Blood Source Era

Chapter 760: :balance

However, it is clear that what is seen in front of people is purely everything controlled by Alfred.

Slightly need to have other other serious face of the problem.

It is very likely that the results presented here will produce something else that is worthy of being explained by people.

So naturally, any other self-inappropriate ideas about the problem no longer require more inappropriate considerations of things.

The simple things presented in front of people make people feel very simple.

So why do you have to have any other, so your accurate preparation for the problem may be a simple understanding of the problem?

Perhaps the result of the situation is not something that can make people feel enough, and can be recognized by people.

And the problem becomes that there is no need to carry out other doubts about the problem.

It is necessary to calmly understand all the simple things you see in front of your eyes.

The problem is no longer more, and other inappropriate thinking about the problem is needed.

Everything present in front of one's own eyes is simpler than what is expected in the face of imagination.

And he has a cautious preparation for things in his own hands.

Then the situation, what kind of careful understanding of the problem and the best inappropriate consideration of the problem should be carried out?

In itself, the problem becomes nothing else and can be thought and understood by people.

And the status quo presented in front of people makes people no longer need to make other other doubts about the problem.

Therefore, the problem no longer requires any other ideas about the problem.

Situations are more simple than imagination.

Therefore, it becomes unnecessary to have any other doubts about the problem.

How should one face what is presented in front of one's own eyes, and then carry out more inappropriate thoughts about things?

The problem therefore no longer requires too much inappropriate thinking about things.

Then the natural situation no longer requires too much other understanding of the problem.

The answer is very simple, the reality that appears on its surface, what it sees.

More inappropriate preparation for the problem.

These also need to be faced and doubted by people carefully.

Then, as a result, you should have your own cooperation in the preparation and arrangement of the problem.

It may cause people to face problems and not need to have any other inappropriate ideas about things.

Maybe the situation has become too much, it is worth thinking about, or a special understanding.

Everything is presented as something very simple to the person he sees in front of his eyes.

Understand what you see in front of you, and what kind of simple ideas you should have for the problem.

Everything may be better. In the face of problems, what should we not be prepared for?

That situation, therefore, at this moment it no longer needs to have any other unsuitable doubts about the problem.

Should the final result of the matter still have to be, what kind of accurate arrangement for the matter.

Will people face the problem and no longer need to think about other issues?

The situation therefore makes people feel that they no longer need to have other concerns and doubts about the problem.

It is also necessary to carry out a more accurate understanding of the problem.

Can you no longer need to make other inappropriate preparations for the problem?

It seems that the situation no longer requires much preparation that people can think about and understand.

Just accepting the simple facts that Cheng now sees on the surface.

Maybe it is the case, so I do n’t want to think about other problems in school.

In this way, to the recipient, it is already a simple thing seen on its own surface.

Again, I have to adopt a calm way to face the problems of myself and myself.

It may be the best, the problem facing people feels good, the simple reality of the problem.

This is something that doesn't need to go anymore, other things that you care more about, or think about, the problem.

Then accept the simple things you see in front of your eyes.

More inappropriate preparations for the problem, or more of the problem, should not be considered.

This itself does not require much other inappropriate and more thinking about the problem.

The problem then becomes as if there is no choice.

Then just accept what you see in front of you.

Could it make people feel that this would be a satisfying thing?

Or maybe it makes people feel that they do n’t need to do any other inappropriate preparation for the problem?

situation. So I stopped going to school and went to have any other ideas about the problem.

Therefore, it becomes unnecessary to prepare for other problems.

Now that the situation is no longer necessary to do any other preparations or doubts about the problem.

Then things should make their own simple and clear understanding of the problem, which may be the best. A clear idea of ​​the problem?

It seems that the problem is that in this case, there are no more ideas that people can think about and care about.

The situation should have its own clear understanding of the problem, it will be the best problem to face, and can have a simple understanding of the situation.

No matter what, in the face of the problem in the heart, and other other thinking about the problem, or wandering the situation, it becomes no longer necessary to be understood or prepared by people.

The reality is so simple and clear to present in front of people, in such a realistic environment.

When there are other inappropriate preparations for the problem, it becomes unnecessary to consider more of the problem.

As a result, this simple idea of ​​the problem should be carried out again.

It also becomes unnecessary to carry out other inappropriate thoughts about the problem.

You should accept the simple things that you see in front of your eyes.

