Chapter 138

It would have been quite a surprise for him.

For thorough security, only Seongho and I had a specific development direction.

But now that development is complete, it doesn’t matter if he knows.

No, actually, it doesn’t make sense to keep it a secret even to CEO Kim.

“It is true. That’s why we don’t want to do public testing to keep it secret.”

“But how is that possible… No, aside from that, how long will the secret be kept? Once they are actually deployed and start operation, the subjects who operate the armament will notice at once.”

“I know. So, for the time being, I plan to partially lock the radar and missile operation program algorithms and detection band bands. Only the main commanders and captains of the military know about it. And to use it only when you really need it.”


“Do I have to do that?”

“For the time being, it should be. If I don’t know anything else, if this is known, the theory of the use of stealth fighters will appear, but it’s not clear how the US will react if it finds out right away.”

At that, CEO Kim frowned.

He knew the United States better than anyone else, so the reaction of the United States that he would have known of the fact came to mind naturally.

As soon as I spoke up, I announced another fact.

“It is important to note that the multi-pulse medium-range air-to-air missile to be installed in the KFX also has a stealth killer function.”


“Actually, the seeker of that missile was developed based on that.”

“…Then you mean that KFX’s AESA radar can also detect stealth aircraft?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Why are you doing that now? Come to think of it, aren’t the president and the main air force commanders unaware of this fact?”

“I made a report to the president a while ago. Other than that, it’s still a matter that could lead to an all-out conflict with the United States, but there’s no need to make a statement without feet. It will be the day when the KFX is fully armed, when key military commanders find out about this. Only after receiving a promise of strict confidentiality.”

“I don’t know if this is going to be a bit ridiculous. Do you have to hide the function even from the operator? By the way, I wonder if I should really believe this… It was unimaginable to detect and capture a stealth aircraft.”

“Actually, stealth detection and tracking capabilities were not intended from the beginning. It was just a side effect of maximizing the seeker’s performance.”

He shrugged his shoulders as if he had lost his strength.

After all, it is unreasonable to understand that with common sense in this day and age.

However, it is impossible to explain it all here.

I quickly got into the car and urged him.

“Let’s get on board.”


As soon as I got into the car, the first thing I did was isolate the noise from the driver’s seat.

Fortunately, the newly provided bulletproof vehicle has bulletproof glass that separates the compartment.

Immediately after posting it, I looked at CEO Kim again.

“Originally, the K-band band is a frequency band that is easy for stealth detection. And because the wavelength of the frequency is short, it is possible to realize high resolution. However, in the K band, signal attenuation occurs easily by water molecules in the atmosphere, so it was judged that it is not suitable for radar system operation.”


CEO Kim looked at me with an expression of what he meant.

He let out a small laugh and spoke again.

“To put it simply, we have gone beyond that common sense.”


“Even if I tell you that, you won’t understand, but first of all, please know that we use the frequency of the KA band as a multi-faceted detection system. As a result, it has excellent spatial resolution, deception and electronic warfare countermeasures, but the problem is that it is able to catch stealth fighters due to the characteristics of the band.”

“No matter what I was talking about, the conclusion is that this technology should never be leaked in a nutshell. If this is leaked, the United States is the United States, but we are also harmed.”

“Yes. This is, in a word, a double-edged sword. But it’s not really a problem to worry about because it’s impossible to access technology with just the real thing.”


“First of all, if we want to develop this, we have to have a different development concept from the device itself, but right now, there is no place other than us that can do that.”

“It is fortunate. So, in the end, we only need to crack down on our researchers thoroughly, so shouldn’t we take this opportunity to further raise the security level of the missile development center?”

“Anyway, we have reached an agreement with the Blue House. I want the missile development center to be managed at the level of a first-class security facility. Perhaps in a few days, the military and the National Intelligence Service will take action.”

CEO Kim Young-ki finally breathed a sigh of relief at those words.

I wonder what he was thinking, and he glanced back and shook his head and looked at me.


“The president is also the president, but I think that your friend is not normal. To be honest, where is the normal person who actually made it because he told me to make it?”



Beep baba bam~

August 15th.

The president and key guests from the military all gathered on Geoje Island.

