
Chapter 509 Defense of the Umbrella (3)

Supervision room, central control screen The message flickered quickly.

After the local area network was blocked in Kubao, [Deep Sea] strongly took over the outer scheduling tasks of the Umbrella Defense Line.

Every time a [Sky Eye] is destroyed, the next replacement screen will appear immediately.

The “protagonist” of the picture is always the homecoming team that is desperately running and may be engulfed by the storm at any time.

A group member had a complicated expression and whispered: “This is the first time that such a situation has occurred… [Deep Sea] seems to be crazy…”

Monitoring room All members of , no longer need to do any work.

【Deep Sea】take over all the data here.

Zou Hai has never seen such a scene.

Beizhou Fortress is very dependent on [Deep Sea], but because the battle line is too long and the computing power is limited, on average [Deep Sea] can help each fortress, but it’s not that huge…

Is it a privilege granted by the upper level?


No matter how you think about it, it’s unreasonable, because the current fortress is in an isolated state of network ban. In order to avoid the spread of mental toxins, [Deep Sea] It shouldn’t be intervening in the task instructions of the LAN That’s right.

“Suggestion: Open the ‘Umbrella Defense Line’.”

Such a message suddenly popped up on the central control screen.

Zou Hai was startled.

In so many years, it was the first time he saw [Deep Sea] make such a choice… First, he helped the fortress [Old World] to lock the returning explorer Squad. Visually, the distance was at least thirty Kilometers should be the limit of [Sky Eye]’s detection range.

If there is no [Deep Sea] reminder, this message will most likely be missed.

As for the suggestion to open the “Umbrella Line of Defense” channel, in large-scale missions, [Deep Sea] will always only have the right to advise, but not to make decisions. This is the last privilege reserved by the federal government for human beings, no matter what. At any time, only humans can make the final decision.

However, according to the [Deep Sea] rules that Zou Hai understands, after this unprecedented storm is surveyed, [Deep Sea] should give a suggestion to immediately close the giant wall and the defense line channel.

For the sake of twelve people, opening the defense line is likely to lead to the early invasion of the “Original Tide”!

This does not conform to the basic law of 【Deep Sea】!

Zou Hai’s deep thoughts were interrupted by the communicator’s voice.

It was from the study.

Lin Lin’s voice sounded a little tired: “The picture of the Umbrella Defense Line… [Deep Sea] has been passed on to me. Open the passage and bring these people in.”

But the tone of this sentence is very firm.

【Deep Sea】is really outrageous, do you know that you can’t be the master?

Zou Hai suddenly had such a single thought in his heart. He didn’t dare to think about it. He quickly regained his energy and seriously replied to the communicator: “Yes, Commodore!”



The great domain of silver white, desperately fleeing before the storm.

The source energy combustion efficiency is 200%. If it weren’t for the “Ruler of Truth”, these source armors would have turned into flaming meteors, and after a moment of brilliance, they would turn into pitch-black coke.

Gu Shen’s expression was vaguely pale.

It is indeed a bit difficult to carry eleven people.

The most important thing is… 200% combustion efficiency, can only barely outperform the storm, but can’t shake off the storm.

If and “Storm” one after the other lands.

Umbrella defense, it is impossible to open the channel.

Gu Shen seemed to see a miracle in the links with [Deep Sea] again and again… The giant umbrella in the distance burst out with a low tremor and roar, and those “floating boards” were going on” “slow” rotation.

“The passageway…is open?”

Gu Shen knew that this was by no means a bad luck, and most likely it was Chu Ling’s guidance to the Kubao Fortress , in the case of losing the link, only she has the ability to quickly and accurately capture her own silhouette.

In the absence of any message prompts, there is only one possibility to do this—

Continuously refresh the [Sky Eye] to capture every element of the “Umbrella Defense Line”. frame picture.

took a deep breath.

Gu Shen gritted his teeth.

In the final journey, the storm behind him seemed to have become more ferocious. The team managed to pull away a little distance, but at this moment they were caught up again… He tried his best to visualize, trying to use ” Breathing Technique” to temper one’s own spirit, in the last desperate moment, can enhance the power of “Ruler of Truth”!

Only relying on the breath of spring, if it is not enough…

Well, he adds the Second Volume Breathing Technique!

Gu Shen tried to put himself into the “spectator’s state of mind” of extreme concentration. At this moment, his spirit was unprecedentedly concentrated and condensed into the pure land. At this moment, the “suspension wood” was bright, and it hung down according to the owner’s wishes. Scattered with hundreds of millions of branches, sprinkled with bursts of glow. The clouds that shrouded the spring rain curtain gradually became hot and dry, and the thunder flickered.

Gu Shen is eager to push spirit strength “a step further”!

He began to comprehend “Summer’s Breath”…but it’s too far away, how can a volume of Breathing Technique be so easy to comprehend, the mood, the opportunity, and the accumulation of time are far from enough .

But the comprehend at the moment has an unexpected harvest.

