Chapter 158

Kirkuk, northeastern Iraq.

Kirkuk is a key hub for most of Iraq’s oil production.

Because of that, the US military sent a lot of troops to protect it, and in the event of an attack, it is also a place that has been protected by risking life and death.

“Sergeant Tallinn. Did you know that the support unit from Korea is scheduled to arrive at 13:00?”

Colonel Enoch, commander of the 506th Infantry Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division, was having a particularly busy day today.

From receiving the troops of the 25th Division, who will soon be stationed on their behalf, to preparing shelters and shifts for dispatched troops from our ally, South Korea.

It was to the point that not even ten bodies were left.

“Can you forget that? But no matter how much I think about it, it’s surprising. The fact that South Korea decided to send troops to Kirkuk.”

Even Colonel Enoch came as a fresh shock.

What on earth did Korea, which had been only sending troops to non-combat areas at the most, made such a big decision?

In fact, it was not Korea that had always paid attention even after dispatching troops due to the ambiguous position so far.

“I guess there was hegemony among politicians. By the way, it bothered me that only the 25th Division was managing this area, but it is a little comforting.”

“Well, even though they are Special Forces members, how helpful they will be…”

Sergeant Tallinn responded with a questionable attitude.

That’s probably because he was the one who knew the level of the Korean military better than anyone else.

Of course, if you look at the fighting power of each soldier, it is true that there is nothing to criticize, but the level of equipment they possessed was a problem.

“Is it that serious?”

Enoch responded to the attitude of the Tallinn sergeant concerned.

How can the level of the Korean military be properly conveyed?

Tallinn, who had been in trouble for a while, mentioned an old incident that suddenly came to mind.

“It is still disconcerting to think of them, who were in 2½-ton trucks when they first deployed.”

“Two ½ tons? No, are you saying you came in a transport truck that lacks even the most protective capabilities in Iraq, where improvised explosive devices like this are rampant?”

“So it was disconcerting. If it were, the commander at the time would have provided our protection trucks to the South Korean military.”

Enoch had a puzzled expression on his face.

But for some reason, he immediately tilted his head and asked, pointing his hand at Polar Bear standing outside the tent.

“Then what is that Polar Bear? Surely that combat vehicle was made in Korea, isn’t it? Why did a country develop such a great thing……”

“It is true that it was developed in Korea. The problem is that Korea is not a country that can afford armaments like ours.”

Enoch shook his head.

It’s an unacceptable proposition in the American conception that we can’t even use things to ensure the safety of our soldiers.

As if thinking the same thing, Tallinn also smiled and stood up from his seat.

“Sergeant Tallinn. Transport planes from Korea have just arrived on the runway.”

At that time, Sgt. Thomas, a supply officer, rushed to inform the arrival of the Korean army.

This is the start of a really busy day.

With a long sigh, Tallinn and Enoch climbed into the vehicle to greet guests from Korea.


“female! Looks like Korean friends have arrived.”

Sergeant Mark, who had been idle all morning with nothing to do, got off the runway and looked at the transport planes and was mourned.

It was his first encounter with a Korean military combat unit.

This indescribable excitement is actually curiosity rather than anticipation.

“Have you heard of the Korean special forces?”

Sergeant Mark asked Sergeant Mayer, who had been watching the plane’s arrival with him.

To be honest, his feeling is that he wonders how great the special forces dispatched from a small country in the East like Korea must be.

However, the response from Mayer was unexpected.

“According to my friend, who is stationed in the U.S. Army in Korea, he said that each individual’s fighting ability is quite impressive, right?”


Sergeant Mark looked at Mayer with a surprised expression.

For some reason, Mayer is taken aback for a moment.

Mark, who followed his gaze and turned his head back toward the runway, opened his eyes secretly.

“Hey, what is that?”

What he found was the fuselage of a helicopter that was just getting out of a transport plane.

It’s bigger than Apache.

Unusually, it had a double reversing rotor, giving it an overwhelming sense of intimidation even at a glance.

“I heard that a squadron of attack helicopters was dispatched together, so that seems to be the case?”

Sergeant Mayer spit her words out and hurried away.

Sergeant Mark, who secretly started following after me too.

He dropped his chin at the sight of the attack helicopter, which became more intimidating as he got closer.

“Oh My God! What else is that?”

Mayer, who was going far ahead, suddenly stopped her steps and motioned for another transport plane.

Sgt. Mark, who was already half-conscious, immediately followed his gestures and turned his head, and soon found the troops pouring out of the transport plane.

“Hey, what the hell are you guys wearing?”

The first thing that caught Mark’s eyes was the level of armament of the troops.

Combat helmet and rifle equipped with all kinds of gear.

Where is that? The combat uniform that rapidly assimilates into the surrounding environment when exposed to light, as well as the full body bulletproof suit worn over it.

It was like a scene where the space force that invaded the earth was coming down from the carrier.


Then, suddenly, a vehicle ran towards the runway and stopped.

Shortly after getting out of the car, they were Sergeant Tallinn and 506th Infantry Regiment commander, Colonel Enoch, who was in charge of supply and material support for the unit.

