on the phone, and he showed great pleasure.

I immediately brought up the issue of exporting non-motorized exoskeletons to Russia, thinking that something was wrong with the purpose, but he ignored me and continued to say nonsense.

-Why, you still don’t acknowledge the value of your existence?

[Rather than that, I haven’t been able to rise to the same position as the president yet.]

– Wouldn’t that be the way to do it?


-Honestly, there are many ways. In the future, it may be one of the ways that the US and Russia insist on only Chairman Jin as the key dialogue channel with Korea.


– As I said, it’s fine. In that case, the Korean government and parliament will gradually acknowledge the existence of Chairman Jin clearly. As if American politicians acknowledged my existence.

For a moment, a question crossed my mind.

Why the hell is Liam trying to push me to the core power of this country?

But am I also a being with desires?

As soon as he hears that, greed springs up.

Yes, if the world is like that anyway, it wouldn’t be bad to jump right into the flow, I think.

[There is one thing to keep in mind.]

– Please tell me.

[The point is that even if I become a shadow of this country, I will not become a tool to only represent the interests of the Jewish group. In other words, no matter what the problem, I will put my interests first.]


Suddenly, a sound of laughter came from the other side of the receiver.

I was silent, wondering if this was another case, and Liam spoke out in a absurd tone.

– It seems that I misunderstood, but do you think that I am forming this council only for the benefit of the Jewish group? If so, would Putin really agree with me?


-And the Zion group is not just a group that only represents the Jews. So, you don’t have to worry about that.

[Then… that’s good.]

– Alright then, let’s listen to Chairman Jin’s decision. There is no need to ask the US government’s opinion on the export of exoskeletons. After all, it is the field that Jae-woo started with the initiative.

What he said wasn’t wrong.

After all, I had all the authority in this business.

In other words, there is no excuse for the US to stop my decision.

But maybe I called because I didn’t know that.

I did it because I was afraid that things would get complicated if the US decided to oppose it.

-Furthermore, if it is a non-motorized exoskeleton technology transfer that excludes printing technology, there is no problem. In that case, at most, only material technology would go beyond that. Ah! I’m saying this now that it’s been said, but now you have to think about that too.

Just when I thought that I was fortunate enough, Liam said something meaningless.

think about that

What are you referring to?

[What do you mean?]

– A servo motor mounted on a motorized exoskeleton. Shouldn’t it be slowly released to the private sector now?

The words he spit out really hit the core.

Our servo motor technology has surpassed that of Fanuc.

In fact, it is not common to transfer it to the private sector.

If that happens, there will be a huge geography change in the machinery industry.

-Honestly, servo motors made with that level of technology cannot be tied up for military use forever. If it were released to the industry, Fanuc would be struck by lightning, isn’t that what Chairman Jin wanted?

Liam was talking as if looking inside me.

Breaking one of the backbones of Japanese industry.

By the way, it looks like he wants to step on his feet, but that is absurd.

In the first place, to prevent that, the part about the servo motor was omitted from the jointly developed item, but would you like to share it because I’m crazy?

[Although I am also preparing for a private transfer.]

– So was it. If you do…

[Yes, that is difficult.]

I spat out an answer before he could even finish his words.

Unsurprisingly, the sound of laughter coming from the other side was faint.

Soon he says something unexpected.

-I’m not saying I’m going to put a spoon on someone else’s table right now. It’s just that when Jae-woo puts it on the global market, he wants to get a supply right.

[A supply right?]

That shouldn’t be a problem.

No, considering the distribution network of the Zion Group in North America and Europe, I have to ask for it.

It was a proposal that I didn’t quite understand, so when I asked why, he said with a smile.

-Even though I was young, I was one of those Jews who stood at the scene of the Holocaust. So, Chairman Jin still has in his heart the sediment that is worse than the sediment he has with Japanese war criminals.


-For reference, it is not only Japanese companies that suffer if a servomotor with such a tremendous performance comes out. When it comes to the machinery industry, Germany is also one of them. To put it simply, I, too, want to take revenge for my timidity. We intend to use our distribution capabilities to the fullest to kill German companies.



-Shall we jointly develop plasma stealth technology?

After my conversation with Liam, I tried to negotiate with Putin after several days of deliberation.

– But that’s a bit…

The first reaction was, of course, a negative tone.

It is not unreasonable to say that Russia should also present its core technology.

[Instead, we transfer exoskeleton technology to Russia.]

As scheduled, the card I prepared was the transfer of exoskeleton technology.

Putin, who was quite interested when the word exoskeleton first popped out of my mouth, later spewed out a dismayed thu when he was told that it was limited to the non-motorized type.

-Because it’s a non-motorized method… that doesn’t mean you think it’s the right exchange rate for our plasma stealth technology, right?

I had nothing to say.

If you look at it, it’s true that that side is the loss.(Read more @

In particular, in the case of printers, which are the core, technology transfer is excluded. If only selling devices is allowed, that’s even better.

The reason I didn’t get any swear words is probably because I was fascinated by my confidence that if I jointly develop the plasma technology, I could shorten the development time.

– Well, let’s take a little more time to think about that problem.

Fortunately, Putin left room.

Maybe that’s why, it’s even more disappointing.

‘If we can cooperate, it is not unreasonable for us to create a complete 5th generation within a few years…’

Of course, that could be overly optimistic.

If Russia’s magnetic field maintenance technology and Korea’s electronic system integration technology are combined, it is true that there is a great possibility of shortening the time.

‘But I can’t do business at a loss… I’ll have to find some other way.’



June 2008.

At Seongnam Airport, a ceremony for the dispatch of the last follow-up unit to Iraq was held.

The advance squad and the main camp had already headed for Kirkuk two months ago.

For that reason, the troops departing today were mostly non-combatants made up of medical and engineering troops.

“Come on, I’ll buy you lunch today.”

The Joint Chiefs of Staff, watching the transport plane carrying the troops take off, offered me a meal at first.

His eyes seemed to have something to say, so I gladly agreed, and he guided me to his vehicle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . —


Afterwards, we arrived at a restaurant specializing in roast duck near Seongnam.

The restaurant owner, bewildered by the sudden arrival of stars, went out of his way to prepare the meal for a while, and we chatted about the latest international issues while waiting.

“You haven’t heard the news yet, have you?”

“What do you mean?”

“Actually, it was an issue that the Blue House had decided to keep strictly secret for the time being, so… Actually, the United States has recently requested the dispatch of a naval battleship to Somalia.”

“Are you from Somalia?”

The question came out of nowhere, along with the old memories that flashed through my mind in an instant.

As if it was the expected reaction, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff continued his speech with a light smile.

“Yeah, it seems that pirates have been on the rise in Somalia recently. The problem is that, as Chairman Jin knows, that area is also frequently used by our merchant ships. That is why we have dispatched one Admiral Yi Sun-sin-class destroyer.”


Can you make nuclear weapons too?-174

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