Chapter 101

“Your Excellency, what are you doing here?”

The place where I met the president was at a Korean restaurant in Gangnam.

As if there was an appointment with someone other than me, the prize was already empty once.

Immediately reordering the food, he looked at me with a hint.

“I’m sorry, but how about changing your name a little bit now?”


I thought it was time to give up the title that I had been sticking to for the whole time because I thought it was easy to call.

After all, it is not long ago that the title of President became common.

When I respond with an awkward smile, he pours alcohol into the glass in front of me.

“It’s past business hours, so a drink wouldn’t matter, right?”

“of course.”

He quickly emptied his glass of wine and looked at him.

At this time of international chaos like this, it is not really intended to have a meal or a meal.

It’s clear that there’s a reason for this, but I can’t figure it out.

“Are you very busy these days?”

“Honestly, there are not even ten bodies left.”

He drank the drink he had been given and responded.

“I heard that their own fighter under development is also about to assemble the fuselage of a prototype, can I visit?”

“Yes, of course. But I’m curious about that…”

“Ah! It wasn’t because of that, but actually, I had something to ask for Chairman Jin’s opinion, so we asked to meet.”

“You tell me.”

With a short reply, he met his eyes again.

Consistent with his characteristic, friendly smile, he filled my glass with another drink and spit out a random question.

“Chairman Jin, what do you think is the most necessary for this country’s military power?”


It was an unexpected question, so I was speechless.

To be honest, there must be one or two things that this country lacks in military power.

After hesitating, he opened his mouth again.

“According to the words of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the priority is to secure independent ground intelligence gathering capability and air operation command capability. Does Chairman Jin agree with that statement?”

“Are you talking about securing early warning and control units and ground operations control units?”

Maybe that’s what I meant.

The introduction of air controllers and ground operations controllers, such as PeaceEye and Joint Stars.

The funny thing is that some time ago, I also felt sorry for their absence, but in fact, the necessity had been raised from the beginning, so it could not be said to be new.

No, you could say it’s rather late.

Especially since the early warning system was ruined by the damn IMF.

“After all, Chairman Jin seems to have the same idea.”

“If we can keep them, the military power will be completely different from what it is today.”


He looked at me silently as I spoke firmly.

Somehow I feel like I want to get confirmation through my mouth.

He opened his mouth again, emptying his glass.

“Aerial early warning aircraft are not just about monitoring enemy air power. If you have it, you will have another operational command and control center in the sky like the ground, so continuous air operations are possible even in an emergency.”


“And in the case of a ground operation controller, it is an object that can see the enemy’s ground forces like the palm of your hand. To add one more word, it can be said that it is an essential force for a country in a situation like ours.”

“A situation like ours?”

He tilted his head at that point.

The first thing that caught my eye was chopsticks.

Let’s draw the trajectory as if expressing a missile with it, then ah! There is a reaction that

“North Korea’s nuclear weapons.”

“That’s right. If it is operated in conjunction with a signal controller, it will be possible to more accurately detect the signs of North Korea’s nuclear launch.”


At first glance, the president looked like he did not understand.

For an accurate explanation, I used a spoon this time.

“Let’s assume these chopsticks are signal scouts. And this spoon is called Joint Stars. In other words, let’s assume it’s a ground operations controller.”

“Isn’t it too small for that?”

The president made an outrageous joke.

He had missed the time to laugh, so when he twisted his lips, he rushed to explain it again as if he was saying something in vain.

“Go ahead.”

“Yes, anyway, the job of this signal reconnaissance aircraft is to intercept various communication signals from the North. Among them, the missile launch command, as well as the transmission signal. And telemetry signals. In that situation, if you have a ground operations controller, it integrates with the various ground information it detects. It is possible to detect specific signs that could be missed simply with signal information.”

“Hmm, now that I hear that, I understand how to detect the signs of a nuclear launch. By the way, it is clear that it is essential for us to have surveillance and controllers, but this is the attitude of the United States.”


