Brave World

Chapter 1310

The proponent of the time paradox must have never made time travel, but Qiu Ge said that this is a bit irrational.

“Don’t you know that shit can’t be eaten if you haven’t eaten shit? It doesn’t make sense to change the past.”

“You compare it like this… forget it.”

Qiu brother was too lazy to correct An Yizhi’s wording. He said:

“You mortals have limited horizons. This does not mean that you are not smart enough, but that the things that mortals can observe are very Limited. As creatures of the three-dimensional world, you cannot observe things at higher latitudes.”

He pointed his finger at the top of his head:

“If you and I are just characters in a novel , Can you observe the readers who are reading this novel? Can you realize that you are just a character written by the author?”

An Yizhi was taken aback:

“This seems to have nothing to do with time travel.”

“Of course it has something to do with the composition of the world. Although I am not sure if you can understand it, I can only choose a simpler and more intuitive Simply explain the way.”

A white ball of light appeared on his palm again:

“I don’t understand the connection between the earth and the multi-universe world. , If the earth is completely independent, it will be affected by the multi-universe world, but if it is part of the multi-universe world, many laws are completely different.”

Refers to the sphere of light:

“Multiple Universe World is composed of countless planes of the same type of law. Although the planes are somewhat different, the laws of different planes are not very different, from the world level. You can find common ground in many places.”

After that, a red ball of light appeared on his other hand:

“The earth is different, you have to understand The earth is not only one plane, it also has countless planes, but unlike the multi-universe world, the laws of countless planes of the earth are completely different.”

The An Yizhi mentioned here is somewhat different. Confused, what does this have to do with time travel.

“There are countless parallel worlds on the earth, and the emergence of these parallel worlds is related to’choice’, which is the’three-dimensional intersection parallel world theory’ that you mortals once proposed.”

The red sphere began to split under Qiu Ge’s operation, and quickly occupied every corner of the room:

“For example, if Jing Ke succeeded in assassinating Qin, Qin Shihuang would not unify China. What will history be like? If the reformists lose out to the old nobles during the European Industrial Revolution, can they still rise? Wait for these speculations, each choice represents a parallel world, so in theory, your planet also has Countless parallel universes. Some earths are completely different in terms of history and rules, and some are very similar to reality, but they also seem right but actually isn’t.”

It sounds familiar, and then An Yizhi realized that this is the so-called’temporary copy’ in the game?

“Yes, the temporary copy in the game is the parallel universe that sends the player to the earth. Due to different choices, the earth in the parallel universe will even give birth to a magical civilization and some weird settings , It is completely different from the multi-universe universe with the same law.”

An Yizhi understood a little bit, he said:

“In this case, if I change the past, it will also produce a successful change. The parallel world of history, but in this way I disappeared in the’original’ world, and there is still no change.”

“That is different.”

George Qiu With a snap of his fingers, the red ball of light covering the entire room disappeared in an instant, leaving only the one in his hand:

“The reason for the split of the parallel world is choice. This choice can be a major that has attracted worldwide attention. Event items can also be small choices that are accurate to the individual, but no matter what, these choices are made by people or things inside this World of the earth without interference from’external forces’. And this time, it is obviously from A major event caused by the’external force’ of another world.”

“Does the external force cause it to split into a parallel world?”

“Not only will it not split, the earth There is also a function similar to archive repair, as long as you go back to the past and change the history that made this happen, this part of the timeline will be directly’modified’ instead of splitting a world where you successfully changed the history. Roughly equivalent to You are playing chess with a friend, but because the person watching the chess is blindly commanding, you made a bad move, so discuss with your friend whether you can regret the game.”

“I understand the truth, but you did it. This example… alright.”

“You can understand it. Going back to the past is not at all for you. Even if you can’t change history, at least you can save your daughter-in-law.”

This is true, at worst ran to the air-raid shelter with Lin Linglin before all this happened. For An Yizhi, the world just cares about me, as long as Lin Linglin is fine.

“What do I do now? Shall I find a game warehouse to log in?”

“I am afraid that all game devices cannot be connected to Multi-Universe World now, because there is already a mess there A group.”

If you can’t log in, how can An Yizhi take out the Eye of Cronus? In reality, he doesn’t have a pocket pocket.

“Wait, it’s still something wrong.”

An Yizhi frowns said:

“If I go back in time with the eye of Cronus, I Is it going back to the past of the earth or the past of the multi-universe world? After all, if I return to the past of the earth, can I change the past of the multi-universe world?”

