Chapter 144

[This morning, Deputy Secretary of State Dawson Maddox visited Korea.]

January 2006.

It has been three months since the cessation of semiconductor exports to Japan began, and the U.S. Deputy Secretary of State finally came to Korea.

During the Japanese economic sanctions before the return, he was so immobile despite our request for arbitration.

It seems that Japan is pouring money from behind, but I think the power of money is amazing.


I laughed at the natural attitude of the Assistant Secretary of State on TV.

Maybe he felt the same way, and CEO Kim Young-gi, who was watching TV together, shook his head.

“When Abe flew to the United States, he seems to have given him a lot of pocket money.”

“It would have been. If not, that heavy ass would have moved.”

“What do I do now? The US is going to put pressure on us now by stating that it is hurting themselves.”

“I do not know.”

To be honest, I had no idea how the President would solve this problem.

The president just nodded his head when I said that he had to anticipate such a situation in the first place and take measures.

But then, the phone in my pocket vibrated loudly.

“Yes, this is Jin Hyun-seung.”

– This is the Director of the National Intelligence Service. I was wondering if you’ve heard the news.

“What news are you talking about?”

– The United States eventually intervened.

That was something I had already guessed, so I wasn’t particularly surprised.

What is important is how we will tie the knot and move on with Japan’s aid to North Korea.

After a bit of luck, the head of the National Intelligence Service continues.

– That part is going to end with sanctions on related groups.

“Looks like you got something else.”

I replied carelessly.

A sound of suffocation and laughter is spit out from beyond the receiver.

– After all, Chairman Jin’s eyes are not normal. That’s right, according to the information, Japan has decided to buy about 80 Boeing F-15s.

“Are you buying 80 F-15s?”

Somehow I felt weird.

Because we canceled the introduction, I only knew that the fate of the F-15 would end like this.

Will the eagle eventually become a phoenix?

It is true that the aircraft is a waste to face the end as it is, but even so, there is no reason for us to be nervous.

No matter how much improvement progresses, the birth itself cannot be changed.

That’s KFX. No, it’s true that it’s not enough to rub against our fighter, which is now called the KF-02.

“By the way, what is our government going to do? It’s not going to end without an apology, right?”

– Where will the President be? Even now, the president is in a position to accept an apology.

“Won’t it be easy? To those who still think of us as colonies.”

-I was worried about that too, but this situation got a little funny. Judging from the current meeting atmosphere, there is a high possibility that the US will pressure Japan.

“What else does that mean?”

I asked, thinking it was surprising.

The director of the NIS spoke again, who silenced the sound as if he was trying to be wary of anyone listening.

-Actually, we got a cause a while ago. The justification for the US to pressure Japan.

“A cause?”

-Two days ago, the Mossad handed the NIS the evidence that the Japanese government was directly involved in the Japanese far-right group’s support for North Korea that was a few years ago.

“Why the Mossad? No, aside from that, how did the Mossad get information that even the US did not know?

– Until then, I don’t know. And I’m not even sure if the US knew about it or not. Anyway, the president pressured Medox that if Japan did not make an apology to the end, he would disclose it to the international community.

If things turned out that way, there was definitely a win.

If the facts of a direct connection with the Japanese government are revealed, even the United States will no longer be able to cover Japan.

No, the cover is second to none, and sanctions have to be imposed, but the US won’t make things that much worse.

If this situation comes to light, we may lose our Japanese poodle.

“So what are you going to do?”

– What are you going to do? It is the position that even tomorrow, I will fly to Japan and persuade Korea to apologize. To be honest, there is nothing good for the US if the facts of the Japanese government’s aid to North Korea are revealed. By the way, do you know about a person named Liam Erico?

If it was Liam Eriko, it was the name of the Zion Company president.

Why is the name suddenly mentioned in this situation?

Asking the question in a puzzled mind, the Director of the National Intelligence Service continues.

-Medox reported a news a while ago, and the issue of upgrading Korea to the first ally is being discussed in the US recently. And the person who claimed it was a person named Liam.

“If we were our number one ally, would you put us on the same line with countries like Australia and the UK?”

It was such an unexpected word, the question as to why Liam jumped out of this situation was blown away in an instant.

To be honest, right now, it is a matter to weigh whether upgrading to the first ally is beneficial or detrimental to us.

Is it an obligation given at a later date? Like the possibility of getting involved in something you don’t want.

But that is a proposition that cannot be easily concluded.

