[Line quests changed one by one to continue the blood of the human race]

[Saint's Blessing: You will not be cursed by the devil. 】

This UFF is not bad, Lu Yan will not suffer any abnormal state, so it is superfluous to give it to him.

Demons are good at spells, Lu Yan knows this

But Lu Yan couldn't understand the main mission.

Continue the human bloodline?

What does it mean?

In the village just now, the rest are the last human race

But they are all old people.

And the saint is the only woman in the world.

Let him continue the human bloodline...

Isn't it?

Lu Yan didn't think about it any further. These things will be discussed after he finds the emperor robe.

And Ri, if it really is what he thinks, and now he has really completed this task, he may return directly to the realm of the gods.

If Shaya asks at that time

If you tell her, in order to continue the human bloodline as soon as possible, she did not obtain the emperor robe or anything.

Thinking of this, Lu Yan couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

Anyway, there is no time limit for this task, and there is no rush sooner or later.

Lu Yan flew very fast, and in a short while he approached the location of the map emperor robe.

【Infinite Dead Sea】

It's different from the scene where lava flows like hell.

The Infinite Dead Sea is a vast and extremely black water area.

In the water, there are countless indescribable cattle floating.

"Could it be that the emperor's robe is underwater?"

If it is underwater, it may also explain why the emperor robe keeps moving

Maybe the emperor robe is always floating with the sea?

But soon, Lu Yan denied his conjecture.

Lu Yan looked at her husband further afield.

In the distance, is a giant sea turtle

Behind the turtle was a huge town.

On the map, the location of the turtle completely coincides with the emperor's robe.

"I didn't expect it to be behind the bull."

Lu Yan locked on the turtle and flew towards it after 223.

The saint has always been held in his hands

Demon bodies always feel unaccustomed.

But thinking of the possibility of obtaining information, Lu Yan still did not choose to become a humanoid

Lu Yan landed behind the turtle and landed directly at the city gate

Afterwards, he took the saint to enter the husband directly from the city gate.

The ten soldiers guarding the gate did not conduct any investigation on them.

This is naturally the use of [Mind Control]

If Lu Yan flew directly into the city from above, it would be too dazzling.

Lu Yan zoomed in on the map for comparison

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be there."

Lu Yan looked at the tallest tower in the center of the city.

This city is full of demons.

It was a marked building.

【Tower of Curse】

[Description: There seems to be an unknown treasure hidden on the top. 】

Lu Yan came to the front of the tower, still ignoring the guards and going inside.

In this world, no existence can ignore Lu Yan's mental control.

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