Brave World

Chapter 1266

The brave world has a basic principle, that is, no one, including the system, has the right to take away items belonging to the player without the player’s consent.

This rule does not only refer to the things in the pockets of the dimension, but also the things equipped on the player.

For example, when the magic wand is held by An Yizhi, this principle is also applicable. At this time, if it is attacked and the wand is released, it still cannot be picked up by others, because the owner Or An Yizhi. Unless he throws the staff on the ground at his own will, so that others can pick it up.

In this way, if you want to get a certain item from the player, except for the transaction, there is only one “killing”.

But as long as the old players know that putting a lot of debris in their dimensional pockets, the chance of dropping an item after hanging up is not very high, and then randomly into a lot of debris, The ghost knows how many times to kill to get what he wants.

Because of this, many organizations that peeped into the Book of the Dead did not act, or were limited by this rule, or were afraid of Nicholas’s name, so that An Yizhi could hold the book of the dead. Books, such as ultimate weapon, ran all over the floor for so long.

But we all know that the Book of the Dead is now out of An Yizhi’s hands…

The temple of Jaeger is indeed hidden and mysterious, and there are many gods or people who are more afraid of it. However, this does not mean that no one dares to attack it.

The information that An Yizhi ran to the temple of Yege is impossible to hide. This can be considered the pot of An Yizhi. What he said was too sudden. The temple was not prepared for any disguise and could only be sent in a hurry. I took a carriage and took it.

If this degree of disguise can be concealed from the intelligence personnel, then everyone should wipe their necks collectively. This will appear to be more loyal…

It can be seen that it surrounds the dead who left An Yizhi’s hands. Book, I am afraid there will be a fight in secret.

Of course, our protagonist An Yizhi doesn’t know these things. In fact, even if you know him, I don’t care.

As the saying goes, the money and the goods are cleared. After the transaction is completed, do you still ask me to have an after-sale service?

The best outcome is that a certain organization snatched the page from the Temple of Jaeger, An Yizhi happened to snatch it back, and then traded it again. This is called the real circulating money.

——This is wishful thinking.

Anyway, after An Yizhi elated left the temple, he had already forgotten the book of the dead. He is now going to the Temple of Dawn, borrowing the Transmission Array to quickly reach Sinnaua The city met Lin Linglin and them.

Due to the particularity of the dark region, Lin Linglin and the others could not go through the tangled and complicated and long tunnel to the dwarf city of Comoria. The big hole made by Yizhi.

It has now become a fast channel for merchants to travel to and from the dark area, which greatly facilitates the transportation of goods between the ground and the underground.

Dark elves are becoming more and more enthusiastic in their pockets, and they still hate An Yizhi’s hatred of tooth roots…

This is the most convenient and quick way to go, but for Lin Linglin was not the safest for them. Because of the large number of people, it can be said that as soon as they show up, they will definitely be found and then hunted down.

Their plan is to borrow Transmission Array from Sinnaua and return directly to Yamen, but there is a large plain between the main passage to Sinnaua, where there is almost no With shelter, even if several people are riding on horses, it is easy to catch up. This is an opportunity for An Yizhi to help.

So he plans to go to New Naua City to wait for news, instead of going back to the hotel row as usual to test the new stuff.

By the way, Jaeger’s temple really doesn’t know how to do anything. There is a carriage to pick you up when you come, but when you go back, you don’t even have one to send it off. An Yizhi can only travel through Yamen on two legs. city.

On the road, he opened the battle strength Ranking List smoothly. As expected, he directly crossed the Tianshu star and reached the second place.

This is also as it should be by rights. Originally, there is not much difference between him and Tianshu Star. Suddenly he added a legendary level, an epic level, and two A-level spells. , The battle strength soars naturally.

However, battle strength ranking and strength cannot be completely equated, not to mention that An Yizhi is not yet familiar with his new ability, even if he can use it freely, he still cannot play a few games with Tianshu star. Determine in the end stronger and weaker.

Open the item Ranking List again, except that the first place is still untouched by Pole Star Juechen, from the second place to the fourth place are all An Yizhi’s things, respectively Cronus Eyes, elves scriptures, and magic wands.

Although the elves do not at all show the name of the holder, An Yizhi’s battle strength ranks directly from third to second. If you think about it, you will know that it must be in An Yizhi’s hands. .

As a result, before he reached the Temple of Dawn, he received a bunch of transaction messages, mainly from starlight and the wild wolf gods, because the sea clan was looking for the elf scriptures and promised to build a new city for Remuneration is indeed a sweet bun for guild players.

But An Yizhi didn’t plan to sell, all one after another refused.

