“Victory belongs to us!” Several Hundred-men Commanders who were behind Bitte shouted in cooperation.

Such a shout, indeed played a role in stabilizing the morale of the military, in this brief moment their morale not only did not decrease, on the contrary, it also improved. One by one, they slapped their horses and rushed straight forward. In their eyes, it was only two miles away, and one charge could run to the enemy.

The choice of the Jurchen Cavalry is equivalent to announcing that they have given up all their retreat. There is only one way at present, and that is to rush, and rush!

This choice naturally disappointed the cavalry regiment, the Cold Front three regiments, and the two auxiliary cavalry battalions that were approaching fast in the rear, which also meant that they had no tough battles to fight. Especially the cavalry regiment led by Feng Feng was thinking of fighting against the legendary Jurchen cavalry. But now, everything is gone.

Even so, they didn’t mean to stop, but stepped forward again and again until they came to the place where Bitt and Hulu stood before, and then they opened the frame and got close. Three thousand cavalry stood in line, holding bows and arrows one by one, shooting with bows, not allowing the enemy to retreat in front of them.

There is no pressure on the cavalry. At this moment, all the pressure is transferred to the frontal battlefield. The commander of the auxiliary army, Lu Zhuo, who had been prepared for a long time, gave the order loudly. The auxiliary soldiers of the four battalions of 1,600 men held the Type 81 Assault Rifle one by one, preparing to shoot at the next moment.

“Everyone listens to the order, but don’t let any enemy reach 400 meters, shoot!” Lu Zhuo roared as loudly as possible, and introduced the voice to every soldier in his hand In my ears.

The voice just yelled out, and the rain-like bullets burst forward, without stopping, without stopping.

The sound of gunfire was accompanied by the sound of earth-shaking explosions. Under the leadership of Captain Dao Xiao, the second guard began to continuously pull the long rope in their hands, stimulating the passive mines buried on both sides of the ground one after another.

Every time there was a loud sound, a large number of Jurchen cavalry were inexplicably sent into the air. When they fell to the ground, no matter whether it was a man or a horse, no one was angry. Those who breathe are all the kind of dying that can’t be dying.

The explosions and gunfire sounded intensively, and they hit the advancing Jurchen cavalry like a bang, which naturally made the rhythm of the attack just one stop. Thanks to the cavalry’s equestrian skills, they didn’t collide with each other in such a chaotic time, causing secondary damage.

The Jurchen cavalry was shocked by this scene, especially the cavalry walking in front and the cavalry within 400 meters near the Five Star Army barracks, all of them have been transformed into one by one. After the breathing corpse, no one dared to rush forward to try, but stopped under a kind of instinct, and then stared at the front and looked at the back.

The front is like a valley of death. Any cavalry who dares to approach the front 400 meters will die, without exception. The distance of 400 meters was beyond the reach of the cavalry. Looking at the bow and arrow in their hands that could only shoot about 100 meters, they suddenly felt a sense of weakness.

In the rear are countless enemy cavalry. Rows of rows seem to be out of sight forever.

These cavalry have strong bow and crossbow arrows in their hands. Although they have not fired one yet, all the Jurchen cavalry know that once they turn back and rush, they will inevitably become the target of the arrow rain. In an instant it shot into a hedgehog.

What is a dilemma, now it is.

Such a result caused a short-circuit phenomenon in Pete’s brain for a while. It seems that the previous plan was that they appeared in the form of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood and won the final battle. But now, how come it seems that they have become prey in the eyes of others and are nailed here in a dilemma?

Not only was Pete’s brain bewildered by the beating, even the cavalry regiment brought by the chasing wind of their opponents was at a loss at this moment.

Except for the few who were originally members of Cold Front, such as Zhuifeng, Deng Yu, Gao Danhua and Ding Shan, the others joined the Five Star Army later. Most of them even I haven’t even seen advanced muskets. Where do I know their formidable power?

But now, they have witnessed the formidable power of this new musket. With only half of the cavalry’s strength, they were able to withstand the pressure of the opponent on the frontal battlefield. He just made the opponent afraid to rush over the last 400 meters distance, forming a natural moat of death.

No wonder the Sixth Young Master was so determined and confident before; no wonder they were able to win a big victory without hurting one of the two thousand cavalrymen of Jianzhou Zuowei before; no wonder the Cold Front as an infantry When facing the faster and more fierce cavalry, it still looks too proud. It turns out that this is their Trump Card, and this is their real battle strength.

