Just from Kuang Ye’s words, we can see how optimistic he is for mercenaries and how helpless he is for Southern Ming’s army.

The mercenaries protected Yang Chendong out of the Gaozhou city. It’s just that Sixth Young Master not at all immediately returned to Carriage, but came together with the Cold Fronts. Like this kind of opportunity to get closer to the army, if you can do it, you will do more. After all, the army is the foundation of a nation. If they are not in their own hands, then the so-called regime is just a joke that’s all.

Seeing Yang Chendong walking in the line like a breezy cloud, the people next to him were not so relaxed, especially the leader of the Cold Front 2nd regiment Luo Po and the others It is even more cautiously, that is, the Type 95 they are carrying one by one has opened the insurance, and made a look to deal with all wars at any time.

Feeling everyone’s nervousness, Yang Chendong is Hehe’s laughed, showing a very confident expression, “Don’t be nervous, as long as Kuang Ye is there, these Southern Ming troops will not and dare not We are the enemy. Now their biggest enemy is the rebels of the Prince of Min line.”

Yang Chendong, who has always been exhaustive, has expressed this attitude. The surrounding Cold Fronts have natural expressions and bodies. Relaxed a lot. But at the same time, some smart people also heard the different meanings in this sentence. For example, Hu Mang asked the question in his heart, “Young Master, putting it that way, now they will not be against us, but in the future they will Yes, is it?”

When Hu Mang asked this question, the Cold Front officers near Yang Chendong all raised their ears. Obviously, this is also something they are very concerned about.

“Not bad.” Hu Mang and the others did not wait too much, Yang Chendong was very nodded, “But it is not that they are going to be our enemy, but we are going to be their enemy, although the Ming Dynasty It is still prosperous, but some policies are indeed unpopular. You all understand the principle that water can carry and overturn the boat. If we do not reform, then we will not take action, and others will replace it. “

Yang Chendong’s remarks are not alarmist. Although Great Ming in this period of history has only entered the middle stage and then gradually weakened, because of his appearance, too many changes have taken place. For example, Great Ming’s division of north and south is the most obvious difference.

A powerful country was divided into two halves at once. Both its military strength and economic foundation would be severely hit. In addition, the already rotten national policies were the cause of the problem. Without action, the Ming Dynasty would not persist for as long as in history.

Yang Chendong said that there are problems with the national policy, which refers to the policy of emphasizing agriculture and suppressing business. Although this has always been the case in ancient China, it believed that agriculture is the foundation of the country, and that all laborers must be engaged in agriculture and cannot engage in industry and commerce. The so-called one more person engaged in industry and commerce means one less farmer. It seems that the idea is very reasonable. Even because of this argument, the population of previous dynasties was not very large.

Is it hard to say that this is because the monarchs in history did not see the benefit of having more people? Could it be that only Taizu has said that there are many people who are powerful and how easy it is to do things?

Of course not. As the population grows, it is more convenient to do everything, especially the military personnel and the quality will be improved a lot. But a truth that everyone understands is that few dynasties will actually implement it? Even once the country is stable, will the training of the army or even the expansion of personnel be relaxed? So that when facing the national crisis, there is not even a decent army, so that it will lose again and again, lose power, lose everything?

All this is naturally not that they cannot see it, but that it is limited by the environment. One of the most important points is the food issue.

The land is that many, and the food is limited. If the population increases, there will definitely not be enough food. This is the most important reason hindering their development.

To draw an analogy, from the Kangxi period to the Qianlong period for more than 100 years, the price of rice in Jiangnan has increased fourfold, and the price of farmland has increased tenfold. For those in need, there is no money to eat. For meat people, rice is their rigid demand. The question is, what should I do if I can’t afford rice? Even if you can’t feed yourself, how can you give birth to more children and create more population?

Fortunately, there were sweet potatoes in the Qing Dynasty. Although it had a single taste and low nutritional value, it still filled the stomach. That’s why some people called the Kang-Qian period of prosperity jokingly called the sweet potato period. of prosperity, this also makes sense.

So after so planting, the land becomes the foundation of the country. How to let the people own more land, so that they can have enough food and clothing. When they become rich, the natural country will become rich and strong. This is what people call hiding wealth for the people.

