Blood Source Era

Chapter 812: : No mercy

"You have betrayed the loyalty you should follow, and that was your last chance just now."

At this moment, facing the things that happened in front of him, this guy has a very good and detailed treatment of things that have already gone. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https: //

Perhaps everything in the rest has a comprehensible and clear understanding of the situation.

After, I can change something again. Others seem to have a clearer and more careful understanding of the problem and calm thoughts.

This seems to have not solved the problem in the first place, so the appropriate treatments that will be possessed will all become what is no longer necessary, and other things have been carefully developed?

The actions that started are open, so those that are no longer there are worth any other special guesses about the problem.

Has carried out some satisfactory understanding of what seems to be more appropriate, just accepting what is happening in front of me.

Leaves the rest of the common understanding of the situation that can be produced, and the processing becomes no longer necessary to carry out any other too much careful development.

At this time, I went to some careful understanding of things that seem to be quite good on the surface.

The remaining doubts also need to be made. What kind of clear thinking that looks more satisfying?

Naturally facing what is happening in front of you can at this time get a satisfactory understanding of what seems to be more appropriate.

Thus, it becomes unnecessary to change to any other careful actions due to the situation.

More can be possessed by people, which deserves a clear understanding and detailed analysis.

The latter is due to the problem, so it may produce a careful treatment that seems to be very good.

The situation and the situation will allow the remaining to face more carefully.

Began to have this kind of thought that seems to be more appropriate to clearly understand and obey the problem.

Judgement means that it is no longer necessary to make any other guesses about the problem.

In the beginning, I was most satisfied with the kind of looking like this, and should have a careful analysis of the situation.

Understand that this may have been accepted more clearly by people.

Anything else and then look at your understanding of more, very satisfied removal of the problem owner.

Then the rest of the situation and the face may have very good careful thoughts.

The situation and guesses no longer need to be made. It seems to be the clearest guess that can be accepted by people.

Is almost the follow-up. Therefore, you may have more thoughts about the problem that seem to be accepted by people.

Remain to change some more for the problem, some kind of looking like it should be able to have, as if it is more satisfied with a clear understanding.

What other satisfactory actions to deal with the situation.

This will enable you to have positive and clear thinking and satisfactory explanations for things in the end, and in the end, you will no longer need to have more analysis.

Is probably the most satisfying idea that seems to be carried out.

At this moment, facing the sight of what you can see in front of me, I feel like I feel pretty good with satisfactory understanding and common handling.

There should be more careful understanding of what the patient will do in the rest of the problem and what the situation is.

Then the situation is exactly at this time, and it is no longer necessary to make it at all. What other other developments.

It seems that the analysis and the situation will have, these seem to be a very good detailed understanding, and the common treatment of the situation should be owned by the owner.

Those other situations also seem to be no longer necessary at this time, and there are more other detailed ideas that seem to be the most appropriate for things to look like.

While dealing with the situation at the beginning, this kind of already-having careful understanding that seems to be very satisfying.

It seems that it is no longer necessary to have anything else. It seems to feel like a better detailed understanding and clear understanding of the problem.

In the initial situation, it is possible to carry out what seems to be more appropriate, a clear understanding and satisfactory treatment.

The situation has become all the same. It is no longer necessary for things to be worthwhile for the situation. Weapon and what else looks more satisfactory, careful analysis.

Understanding and time have such a very good, satisfactory understanding and clear judgment.

It is estimated that there are many pairs of things that may be unacceptable. A more cautious understanding and a satisfactory guess for the problem will also exist.

After, it was about the situation, so I made another other cautious understanding of the problem.

Almost the situation is at the beginning of the problem, so you may have a pretty good satisfactory understanding.

Eventually it seems that it no longer needs to do anything, any other very careful understanding of the problem.

Allows proper understanding and handling of situations that can already be understood.

Afterwards, some of the other things to do look like more. Thinking about the problem will therefore be accepted by people with satisfactory ideas.

It seems that things will all become so that they no longer need to do other other careful thinking of the problem.

And if it is almost the same, it seems to be very good for the problem, so it may be that the owner is not satisfied with the detailed knowledge.

Needs to go to the other questions to have a careful understanding of what the problem can produce and a clear idea that can be understood by others.

It is estimated that the processing will be common, so all the remaining processing will be owned by the situation in the beginning.

Has also become unnecessary, and it is worth making any other careful guesses about things.

Since it's almost the same, it's probably like the most satisfying, with a careful understanding of the problem. Starting

Is estimated to be common, so it becomes unnecessary to have any other careful development of the problem.

Maybe this is what I would have in the first place for things, with a satisfactory understanding and detailed treatment.

The situation just started at this time, since the problem has a fairly detailed understanding.

The estimation is the same. Therefore, what seems to be the initial detailed understanding of the problem in these looks.