Speaking of which, the addition of the Elf Scripture not only eliminated the shadow shaping orb, but also eliminated the engraving book of the salamander which is very dependent.

This thing was originally a manuscript of the Annealing Chapter under the “Protection” category of the Elf Scripture. Now that the genuine Elf Scripture has been obtained, the engraved book of the salamander is naturally useless.

And An Yizhi also came up with a very unbeautiful idea.

If the Salamander’s engraving book were traded with the Skeleton King, how many good things would that guy give out?

Because of the sweetness of the deal with the Temple of Jaeger, it is inevitable that An Yizhi would think so. By the way, he ignored the fact that this book was originally grabbed from the Skeleton King…

With these messy things in his mind, An Yizhi unconsciously came to the familiar Temple of Dawn.

Although I haven’t been here for a while, the Temple of Dawn remains the same as before. There is still a long line to buy cheap holy water at the door. This is the best method for new players to deal with evil creatures. At the beginning, An Yizhi also Came to buy it.

But soon An Yizhi discovered that something was wrong. Although the Paladins who were responsible for maintaining order in the past had serious expressions, they were not as dignified as they are today. In general, the Temple of Dawn still gives people a kind Soft feeling, but today is particularly solemn.

at first An Yizhi thought it was because of the presence of demons in various places that the Temple of Dawn was like an enemy, and only when I entered the temple and found the more familiar Paladin Burns did I know the whole story.

——Tolan Bishop is martyred.


An Yizhi does not have a slight impression of clergy, this is mainly because many clergy in reality dare not do good things, and are full of benevolence and morality Below is the dirty power and money transaction.

This impression has not changed even after entering the game world. At first, An Yizhi dared to scold Jaeger in Palendxiu’s copy. Actually, there are also reasons for this. He hates these so-called God.

But people can change, and it is the Tolan bishop of the Temple of Dawn that changes An Yizhi’s view of the clergy.

This old man with a warm smile like the morning sun is now lying in the flowers, lying in front of the statue of Loshanda he believes in.

The priests held a grand ceremony for him. They called for the divine force of Loshanda, hoping that he could show Gods Vestige, bring Tolan Bishop back to life, and re-lead the Temple of Dawn in Sudmir. A little Loshanda can do it.

But Luoshanda did not at all satisfy the request of the believers, but took away Tolan Bishop.

A thick and soft holy light shot from Divine Idol. It wrapped the thin body of Tolan Bishop, miraculously restored Tolan Bishop’s body to youth, and eventually he disappeared in the holy light. Among.

Mortal World has lost a bishop, but in the Divine Realm in Los Angeles, he will be immortal. From this perspective, Tolan bishop may be happy.

An Yizhi also attended the funeral of bishop. He was hiding in the back of the crowd, and he felt a little bit unhappy in his heart.

As I said before, An Yizhi doesn’t care about the life and death of other people, but if you are a familiar person, you will feel a little regretful once you leave.

I heard Burns say that Tolan Bishop sacrificed to completely eliminate the Skeleton King, and his sacrifice was not at all in vain.

The Skeleton King was completely sealed by him, and there will never be any worries, but the price is too high.

For An Yizhi, the departure of Tolan bishop means that he has lost a friend, but for the dawn church in the entire Sadmir region, they have lost a very capable and famous leader of.

As for Tolan Bishop’s successor, there is still no final conclusion. Usually this important position is appointed by the gods, or people with prestige and ability enough to convince the public to hold it, Thad There is no such person in the dawn church in Mill area.

The threat of the devil is right in front of me, and the Temple of Dawn is without a leader. I don’t know if there will be any big news.

But these An Yizhi can’t get involved. Although he is familiar with the Temple of Dawn, he is an outsider after all and can only help them as much as possible where he can.

Although Tolan Bishop’s funeral is grand, it doesn’t take long. This is because Bishop doesn’t like complicated etiquette, and has long ordered to be as simple as possible. In fact, if it weren’t for everyone’s hope that Tolan Bishop would be resurrected, there would be no ceremony at all. According to Tolan Bishop’s original idea, he would be sent directly to the cemetery after his death. It would be a waste of time to get those who didn’t.

When the funeral was over, An Yizhi mentioned to Burns about borrowing Transmission Array.

For the usual, Burns will definitely ask An Yizhi where he is going to be and whether he needs to travel with him, but he is not in a good mood. It is estimated that Tolan Bishop’s death The blow to him was also quite big.

Riding on the Transmission Array, the pastor responsible for the energy supply set the landing point in the city of Xinnaua. With the familiar feeling of dizziness, An Yizhi spanned thousands of miles in the blink of an eye… …

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