For me, there was only one thing to remember.

It is said that discrimination in the process of importing US-made weapons and discrimination in international cooperation will be completely resolved by this.

“I don’t understand. Why are you making such an offer out of the blue?”

– Words say it’s a kind of reward level.


– Well, in a nutshell. If the export restrictions of both countries go on for a long time, it will only cause a huge blow to the global economy, so we must also make concessions at this point. Instead, I will compensate for what my government lacks by upgrading the status of its ally.

Well, it’s not going to be good for us to stick with it in the end.

It’s now, even if you don’t push yourself away from the cause, it won’t last long.

In fact, other countries will also criticize us if the situation is causing harm to themselves.

In the end, it is an unavoidable reality that if Japan apologizes first, it has to be accepted, and the US intends to pay that price by upgrading its status as an ally.

“But isn’t that a bit of a reward?”

-I know, so Madox also threw another candy, but in about two years, I will try to transfer the OPCON.

“Are you going to transfer the OPCON?”

The transfer of the previous OPCON was sufficient as a reward.

Surprised, I secretly raised my voice, but one important fact came to mind later.

“Why is America doing that? Shouldn’t Japan be responsible for reparation?”

– In principle, it is, but isn’t it obvious that America’s intentions are clear? as much as they gave us. No, more than that, Japan will take it.

In other words, they did a profit and loss calculation in the midst of this.

They want to give us intangible benefits, and in the end they will take care of the tangible ones.

I guess it’s like America.

But it doesn’t matter.

Because it is true that it is better for us than money from our point of view.

“I don’t know what the intention is, but if the United States comes out like that, it would be better to accept it. Regardless of the size of the candy, if the U.S. decides to rush in, we will also lose a lot.”

-Yes, the government is aware of that, so if Japan makes a sincere apology and promises to prevent a recurrence in the future, I will end this situation. As I said, if we really go all the way to the end, the blame from all countries will come back to us in the future. But there’s something a little odd about it.

“What else…?”

-The existence of Liam mentioned by Maddox. I really don’t understand who the hell is he to be able to make such a claim to the US government. No matter how much they questioned, Medox left only the words that if you ask Chairman Jin, he would know.


I hesitated, unable to respond.

Did he take that as a negative? The Director of the National Intelligence Service sighed and said again.

– You really don’t know?

“I have met him once, but I don’t know anything about it other than that I am also a leader of the Jewish unity. Rumor has it that he is quite influential in American politics.

– A Jewish group?

“Yeah, they said it was a pretty traditional group.

-I knew Jews had a huge influence in America, but it’s a little surprising that they exist.

Actually, it was the same for me.

No matter how strong the influence, it is enough to change the ranking of allies of the huge ship called the United States.

No, aside from that, I don’t understand why he has such an attitude.

‘Is it because of a sense of identity?’

It was frustrating, so that thought crossed my mind.

Since he is also a descendant of a nation that was once damaged by the country of Germany, he may not have favorable feelings toward Japan, which has promoted the same imperialism.


But that’s actually an absurd imagination.

In international relations, it is impossible for Jews to engage in unprofitable affairs.

Then what is the reason?

In the end, I shook my head without getting an answer.

-Anyway, Deputy Minister Maddox is planning to visit Japan tomorrow after accepting the president’s request to finally accept an apology.

With those words, I imagined for a moment the chaos that would occur in the Japanese cabinet.

As an American who has lost more than gained, it will unleash tremendous anger.

And the Japanese Prime Minister and the Cabinet have to pay another price to accept it as it is.

It’s kind of pitiful… It feels like a sick tooth is falling out.

To be honest, I would like to see Japan collapse further like this, but that would open the door for us to self-destruct.

In any case, if the US has offered us a plausible gift for mediation, the reality is that we should be content with it.

‘The important thing is that the conflict with Japan cannot end there. Then, things will be different, maybe.’

-Oh, I forgot because it got so long, can you come to the Blue House tomorrow?


Suddenly, a voice suddenly rose.

To be honest, my heart sank when I just listen to the Blue House.

The head of the National Intelligence Service, who showed a smile as if he understood my feelings, spoke carefully.

– The introduction of helicopters for maritime operations seems to be discussed in earnest. The military formally raised a riot today, and you are planning to discuss it in detail with the main military commanders tomorrow. I would like to hear from Chairman Jin.

“Did you raise a complaint about a naval operation helicopter?”

It was so sudden that I was surprised, but it wasn’t particularly strange.

