Blood Source Era

Chapter 720: : Dazed Hunter

In the face of the results that have been presented in front of my own eyes, it seems that the problem has other other considerations that are not necessarily correct and a means of solving the problem.

Alfred chose to look silently at the hunters in front of him, and the native hounds who were roaring at himself.

He knew that the people in front of him were the culprit behind all the problems that occurred, but what kind of actions did the other party plan to take to deal with the problems next?

This matter, perhaps he does not need to have any other consciousness about the problem, actively thinking about the situation, or analysis, because he believes that the people in front of him will inevitably take their own actions.

You only need to choose to be silent at this time, facing all that you see in front of you, and waiting for it.

More problems are faced, and there is no need to compromise too much. Some inappropriate ideas and considerations about things seem to have become completely unnecessary for people to think and judge.

In the face of the situation you see in front of you, but with other active self actions, you may also cause a realistic result that even you may be unwilling to accept.

This is Alfred. After stopping his footsteps, he chose to remain silent and face the action he saw before him in the most basic gesture.

Sure enough, these hunters, when they faced Alfred in front of them, no matter what their identity was.

Now that these native hounds are aware of the problem with Alfred in front of him.

Then take any other ideas for the problem, it seems that all of them no longer need to be prepared for people to think about or judge the problem.

Among them, there was a masked hunter who came out and took a step forward.

"This Excellency, please trouble you to put down your weapon and cooperate with us in the investigation."

It was when he said something like that, others were hiding behind the window, quietly looking at everything they were facing in front of them.

But Alfred couldn't choose to lay down his weapon at this moment. He even slightly raised his mouth at this time.

Faced with the situation that has happened in front of my own eyes, what kind of understanding of the problem is better, and the problem will not have other attitudes.

Thinking about this problem, it turns out that waiting is more effective than any other means. It is a means of solving problems and dealing with things.

The situation naturally becomes that there is no longer any need for anyone to explain the problem to any extent, or to explain it.

Facing these hunters who seem to want to perform some kind of examination on themselves, Alfred simply cannot agree with any of their ideas at this moment.

The ridiculous smile that appeared on that face was even more concealed or vague.

If these guys have any thoughts or considerations about the problem.

Perhaps the situation is nothing else that is particularly good and needs something worth explaining.

Then, should he have his own understanding of the problem again, it might be the best idea for the problem.

Seeing these hunters in front of them, they slowly approached themselves.

But Alfred was still at this time, keeping his heart in his heart, which can almost be said to be absolutely calm, a calm view of the problem.

The other party apparently seemed to have been isolated from the world for too long, completely ignorant of who he was.

So what kind of things do people need to think about and judge?

Those who do not need to do any other self thinking about the problem more, or any other self to understand the question more doubt and judgment.

Regarding the situation seen in front of your own eyes, if you have any inappropriate ideas about the problem, or preparation for thinking about the problem.

This is no longer a sensible idea. Only by adopting the most direct way to deal with the problem, it is the most deserving action thinking about the problem.

So after clearing his throat slightly.

Looking at all the people he faced in front of him, Alfred, he chose to raise his mouth, and at the same time asked these people with his curious tone.

"Do you know who I am?"

This is a very simple knowledge of the problem, and it seems that at this moment, it seems like an oath of his own identity.

At this time, the hunters could not help but looked at each other subconsciously, they did not understand what the other party wanted to say.

Is this guy a special kind of existence under certain circumstances?

Or, a clear understanding of the problem encountered in front of you, which will cause people to have a wrong consideration or idea in the face of the problem.

Could these hunters have any problems with any actions they take next?

Carefully considered whether what happened in front of the face might actually have a certain meaning, or to some extent, it was inappropriate and doubtful.

The situation is suddenly changed at that time, and there is no other attitude, so what needs to be explained by people.

Any other thoughts about the problem that I have to face with the problem, then seem to have no meaning.

This is what is really present in front of people, let people see their own eyes, but there is no other good school worth thinking about or refuting.

Since it is presented in such a sight as it is seen in front of oneself, there is no other case where more good schools deserve to be justified or refuted by people.

The hunters finally looked at each other's companions, and after a little silence and a certain degree of thinking about things.

The man who came out, shook his head, tilted his head at the same time, and asked curiously.

"Sorry, sir, who are you?"

These hunters, when facing things, made this kind of straightforward inquiry about the problem.

This made Alfred, at the beginning, facing the situation he saw in front of him, the first time he saw it so directly, and it can be called almost as a simple questioning .