Today is Liberation Day and the day when Korea’s first Aegis ship, the King Sejong the Great, is finally delivered to the military.

It was the president’s idea to designate Liberation Day as the takeover date, but considering the meaning, I think it was a great choice.

[Today, we will protect the sea of ​​this country with the joy of liberation.]

The president, who had already delivered one Liberation Day speech in Seoul, went back up to the podium and started speaking.

A public report on a total of nine Aegis ships to be built over the next four years.

Perhaps the emotion was new, and in the middle of the speech, he blushed for a moment, and it spread like a contagious pathogen.

“It was a lot of work.”

The President, who was watching King Sejong the Great, just leaving the port, said to me with an expression of excitement.

She was the first destroyer in history to be delivered to the Navy with almost perfect armament.

If all goes according to plan, she’d start a year-long operational verification, but in fact, it would be nothing more than an act of ceremonies.

At least, that’s a trap that has been completely melted by experience in operation.

“Isn’t this the first time outside the United States that a naval HVP handles close-quarters defense?”

The president’s question came out of nowhere.

The melee defense system we chose in place of RAM is the naval HVP.

However, since the main gun could not be used solely for defense, an additional 76mm HVP high-speed gun was installed, and for that purpose, the improvement of the shells was completed.

“That’s right. The US military also applied HVP to melee defense with our help in the past. The other thing is that we didn’t use the main gun like the Americans do, but we added a separate 76mm fast gun.”

“Technology is advancing day by day. To be honest, I never thought of the concept of building a close defense system with guns.”

“The key to melee defense is the probability of interception anyway. In that sense, HVP is the best thing.”

“That’s it, I know. By the way, reducing the projectile to a size of 76 millimeters is amazing.”

The president was very curious about the miniaturized part of the HVP projectile.

However, considering the development of semiconductor technology, that is a natural result.

The downside is that it has a shorter range compared to the existing 127mm HVP projectiles, but it is not a problem because it is much higher than the range of existing short-range defense systems.

No, in terms of accuracy and cost-effectiveness, it’s a huge hit.

“One thing to keep in mind is that the 127mm gun can also be used for defense in conjunction with HVP. In other words, it is equipped with a double proximity defense system.”

“I’ve heard of that, but I don’t understand why the Navy insisted on installing an additional CIWS on top of that.”

In fact, the Navy actively insisted on installing a CIWS in addition to the HVP system.

Of course, I rejected it because of the overspacing, but in the end, King Sejong the Great had a goalkeeper attached to it.

“Who will break the greed of the navy?”


At that, the president smirked.

It’s as if they agree with that point more clearly.

I glanced at the Chief of Naval Staff who was on the other side and tried to smile again, but the President continued.

“Actually, it’s the navy’s greed, because even bringing a space battleship would be insufficient. Where is the navy, the air force and the army are the same. Well, that’s what I’m saying. Did you hear the news? It is said that the total number of Yi Sun-sin-class destroyers being introduced now will also be increased to 12 over the next six years.”

That’s what I only heard a few days ago.

It is said that the additional introduction of the KDX-II was decided due to the demand of the Navy, which was inspired by the increase in the air force.

I wondered if the request to build an additional destroyer that had not yet been completed would be accepted, but in the end, the Blue House accepted it, and recently, the issue has been quite defensive.

What the hell are you doing so madly about armaments? Because of the attacks of all kinds of opposing forces.

“Can you afford it?”

“I have to bear it. Do you remember what I said before? I have pretty big dreams.”

Apparently, the president had made up his mind with certainty.

To achieve even development in all fields of land, sea, and air.

Maybe that’s why, recently, the decline in the army’s troops has been conspicuous, but the backlash of the army, which was still standing still, was getting worse because of that.

‘Ttt, that doesn’t mean that we’re just reducing our troops.’

I wonder why they don’t think about the overall power increase through the introduction of advanced weapon systems and the increase in the number of tanks and self-propelled guns.

In the end, their objection is nothing more than a catchphrase from the extreme reluctance to reduce the number of generals, but anyway, this country has a problem with falling stars who only think about themselves.

“It’s going to be a lot of pressure.”

“It’s big. Even if they offered to raise the level of equipment instead of reducing their troops, they wouldn’t accept it.”

