British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1726: strategic shift

"The death of Pauline is a sad thing. She has been very kind to you for so many years." Alan Wilson was running his own special Anglo-American relationship at this time, and Garland, who was raised by Pauline Goddard, was also Anna's other child came to London after a busy period after Pauline Goddard's funeral.

There are not many opportunities for the father and son to meet, but they have always kept in touch with each other. Garland has lived in the United States for a long time, and it is inevitable that he will still live in the United States in the future. Alan Wilson asked if there was anything he could do to help.

"Mother has a question." Garland hesitated to speak and finally said, "Have you ever had feelings for her? The feelings I'm talking about refer to love."

"Of course, it's not a problem at all." Yes, but not many, but who is the supreme authority, who claims to be the most affectionate in Europe, and can show full dedication even if he has a little bit.

Garland was obviously satisfied with this answer. Although he was already an adult, he wouldn't feel psychologically burdened by a single question, but it was still a good thing. "Although my father can't go to the United States often, he has cared about me for so many years, and he has given good advice for many plans."

"Part of the credit, but mainly depends on yourself." Alan Wilson did not take the credit, and there is no need to do this with his own children. "Your environment is different from mine. This kind of thing is like food. Similarly, there is essentially no distinction between high and low, and this example is not universal, and British food cannot be on the table.”

Of course, the American food has absorbed the British part, but it is not much stronger. McDonald's and KFC are popular all over the world, but it really has nothing to do with their own craftsmanship.

"Father, you forgot that my mother is the director of KFC." Garland said this and asked, "I heard that this is also your suggestion?"

"Uh, yes." Alan Wilson pondered for a moment, as if he said it once when he visited the United States in the 1960s, and Pauline Goddard really listened to it.

But having said that, there are not many female friends in the United States, and he doesn't go there frequently, and he can't change the problem of talking big in front of women. It is true that several friends have benefited a lot.

The American Dream really existed at the beginning, and the American Dream will really be just a dream in the future. As for now? It still depends on whether the United States can enjoy the dividends of the disintegration of the Soviet Union. If not, maybe the American dream will wake up earlier. After all, the sphere of influence left by the Soviet Union can also be digested by Europe and the United States for a while.

Now that we talked about career, Alan Wilson was naturally interested and asked if Garland's current career is going well. After all, there are still many opportunities in the United States. This opportunity refers to new industries, not steel, automobiles, petroleum and rubber. The famous flower has already had an owner, and the pattern will not change much.

"If it is this year, I have made great progress with Dell." Garland mentioned his big move this year, which is the cooperation with Dell.

In March, Chinese computer tycoon Wang An died of illness, and his computer company is no longer as prosperous as it used to be. Now that the founders are dead, the fate of the company has been doomed. Five or six years.

As for Dell, it is now at a stage of rapid development, and the time coincides with the decline of Wang An's company. When Wang An's company was losing money, Dell was expanding significantly. In 1986, Dell's annual revenue Already reached 60 million US dollars.

In the second year, Dell, who was only 22 years old, was named the "Young Entrepreneur" in 1986 by the Association of American College Entrepreneurs, and thus stood out in the American business community.

Then, he began to march overseas, and Dell established wholly-owned subsidiaries in Canada and the Federal Republic of Germany. Subsequently, he boldly reformed the company structure, provided a more effective global unified product resource, and centralized sales and marketing support.

The only secret of his success is direct sales of computers, eliminating intermediate links, and becoming a businessman who does not produce parts but only assembles. The fundamental trick is to attribute the interests of the original middleman to himself.

In fact, this is not very innovative, just like Sam Walton opened every chain store in a small town, but Dell's superiority is that he knows that Walton's principles can also be invincible in the computer industry.

"This is not a big problem in the short term, but anyone can be a middleman. This is not a solid profit point. Of course, you are an investor and have little to do with you. This is a good business."

Alan Wilson still chooses to tell the truth. He feels that Dell's strategy is not impeccable. It is essentially the same as his conscience, a company that eats leftovers.

Of course, it is okay for Hao Daer and Dell to be good brothers for a few years. Garland also agrees with this point, "My close relationship with Dell was exactly when Dell was in crisis, and I gave him a hand."

So Garland introduced the cause and effect. Last year, the excessive smoothness made Dale feel a little bit elated. He was still too young, so he didn't think that extreme joy would lead to sorrow. As the company grew, its growing size collided with the way it was managed, and like every self-made company, it faced a leap or an abyss.

Too fast growth caused dysfunctional issues, the company couldn't sort out profit and loss by product type, it had a lot of difficulties in terms of infrastructure and management operations, it got into a state of spin out of control.

Dell tried to salvage the situation through its usual retail channels, but it was too late. The company posted a quarterly loss and the stock price plummeted. Due to poor production planning, the laptop production line had to be stopped. In the face of this hot market, the company can only miss the opportunity and be a bystander for a whole year.

It was also at this time that Garland's consistent support allowed Dell to get out of the predicament and not become the first wave to be photographed on the beach this year.

Alan Wilson listened carefully to Garland's career progress, and then asked, "How is Monroe's life in the United States? Is everything going well?"

"Very good, and he is also commendable in his career. He has a good relationship with Jobs. But Gates has always wanted to get in touch with Sean." Garland asked, "Is he in London, or how about directly this time?" Come with me to America."

"Maybe not, next year, this year he has his own affairs to deal with." Alan Wilson directly refused, and now thinking about his son still not having enough children, he felt stretched.

He had to keep a son watching in Kiev, and now Hepburn's son couldn't leave.

But it will be fine next year. In the future, the micro-management of the United States will be realized by these three sons who are of the same status as the brothers. It is said that if the machine gun is moved 30 meters, it must not be more than one centimeter.

