Call of the Legion

Vol 2 Chapter 1405: Idle is also idle ...

In the next ten years, Fang Huan's greatest pleasure is to feel the increasing flesh and blood on the one-eyed eye. The one-eyed eye is like a seed. When the light spot expands and the dim space is slightly bright, it will grow longer. A bit of flesh.

"Bone is starting to appear!"

On this day ten years later, Fang Huan could feel around the eyeballs. In addition to the flesh and pink eyelids, the eye sockets began to appear, and the eyelashes began to grow. Everything was moving in a good direction.

When Fang Huan was desperate, there was no wave in his heart, but seeing hope, Fang Huan was still very excited. After all, he was not a stubborn stone, throwing normal emotional fluctuations, but the impact of negative emotions on himself was minimized. .

From then on, Fang Huan no longer feels that time is lonely, and he no longer sees the passage of time as too important. Instead of wasting his heart on a few seconds, it is better to take advantage of the characteristics of time here to make some weekdays extremely wasteful. Time for things!

For example, organize the memories of the two brothers in the sky!

Do it when you think of it. Fang Huan was originally afraid that those pieces of memory do n’t exist in the original place, but as soon as Fang Huan moved, the memory fragments of the two brothers in the sky would immediately appear. , Looking for memories about soul and soul!

Both of them were true gods during their lifetime, and they can no longer be regarded as NPCs. They are also real lives in addition to being unable to reach the vacuum through the void!

Therefore, looking for memory fragments about soul and soul from their memory, the other party's current situation is also favorable!

In this way, Fang Huan gave up a few seconds, completely forgot the time, and was immersed in the memory of the two brothers in the sky almost every moment.

When I pieced together the memory picture with Huan Huan, there was not too much pressure in the short time, but once immersed in it for too long, when he was awake, there would be a trace of confusion. This was because of the memory of the two brothers in the sky. The memory fragment is very fragmented, and Fang Huan is minimally affected, but as the memory fragment becomes more and more complete, Fang Huan's time of chaos becomes longer and longer.

But this time, Fang Huan was completely immersed in the memories of the two brothers and pieced together a few very complete memories. Fang Huan remained extremely sober.

"Maybe it's a change of heart ..."

Fang Huan had already guessed at this time that he might be blessed by misfortunes this time, and he had a huge transformation in his heart, so that he would be judged by two people.

However, this change is not without its disadvantages. After Fang Huan had no ability to divide and multiply, he wanted to find out what he needed from countless memory segments, which was very time-consuming.

"Fortunately, my mental strength has also made it faster to deal with these memory fragments!"

When the mind processes these memories, the speed is more efficient than in the ideology. Although the speed is not as much as the state when it is distracted, the difference is not as exaggerated as 10,000 times, and the difference is at most tens of times. That's it ...

Dozens of times, dozens of times. Fang Huan is also bored when he is idle, and he can find something to do for himself, and now he can clearly sort out the debris without interruption as a bystander. Time consuming, not much different from before.

Fang Huan is like watching a movie. It took him no time to know a boy, and finally he sorted out all the content related to the soul and soul from the memory of the sky!

As for Cang Fang, Fang Huan didn't have much hope at all. That guy is a fighting madman, and his accomplishments in mind and soul are not a little bit different from the sky!

Soul, this is the true gods' name of the natives in Corytan. Corresponds to the soul. From the perspective of the dome and most true gods, the soul and the soul are equal, not as Fang Huan guessed, the original heart was born. It is totally different from the memory of the vault!

The dome's understanding of the soul and soul inherited the cognition of the true gods of the local people many years ago, and it can be said that it was the common sense of the two brothers of the sky at that time.

They believe that any life is composed of mind, soul and body. Even if it is a plant, it also has the simplest mind and soul. However, their mind is too simple to possess complex logic like intelligent creatures. , Emotions, and other abilities. Similarly, they should also have souls. This is not an irresponsible guess, but is based on facts!

In the memory of the dome, there are many true gods who are advanced from plants!

At this time, Fang Huan also found something not quite right, that is, a lot of common sense in the memory of the dome, which is completely different from the history of Corytan obtained by Fang Huan from the population of Ermin and Mussario!

In particular, the legends of the ancient gods and the ancient gods are almost completely contrary!

From Ermin and Mussario, Fang Huan knew that most of the true gods of Corytan were born from chaos. They were born with divine power and were born with the true God, and when the true God was born, they were with the world they were born into. Closely related, the more the true God born in the big world, the stronger the power and potential, and the speed of growth after birth is also extremely fast!

However, in the memory of the dome, not all true gods were born directly. Unlike the legend currently spread by Kerritan, Mussario said that since the end of the ancient times, Kerritan has never had any life that crossed the true god. That threshold, but in the era of the sky, most of the true gods rose from the end of the micro ~ ~ through all kinds of hardships and thrilling battles to achieve the throne!

In the memory of the dome, the true God was born, and there are only two in the entire world!

There is no mention of the names of the two true gods in memory, but Qiong respected them as the father **** and the emperor respectively!

These two unknown real gods are also the most powerful beings of their time, and they represent some kind of extreme existence. Qiong even believes that these two have already crossed the realm of true gods and reached a higher level. May be second only to the existence of the Lord God! (The sky doesn't know that the main **** is actually a weak chicken ...)

In addition to these two extreme true gods, it is rare to hear that they were born from chaos by themselves. At most, these two extreme true gods have changed the point, so that the ordinary life can advance to the true god!

This is one of the reasons why Qiong believes that the two extreme true gods have surpassed the rank of true gods. Only they have the power to help others to advance to the true gods! Even if they only turn into a small grass on the roadside, as long as they are willing, the grass can give birth to spiritual wisdom, evolve into intelligent life, and advance to the true God!

This is the power of two extreme true gods!


When Fang Huan “read” this memory, the shock in his heart was conceivable. What was shown to him in the memory of the dome was a longer time, which has never appeared in any records of Keritan. The ancient times are even longer, and there are many real gods like dogs!

An era never heard of?

An era when the true **** can be "pointed"?

The magical civilization of that era may be more brilliant than all subsequent eras!

But what is most surprising about Fang Huan is that in the memory of Qiong, he mentioned a name that he was very familiar with ...


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