Chapter 161

[After news of Saddam Hussein’s execution, the rebels are intensifying.]

January 23, 2007, Kirkuk.

U.S. news outlets delivered through satellite TV expressed concern over the intensifying gathering of Iraqi rebels.

A sigh came out of the mouths of the South Korean soldiers who were watching the TV in the barracks, and the voices of dissatisfaction with the current situation erupted from the mouth of Major Yonghwa Lee of the support team.

“Damn, I’m going to be tired for a while. No, no matter how villainous he is, what are you going to do if you make the execution scenes go around like that?”

“That’s it. No matter how villainous he was, he was still the president of a country, and when he sees such an insulting scene, the rebels will not stand still.”

Lieutenant Song Yi-hyeon, who was listening next to him, chimed in.

As soon as he was approaching the TV as if he was trying to turn the volume up a bit, the barracks door suddenly swung open and Colonel Kim Woong-ryeol entered.

“Pay attention!”


At the commander’s seemingly unusual attitude, the entire support team was instantly tensed.

Usually, the words behind such an expression always refer to an order to wait for dispatch or to conduct reconnaissance activities.

Unsurprisingly, Colonel Ung-ryeol Kim, who immediately walked towards the center of the barracks, began to draw something on the whiteboard that was there.

“We have received information that some of the Sunni factions supported by Hussein and some of the friendly forces are gathering in the outskirts of Kirkuk. So the 25th Infantry Division and our Special Forces troops are going to go on reconnaissance, but this time, you too will be deployed.”

“You’re putting us in, not Apache?”

To that, Major Lee Yong-hwa immediately responded.

Whenever reliability is an issue.

Moreover, he could not help but wonder why such a decision was suddenly made in the yard where Apache, which currently has two squadrons, is waiting at the garrison.

“Apache squadrons are also put into operation. However, they are located north of Kirkuk. And we took charge of reconnaissance in the southern area.”

“Does that mean that our military operates independently?”

Major Lee Yong-hwa asked in surprise.

Even in the Allied Forces, the reality until now is that all operations have always been carried out under the command of the U.S. military.

But isn’t this the result of breaking that tradition?

As if to remind him of that, Colonel Ung-ryeol Kim continued speaking with a stern expression on his face.

“Yes. The reconnaissance in the southern region will be conducted entirely by troops composed solely of our support squadrons and special forces soldiers. Hani, let’s be more alert than before and do our missions.”

With these words, Colonel Kim Woong-ryeol left the barracks again.

First independent mission.

All the officers in the barracks, including Major Lee Yong-hwa, looked at each other with blank faces.

“Did this situation hit you?”



The military commander’s gesture was to inform that all armaments were properly equipped.

After that, following the guidance of the US commander, Major Yong-Hwa Lee, who lifted the fuselage, immediately turned his nose to the south, and soon attempted to communicate with his squadrons via radio.

[Signal good. Keep the cruising distance.]

The 4 artillery guns started flying while maintaining a certain distance under the command of Major Lee Yong-hwa.

There are no abnormalities detected on the radar yet.

Considering the AESA’s towering distance, a flight of more than 40 km would be meaningless.

[It seems that the fighting has started in the north?]

For a while, the radio from the main unit was noisy, and it seems that it was the news of an engagement.

Due to the nature of the rebels’ sporadic attacks, even the southern region cannot be relieved.

Lee Yong-hwa raises the tension that has been delayed for a while and watches the radar.

[Singular signal is generated at the 32km point at 11 o’clock.]

Then, something was caught by the Fossa’s AESA.

It may not be a general signal due to the nature of the algorithm that detects and displays everything classified as risk factors.

Lee Yong-hwa immediately raised the altitude and looked at the monitor of the SAR radar, and found out that countless armed trucks were waiting at the point where the signal occurred.

[They are also quite unlucky.]

He let out a laugh inwardly.

In its own way, it must have been a gathering place with Apache’s detection range in mind.

However, it was not true that he was unlucky because he was caught by a gunner with a detection range several times longer than that.

[Unit 2 supports me, and Units 3 and 4 correct the reconnaissance area at 3 o’clock.]

Lee Yong-hwa immediately gave orders to the squadron and turned towards the target point.

The target point that came within range.

After confirming that he is a rebel through radio and enemy identification devices over and over again, after a brief conflict, he finally pulls the switch to fire the anti-tank missile.


The missile flew off with a brief vibration.

After some time passed, a truck at the target point in the black-and-white monitor was shattered and the whole area was in chaos.


Subsequent launches of rockets flew towards scattered vehicles.

Most of them were equipped with anti-aircraft weapons on the back.

However, the rockets fired by the two artillery firearms did not miss a single truck, and now there was no more air defense means to attack the artillery on the screen.


There was no more fuss when the anti-aircraft ability was disabled.

Lee Yong-hwa, who immediately increased his speed and approached the target, turned his eyes to the infrared tracking device again, and then started to search for the remnants using the machine gun.


Lee Yong-hwa succeeded in eradicating the rebel forces in just 15 minutes.

The number of enemy armed trucks caught by only two attack helicopters was about 30.

Also, it was difficult to count the number of enemies that were blown away by the power of the chain gun.


Lee Yong-hwa, who turned the nose, struggled to get rid of the sense of shame that followed.