He opened his mouth, and for a moment he felt as if he had nothing to say, and it seemed as if he did n’t know what to say, which was more appropriate. So he fell into a kind of breast milk stalemate. The situation.

However, it is clear that this matter actually has no other attitude. It needs to be implemented by people who have too much understanding, or concern, a surprised idea or attitude about the problem.

The other party may simply want to perform their own tasks, so they do not want to find any other troubles with their own problems.

Since I don't want to have any other special thoughts about the problem, or some special thoughts about the problem.

You should also have your own clear understanding of the problem, which may be a wise and effective understanding of the problem.

This does not require more explanations that are worthy of being clearly understood and judged by the people.

Alfred, he quickly sorted out what kind of emotion he should have for the problem in his heart, and sorted it out, all other ideas he had for the problem at the beginning.

It seems that from the beginning, everything has become too much, and other ideas and considerations that are not suitable for the problem need to be carried out.

He cleared his throat slightly, facing the hunter Alfred, who stopped in front of his eyes and sincerely questioned him.

"I am Alfred, the emperor of the human empire."

This plain tone said so, neither humble nor overbearing, it seemed like a very polite gentleman, so straightforwardly introduced his own identity.

But these hunters, they just kept their silence.

It seems that what is seen in front of oneself is a terrible situation, and it seems that the situation confronted in front of oneself is where there is some very surprising understanding.

There should also be no other thinking about what kind of problems you face, or that hesitant things can be the best problems to face.

This becomes that there is no need to do anything else, too many good ideas that deserve to be thought or understood by people.

It should be time to have what you see in front of you, and then to carry out your own cooperation to understand the problem.

It can be the best, and the situation you face will not produce other ideas about the problem.

Their indifferent reaction made Alfred feel as if there was something that was wrong.

Such an indifferent reaction seems to be a very undesirable, thought on the problem!

Where does it exist, people feel that it is inappropriate to understand and misunderstand, so do you have such a straightforward view of the problem?

Or where does it exist? It makes people think that there is no way to explain it. It has been explained that understanding of the problem will cause things to become such a situation that they have witnessed in front of them now.

That doesn't need to be anything else, it needs to be clearly understood and judged by people.

It is no longer necessary to carry out any other situation where you have too much thinking and suspicion about the problem.

Alfred continued to maintain himself, as if unsurprised, but a new wave of tremendous shock had already begun in his heart.

Then in the next, and then continue to bite his lips with his own, very confused and asked.

"Don't you know me?"

The hunters nodded clearly at this time, without any ambiguity. This is a very simple knowledge and common sense they have for the problem.

Looking at these people, they nodded so clearly and so clearly. For such a judgment that the question has, Alfred did not know what kind of explanation should be made in this very embarrassing situation.

What kind of understanding of the problem should be taken, may be the best, a clear idea of ​​the problem.

In the face of what happened before him, what kind of preparation should be made for the problem.

It seems that there are not many things that need to be specially explained by people.

It is in this situation that makes almost everyone seem to have a very awkward understanding of the problem.

These hunters, they cleared their throats, and then said very clearly.

"No matter what kind of identity you are, we suspect that you have traces of contamination from the abyss."

Alfred raised his eyebrows. Hearing the pollution from the abyss, he thought it seemed like a very bad word, so he asked at this moment a little confused.

"If I really have traces of contamination from the abyss, what do you want to do?"

The hunter glanced at each other's companions at this moment, and then said quietly.

"Then I think sir, you should need to be purified."

Straightforwardly depriving the lives of others is said to be purification, which seems to be like a great and sublime word.

Alfred sneered at the corner of his mouth, as if feeling a frown that felt very disdainful, and then confused, after thinking about the matter for a while, said ~ ~ Then you said to purify me It should be like killing me like this. "

The hunters know that this matter has no doubt that there is no other attitude to discuss, consider, and discuss the matter, so they have kept their silence.

Even they themselves clearly know what action to take next, it is a very difficult domineering, and almost straightforwardly, it is a very unreasonable behavior.

So since you all clearly understand what you are doing next, it is a very unreasonable thing, so there is no need for any good explanation.

"I think, please ask you to cooperate."

Any other things that have been carried out that have too many inappropriate ideas, or preparations for consideration, no longer require too much special understanding by people.

When finally seeing such a thing before him, Erfred took a deep breath and shook his head.

What kind of understanding of the situation should the problem be, and it might be a relatively sensible judgment of the problem?

It seems that the situation is not particularly good and needs something worth explaining or knowing.

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