Brave World

Chapter 1299

The fact that John and Julian crossed over can’t be concealed at all. The modern household registration management system is very complete. It only takes a few seconds to find out that these two people belong to There are no black households in today’s era.

An Yizhi wanted to fool him, but he waited for a safe place. He was a little worried that the soldiers would leave Julian and John directly out of the car.

Unexpectedly, Julian directly explained it all by himself.

From another point of view, it is not necessarily a bad thing to say it by yourself. At least being honest with each other can win a certain degree of goodwill. Perhaps Julian is also outspoken out of this consideration.

The breeze bazooka slightly jaws, and then looked towards John, ignoring Julian’s stubble at all, turned his head and looked towards John.

It made him a little embarrassed, so he could only cough lightly to show that he didn’t care.

This is how people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

John is still okay, especially when Qingfeng Bazuka looks over with a serious expression with a stern face.

Since I couldn’t hide it, An Yizhi helped John explain:

“This is John Cooks, Eldest Miss of the Cooks family.”

Even if you haven’t heard of the name of the Cux family, no matter how bad the breeze bazooka is in the game, she has also heard of the city of Lopwen, she immediately nodded:

“These two It’s coming through, I understand.”

She seemed to accept it very calmly, and continued:

“In the beginning, your range of action will be limited. You Have the right to get food, shelter, and supplies necessary for life. Don’t worry, we don’t have any hostility towards you.”

Qingfeng Bazuka is very familiar with the matter of’transmigrator’, and there is absolutely no Surprised.

This makes An Yizhi feel strange. Even if the monster that originally belonged to the magical background world runs all over the floor, is it really normal to see two transmigrators so peaceful in the true sense?

“You don’t seem to be surprised by their identity.”

Perhaps Qingfeng Bazuka showed some kindness, or maybe he met someone he knew An Yizhi somewhat To prevent loosening, he continued to ask:

“What the hell is going on? You just said about my life experience, what’s the secret?”

An Yizhi was a little questionable , He badly needs an explanation.

At this moment, a crisp cell phone rang.


Erhafenlier also called out to prove his existence, because the phone that made the sound was on An Yizhi’s body, and the ringing made his ears itchy .

Qingfeng Bazuka made a gesture of please. An Yizhi could only postpone the question temporarily, and reached out to unbutton the top of his pajamas and took out his mobile phone.

By the way, thanks to a pocket, otherwise it was just so messy, and the phone would have been left there for a long time.

The familiar mobile phone number displayed on the screen is Lin Linglin’s.

An Yizhi quickly pressed the answer button, and Lin Linglin’s anxious voice came out:

“An Yizhi! Where are you? Are you still at home?”

“I’m fine, I’m in a military armored vehicle.”

You can clearly hear Lin Linglin’s relaxed voice, she continued:

“That’s good, Liu Lina and I were trapped in the underground parking lot under her apartment, but we were safe. There were many soldiers guarding the entrance and exit.”

The good news always brings people peace of mind. An Yizhi is no exception.

“Don’t worry about my parents, they contacted me just now and said that they have reached a safe area.”

Speaking of which, sitting across from An Yizhi, Qingfeng Bazuka Pressed the headset on her ear and said:

“Ms. Lin Linglin.”

She directly intervened in the civilian communication line.

Lin Linglin was silent for a while not at all and answered, Qingfeng Bazuka said:

“Mr. An Yizhi just asked me about his life experience.”

What is it about Lin Linglin?

The question mark in An Yizhi’s mind is growing at a rapid rate.

Lin Linglin on the opposite side sighed:

“Since he asked, you can tell him if you want to.”

“Aren’t you afraid that I will add some fuel?”

Lin Linglin was lightly snorted and didn’t care at all, so she continued to talk to An Yizhi.

“We will be able to evacuate here in one or two hours. We will talk about this after we meet. It is not clear on the phone. You can listen to what others say first.”

After a pause, Lin Linglin asked as if suddenly remembering something:

“By the way, is Fenrir with you?”


Hearing someone calling himself, Erha Wang responded.

“Since it is here, follow it. When it is in danger, it…shasha…help…shasha”


There was a rustling noise on the phone, the voice was still intermittent, the signal was very bad, and the phone immediately hung up.

Qingfeng Bazuka on the opposite side said:

“It may be that there is something wrong with the nearby signal base station. If you want to continue to make calls, I can provide the military’s satellite line.”

“No, it’s okay to know that Lingling is fine anyway.”

An Yizhi put the phone away and asked:

“What I want to ask It’s a lot, let’s get back to the topic.”


Bezuka shrugged and said:

“Something I can answer It’s not a lot. I can tell you the information that I know within my purview.”