No, it’s true that I feel it’s too late.

Considering that destroyers to be commissioned in the future are waiting one after another.

Even so, I thought it would take a few more years due to budget problems, but the military and the government seem to feel that they have reached their limit.

– According to the military’s argument, it was impossible to develop in-house due to time.

“Yes, in the case of a naval operation helicopter, reliability is important, and it will take at least eight years to develop it from scratch and make it a reliable aircraft. Unfortunately, we will have to consider introducing it overseas.”

– It seems that the army’s argument was the same. So, tomorrow, we are going to discuss specific matters at the Blue House, and the President asks for Chairman Jin to attend.


– Presumably, the person who is most familiar with that area is Chairman Jin. Well, there is another reason you should come in, even if that’s not the case, but you’ll know it when you come.




The next day, when I arrived at the Blue House, the chief of staff was waiting for me.

According to him, a meeting was in progress at the main building with the main commanders of the army who arrived before me.

Apparently, the meeting started earlier than planned.

“Come this way.”

The guide was to the annex.

The president and military commanders, who were already discussing for a long time, looked at me and cheered, and I sat down with a brief glance with them.

“I started the meeting a little early because I was in a hurry.”

Unlike usual, the president had his tie untied.

The main commanders of the army, who were seated in a row, all unbuttoned their buttons one by one.

It feels like there has been a pretty intense discussion, but to me, those images are somehow unfamiliar to me.

Somehow, it feels like you’re looking at the discussion forum of the US government, not Korea?

“Did anything happen?”

He spoke softly and raised the teacup.

Since it had just been boiled, the steaming teacup gave off a pretty pleasant scent.

“It’s not a problem, it’s good news.”(Read more @

The words came from the president’s mouth.

I look at him silently, and he says with a big smile.

“Yesterday, Vice Minister Madox promised to cooperate with our long-awaited project.”


“Currently, the Link K that we developed in-house and applied to the KF-02 and the Sejong the Great. The US side agreed to link it with the US link 16.”

In an instant, I almost got up from my seat without knowing it.

If that has been resolved, practically all of the problems that might be a problem have now been resolved.

But why the sudden decision?

I immediately looked at the president with a puzzled mind.

“Won’t it be a problem if there is a problem in the combined operation in the field of upgrading us to the level of the first-class alliance in the future? Hani must have allowed her to cry and eat mustard.”


I immediately understood the situation and nodded.

If there is no other way, I don’t know. Now we have developed a complete system that is equivalent to Link 16, or even surpasses it.

So what will they do in the field of increasing operational efficiency?

However, if they refused to interlock until the end, the United States would experience inconvenience in the combined operation, so even if it hurts a little, there would have been no help.


As I thought about it, I remembered the events before the return.

KF-16, which did not apply Link 16 until 2020.

As a result, only the F-15K could participate in the combined operation with the US military.

After that, the improvement project was promoted late, but the project became a topic of debate again due to the US demanding an astronomical amount of money, and in the end, the project to transplant Link 16 to the KF-16 was only confirmed after 2020.

‘But now there is no need for that. We can upgrade whenever we want without spending a lot of money.’

“By the way, I have an offer from the United States.”

While he was deep in thought, the president spoke again.

The moment our eyes met involuntarily, he delivered another startling news.

“The U.S. is preparing for mass production of the MH-60R soon, and if we have any intention of introducing it, we will give it a sales license. If that happens, the price will be lowered by about 30% compared to the previous one, so I would like to introduce it to our naval helicopters.”

“The MH-60R?”

The MH-60R was an aircraft that the US military was just about to undergo performance verification.

Perhaps the full-scale introduction is around 2009?

In my experience, it’s an aircraft that can’t be blamed for one performance, but if it can be supplied at a price that has been reduced by as much as 30%, it would be foolish to reject it.

“What do you think about the tactical data link problem? To link with the Aegis ship, he also needs to build a Link K, which requires modification rights. Of course, if it is linked with Link 16, it is not impossible to operate, but that doesn’t mean that you cannot be given a password to link with Link 16 every time.”

The problem was that.

In the case of the MH-60R, it is not something we made.

So, to build Link K, it needs remodeling.

But then, the president grinned.

“It is a condition of agreeing to not only porting our Link K terminal to the MH-60R but also interworking with Link 16. So, what if we introduce about 20 cars per vehicle?”

“Are you giving me permission to make modifications? in America?”

Can you make nuclear weapons too?-145

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