I looked at him, not understanding what he meant.

With a slight smile, he says as he refills his glass.

“I don’t know about aerial early warning devices, but they said they wouldn’t sell the ground operations controllers because they are so important reconnaissance assets.”

It was natural.

In fact, the US has been holding it for a little over 10 years now.

Moreover, among strategic assets, there is no way to blindly give up one of the core assets.

“If we don’t sell it, we can make it.”

But no problem.

Now we can develop anything we want if we put our mind to it.

Radar as well as various sensors.

At the very least, the technology for manufacturing large aircraft that will be equipped with various equipment.

“Are we going to be able to develop it?”

“There is nothing that cannot be done. After all, the core of the alarm system is radar and various monitoring sensors, and our technology is already on par or higher than that of the United States.”


The expression on the president’s face was quite striking.

It would be like the situation when the former president first came out to discuss the issue of developing his own fighter jets.

In this case, it is also important to be confident.

“First, let’s take an aerial early warning device as an example. As you may know, the Boeing 737 AEW&C early warning aircraft is equipped with an L-band active phased array radar called MESA. According to the testimonies of experts, it is an object that cannot be matched with its downward monitoring capability and high resolution.


“By the way, we already have a technology that far surpasses MESA in terms of detection distance and signal processing precision thanks to improved integration as well as device materials.”


The president swallowed his saliva.

It’s hard to believe easily.

He spoke without hesitation.

“Then the remaining problem is a large aircraft that will carry it, and it also holds the key to motorsach.”

“Ah! Come to think of it, I forgot that Jaewoo had taken over the company.”

The president intervened, illuminating the colors.

However, considering that his forehead will soon be distorted, he seems to have recalled the reliability issue of Motorsichi’s engine.

“It seems that the president wants to raise confidence in the engine durability of Motorsitch, but there is no big problem in that regard.”


“Because we already have material technologies secured through our own fighter development. In particular, when the carbon deposition technology developed this time is applied to make turbine blades, it is possible to reduce the weight and the number of engine parts dramatically.”

“Then, wouldn’t it be better to make a fighter turbine out of that composite?”

The president, who listened silently, asked a fairly essential question.

In fact, I was all surprised.

It seems that before meeting me, I called the experts around and listened to a lot of things.

“I’m sorry, but it’s difficult right now. Unlike large aircraft, fighter jets often have to cross speeds above the speed of sound, but the current deposition technology is not enough to withstand it. But with continued research, it may be possible someday.”

At that, the president expressed his disappointment.

Then, as if realizing that the conversation had leaked to the side, he turned the topic back to the beginning.

“I know that the radar itself is different in the case of the ground tactical controller, aside from the airborne early warning system. Are you saying that there is also a technology related to it?”

“SAR. In other words, if you are talking about synthetic aperture radar, there is no problem with that part. Because Jaewoo already has all the skills. No, in the ability to implement the returned pulse wave into a video signal, we are proud that it is also ahead of the United States.”

“Hey, I’m sorry… Do you even torture aliens in your company?”

The president has been joking with a blushing face.

Is it the effect of alcohol? Or maybe he’s drenched in excitement.

how much time has passed

He put down his drink and spit out an affirmative answer.

“It looks like we will have to hold a meeting of the commanders of the land, sea, and air forces soon. Even if other things are carried out gradually, I think we need to discuss the project to secure an aerial early warning device, which was suspended due to the IMF.”

In fact, the meeting would be meaningless.

To put it bluntly, that’s what the military wanted the most.

Besides, considering the current economic situation, the budget would not be a big problem, but the military has no reason to oppose it.


When I thought about it, I felt a new emotion.

It has only been out of the IMF for a few years.

According to history, impossible things are happening at this time.

Not only to improve military power, but also to change the basic physical strength of the industry and change the economic development model.