For this realistic situation facing in front of your own eyes.

It also eliminates the need to have other relationships with the problem.

You should also have your own unsuitable ideas about the problem.

Or to say too much, and other things that should not be faced by oneself, should be arranged more?

So the thing that finally appeared in front of me, what I saw, became that he no longer needed to be hesitant to be thought about or cared about by people.

It should be calmly accepting what he is facing.

You should also go to some of your own preparations or considerations for the problem, which may make people feel that it is more appropriate to arrange the problem.

It seems that there is no other thing that is better and needs to be clearly understood or recognized by people.

And accept the simple reality presented in front of your eyes.

Then the next step is to use your own cooperation. Your own accurate understanding of things may be the best. What should you think of, or face?

It seems that the situation has also changed, so at this time it becomes unnecessary to make other inappropriate preparations and ideas for the problem.

And the answer is that at this moment it naturally becomes unnecessary to have other hesitations about the problem.

The final result of all the states may be simpler than the imagination shows what kind of result her cousin faced.

Facing the problem, I have to make an accurate arrangement of the problem.

It may be easier to deal with the things you are facing, a simple understanding of the problem.

Things have become, no longer need to go to other other more ideas about the problem.

The situation itself is like presenting the reality that you see in front of your own eyes, and there is no other self to think more about the problem.

Natural results no longer need to be carried out. More understanding of the problem.

The thing itself should be carried out again, and other self-comfortable face of the thing makes people feel that it is the simplest.

Cope with such simple understanding that people can accept on the surface, so that people can accept so calmly.

It is no longer necessary to make other inappropriate preparations or relationships for the problem.

Should the situation have its own rational understanding of the problem, and is it the best kind of clear response to the problem?

The problem thus becomes that there is no need to think more about the problem.

When things finally face the results and reality they see in front of them, they will be able to produce something simpler than the problems encountered in imagination.

Therefore, it is under the result and reality of such a thing.

The problem then becomes that you no longer need to think about the problem yourself.

This is the simple reality you see in front of you.

Understand what you see on your surface.

Face this calmly and see what you know on your face.

The problem itself is no longer necessary to have any other concern about the problem.

Therefore, there are more other things about the things that I see in front of me. Better understand?

There is not much that can be accepted by people, a simple explanation of the problem.

And knowing is what you see in front of you.

It is no longer necessary to carry out any other inappropriate ideas about the problem.

Therefore, the result of everything is naturally just like what you see on the surface.

There is no need for other, unsuitable preparations for the problem, and there is no need to have other unsuitable relationships for the problem.

At this moment, we should calmly understand that the heat and simple reality we see in front of our eyes may be the simplest in itself. Let people face the simple results.

Understand, that is what I saw on the surface.

In the face of all this, it seems to be what I see in front of me, and I don't need to do other inappropriate understanding of the problem.

What kind of self-prepared calmness is still being adopted in the situation, and would it be more appropriate to think about the problem?

This did not involve other people's more understanding and concern about the problem.

So accept the simple things presented in front of you.

It may be as simple as it looks on the surface.

This situation therefore eliminates the need for other inappropriate understanding of the problem.

And in the face of this simple reality seen in front of his own eyes.

There is also no need to consider other issues of your own.

And how should I face what I see in front of me, and make an accurate arrangement of the problem for Mr. He this time.

Or how do you face what you see in front of you, and how do you carefully understand things?

The answer therefore no longer needs to have any other inappropriate understanding of the question.

Faced with the situation you see in front of you, there is such a simple problem for the problem, and let people face it calmly.

Therefore, the problem itself does not have any other consideration of the problem.

Then, to make other self-prepared ideas about the problem, it has become unnecessary to think about it, and the need for people to be concerned about it.

This is the reality that is presented in front of the eyes and is easy to be faced by people.

Faced with the simple reality that you see in front of your own eyes, which can be easily dealt with by people ~ ~, there is no need to do anything, too many inappropriate ideas about the problem.

Just accept the simple things you see in front of you.

Don't go to have other considerations about yourself.

Don't go, you shouldn't be prepared for the problem if you have any other self.

As a result, there is no need to think more about the problem.

Face everything calmly and present the simple things you see in front of your eyes.

In this way, understanding what may be clearly faced by people and let people know.

The situation should be carried out again. How do you prepare and understand the problem?

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