Blood Source Era

Chapter 498: : Smelly smell

Speaking of Aaron, what plan did he have in his heart for what happened before him?

And in the face of such a problem, what kind of specific means might there be to deal with it?

These are things that have not yet been truly discovered by people and cannot be truly understood by people.

And for Luna, such a situation in front of her seems a little too confusing.

Let me talk about nothing else. The first question I have to face is who is the enemy I need to deal with in this imperial capital.

If the other party is a human being, then why should there be such a place in such a dangerous environment that humans are willing to become their own enemies?

If it is a monster, then this matter will seem even more incredible.

That's why there is a monster in this place.

But it turned out that when Luna faced such a problem in front of her, she finally thought about the wrong situation.

Such a problem that occurs in front of the eyes is not as simple as what is apparently understood.

In the face of problems, everyone will probably lead them to use a very correct one, and there will be no wrong one to deal with the problem.

But precisely because there is such a thinking and judgment about the problem in his own heart.

So the situation in front of me becomes a somewhat unreasonable situation to some extent.

These things that you see in front of you are not as easy to solve as you understand.

And the most important thing is that Luna had misjudged her at the beginning, and there might be a number of errors in the other party.

And such a mistake will tell him very realistically, what is the real answer. In the face of such an answer, he does not need to make any other unnecessary judgments.

Only by accepting all the things you see in front of you is this an opportunity where there is a possibility of a little change.

And Aaron, he clearly understood exactly what he was seeing in front of him at this time.

There is no need for any other unworthy thoughts about these things that I have witnessed.

It is even at this time that it is very straightforward to determine where these monsters came from without any thought.

When Luna still feels very confused about the things she sees in front of her, and hopes to get answers from where.

In fact, these problems that happen in front of us no longer need to have any other. One more hesitation about the problem.

Faced with such a situation that is happening in front of me, any other thoughts about the problem.

That is, in such a situation, it becomes worthless.

"Have you smelled the corrupt stench in the air, Aaron reminded Luna to use her nose to perceive the surrounding environment.

In this misty world, I want to understand through my own eyes what I might see in front of my eyes.

This is definitely not a reliable idea that can be called a reliable idea, nor is it really a reliable method that can be said to solve a problem.

Only in such a situation, it is a smart judgment to recognize what kind of reality is happening under your eyes.

Aaron's reminder quickly made Luna react to the problem when facing this matter.

In fact, there is no need for any other things, hesitation about the problem.

The thing I saw in front of me has become a very simple thing.

Under Aaron's reminder, Luna soon felt the changes in the air keenly.

Indeed, he didn't notice the faint smell he smelled before.

In the face of such a thing happening in front of us, in fact, we don't need to have any other things at all, and we have too many thoughts about the problem.

What you see in front of you is said to be a very simple matter.

In the face of such a situation, any other hesitation about the problem.

In other words, any other one's own more thoughts on the problem, or thinking.

At this time, in essence, it has become a thing of little value.

He could already feel the subtle changes in the world he could perceive very clearly.

However, he still used his instinct to make all the inconsistent situations that happened before him, and made a judgment that was very correct in the first place.

Faced with the stench that had already been smelled, Luna frowned slightly, and then asked Aaron in an inquiring tone.

"What are these smells from monsters?"

In this respect, Aaron has a better understanding of monsters, because Luna compares to dealing with monsters.

She is actually better at dealing with those humans who are in trouble.

Therefore, it is precisely in such a situation that he wants to hand over more reliable things to professionals.

Make some unreasonable consideration, or an unimportant judgment on the matter, which does not bring a good effect to the result of the matter ~ ~ And Aaron is also facing the exposure Na, in the reaction he made at this time, he made his first understanding of those monsters.

In fact, these are not the same as those imagined, which is a very bad thing.

In the face of and seeing all the conditions before us, any other hesitation about the problem, or a thinking about the problem.

In fact, it is already at this moment that there is no need for anything else, more worthy of hesitation.

So what else do you need to know more about the problem or your own judgment on the matter?

What you see in your own eyes has become a very simple thing.

So in the face of such a situation, there is any understanding of the problem, or any idea of ​​the matter. Epoch of blood

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