It seems that the stone I threw is causing a bigger ripple in history than I thought.


As I was deep in my thoughts for a while, a serious problem suddenly came to my mind.

The increase in power is also an increase in power, but there are fundamental problems that we need to solve.

When I am in a conflict because I want to say this, the president comes to me.

“Is there any problem?”

“Ah, that’s… After thinking about it, I thought of one more thing that our military will need in the future.”

“What is it?”

“Building our own tactical data link system.”


The president tilted his head.

Where should I begin to explain this, he said after taking a moment to catch his breath.

“The tactical data link is a kind of military information network. If not, the location of allies and enemies, as well as navigation information, as well as armaments and battlefield conditions, etc. It becomes difficult to efficiently receive information necessary for engagement. Even for long-range missiles, a data link system is absolutely necessary for stable guidance.”

“I know that, too, but is there any reason to develop it yourself?”

“I don’t know now, but I need it for the future. Ah! For reference, of course, you can import the US Link 16. However, in that case, various inconveniences may arise in the future.”


“Link 16, for example, is controlled by the US Pacific Command. And every time you log in to that datalink, you have to get the password they issue.”

“Then in the worst case…”

“Yeah, if the US refuses to issue crypto, we will be completely blind.”


The president did not speak for a while.

Surprisingly, it seems that these facts are not yet known.

As he was about to resume his explanation, he suddenly spoke first.

“At the end of the day, Chairman Jin is saying that we must establish our own unique data link.”

“If possible, that would be great. And if there is a will, there is enough development potential.”(Read more @

That was once with the Link K we developed in mind.

The basic model was completed in 2014.

Since then, through continuous improvement, it has reached a level close to Link 16 by 2024.

No, even at the time, it even surpassed Link 16 in that it was possible to handle a large amount of information, but if you put your hands on it a little, the perfection of the final form would not be a dream.

“But is it possible to develop it right away?”

Of course, handling large amounts of information is not necessarily a good thing.

The greater the amount of information, the more vulnerable it is to security and jamming.

However, since quantum communication technology already exists for us, you can put down your worries about security issues and jamming.

“If a decision is made, it can be built by the time our own fighter jets appear in the world.”

“But what if the US has its own datalink? It may be hindered in joint operations with them.”

“You don’t have to worry about that part. The development will proceed in a direction that is 100% compatible with the data link of the US military. In the case of nearby Japan, it is actually going in that direction.”


The president had his eyes on meeting another difficult problem.

But this is what really matters to us.

I added an explanation if I emphasized it over and over again.

“As you know, our country is building the Aegis ship right now. The problem is that no matter how good a ship’s radar is, it doesn’t solve the fundamental problem that the earth is round.”


“Simply put, it slows down our response to what is happening beyond the horizon. Ultimately, to overcome that and make super-horizon operations possible, we need to expand our target acquisition capabilities by receiving information from other ships and early warning systems.”

“Ah! You mean joint engagement capability (CEC).”

“Okay, the point here is that one of the most important elements needed to build that joint engagement capability is a datalink system.”


The president’s eyes lit up.

Just by looking at his face, he can be sure that he has already made up his mind.

The drink that he passed over with a smile seemed particularly sweet.

“I will also give you an answer on that part soon through the all-military consolidation meeting. However, I don’t know if competitive bidding would have any meaning in this situation.”


“Isn’t Jaewoo the only place where we can realistically develop what we have shared so far?”

“Isn’t that the result of Jae-woo’s efforts?”


“In the meantime, JAEWOO has been continuously developing and researching for these days. And it sounds like he’s focused on taking over the business. Competitors don’t have to be embarrassed about that.”

“So is he.”

The president smiled and drank his last glass.

After looking at the time for a moment, he suddenly spoke with a very serious expression on his face.

“If you have time, would you like to go to the Blue House and have another drink with me? From now on, I have something very important to say.”


Can you make nuclear weapons too?-102

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