Building Superheroes at Marvel

Chapter 36: mental hospital in new jersey

As for the other four props, it can also be said that they are treasures that can help people advance to extraordinary levels, but this path is limited.

His upper and lower limits are already set here, no matter how powerful the user is, it is impossible for the props to exert more power than the original limit.

This path is only suitable for those who dare not try the No. 7 crystal, such as the current Kyle.

The best way is to have a No. 7 crystal implant to awaken superpowers, which is like a big gamble about life.

If you win the bet, you will be like Natasha.

If you lose the bet, you will have a super power as a guarantee.

"Queen of red, send me up."

Other than coming here every Saturday to stock up on new items, Kyle doesn't come in here, not even Gasco knows about it.

After coming out of the study, it was already ten o'clock noon, and more than an hour had passed before entering the underground facility.

Wanda was sent by Kyle to an aristocratic girls' school in New York, claiming to be her adopted sister.


When Kyle was about to enjoy the sunshine, Gasco walked over with a little girl in a white dress.

That still slightly immature face has already begun to show a bit of the style of the future, but there is still a trace of restraint and expectation.

"Kyle... brother."

The girl whispered, obviously still a little unable to let go.

The two-year wandering life has made her heart numb and closed, and she just wants to grow up as soon as possible to avenge her parents.

However, suddenly one day, a group of big men in black suits and black sunglasses found their brother and sister.

And in an almost tough stance, he brought the two back from Sokovia back to the metropolis of New York.

Here, they also felt the highest level of treatment, with hot milk and fragrant soft bread to eat every morning.

And there are also their own cloakrooms, which are full of expensive high-end goods, and they are also picked up by cars every day when they go out.

After a full week of enjoyment, Kyle had the opportunity to come out to visit the two and have a conversation.

After that, Pietro personally approached Gasco and asked him to train himself to be a strong man.

And Wanda, as Kyle's sister, lived in the Water Manor and lived the life that a normal girl should have.

"Come here, don't stand there."

Kyle waved his hand happily, and suddenly there was a feeling in my heart that my family had grown up as a young girl, and she felt a little relieved.

It is true that he previously brushed his favorability in advance because he did not want to miss out on this future top-level combat power.

But... loli or something, it's amazing!

Unconsciously, Kyle fell into the trap like this, and regarded Wanda, a high-level tool man, as his own sister.

Taking Wanda back to the room, Kyle specially redecorated a room that belonged to her.

Since it's a holiday now, you can play with Wanda well. Kyle naturally has no objection, and he can be lazy by the way.


In the wilderness of New Jersey.

The specially modified jeep drove at extreme speed over the wilderness, leaving behind billowing smoke and dust.

Sitting in the passenger seat is Kyle, and the main driver is Natasha.

After playing with Wanda for a whole day, Kyle will continue to go back to work. Today is the day of the first unified implantation.

"Wuhu! I like this feeling!"

Feeling the pleasure of the wind blowing across his cheeks, Kyle couldn't help getting up and shouting, but he couldn't laugh in the next second.

With a clatter, the car passed through a sandy field, and the flying dust directly smeared his face.

"Boss, I have to say that your appearance is closer to life."

Natasha on the side said with a smile, as someone who has experienced various battlefields, she had long guessed that this would happen.

Kyle didn't answer, but hurriedly took a paper to dust off the sand and unknown sundries on his face.

I'm going to meet with my subordinates in a while. If I were seen like this, it would really be a shame.

After a half-hour trek, the two finally reached their destination.

In front of him is a mental hospital called Arkham. Of course, this is also recorded in the book, otherwise it will be bombed as an illegal building one day.

The entire building covers an area of ​​2,000 square meters and is divided into three floors underground and three floors above ground.

The outside is all surrounded by iron fences with high voltage electricity, and the height has reached seven meters, and ordinary people cannot enter at all.

"Hi boss!"

The two reinforced soldiers standing guard at the gate saluted and greeted Kyle and Natasha immediately after seeing them.

This is the big boss. Those who give them new life and wealth are absolutely respected from the bottom of their hearts.

"Well, hello."

Kyle also responded, and then took Natasha into the Arkham Asylum.

After the injection of bio-enhanced serum, it can help the human body to regenerate severed Even if the arm is broken, it can be regrown for you.

After discovering this advantage, Kyle decisively adjusted the selection of his troops to those soldiers who had retired due to physical disabilities.

That's why those people respect him so much, not to mention that Kyle's salary is notoriously generous.

"There are ten implanters today. They are not 100% successful. You will need to take action at that time."

Walking in the empty corridor, Kyle and Natasha next to him decided on the safety work later.

If the implantation fails, it means that the person is controlled by power and will periodically enter a state of madness.

However, with these nascent superpowers, they can't beat Natasha, who has developed her brain to 25% and has mastered a weak mind.

Due to the optimization of the system, she will not lose anything in the process, whether it is emotional or physical.

But instead, it takes more than a thousand years to complete the ability, and the more developed it is, the slower it will be.

"Don't worry, it's fine to leave it to me."

Natasha nodded confidently and said, her hands dangling beside her trembled twice, and a blade of thought power that was invisible to the naked eye condensed from her fingertips.

When her ability develops to 30%, she will be able to master powerful abilities such as instant memory, mental invasion, manipulation of electromagnetic waves, and autonomous control of every part of her body.

"Oh, Dr. Laura, I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss you so much!"

When Kyle came to the dean's room, he immediately went up and hugged the fat white-bearded doctor who was sorting out the data.

This is the top talent that he has tried so hard to deceive back. Academically, he is no less than Bruce Banner, who has seven doctorates.

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