The earth and the multi-universe world are mutually exclusive Independently, there is not one Time Law. Changing the time of one world is obviously impossible to change another world.

“You think too much, no matter which world you return to, the’past’ history will be changed. The multi-universe world and the earth are not completely independent. The relationship between the world and the world is not what you think So entirely different.”

Qiu Ge’s hands, one white and one red, are intertwined with two light balls, forming a pattern similar to Tai Chi Yin-Yang Fish:

“Use images To illustrate, the relationship between world and world is similar to this. They are independent of each other but can influence each other.”

This is just an example for An Yizhi to understand better. In fact, it is like Qiu As he said, being a three-dimensional creature, being unable to understand things at higher latitudes is purely a limitation of vision.

After explaining the problem, Qiu Ge said:

“As for how to take out the Eye of Cronus, you can actually do it now.”

“Why? The Eye of Cronus is in the pocket of the dimension. I don’t have that in my real body on Earth.”

“No, you have, but you didn’t find it.”

Qiu Ge pointed to John and Julian who were sleeping on the bed with his chin and said:

“Didn’t you find out? They don’t speak Chinese, they have spoken since I met you. It’s a lingua franca, but why can you understand it?”

An Yizhi really didn’t realize this. At that time, there was no time for me to pay attention to such details.

But what Qiu Ge said is indeed a problem.

In the game, the languages ​​spoken by the NPC are all kinds of strange things, such as the abyss language of the devil, the heaven realm of the angel, the elf language of the elves, etc., among which the most important and most common language is the common language This kind of language is commonly used in the multiverse, but the lingua franca is not equal to Chinese. What you insist on saying is more similar to English with a strange alphabet.

In order to facilitate player communication, players can understand and understand the lingua franca because there is a system for simultaneous translation, which should not be understood in reality.


Since it should not be understood in reality, the fact is that it can be understood like listening to the mother tongue, and existence is reasonable, so consider…

“Just what you think, The’system’ has always been there, but you didn’t find it.”

An Yizhi pressed the temple, everything that happened recently is a little bit beyond the limits of the Three Views, which is the brain hole of An Yizhi The strangely big guys feel that their brains are not enough.

“What is the so-called system?”

“I can’t explain this problem perfectly. It is the realization of destiny, and it is also a special tool. System people can communicate freely with many people without any obstacles, and can easily learn in a short time the ability that usually takes a long time to learn, and there are some other magical functions. But you have to ask me what it is What, I don’t know. This question can only be asked about a certain Demoness.”


“Because system is a selection tool for a certain Demoness.”

“What to select?”

“Of course it is the Demoness of this Ren. This position has existed since the beginning of the world, but it is not the same person. Demoness’is just a title, not necessarily a woman or a person. For example, a certain Demoness is a man now.”

After a long time, this is an honorary title?

“When a certain Demoness is bored with managing the world, he will distribute what you call the’system’ abilities and send it to mortal creatures. From their behavior and experience In choosing successor, in addition to examining the temperament and character, the most important thing is adaptability. It is not easy to find a creature with the adaptability to become the next demoness of this Ren, but like this time, the system is directly made into a game and sent to the people on a large scale. It’s the first time for me.”

An Yizhi asked:

“What is the so-called game? When we entered the game, we were equivalent to crossing, but the memories of some indigenous people Remember us in the’past’? Why did a certain Demoness do this?”

What he said was about John. She remembered An Yizhi was a civilian mage who graduated from Magic Academy. In fact, not only John, but also the master graduates of An Yizhi at the same time remember, but in fact An Yizhi is just a dead person who likes to play games at home.

In the past, this can still be explained by game settings, but now he knows that Multi-Universe World is not a game, but a real existence.

“The reason why a certain Demoness did this may only be known to him.”

Qiu Ge shook his head and said that he didn’t know, and then said:

“As for memory Things, this is also the effect of the system, which directly distorts the cognition. Except for a few particularly powerful guys who know the existence of the system, no one realizes that you are here just to play a game. For most of the aborigines of the multiverse , You are just a group of’visitors from other worlds’ from other planes, even ordinary persons who used to get along day and night.”

“Can even the collective cognition be distorted at the same time…”

Then system can act wilfully?

“I have acted wilfully, but it is true that system can do a lot. After all, system comes from a certain Demoness, and a certain Demoness is equivalent to the GM of Multi-Universe World.”


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