Chapter 111

[What are you talking about…?]

Natasha looked at me with puzzled eyes.

Such a reaction was expected.

I walked into the lab unconcerned, and she followed me with a stiff face.

[uh! What are you doing without contact?]

The chief researcher on the Russian side who found me ran to me with a lot of fuss.

It wasn’t them that suddenly caught my eye, but the appearance of the propellant still undergoing combustion experiments in the wind tunnel.

The implementation speed, as seen by the glanced instrument, was achieving Mach 4.

[It seems that the initial acceleration is still insufficient.][That is an unavoidable limitation of the double combustion ramjet engine. At least that engine makes it possible to drive stably, but if it was a general scramjet, it would run at low speed…][I know that much.]

I cut off the researcher’s words as if it was unfair, and looked at Natasha again.

She frowned for a while and then spits out her words.

[What do you mean by what you said earlier?]

I laughed out loud at her question.

Soon after, he fixed his gaze again on the propellant being tested for combustion, and uttered words as if passing by.

[Pulse Detonation Engine. In other words, technology capable of initial pole acceleration. I need it right now, so let’s stop tug of war.]

Natasha’s pupils trembled violently as she glanced at him for a moment.

Even though it would have been difficult for an existence that was merely a watchdog to understand, such a reaction is questionable.

I took her one step closer to her and whispered her to her.

[I know that Russia has studied the pulse detonation engine separately to overcome the poor initial acceleration of the dual-mode engine. And that is the core of our joint development plan. But the researchers haven’t even started on that part yet, and I’m just pointing it out.][It’s a technical part, so the researchers will have to figure it out. It’s kind of a bit of a bummer to call and urge Putin all of a sudden.]

Natasha shook her head.

But soon after I take one of her memory cards out of her pocket, her gaze changes.

[what is that?][The ultra-heat-resistant composite material technology you so desperately want. And it contains the core of the ultra-precise induction control system and driving device.]

For a moment, Natasha and her chief researcher looked at each other at the same time.

Natasha looked at me again and asked again with a different expression than before.

[Why did you suddenly change your mind? I thought it would take at least two more years.]

Actually, it was going to be.

In that amount of time, I would have been able to fully understand the basics of Russia’s missile propulsion system.

However, things started to go unexpectedly, and now it is better to throw away the cards that we have hidden from each other than to waste time tug-of-war with them.

[Well, let’s say that it is an unavoidable choice.]


As soon as I answered, she pulled out her phone from her pocket.

Something that looks pretty clunky and sturdy.

After calling somewhere, she continued to talk to someone in Russian the whole time, and the eyes of the Russian researchers who were listening to it grew wider and wider.


After a long conversation, she stared at me.


Suddenly, her hand goes into the bra, and suddenly she pulls out a memory from it and shakes it.


Leaving behind her bewildered heart, she held out her hand.

Then she handed me the memory she was holding in my hand, and with the other she retrieved the memory from my hand.


At her glance, the chief Russian researcher standing next to her quickly plugged it into his laptop.

The moment I open the laptop I brought for her to check, she throws her words out.

[Understand. Because I was ordered to risk her life to protect her until a certain deal was made with the president…]

I looked up to see what she meant, and she smiled with her blushing face.

Ah! that’s what you were saying

The reason why the material was kept there.

Well, for me, her body temperature is warm…

“Stop! up to there.”

[Yeah?][it’s nothing. By the way, the real reason you were sent to Korea was different after all.]

He glanced around and looked at the contents of his memory.

Eye-catching blueprints and composition diagrams of parts and materials.

I don’t know anything else, but looking at the chemical composition of the combustion ash, it must be what I was looking for.

[Yeah, otherwise, I honestly had no reason to be here. However, you do not have to worry about the authenticity of the data. There is no reason to deceive the president since our joint research is not over anyway.]

She said passing by me, concentrating on her material.

When she raises her head, her eyes meet, and she throws an unexpected word.

[You know that? Just before the President arrived here, there was a phone call from Mr. Putin.][··········.][The content of the call predicted this situation.][Did you know I was coming?][If it weren’t for that, such a major deal wouldn’t have been possible with just one phone call.]

That part was actually suspicious.

Nevertheless, the reason why I passed on it was because Putin and I knew each other’s tendencies too well.

In other words, he does not show any hesitation in trading.

By the way, foreseeing this situation means that I know why I need pulse detonation engine technology.

The problem is that in order to reach such a conclusion, the condition of experience is necessary.

To put it simply, they were also envisioning a hypersonic ground-launched intercept system using that engine.

‘Well, if you have engine technology that can accelerate that much, it’s a proposition that you can think of.’


I shook off the thoughts I had heard for a while and concentrated on the materials again.

After some time has passed, she continues her allusion.

[Indeed, during a phone call a while ago, Sir Putin said that he must convey these words to the president.][··········.][The pulse detonation engine is the answer to overcome the insufficient initial acceleration, but it will be difficult to achieve hypersonic speeds higher than Mach 12.][··········.][Actually, I think the same thing. This engine is capable of realizing extreme acceleration from the beginning using the combustion wave and powerful explosion shock wave generated when a combustible mixture such as hydrocarbon is ignited, but on the contrary, there is a problem with durability.]