She thought about it, and pointed at John and Julian with her chin:

To explain your life experience, you must also start with these transmigrators.”

It is not just An Yizhi who is listening, but Julian is also very interested in it.

“The creatures from the other world did not come to the earth only today. They appeared very early. When did they arrive before the limit that history can record.”

“Impossible, there is no record in the history of such a big trouble?”

An Yizhi expressed his disbelief, thinking that today’s “crossing” of this scale can be called a disaster. Impossible, there is no information at all. Stay.

“The number of these transmigrators is far less than today, and they are definitely not so frequent. As for the records? Of course there are, and all countries have records before.”

An Yizhi was taken aback, and then he thought of a kind of probability:

“Could it be that…myth?”

Qingfeng Bazuka nodded:

“Well, it is a myth Story. The myths that have been circulating in various regions are somewhat distorted and added by imagination, but most of the story’s prototypes are these outsiders with supernatural abilities.”

So it is true that Sun Wukong’s uproar at Heavenly Palace is true. ?

Immediately An Yizhi thought, no, Monkey Sun is in a novel, not a myth…

“Some of these transmigrators have the ability to go back by themselves, and some live on the earth until Die old, I know it’s a bit hard to believe. When I first saw the file, I felt that Sanguan was shocked.”

Qingfeng Bazuka was a little dazed to see An Yizhi, thinking he was surprised. In fact, An Yizhi’s brain is too big and he can’t control it…

“What is the principle? Why are these creatures passing through?”

“I don’t know, Maybe my level is not enough, maybe no one knows the truth so far.”

Qingfeng Bazuka explained:

“These creatures were easy to be regarded as magicians, fairies, Monsters and even demons and so on. They have accompanied our history. When civilization entered modern times, governments at that time established institutions to manage these transmigrators. With the help of friendly creatures that are also transmigrators and local humans on earth, the public gradually Those supernatural things are recognized as mere myths.”

There is nothing wrong with the management of these transmigrators by specialized agencies in the city. After all, human beings will have considerable panic when facing things they cannot understand, such as In ancient times, when you saw a lunar eclipse or a meteorite falling, or even just abnormal weather, you would think it was Heavenly God’s anger or something. This is panic.

In modern times, people who are accustomed to the supremacy of science suddenly learn that the world in which they live has very unscientific supernatural forces, and panic will spread like a plague.

“There used to be an organization called’Nine Branches’ in our celestial dynasty which was specifically responsible for the transmigrator that came here. However, with the abandonment of the national symbol and the establishment of the Earth Federation,’Nine Branches’ It has been revoked, and now it is managed by a confidential organization called the Supernatural Administration. Our Sea Snake Special Operations Team is one of the teams under it.”

An Yizhi has been thinking since childhood. , Magic exists.

I don’t know where he got this knowledge. No matter how he finds it, he can’t find any clues about magic. The overwhelming majority are legends and rumors that increasingly distort the truth.

This is no wonder, after all, the existence of magic is completely concealed by national-level professional institutions. If the second of a powerless death can catch a weak spot, this national institution will be too miserable. .

If it weren’t for this frequent and super large-scale’crossing’, I am afraid that An Yizhi would be impossible to know that the world he lives in has so many secrets hidden.

Even though An Yizhi doesn’t have any evidence, from the point of view that he always believes in the existence of magic, this guy’s hunch is as accurate as ever, although his hunch is often not a good thing.

Qingfeng Bazuka quietly waited for An Yizhi to digest these words, then he asked:

“What does this have to do with my life experience?”

“Of course it is related, and it is very important.”

She said:

“I just said that some creatures that have passed through have the ability to go back on their own, and some choose to live on earth. , Their arrival may be accidental, but it’s their own will to stay. I don’t know if they go back, and many of them have been filed in the bureau, and these creatures used supernatural means to hide their real bodies, or they were originally From the outside, they are no different from normal humans. They live on the earth and it is easy to have feelings with the local humans on the earth. Their offspring are naturally cross-plane hybrids.”

An Yizhi pointed to it. Myself:

“Am I?”

“According to our survey, there are probably less than 10,000,000 people in the world with bloodline from the foreign world, but most of them are It’s very inconspicuous. It looks the same and doesn’t have supernatural abilities. So you are not the only one, but in a way, you are indeed the only one.”

An Yizhi is fast I was confused:

“Is it okay to explain the point?”

“The point is your bloodline.”

The breeze Bazuka holds it up with his hands The chin said:

“An Yizhi, you have a great reputation in the multiverse. You should know that there is a kind of creature that has golden sand-like hair and sapphire eyes, even if It’s a multi-universe universe placed in powerhouse as clouds, and all powerhouses that can be ranked.”


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