Sergeant Mark, realizing that they were not in a situation where they could fit in, quickly turned around, and Mayer also turned around and followed Mark in an instant as if he was starting a match.

“Sergeant Mark. Did you see that? Korean special forces armed forces.”

“saw. Damn it, at that very moment, the kkondaes showed up…”

Mark groaned and hurried his steps.

A curiosity that never goes away.

In the end, they glanced back at the runway and saw the two commanders standing with stunned faces just like them.


“Hey, what the hell is that?”

Colonel Enoch looked at Sergeant Tallinn with a blank expression on his face.

It was the same with the Tallinn yarn that was perplexed.

After purring his mouth for a while, he spit out the words.

“I must cancel what I said earlier.”

“Cancel or whatever, that helicopter. Isn’t that something that was developed in Korea?”

“Yes. I was told that I would send an attack helicopter again, so I thought I would send that one……”

“Do you know about that thing, sir?”

Colonel Enoch asked Tallinn, who spoke as if he was familiar with that helicopter.

Tallinn nodded his head slightly and replied with a hazy gaze.

“I heard the rumor through a friend of the Ministry of Defense. Korea has developed an attack helicopter with performance that surpasses that of Apache. We started deployment around last year, and we didn’t know we would send it.”

“You’re going to beat Apache?”

Colonel Enoch responded in disbelief.

Seriously, how easy is it to believe that there is an aircraft that surpasses the Apache, which is rated as the strongest attack helicopter?

In fact, Tallinn is still not sure about that.

“But why?”

This eerie feeling that the rumor is likely to be true.

“I beg your pardon?”

“Oh, no. By the way, is it possible that what those soldiers are wearing are full body bulletproof suits?”

Tallinn came to his senses and beckoned to the troops just pouring out of the transport plane.

Come to think of it, the level of armament of the troops was also unusual.

Enoch nodded his head as if exhilarated, and then moved towards the transport.

[Are you the 506th Regiment Commander?]

As I approached with a blank expression on my face, someone spoke to Enoch.

Judging by the insignia on the epaulet over his shoulder, he felt like the commander of the unit.

He immediately nods his head, pretending to be his opponent and reaching out his hand.

[This is Colonel Kim Woong-ryul, commander of Dongmyeong Unit.]

The prediction was correct.

What was a little strange was the fact that the colonel came as the commander for the dispatch of battalion-level troops.

Perhaps it is a measure to prevent them from getting caught up in conversations with U.S. commanders.

[nice to meet you.]

Enoch waved his clasped hands and looked carefully at his opponent.

No, to be exact, the level of armament he has.

No matter how you look at it, that’s not the level of the Korean army they thought it would be.

[My adjutant will guide you to the camp of the troops. Colonel Kim, come with me.]

Enoch shook off his clutter and guided the Korean military commander to the unified command post.

It still feels like the situation is not properly judged.

He eventually stopped walking and asked the Korean military commander.

[What the hell is going on in Korea?][··········.]


“Hey, Mark. Have you seen your Korean military friends armed?”

A few days later, Sgt. Aaron of 1st Company, who ran into the barracks, woke him up with his fuss.

For the 1st Company troops who had just returned from the three-day reconnaissance, they must have been embarrassed by the first sight of the Korean army.

Mark twisted his lips as if it was funny even in his sleep.

“I’m just saying this just in case, don’t even think about going and making a fuss for nothing. Because I was the only one who crippled the pride of the US military.”(Read more @

“What are you talking about?”

Sergeant Aaron narrowed his eyes and asked.

I have already run away from sleep.

Eventually, Mark jumped up from his seat and told him what had happened.

“Are you a kid? Why are you asking me to go there and shoot you only once?”

“Because I’m curious. As you can see, the K11 or something is real art, right?”

“So, did they just pass the gun to you?”

“No, he was very straight-headed. The Korean military said that they would never entrust their guns to others.”

“You sold very well.”

Aaron scolded Mark as if he was pathetic.

As soon as he thought of something, he changed his expression and looked at Mark again.

“By the way, did you hear the news?”

“What news.”

Mark, who had just yawned, rubbed his eyes and asked.

A long sigh escaped Aaron’s mouth for a moment, and then he said, placing his hand on Mark’s shoulder.

“The news that we got fucked.”

“What nonsense are you talking about?”

“It sounds like your company and our company are in charge of rear support during the 506th Regiment’s move to the base. Is there any other situation that is as bad as that?”

That was not wrong.

Most of the American sacrifices so far have come from the rear support units.

In fact, it is due to the unique doctrine of the 101st Division, the rebels who were defeated by the storm-swept leading forces always aimed at the rear support forces after reorganization, and only the support units always suffered blood as a result.

“Are you going to keep the doctrine even after being like that?”

Mark let out a furious grunt.

In fact, if that’s enough, even if you change the doctrine itself, it’s right to change it several times.

The attitude of the superiors who are still unable to escape from the old relics is only embarrassing for him.

“But this time, there is some hope.”

At that moment, Aaron uttered a strange word.

What can be hoped for in this situation?

Aaron speaks again to Mark, who is still staring with frowns.

“They say that the South Korean special forces that joined this time will support the rear with us this time.”


Can you make nuclear weapons too?-159

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