“Even so, what would you do with the president as the commander-in-chief of the military?”

“It’s not that easy. Because some political soldiers mobilize the media to attack.”

I was also concerned about that.

Generals who want to enter politics in the future and the media’s conspiracy.

Because of that, Minister Lee Dong-wook and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Kim Tae-ik also persuaded them over and over again, but how easy is that?

In the end, some shooting stars who took off their military uniforms and kicked out eventually set up an angle with the president, and that was the biggest burden for the Blue House.

“By the way, even if the military is given, for the time being, the salaries of the soldiers will only be increased at a minimum level. Although it is a bit regrettable, there is nothing we can do to complete the reinforcement of the military power as quickly as possible within a limited budget.”

That was a bit different from history.

His attitude was somehow different from the one I knew.

I had nothing to say, so I was silent and he tapped my shoulder.

“Why do you look like that? Are you so reliant on my words?”

“Yeah, to be honest, a little…”

I looked back at the King Sejong the Great, who returned to sail with an awkward smile.

My heart is already pounding because of the fact that Yi Sun-sin’s additional construction was not certain.

‘Are you going to build an additional Yi Sun-sin-class destroyer? It seems that the early 2000s will really be the turning point for the future of this country.’

“By the way, you don’t want to skip the demonstration of the firepower and air defense of King Sejong the Great, right?”(Read more @

While he was deep in thought, the president said.

There are a lot of top secret armed forces, so honestly, I want to just skip it, but it’s going to be difficult because it’s all made with taxes anyway.

I laughed and retorted.

“As soon as the military’s operational evaluation is complete, we plan to conduct a public demonstration. Except, of course, what should not be disclosed.”

The president nodded his head as if he understood the meaning.

In his eyes as he looked at the trap that was slowly disappearing, an expression as if he had gained the whole world was read.


[Samjeong Electronics announced this morning that it will apply the all-solid-state battery developed by Jaewoo to some home appliances including mobile phones. Not only Samjong, but most mobile phone manufacturers around the world and most of the companies in the field of home appliances based on secondary batteries are welcoming the development of all-solid-state batteries […]

The news of the development of room temperature all-solid-state batteries has become a topic of discussion as time goes by.

The number of companies that have recently contacted Jaewoo Energy is over 100.

Since even cylindrical cells have opened up the possibility of production, the number of related companies has increased exponentially, which is a natural result.

[It is said that Japanese battery makers led the emergency response meeting this morning. In addition, the Japanese government will provide a whopping 300 billion yen to related companies over the next 10 years to accelerate the development of all-solid-state batteries.]

It was the Japanese battery makers who got the hang of it more than anyone else.

In fact, the lithium-ion battery, which they successfully commercialized for the first time, was also losing the market to Korean companies, but this time it was hit with a counter punch, so that’s a natural result.

Where is the only Japanese company?

LC was also in the same mood as a portrait book, and rumors are that they also recently decided to speed up the development of all-solid-state batteries.

– To get one, you have to give up one.

Considering our relationship, Samjong decided to withdraw from the battery business.

It’s a hard work that comes from the conclusion that there is nothing to gain by having a conflict with me anyway.

Thanks to this, we decided to absorb Samjong SDI’s battery business, and now SDI’s main business area is limited to display.

“Make sure you continue to negotiate with the government about the site for the new factory. And for the time being, we will completely renovate the battery plant in Samjeong, making it our second production base.”

The smooth consultation with Samjeong was an opportunity to breathe a little bit from the lack of production facilities.

It is true that it is more advantageous in terms of time to utilize existing facilities than to build a new factory from scratch.

Even so, it would be unreasonable to cover all the consumption volume that will increase exponentially.

Now, how quickly new factories are built depends on how quickly the battery market is seized, and this made me too busy dealing with government officials for a while.


One day in November.

While reviewing the documents regarding the factory repair work received from Samjeong, Secretary Kim hurriedly knocked on the door and entered.

She looked very different from the one she had never been excited about.

Looking at her with a puzzled mind, she throws out a bewildering remark.

“Fanuc, Japan, refused to supply robots and equipment necessary for the expansion of the battery plant.”


Can you make nuclear weapons too?-139

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