Chapter 146

[We officially apologize to the Korean government, revealing that this incident was entirely caused by the misunderstanding of the Japanese government. As of this time, Japan will lift all sanctions against Korea, and I ask that the Korean government also lift sanctions as soon as possible.]

January 24, 2006.

In the end, the Japanese cabinet, which had endured and endured, delivered a full apology for this situation.

As a result, the export ban on machinery to Korea was lifted, but the reaction of Korean companies was apathetic.

In fact, this is because many companies have already relocated their customers to Germany.

“I am from Fanuc, Korea. I’m sorry, but can I meet you a little bit?”

As a result, there have been many changes in the attitudes of Japanese machinery and materials companies, including Fanuc.

In preparation for the possible change of mind of the Japanese government, it began to establish a production base in Korea.

In particular, the case of Fanuc came as a surprise, but they have been stuck at the foot of Mt. Fuji while maintaining a closed corporate culture to prevent technology leakage, and now they plan to establish a factory in Korea.

“The head office promises to make sincere compensation for this situation.”

The change wasn’t just that.

In the end, until they promised to pay compensation amounting to trillions of won.

No matter how much distrust in the global market and the resulting decline in market share, it was a measure to overcome, it was an unexpected result.

[Our government has expressed its will to build a military-only airport and port on Jeju Island.]

About a month later, the Korean government abruptly pushed ahead with the construction of a military base on Jeju Island, which had been delayed due to the attention of Japan and China.

According to the information, it was the result of under-the-ground contact with the United States, which is probably the South Korean government’s response in line with the promise to upgrade the first-class alliance.

Perhaps because of that, Japan, one of the countries that should be most opposed, has been silent and consistent, and the Chinese government hastily issued a statement after being struck by lightning while sleeping.

[Our Chinese government is firmly opposed to South Korea’s construction of a military base on Jeju Island.]

China’s response to the statement was a reenactment of history.

In other words, to respond with a sabotage operation that mobilized the media, including our civic groups.

“What do you mean a military base in the heavenly land?”

What is disconcerting is that it wasn’t that effective even though it was already experienced, but in fact, it was probably the result of digging into basic human desires.

It is said that there is no human being who is not shaken by money.

[The Prosecutor’s Office this morning started investigating the sponsorship funds for some civic groups.]

But that was only for a moment.

The power of money is scary, but the power of experience is also scary.

The public’s eyes, who had already begun to doubt the innocence of civic groups through past cases, gradually grew colder, and the media, who at first thought it was right, also sharply changed the direction of their tone.

[Korean companies that have recently entered China are suffering from various disadvantages.]

Ultimately, the method the Chinese government took to protect its self-esteem was to penalize Korean companies that entered China.

But that’s rather like shooting my instep.

That measure will only bring about a sense of caution for Korean companies that have been flocking to China like a gold rush.

‘Is there a time to be so happy?’

I was busy watching the news and taking care of my ripped mouth.

If this goes on, even companies from other countries that have entered China will lose their trust.

That means that many companies’ exit from China will become visible, which will result in an accelerated time for pioneering the Indian market.

‘Yeah, it might be better to advance the development of the Indian market at this point. Only then will it be possible to build another force to contain China, and China’s technology hijacking will be resolved to some extent.’

For a moment, I imagined a world that would be different from before the return.

The situation in which the title of the world’s factory was divided.

‘If that happens, we will have a wider range of movements. 10 years in the future. Maybe that period will determine the fate of this country….’


[The U.S. government is said to be proposing to formally incorporate Korea into the first-class alliance at a meeting of major allies in the UK early next year. Experts predict that if an agreement is reached between member countries, Korea’s international status will rise to an incomparable level, and even predict the possibility of unlimited swapping between the dollar and the won.]

The news of the upgrade of our status as a first-class ally to the United States became known to the world late.

As a result, the whole country plunged into a crucible of excitement, and TV was now busy figuring out the gains and losses.

[Level 1 ally status does not simply bring benefits. To give a concrete example, in the future, we will have to keep pace with the US international policy, which causes unwanted […]

Where there are benefits, there are also disadvantages.