That was the part I knew.

Therefore, the follow-up measures have already been conceived.

But why?

That’s advice that can avoid traps that may fall into the development process of a ground-launched intercept system, but that’s the reason for throwing it so easily.

[You can’t see it with those eyes. I don’t know why you’re showing such important know-how so easily. But were you aware of the problem? Looking at his face, it seems like something like that…][That’s right.]

I nodded my head resolutely.

Then she asks again with a very serious expression.

[Then do you have any solution?]

The moment I heard that question, I realized the fundamental intention of Putin’s advice to me.

The fact that even though they avoided the trap, there was nothing as good as the action after that.

That is, how to achieve speeds above Mach 12 after initial pole acceleration.

That’s why I threw in such an important fact to see if there was any solution for me.

[Unfortunately, not yet.]

I said trembling.

A light of suspicion flashed across her face, which was revealed at first glance.

[Well, that’s it, by the way, how do you know about rockets so well?][Ah! Actually, I also have experience working at a missile research institute once.][··········.]

I want to be a woman like an onion.

Won’t be able to know the true identity no matter what.

She smiles at her disappointment and tries to turn around, but her words fly in again.

[I’m saying this just in case, but interest in Jaewoo has grown quite a bit in North Korea recently.][··········.]



A few days later, I headed to the Missile Development Center, headed by Seong-ho.

The state had already given remarks about the visit.

Seongho, who was waiting at the entrance, waves his hand toward me.

“Why did you come to meet me again?”

“What day? Because I am definitely polite in this direction.”

Since there were no people around, his tone was the same as usual.

Looking around with a smile, he asks a question as if wondering.

“Why, who else was going to come?”

“Has Vice President Kim Young-gi arrived yet?”

It was the first time he was late for an appointment.

He was trying to make a phone call to see if something had happened, and he saw his car approaching from the other side.

“Forgive me for being late. Because the Joint Chiefs of Staff are getting some documents…”

“Are you joining forces?”

Seongho asked at those words.

Then, Vice President Kim handed him the documents he was holding, and he looked at me with a face wondering what the situation was.

“From now on, we plan to independently build a ground-launched hypersonic intercept system.”

With those words, Seongho looked at the document again.

Perhaps he was surprised by the amount of documents that reached a whopping 100 pages, and his brow began to frown.

“Should we develop this on our own?”

“No need to worry too much. After all, the engine technology required for initial acceleration was developed by the Russian side almost to completion.”

“Even so… if there are no support personnel from the joint research institute, this is literally heading to the ground.”

“Know. So, some of our researchers who were stationed there have been transferred back to this center, so don’t worry about that.”

The guy let out a sigh of relief.

However, the reason why his expression rarely gets resolved is probably because of the burden of excessive work.

Well, considering his position that his head would explode only with long-range air-to-air missiles and supersonic anti-ship missiles, which have recently been confirmed, it is not difficult to understand.(Read more @


The guy sighed and turned around.

Vice President Kim Young-gi shakes his head sharply, as if it was funny to see the guy with his lips sticking out because he couldn’t swear.

“Honestly, even if you were me, you would have been swearing. I heard that he also spent 12 hours a day on research, but he threw another bomb there.

“I know. So it makes me feel even more sorry. But I am also working 16 hours a day.”

“That’s it…”

Vice President Kim swallowed the words he was about to spit.

Ttt, if this is the case, I must be a vicious business owner

He tries to turn around with a displeased face, but he follows closely.

“By the way, how long do you expect the development of the hypersonic intercept system to be?”

“Well, it depends on when the government builds a ballistic missile operation control center.”

“Probably so. But isn’t that an unexpected income?”

“What do you mean?”

“The establishment of a ballistic missile operations control center. If it wasn’t for this case, I would have put off the idea of ​​actually building it.”

I was thinking the same thing about that.

According to history, our military will have that system around 2022.

It is true that it was too late for the necessity.

“Oh, I heard from the Joint Chiefs of Staff that the standard for explosive rounds for Korean-style compound rifles is 25mm.”


It was good news, so I immediately stopped walking.

Vice-President Kim, who was rummaging through the bag as if he had the documents he had brought, soon handed me a file.

“Adopting the Picatinny rail. And our plan to modularize the fragmentation projectile firing system and fire control system was also accepted.”

“Yes, by the way, the LIC side also submitted a development plan with 25mm.”


“Why do you like it so much? When our competitors start on the same terms as us.”

“Well, for some reason, I feel more reassured than worried. No matter which company is selected, at least it seems like there will be no need to shovel again.”


Vice President Kim had an expression on his face that he did not understand the meaning.

The moment I turned around with a smile, he hurriedly grabbed me as if he had another news to tell.

“Israel’s defense minister has something to listen to on the issue of HVP introduction. So, they say they will call again tomorrow, but I think it would be better for the president to call him directly.”

“It is.”

I replied nonchalantly and opened the car door.

The moment that crossed my mind is the fact that the opponent is the Israeli Defense Minister.

Naturally, a string of thoughts led to the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft.


Can you make nuclear weapons too?-112

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