Born Tech Mad

Chapter 304:

Bianyu Tower, a computer expert's programming work, with the help of remote sensing technology, 2,000 experts can program 3,000 programs a day. In a month, he was able to program 100,000 intelligent programs that Rose needed.

Rose focused his attention on the improvement of neural network technology.

Time passed slowly. After one month of improvement, the neural network technology was improved. After improving the ‘micro and special algorithm’ to patch all kinds of intelligent software, the efficiency was doubled. But it has not been able to drive new 100,000 smart programs.

Ordinary computers have a computing capacity of more than 3 billion operations per second. Even the supercomputer Tianhe III has a computing capacity equivalent to only 4000 ordinary computers.

Human beings have 60 trillion cells. The data generated by one-tenth of the 60 trillion cells and one tenth of the cells can directly cause Tianhe III to die, not even an intelligent program.

The rudimentary neural network of 宇 塔 company has only 10,000 nano-chips, consisting of 10 nano-chip sets, and the computing power is more than 5 times that of Tianhe III. It drives 5,000 intelligent programs that can only simulate one tenth of the human nervous system's ability to perform calculations and process information.

If it wants to drive another 100,000 smart programs, these 10 nano-chipsets are powerless.

Therefore, computing power alone is not enough. As long as 1000 chipsets are added, the new neural network's ability to process information is equivalent to 10 billion ordinary computers, which is 2.5 million times that of Tianhe III.

植入 After implanting 100,000 intelligent programs, the new neural network, in addition to processing and transmitting information as accurately as human nerves, has powerful intelligence.

Rose can't wait to come up with a super brain, using all 100,000 intelligent programs and 1,000 intelligent chipsets.

程序 Now the program is done. Neural network technology and computing capabilities have also been improved, with only hardware issues. Those 1,000 chipsets need 10 million nanochips. Rose can only pin his hopes on the robot factory.

In this month, Yuta's huge intelligent robot factory was finally completed. The ground floor of this factory is only 100,000 square meters, with ten floors high, and the comprehensive area has reached 1 million square meters.

的 With the help of 100,000 scientists in Europe, all the production lines inside were successfully installed.

This state-of-the-art robot factory has a complete set of mature robot production processes, ranging from miniature sensors, neural element sheets, artifact sensors, and more than a thousand miniature parts to the production of robot casings. Under a whole set of assembly line production, all will be formed.

机器人 The manufacturing process of a robot has reached 3652, as long as the raw materials enter the factory, they can be smoothly turned into robots.

Rose was extremely excited, giving instructions to the 2,800 intelligent robots in the nano factory, ordering them to enter the robot factory, turning on various machines in the factory, first producing various parts and then assembling new robots.

After a day, the first robots went offline. With 2,800 intelligent robots, only 200 robots can be manufactured in 24 hours.

After these robots went offline, Rose implanted nanochips in them. With the powerful transmission capabilities of neural networks, thousands of intelligent programs can be implanted in one minute.

On the first day, 3,000 intelligent robots could produce 214 robots in one day.

On the second day, there were 3,214 intelligent robots, and 229 robots could be manufactured in one day.

The number of robots reached 10370 on the 20th day, and 740 robots could be manufactured in a day.

In just one month, the number of robots reached about 30,000.

These 30,000 intelligent robots. Because it is all manufactured independently, the cost is much cheaper. Each was only 500,000 yuan, and 15 billion yuan was used.

Make use of these 30,000 intelligent robots. Only one more month of production is needed to bring the number of robots to 100,000 and the ability to produce 7000 robots per day.

Due to the lack of nanomaterials, Ross stopped letting intelligent robots replicate the same kind, allowing 30,000 intelligent robots to enter the nanofactory, and began manufacturing various nanochips and nanomaterials. 30,000 intelligent robots can produce 50,000 nanochips a day.

Twenty days later, 10 million nanochips were successfully manufactured, and Ross asked 30,000 intelligent robots to continue to return to the robot factory to replicate the same.

He Ross is busy transforming this 10 million nanometer chip into 1,000 different intelligent nano chip sets.

These chipsets will drive 105,000 intelligent programs. By then, the super brains with new neural networks will succeed.

After 10 days, 1,000 intelligent chipsets were installed. After the implantation process, Yuta's new neural network and intelligent super brain were finally formed.

之后 After docking and data exchange on various ports, everything of Yuta was dataized and mastered.

A computer with a diameter of three meters appeared in the artificial intelligence building.

超 The power consumed by this super brain is terrible. It requires thousands of kilowatt-hours a minute. In order to drive this super brain, Rose can only equip it with a small arc reactor.

Rose remote sensing started the reactor, 1,000 nano chip sets were running at the same time, and 105,000 programs in the intelligent super brain began to operate.

Xun Chao's brain lighted up, and it was recognized by face scan, and it recognized Rose within microseconds.

"I'm glad to meet you. I'm Intelligent Super Brain One. I know everything about Yuta. Do you have any needs?"

Rose is very happy: "The name of intelligent super brain is a bit awkward, but you have 40% of the ability of human neural networks. You should choose a name that is good to hear, what about calling you 'Hua Xia No. 1'."

"Observe, Huaxia No. 1, ready to serve you."

"Huaxia 1, how much has your neural remote sensing ability?"

"After the neural network reaches 40% of humans, you can contact me at any time 500 kilometers away."

Britney Spears and others were taken aback by the fact that the distance of neural remote sensing was from 300 meters to 500 kilometers, and the gap was too big.

Rose smiled with satisfaction: "Huaxia No. 1 ~ ~ If you let the neural network reach 50% of human level, what is the remote sensing distance?"

"Within 5000 kilometers, you can contact me at any time."

Ross was extremely excited: "Yes, Huaxia 1, I'm a bit tired, help me control the 40,000 intelligent robots in the robot factory and let them continue to make similar products. In addition, if there is a problem in all aspects of Yuta's production, Can you remind me of the managers. For financial problems in Yuta, just report to me the profit of various products every day. "

Please rest assured, I will help you deal with these small things, 300,000 employees, if everyone has a problem, I will remind them.

"Huaxia 1, please help Britney them to build Skynet system."

"I obey your instructions."

Ross yawned in order to test the ability of the super brain: "Huaxia No. 1, you have stored almost all the knowledge of human beings, plus various advanced knowledge theories that I have input for you, can you help me design a new one" "Nanomaterials" technology, I want to create a liquid nanometal, the process design is too cumbersome, can you help me with this job? "

"After three minutes, I will submit 10 designs for you. By then, you can choose."

"I'm going to rest for a few hours and tell me later."

Rose was so tired that he summoned Yuta No. 1 to fly to him, and flew back to the bedroom, and fell asleep in bed. (To be continued.)

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