It was natural to form a public opinion emphasizing the disadvantages of upgrading the status of an ally.

However, the negative public opinion gradually lost its power as it was the people of this country who had the trauma of the foreign exchange crisis in the corner of their hearts.

[The Korean government has announced that it will provide nearly 2 trillion won in funds for the improvement of facilities and machinery in the machinery sector led by the three major groups over the next 10 years.]

It has been three months since the economic war with Japan ended.

The trend of improvement in the industry’s constitution continued.

It’s natural that you shouldn’t be hit twice in the yard you’ve been attacked once.

Although the question remains as to whether the attitude of our companies can be maintained until the end, it is true that it is a positive trend.

“Tell it to Dr. Hee-Won Kim of the Institute. Prepare to introduce the 32-nm process to the world with the goal of next year.”

Through this opportunity, I decided to advance the evolution of the semiconductor process a little more.

In retrospect, the key to our victory is the overwhelming evolution of semiconductor processes.

If you want to use it as a weapon in the future, isn’t the answer to always being ahead of others?

“Are you using the 32nm process?”

Secretary Kim’s eyes widened in an instant.

Of course it would be.

Right now, the world is struggling to develop a 65-nm process rather than a 45-nm process, and when a 32-nm process appears, the situation is almost over.

If the 32-nano process appears in the next year or so, semiconductor companies around the world will experience despair once again, and at that time, at least when it comes to semiconductors, the speed at which the world becomes subordinate to us will increase that much.

“Yeah, and. Contact Ryan and ask him to get the most out of ASML in the Netherlands. In addition, they are asking us to proceed with full-scale agreements and acquisitions with other exposure equipment companies.”

That was a move for the future.

I don’t know now, but in the future, the role of exposure equipment in microprocessing is absolute.

Of course, it is not easy because the placenta is a place that is protected by the state, but in the end there is a way if you find a way.

We plan to continue knocking on the door with investment as a prerequisite.

“Ask Samjung Lee Young-hoon if he has time today.”

It was said with the intention of seeing the end if we had already made a plan.

Next year, if the 32-nano process is revealed to the world and mass-produced at the same time, there will be no clearer difference than that.

After receiving the instructions, Secretary Kim immediately called the Samjeong Secretariat, and soon gave a positive answer.

“I have an appointment, but you want to cancel it.”

“No, please tell me that there is no need for that. Because this is not so controversial.”

Secretary Kim again called Samjeong’s office and informed them of my intentions.

For some reason, Secretary Kim, who had been on the phone with Lee Young-hoon’s secretary for a long time, suddenly looked at me with a surprised expression.


“This is Chairman Lee Young-hoon. It seems that you overheard my secretary and I talking on the phone and connected you.”

I shook my head and handed the phone.

Beyond the receiver, Lee Young-hoon’s energetic voice, unlike before, could be heard.

– Chairman Jin wants to meet you, can we postpone it?

“No, there is no need to cancel if you have a prior contract.”

– It doesn’t matter as it’s not a particularly important promise. Because an American software developer I’ve known for a long time asked for an interview. Anyway, I just sent it back.

“Are you a software developer?”

“Yes, my name is Andy Rubin. He’s a friend who develops mobile phone operating systems.”

For a moment, it felt like lightning had penetrated my brain.

Andy Rubin was the name of the being who created the android.

But why at this time?

According to the history I know, the relationship between Andy Rubin and Samjung was destined to have passed by in 2004.

For a while, I was puzzled that it had now become a reality.

“Did you ever suggest a mobile phone operating system?”

-uh? How does Chairman Jin know about that?

“I’m going to tell you that later, are you meeting that friend for the first time today?”

– Yes, it is. Why are you asking that all of a sudden?

In this situation, it was clear that the timeline was also distorted.

No, aside from that, the anecdote between Sam-jeong and Andy Rubin, who say that it is nothing more than a myth, proves to be true.

Then it would be wise to seize the opportunity.

In the future, Android will be the operating system that divides the mobile phone market along with Apple.

It can’t be made to be taken over by Google as historically.

“Catch that friend now.”


“And no matter what terms he offers, it would be better to take over the company right away.