Gu Shen suddenly felt a trance.

Time seems to be slowing down.

He didn’t know that in the real world, the silver-white glow of Ruler of Truth slowly swept out a line, entangled with the “blazing fire” between his eyebrows, and finally merged with each other. Condensed into a wisp of white as snow flames.

The flame burns slowly, neither too fast nor too slow.

It’s just that white wisp, not pure.

In the realm of truth, a ray of ink spreads.

The same is true of this flame.

Gu Shen was immersed in the spiritual world… He found that his pure land was unprecedentedly quiet, and even the silhouette of “Iron Five” was disappeared.

Is this really my own pure land?

Gu Shen looked around and found that many parts of this world are blurred, light and shadow meet, mottled and drooping, the whole sky seems to have been cut by something, casting a large swath of blazing brilliance. Light, and more places are shrouded in shadows.

The area similar to “Pure Land” is covered with aura.

On closer inspection, Gu Shen noticed that the shadows seemed to follow a pattern.

Those iconic sacred relics in their own pure land, such as the huge towering “Hanging Tree”, and some areas that were originally sown with Elemental Rain and carefully planted, all grow in the shadows. Although there is a body, only a huge shadow remains.

These things seem to grow in a virtual fantasy.


Just as Gu Shen turned around, a hoarse voice sounded from behind.

He turned his head.

Behind it was the boundless shadow cast by the towering trees, and in the depths of the shadow, faintly visible, there sat an incomparably tall pitch-black throne.

The voice just now came from the shadows.

Gu Shen stood still, he frowned and looked at the darkness, this should be the spiritual world of “own”, when did the second person appear, why did he not notice it?

He looked hard through the darkness.

Can’t see anything.

Only the tall outline of the throne can be seen… It is worth pondering that the throne did not bring substantial pressure to Gu Shen. On the contrary, Gu Shen had a desire to sit on it. impulsive thoughts.

This is very terrifying.

Gu Shen immediately suppressed the thought, then stretched out two fingers and placed them between his eyebrows, trying to summon his “fiery fire”.

In one’s own spiritual world, fighting the golden hoop will not restrain the appearance of blazing fire.

However this time…

The fiery call failed.

Two fingers on it and nothing happens.

He stood in the large mottled halo, looking at the “Dark Throne” not far away on the opposite side. After a brief silence, Gu Shen realized one thing.

This is not your own “spiritual world”.

It’s just a world very similar to “Pure Land”.

And the reason why these shadows exist is because there is only one “Pure Land”, this world can only be similar, not the same, those things that cannot be copied can only be replaced by shadows .

After realizing this, Gu Shen guessed where this place was.

And the guy sitting on the throne, who.

Out of courtesy, he broke the silence by speaking first.

“Are you…?”

The hoarse voice in the dark was laughed.

The owner of the throne said softly, “I am the owner of this ruler.”

Gu Shen did not show any surprise.

He stood in the light, staring straight at the throne calmly and indifferently. At the moment when the blazing fire failed, Gu Shen guessed that this was a deformed spiritual world under the influence of “Ruler of Truth” .

The only person who has a spiritual realm similar to his own pure land is the previous Pluto.

The reason for the existence of such a deformed spiritual realm is not difficult to guess… Pluto left a ray of fire in the mind of “Golden Spike Flower”.

Then there is probably also a strand in this ruler.

In the “God War” between the Metropolitan Region and the Divine Throne, the short mutation of the ruler is very likely to be the urging effect of “Netherfire”.

And at this moment, the power of Netherfire is displayed again.

Gu Shen was pulled into a separate spiritual world.

“The answer to this question…you have already guessed it.”

The man in the dark continued: “Besides, it doesn’t matter who I am in the current situation… …The important thing is that you are dying.”

In a broken mental space.

The picture of the real world is projected.

Time Flow Speed becomes very slow.

But it is looming that the realm of truth of silver white has begun to distort, and “Storm” has caught up with this team… and is about to roll over from the top of the realm of truth.

“In a storm of this scale, I am afraid that only the ‘divine throne’ can survive.”

The man on the throne changed his lazy sitting posture and spoke leisurely, his voice Some regret: “With your current power, the probability of survival is zero.”

Gu Shen stared at him: “So?”


A long pause.

Gu Shen felt the gaze in the dark.

The Throne Master smiled and asked in a gentle voice: “My successor, do you want to make a deal? I can make you live.”



(ps: Talk about the “procrastination” thing, I rarely respond to this kind of book review, but it is necessary to mention it here. The mission of exit is the beginning of the soul of Third Volume, The perspective here and the follow-up of each party’s characters are very important. I have no hydrology, and I have not kept changing, because I know that the plot will inevitably slow down, and if I add two more changes, I will be called “procrastination”. What’s the reason? Look? It should be very clear to you here. This book is a group portrait. In this volume, Lin Lin and the generals of Beizhou are important figures. If you are impatient, please read them or look elsewhere. The rhythm will be changed.)

(End of this chapter)

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