But this is the truth, many people do not understand, on the contrary, a privileged class will soon appear soon after the establishment of a dynasty. What this privilege shows is that they will own a large area of ​​land in a short period of time. Maybe they can’t be considered at the beginning, but as the development continues, they will naturally embezzle more people’s land to maintain their power and enjoy the luxury life of aloof and remote, so they have to fight with the people. Profit.

It’s like Yang Chendong. After he was named Duke of Zhongdan, he also owned his own legal land, and he was given as much as 5,000 mu. Although Great Ming divided the north and the south, it was disgusting. Zhu Qizhen, Emperor Jingtai Qi Yu deliberately moved Fiefdom to Jianning in the south, making it impossible to achieve this ban.

But not all people are so jealous of the emperor as Yang Chendong. The dignitaries who have been allocated more land have actually benefited. Where do these benefits come from? Of course, we can only invade ordinary people who are powerless and powerless.

As a result, many people’s original stable life was broken. They changed from the status of owning land to tenants. They rented the land of rich people. As time passed, their lives would become more and more. Difficulty, in order to live, what kind of mind will appear and arise.

Imagine a person’s sense of responsibility and national honor when even life is a problem.

For people like this, once there is a war, he will be thankful if he doesn’t turn against you. What else can he talk about making them work for you?

More importantly, these privileged class farms are still tax-free, which is equivalent to completely wasting the country’s best land. If this continues, how can it survive in the long run? , How can you not be attacked by a group?

This is what Yang Chendong said there was a problem with the Ming Dynasty’s national policy. And if such a national policy is not changed, even if the Qing Dynasty does not appear later, it will be replaced by other forces.

Then again, is there a solution?

Of course there is, as people often say, as long as you are willing to use your brain, there are always more solutions than difficulties.

At least in the face of the immediate situation, Yang Chendong has a way to solve the problem, that is, walking on multiple legs.

If a country wants to develop, want to be strong, and want to stand on top of the world, it is absolutely impossible to walk on one leg. It must be diversified development.

This means that not only agriculture is needed, but industry is also very much needed. Once the country becomes strong and the people become rich, then everyone can live a worry-free life, then who would be fine? To rebel. Even if there are individuals who have such a mindset in life and want to confuse others, they must dare to agree. A good life, but if you take a risk, you might even lose your head. How many people will agree?

Especially Yang Chendong attracted potatoes. The emergence of this high-yield food that can fill the stomach is tantamount to a fundamental solution to the problem. Then, as long as we weaken the land held by the powers, let the people re-own them, and at the same time guide these powers to develop light industry, handicraft industry, and heavy industry, then it can be very rich, so it is hello, hello, everyone.

Like Yang Chendong himself, he is developing with this kind of thinking.

Various factories were opened in Chihkan City, and large areas of the surrounding land were also developed and planted with various crops. With the mild temperature there, many crops There are two seasons a year, or even three seasons.

With food, work, and money, a good day will come naturally. Ascending, it becomes how to ensure that the fruits of victory will not be engulfed by others, and naturally more people will join the army.

Like these Cold Fronts, the sense of honor is one aspect, but it is more that they have to protect the fruits of their labor and protect their homes. In order to achieve this goal, they will really do their best. This is far from the concept of being a soldier in the Ming Dynasty.

The road is on the right, the foundation is set, and with the help of advanced weapons that are hundreds of years higher than the modern world, it is really impossible to think of who will be their opponent. This also created the invincible Legendary of Cold Front.

At this point, when Yang Chendong’s gaze looked towards the front, he was already full of hope and desire. When this life comes back, he is destined to take the Han people to the Peak of the world.

No one can stop!

What happened in the capital city of Gaozhou was quickly spied on by the Prince of Min spies who had been watching here. After the news came out, the lobbyists who had been prepared were able to speak. The discerning Chen Tian set off on the road and headed straight for Gaozhou Mansion.

At the same time, the secret letter written by Kuang Ye was delivered to Nanjing City in an 800 Miles expedited manner and delivered to Emperor Yingzong Zhu Qizhen.

Kuang Ye even persuaded Yang Chendong, and more importantly, the opponent also came with a divine assist. Vietnam sent someone to assassinate Yang Chendong’s wives and concubines. This is to force Duke of Zhongdan not to do anything. I can’t come anymore.

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