Blood Source Era

Chapter 495: :tension

The mist around them is very cold, and people can instantly notice the uncomfortable things hidden inside.

In the face of these disturbing things, Aaron's own emergency response he did before was indeed not wrong.

However, what you have done before and did not make mistakes does not mean that you can improve the situation you may continue to encounter next.

There are still a lot of problems that need to be resolved, and it is worth making a very clear and proper treatment by yourself.

If there is no way to face a problem, make a very proper way to deal with the problem.

Then the final result is likely to become a very regrettable and very bad thing.

So Aaron must continue to maintain his own vigilance on the problem at this time.

And at this time, the situation continued to start a new change.

Facing such a thing, Aaron did not immediately make a very unwise judgment about what he saw in front of him.

And the surroundings seemed to be silent, and went on peacefully.

It seems that even a little bit of sound, or even a little bit of noise, has been completely eliminated at this time.

Any courage to make a sound at this time does not fit this deadly environment.

All must deal with the problems they face in the face of these situations before them.

There is no other other more consideration of the situation. Obviously, it is no longer valuable at this time.

So this made Aaron in the alert, he became more vigilant, which may encounter all kinds of monsters in the next.

If, in the face of monsters, you didn't do the preparation and preparation for the monsters in the first place.

So, what more consideration should be given to things.

It should be faced with this, what other people have more ideas about what they encountered in front of them.

Under these circumstances, these situations have become extremely simple, but in some ways, extremely difficult.

It all depends on what attitude the parties have towards this matter.

He was just at this time ready to prepare himself for all the battles that might occur, and was immediately followed by the terrible monsters that might pounce on him at any time.

Aaron was able to, in the present view, all the actions that he can do are just like the situation that he has encountered.

There has never been a safe place in this world, even in the imperial capital, which is a matter of course.

He must be vigilant and careful about all possible changes around him.

Just as he warned of all the changes that occurred around him, the alarm bell that would be sounded only at the most critical juncture among the emperors was at this time.

This made his tense nerve almost conditioned to make his own attack.

Fortunately, in the end, he made conditioned reflex money, he quickly let himself sober, and calm down rationally.

And clearly understand what kind of reality is facing in front of his own eyes.

There is no monster attacking him at this time, he actually does not need to show so nervous at this time.

In the face of everything, his gestures are too scary.

This is an absolutely dangerous command, and an order to tell all people that they must hide in their homes at this time.

In the face of all these things that one sees in front of one's eyes, one cannot have anything else. Too many considerations for the problem.

If you do n’t want to die on the street, then it ’s best to hide in your own home.

Lock the gate tightly, and block the gate with all the heavy objects you can find.

This is the best way to deal with these things happening in front of you.

Regardless of whether there is anything else, the hesitation about the problem at this moment has become nothing that has much value.

Especially in the face of the very real situation that they see in front of them, people actually don't need to have any other considerations when they originally started.

Accepting such a very simple and realistic situation seen in front of your own eyes has become a very simple thing.

"It seems that our luck is really bad enough." Aaron looked back at the place where the bell was ringing, and at this time closed his eyes and sighed.

There is no way to do things. After all, no one can accurately calculate when these worst things might happen.

These worst cases, when they are happening, what kind of introduction and handling should the people make?

Therefore, under the correct circumstances, Aaron, he can only accept these bad conditions that he has witnessed and happened in front of his own eyes.

In the face of such a situation that he saw in front of him, he didn't need to have anything else. One more hesitation about the problem.

Just accept the reality that you are facing in front of you, and then think about what attitude you should use.

This becomes a very important thing to be solved.

Any other consideration of the problem no longer has any other value that is more worthy of hesitation.

Although the situation may cause people to feel very sorry, what other developments can change the situation that they are facing?

Of course, Luna also clearly heard the sound of the introduction bell ringing at this time ~ ~ He was there. After doing such a thing as well as my own work.

Then I asked Aaron to make a question about what happened next.

"Now that these bad things have happened, what are you going to do next?"

She proposed a very curious attitude about this matter.

And want to get an Aaron what he got when he faced these problems at this time. Answers to questions.

In the face of a situation, Aaron, he also has nothing else. A plethora of unnecessary thoughts on the problem.

Such a situation is like what you see in front of you. It is a very simple thing that you can easily understand. Epoch of blood

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