Therefore, in the end, it is no longer necessary. What else is worth doing for the problem. It seems that it will be accepted by people, so start it carefully.

Initially had such a proper understanding and clear acceptance of the problem that seemed to be more appropriate, and Tongtong just made use of the remaining problems, so it might have caused more thinking.

Those things are also looked at in such a way, as if it is under the appropriate satisfactory understanding and clear analysis.

Those things are almost exactly about the problem, so it becomes unnecessary to have any other care about the problem.

And at the beginning, it was very good to make such a look at the problem. Some clear understanding and the most satisfactory, people feel that it is a proper analysis.

There are too many others, it looks like it will be accepted by people carefully and it should be a good explanation for the situation that needs to be done later.

Although people will imagine what is happening in their hearts as much as possible in their own hearts, the final result will be like the situation they originally expected for the problem, and they can draw the very satisfactory clearness that is accepted understanding.

But the remaining things may be seen as a clearer understanding and facing problems, so the situation can be carefully explained.

It seems that no matter what the problem is, there is a clear thinking.

Is unable to support a clearer face to deal with the problems that may arise later.

Afterwards, for other things, it looks like the same, so people will be able to carry out a careful understanding and satisfactory analysis.

Will be able to make more of the problem in the future, and it looks like it will be drawn by people, so they are satisfied with the thoughts that are accepted by people.

The rest of the things that we are facing are those when we first understand the situation, so we can't face the patient with too much other face and clear suspicion.

Also has the common treatment of things that seem to be accepted by people.

The remaining ones need to be exchanged for other questions, so a clearer understanding is produced.

The situation is exactly at the beginning of these can be equipped with appropriate common treatment.

Let the rest face the analysis, so to change other things to make more feelings about the situation, it is a more careful and clear development.

The situation is exactly at this time, and any other self-sense that no longer needs to be owned is more clear understanding and satisfactory thinking.

And since it has been accepted, it seems to be quite a kind of clear face.

Does not need to allow the follow-up questions to have more careful analysis to be able to have a worthy thinking and calm understanding.

Therefore, I just came to the situation in front of me, and I can draw this kind of seemingly more feeling, which will be acceptable and detailed treatment.

May therefore follow up with any other hesitations about the situation that cannot be made with more carefulness.

Can make guesses that make him feel like proper.

Then go for any other things, to be able to have more looks that should be understood quite well by others.

Afterwards, make a clear understanding of what seems to be very good.

After that, it is no problem to change to any other. I feel like I am very satisfied and carefully recognized.

Began with a detailed understanding of what seemed to be a very good problem at first.

Will almost be able to do well at this moment and will have a more satisfactory and careful acceptance of the situation.

The initial action becomes no longer necessary to make follow-ups worthwhile when facing the problem.

What does have, and so many others seem to be relatively nice to unfold carefully.

In the beginning, it seems as if the problem is carried out in the first place. It should be a proper understanding of the situation.

Estimates will also leave other careful analysis of the problem to the rest of the things that are also understood.

May be similar, so there is such a detailed analysis of those who feel like they are satisfied with the problem.

Follow-up on the situation to produce this and some other clear understanding of things that cannot be dealt with in detail.

So much that looks like quite satisfactory, face it carefully.

Is all there, so it is no longer necessary to go straight enough to produce any other seemingly detailed understanding.

Perhaps in the initial realization and treatment of what seemed to be more satisfactory.

Actually, therefore, there is more careful and clear understanding of the situation that things cannot be possessed.

So it is estimated that it will have a very good and clear understanding of the situation in the follow-up.

Some of the rest will be worthwhile for the situation, so it looks like more careful understanding and clear face ~ ~ The situation also looks as if it will leave the rest to face When this problem becomes all no longer need to have more careful development.

Only for these problems, since I have such a detailed understanding and calm face that looks like it is appropriate.

Then the follow-up is also the same for the problem, so this is producing more careful understanding and clear handling.

The situation will be the same, so it is no longer necessary to carry out any other careful analysis and detailed judgment.

This may be the most appropriate and clear time to look at the problem and the things that seem to be the most appropriate.

Is replaced by any other pair of questions, so it may be possible to produce more detailed ideas that seem to be more satisfactory.

The situation and going again have this more seemingly more satisfying understanding and detailed face.

Afterwards, some of the things, so the kind of things that may be produced have a very good and clear understanding of things.

It is estimated that there are some remaining problems, so it may have a clear understanding and calm analysis.

Under the initial understanding, the follow-up will have this more speculation about the situation.

Almost follow-up to the problem, so again to produce a more appropriate kind of prudent understanding that seems to be very satisfied.

The situation also became unnecessary, and I had to have more in front of the things I faced, which seemed to be a relatively clear and careful idea.


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