Lee Young-hoon was silent.

As if my reaction was unusual, afterward, I respond in a very depressing voice.

-However, we also have sufficient ability to develop operating system software.

“I know. However, if you catch that friend now, the future of Samjeong is more assured. No, I will never regret it forever. This is what I say as a major shareholder of Samjong.”



After about an hour of persuasion, Lee Young-hoon delivered the news that he had finally captured Andy Rubin again.

The news the next day was that they were planning to pursue a merger with Android in the near future.

Then I breathed a sigh of relief and told Lee Young-hoon.

“If I hadn’t been the major shareholder of Samjeong, I would have stepped forward.

That was an honest feeling.

If it wasn’t greedy that it would bring astronomical profits in the future, it wouldn’t be any more.

However, it is unclear whether it would be right for me to open a rice cake shop just to eat one rice cake.

As I emphasized to Lee Young-hoon, I am already a major shareholder of Samjeong.

Samjeong’s profits will soon be returned to my own, so I don’t have to work hard to build all the foundations.

‘And anyway, I’m the second-largest shareholder of Apple, so I don’t have to go to the front of the opposition.

That too was something to consider.

Apple is also one of the companies that will bring me astronomical profits.

In that yard, do I have to be at the forefront of the Android camp?

Will it also be subjected to US checks and checks in the future?

As it has been so far, it is more convenient for me to become an invisible hand and hold the rice cake in both hands.

-Anyway, according to Chairman Jin’s advice, the merger plan has been established. If you have time, it would be nice to meet Andy Rubin in person in the future.

In fact, it is also true that at first, I thought about whether to jump directly into the mobile phone market.

After all, I already have all the technical foundations.(Read more @

However, unlike weapons, the mobile phone market is an area of ​​sensibility and marketing.

When I think about whether I can make a legend like Apple did, it was hard to get certainty again.

So, rather than trying to pioneer an uncertain future, he chose to ride on the guaranteed legend of Apple using the means of investment, and the same is true in this case.

“I do that. Still, I had a lot of questions about him. Thank you for listening.”

– We cannot ignore the advice of Chairman Jin, who is the third largest shareholder of Samjeong. No, are you going to secure the status of the second largest shareholder soon?

Lee Young-hoon carefully discussed my move, which is gradually increasing the stake in Samjeong.

A situation where the intention is fully understood.

I reassured him by once again expressing my support for his leadership, and he hung up in a more hospitable voice.


“CEO Kim Young-gi is here.”

Just as I put down the handset, CEO Kim visited my room.

Following him was Lee Yong, the representative of Jaewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering.

It was an unfamiliar combination, so I’m curious about the purpose.

“I think it’s the first time the two of you have been together, what’s going on?”

“We had a meeting about the Yi Sun-sin-class destroyer to be ordered by the government this time.”

After hearing those words, I suddenly became aware of reality.

Soon, the Navy is planning to build additional Yi Sun-sin-class destroyers.

However, considering that they are already preparing for it, it seems that the government is moving faster than expected.

“It seems that the government will not hesitate to keep pace with the United States. But did you come up with a specific ROC?”

“That is the problem. The military is in a hurry to do business, but they are not able to present an accurate ROC.”


CEO Kim Young-gi stared at me at the question.

Just looking at your face, it’s like it’s because of you. feeling that

As he narrowed his eyes, his words continued.

“Because of the recently commissioned ship Sejong the Great, the eyes of the navy generals have risen too high. Therefore, I am not satisfied with the specifications of Yi Sun-sin that are currently under construction.”

“I understand, but that doesn’t mean we can’t fill the Yi Sun-sin class with the specifications of King Sejong the Great.”

Even though I said that, I was also greedy.

After all, for me, the design of the mini Aegis ship didn’t exist thanks to the plan our military was pursuing before the return.

Moreover, the future expansion of Japan’s naval power, including China, will be fierce.

In that field, is it possible to respond to them with the specifications of the existing Yi Sun-sin-class destroyers?

No matter how many Aegis ships show absolute performance advantage.

“When is the military chief commander’s meeting?”

Can you make nuclear weapons too?-147

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