Because this was actually more like a one-sided massacre than a battle.

But there is no room for emotions.

If you let them go and your allies will suffer damage, then this feeling will become a luxury.

Unfortunately, war is just that, and it is difficult for him, who is already in the middle of the battlefield, to make up his mind now.



Boo woo woo!

The South Korean special forces forces arrived at the old city center 20 kilometers south of Kirkuk.

Intelligence that some remnants of the Hussein SS are moving from this base.

This operation stemmed from the command’s decision to cut the buds before they grew larger.


[Check location.]

Following the operation commander’s radio order, the troops carefully infiltrated the surrounding buildings.

After that, they were divided into groups according to their respective missions, and they rechecked their weapons for fear of possible difficulties.


Captain Haein Kim, the 1st commander, smirked as he equipped his rifle with a 40-millimeter guided missile.

Not surprisingly, this tiny 40mm guided missile is now even capable of destroying tanks.

If true, they are now as if they have become a walking armored force, but I had no idea how Korea’s national defense power had risen to such a level.

[Article 2 aims at the underground passage connecting each building. And group 3 penetrates into the roof of the department store building in front and observes the surrounding situation.]

ur ur ur!

At the commander’s command, the troops began to move.

If the rebels were really hiding here, they would have noticed the approach already.

Nevertheless, Captain Kim Hae-in felt a little uneasy in the quiet surrounding atmosphere.

“We search the department store building,” he said.

At the command of Captain Kim Hae-in, the 1st team members showed a bustling movement.

[No more than 1st floor.][No more than 2nd floor]

The radio that follows immediately is a series of non-resistance that makes it seem strange.

It raises suspicions that the espionage might be wrong.


At the same time as the sound of gunfire was heard from somewhere, fireworks burst from the wall in front of Captain Kim Hae-in.

It felt like an attempt was made to sniper.

“Get down!”

Captain Kim, who immediately gave orders to his subordinates, flew the radio to Team 3, who would have headed to the roof immediately.


[Please check the 4th floor of the department store.][Receipt.]

Group 3, who received the radio, gave a short reply.

The next thing you hear is the sound of glass breaking.

When I slightly lifted my head and checked the other side, I noticed that some of the 3 trillion won were infiltrating into the four-story building of a department store on a rope.

Tang Tang!

After that, there were gunshots.

The sniper, embarrassed by the sudden infiltration of the special forces, must have responded urgently.

However, only 5.56mm bullets would not have been able to pierce the body suit.

Perhaps sooner or later, you will receive a radio message that the situation has been sorted out.


As expected, news soon arrived that the radio had dealt with a sniper.

As the car was about to breathe a sigh of relief, sporadic gunshots began to be heard everywhere.


Captain Kim ran to secure a quick target point.

He must occupy it in advance so that he can block the entry of external support forces that may be there.

But just as they were about to turn the corner, the door suddenly swung open and a young man blocked their way.


Captain Kim hurriedly pointed his gun and looked at the young man.

To his dismay, a homemade bomb was wrapped around the young man’s body.

He immediately looked at his hand, but his triggers were nowhere to be seen.

“Damn it! damage.”

Captain Kim immediately shouted at his men.

The fortunate thing is that his men are in a position where they can escape the effects of the explosion by simply turning around.

The problem was Captain Kim himself, who was too close to the young man to avoid it now.


For a moment, he looked at him with a sly smile.

The guy who was reciting something soon turned his gaze to the building across the street.

simplicity and honesty!

Captain Kim, in a hurry, tore off the fire door that he had opened and came out to protect his body.


At the same time, his body exploded.(Read more @

Under the influence of the explosion, Captain Kim’s body flew several meters along with the door leaf.


Surprised, the crew rushed towards him.

As soon as he removes the iron door that was covering him, Captain Kim spit out all kinds of abusive language and struggled.

“Damn, I think the exoskeleton was broken because of that motherfucker? Hey, this sergeant. Get me up.”


The crew lifted him up with a sigh of relief.

His outward appearance looked fine, but his gait was strange, probably because the drive part had gone out.

“Are you really hurt?”

“no. That fire door took most of the impact.”

At those words, the eyes of the crew turned to the fire door again.

A view of a dented fire door.

The thought of being lucky because it was a homemade explosive passed through the crew’s heads.

“If it was a fragmentation bomb, it would have been difficult to handle even with a full body suit.”

“I know.”

After a short reply, Captain Kim quickly picked up the radio.

Obviously, the young man who exploded had no trigger device in his hand.

It was said that the explosion was induced wirelessly from somewhere, and the last building he looked at was suspicious.

[Article 4. We want you to search the building across from our current location.][Receipt.]

When he returned to the radio, Captain Kim finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked down at his own body carefully.

During that short time, he was proud of himself for the idea of ​​blocking himself with a fire door, but he also wanted the exoskeleton suit that made it possible.



After receiving Captain Kim’s radio, Captain Han Hoon, the 4th leader, cautiously approached the target building.

Tang Tang!

Fighting is still going on on all sides.


Judging by the occasional explosion sound, the enemy’s resistance seemed to be quite fierce.



When we reached the third floor of the building, we heard someone talking.

A captain approached cautiously and glanced at the source of the sound, where he found a group of Americans tied up.


Can you make nuclear weapons too?-162

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