The United States is of course important. If all countries have their own children and develop well, there is no such thing as the United States. This is completely unreasonable. The United States is there. Put a lot of them there, and put a few more, otherwise you will always be worried.

There is nothing to hide about this. You can tell Garland directly, "A person cannot control all industries by himself. This is beyond a person's ability in all aspects. So it is not a bad thing for you to have a few brothers who develop together in the United States. No one has ever denied the strength of the United States."

"I know, Father." Garland didn't actually understand, but without delaying his decisive answer, he was even very, very interested. Is that all? Do other countries have it.

Of course there is, but there is no need for Garland to know now, after all the calculations, it means that France does not have his son, but there are two beautiful daughters, it is the same.

Nothing was left out, not even Sweden, a powerful country that did not know centuries ago, was not left behind.

There are still some things that Alan Wilson wants to remind Garland that he must control the media so that his voice can be easily amplified. In this new era, when the Internet is developing, Garland had better pay attention to this aspect Garland pondered for a while and said, "Is it like CNN?"

CNN is a cutting-edge media in the United States. Compared with the three traditional media, CNN's history is not long, but it has a history of ten years in the news field. At the beginning of its establishment, the cable news network officially began to broadcast live news continuously for 24 hours.

And press offices have been established in major cities in the United States and around the world. Broadcasting straight and unedited news, breaking down geographic boundaries and keeping everything happening in tandem. This is a new, totally different kind of TV news!

When CNN was founded less than a year ago, the founder made it clear: to join the White House press corps. Of course, the three major TV networks and the White House do not take CNN seriously and refuse to accept CNN.

But CNN began to use the law to protect its own rights and interests, just as he first used the law to win his own satellite transmission rights, he sued the White House for setting up a press corps in violation of the "Fair Trade Act", and the targets also included then President Reagan, Baker and Secretary Haig.

Eight months later, the law gave Turner and his CNN a chance to move forward again. CNN won a senior reporter seat in the White House press corps. Courage and adventure made CNN compete with the three giants.

"You can create a portal on the Internet." Alan Wilson replied, "It's not too early now, you should invest in it and build your own media circle."

When a big country was the most prosperous portal website, it was Sina, pig farms, Penguin and Sohu. Of course, the portal website collapsed in a big country soon. Sina with Weibo and Penguin with communication software were fine, while Sohu was completely behind. Yes, but at this point in time, the Portal has clearly had a long time.

"I'll pay attention to this when I get back." Garland solemnly made a promise. Although his father liked micro-manipulation, it was undeniable that his vision was accurate. It would be nice to be a businessman instead of a civil servant.

But when he thought of Ms. Mountbatten, the richest man in Britain, Garland was relieved again, there was no difference.

At present, the most explosive news from the Soviet Union is that the Khitans have announced their withdrawal from the Soviet Communist Party, officially breaking with the map leader. This means that the Khitan people have publicly resisted the map leader. It is not good news that Mrs. Hall clings to the desire not to let the Cold War end.

As the largest administrative body in the Soviet Union, none of the leaders of Russia are members of the CPSU. It is obviously inappropriate for Mrs. Thatcher to advocate the threat of the Soviet Union.

Even America's media is turning, from being a close ally in the Reagan era, a spokesman for special relationships, and a charismatic female politician, to now being a troublemaker, a war maniac, America's restless ally and even a dubious, gigantic political ambition and more.

With the UK's ability to fight against public opinion, under normal circumstances it would not affect the British mainland. However, this time the British public opinion was shocked and had no ability to resist this kind of attack. No matter how the United States ridiculed Mrs. Thatcher, the British public opinion would be a click away. Retweet it so Mrs Thatcher can hear it clearly.

Facing the Prime Minister's furious rage, Alan Wilson remained silent, saying that it was all the fault of the United States. After all, the special relationship between Britain and the United States was promoted by you, and it is normal for American public opinion to infiltrate it.

"Is it my fault?" Mrs. Thatcher was quite angry at being messed up by the United States, and asked angrily, "I didn't do it to protect the status of the United Kingdom."

"Isn't that the result of relying on the United States for maintenance? It is dangerous to be an enemy of the United States, and it is fatal to be a friend of the United States. The prime minister avoided the danger and then handed over his life to the Americans. This should be realized. This day will come sooner or later. "The supreme authority is full of lies, and the British public opinion is not effective, mainly because he did not increase the money.

Now Alan Wilson can conclude that because of the fierce conflict between the Khitan people and the map leader, it can be sure that the end of the Cold War preached by the United States will be more widely recognized. As for Mrs. Thatcher's opposition, it is just one more occasion to be scolded.

"Isn't this exactly what you want to see?" Mrs. Thatcher believed that things were not so chattered endlessly, "You are essentially a European faction. Now that the special relationship has collapsed, Britain only has Europe." A choice."

"Actually, there has always been only one choice. I don't know what the basis of the existence of the Atlantic faction is. Is it to immigrate to the United States one day?" Alan Wilson smiled indifferently. I can see how to choose, but I don’t know what position the Prime Minister thinks the UK should stand in now?”

Choosing Europe is a slap in the face of Mrs. Thatcher’s long-term supporters, but now there is nothing to do. The United States has scolded the Iron Lady to pieces this time. Such public cursing and accusations are enough to keep Mrs. Thatcher from stepping down. "I will talk to Mitterrand about how to lead Europe."

"Yes, Prime Minister." Alan Wilson imitated the tone of the classic chant, and immediately picked up the phone to call the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Under various blows, Britain was about to turn around.

I have no idea today, just one chapter.

(end of this chapter)

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