The emotions of sighing, admiration, and envy broke out completely in this brief moment.

At the same moment, depression, fear, and trembling emotions also appeared on the Jurchen Cavalry one after another.

In just that time, nearly three thousand cavalrymen killed six or seven hundred people. This is because they stopped their advance in time. If not, I am afraid that more people will die this time.

Faced with such a situation that they had never even thought of, Bitte and Hulu stayed where they were not knowing what to do. They could not advance or retreat and completely lost their hearts. , I don’t know what we can do next.

The world is unkind, but it is always left to people a glimmer of survival. Just like this moment, after receiving Hu Mang’s eyes, Yang Er put down the black and red flags in his hands, and shouted loudly, “I heard you clearly, our Young Master has a benevolent mind. Now I’ll give you a way to survive. Put down your weapons and lead your horses to surrender. If you don’t, ten of you will be killed every minute until you are completely wiped out. It’s life or death. Choose for yourself.”

Repeatedly yelled twice in succession, making sure that the other party could hear what he meant, and Yang Er closed his mouth satisfied.

Although he hasn’t moved a finger or killed anyone in today’s battle, he just feels very happy in his heart. Think about it, the semaphore was played by himself, which gave him a sense of commanding a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses; the persuasion to surrender came from his own mouth, giving him a sense of mastering life. No matter which one of these two is, it is enough to satisfy Yang Er.

Yes, Yang Er is persuading to surrender, which is naturally what Yang Chendong meant.

If you want to reach out into the territory of Wala, the front line is thousands of miles, to replenish the source of troops and so on, naturally you don’t have to count on too much. In such an environment, how to create his own power and achieve the task of accomplishing military goals has become a problem for Yang Chendong to think about.

Thinking about it, strengthening the army has become a must. If there are not enough troops, can we win the battle, let alone say, who will defend the ground?

People are the foundation of development, and Yang Chendong took this idea to the Jurchen cavalry.

This is an ambitious nation, and it is also a horseback nation with strong battle strength. Later generations even said that Jurchen was dissatisfied and invincible.

But that is after all. Now they are only focusing on the piece of land in front of them, and now they still think about how to survive and develop. Before they have their ambitions, they are put under the account, then they will not be a resistance to future development, but will only become a help.

This round was set up in order to absorb more prisoners of the Jurchen cavalry. With Yang Er’s cry, there is now a dilemma between Bite.

Yang Er’s roar was spread, but not at all, he got a reply immediately. After all, being able to become a cavalryman is a bit proud. It is not realistic to just want them to surrender in the face of difficulties. Of course, if they surrendered so easily, it would be difficult for such an army to achieve anything, and it would not be valued by Yang Chendong.

The battlefield, after experiencing two fights, fell into quiet weirdly. Then, after one minute of silence, the ghost shadow sniper team shot.

not at all using their commonly used sniper rifle, which is the most common Type 81 Assault Rifle, began their “calling” journey.


It happened to be under ten shots, and ten Jurchen cavalry who didn’t know what happened were on their horses. When they were planted, they all fell to the ground with bullets in their foreheads.

“Very well, prepare for the next group.” Captain Bai Zuo said neither fast nor slow, and sighed in his heart, this kind of “training” with Daoist as the target can definitely improve his team members The best opportunity for Spear Art. This will also greatly overcome their psychological barriers when they kill. At this moment, he even thought that it would be best for these Jurchen cavalry not to surrender. In this way, his team members would have more opportunities for actual combat training.

“Ah! They really dare to kill people.”

“Ten people were really killed.” He even counted the number of dead people carefully.

As the exclamation continued, the complexion of the Jurchen cavalry became ugly, and some even intentionally hid their bodies behind other people beside them. Obviously they were looking for human flesh shields. .

Ba Ba Ba, Ba Ba Ba!

It was one minute again. Ten female cavalry soldiers were shot and killed on horses, which caused a commotion and chaos.

The Spear Art of ghost shadow appear and disappear unpredictably by the snipers has completely defeated the psychological defenses of the Jurchen Knights, and more and more people are looking towards or looking towards the Jurchen Knights. Or put it on Hu Lu.

Looking at them too much, the two generals couldn’t help but feel hairy in their hearts. Especially Bitte, some of the cavalry near him have drawn their sabers as if they were eager to have a try. It seems that if they don’t announce their surrender in the next breath, they will chop and chop.

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