Chapter 32—Value Night

Claude believes that she will never forget this evening. When the arques in Welikro's hand thundered, the whole forest was quiet. At the moment, except for the sound of the wind and the sound of water, I only heard the few mountain deer flying towards it. The sound of the woods. What Claude could see in his eyes was only the mountain deer's mountain deer in the stream.

Four people held the torch to the shot of the mountain deer. Welikro regained the gunpowder and guns on the fire rope, handed it to Claude, and asked the three of them to be vigilant, and he had to take the mountain deer here at the stream. The body was peeled and peeled.

"We can't take this mountain deer back to the camp and dissect it, so the camp will be bloody and will attract the beasts in the forest. That is not a good result for us. The biggest possibility is that we are holding Weapons keep their eyes open for one night, and no one will have the spirit to climb the mountain until tomorrow…"

Welikro cuts the skin of the mountain deer with a short knife in his hand and peels it off: "…For a hunter, the prey that has just been killed is best to be peeled off immediately, because the muscles are also elastic and elastic, which can quickly separate the skin and the meat. If it has been hard for a long time, then it will be difficult to peel. If you accidentally cut the fur, you won’t get a complete skin. Of course, these are my father’s teaching…”

In the distant moonlight, on the creek, a little silver scales leaped, four torches were placed on the ground, and the fire shone brightly. Claude and Borkal, Eriksson, armed with weapons, looked at the silence. In the woods, look at Welikro, who is dissecting the mountain deer, and listen to his groaning, blood flowing down the stream…

It took only half an hour for the Welikro to break down the mountain deer into four chunks, the head, four hooves, the tail and the viscera. All of this do not, the mountain deer skin soaked in the stream for a while to roll up, and put the four blocks mountain deer Meat also rinsed down, with two rattan connected up, Welikro This is satisfied to say: "Let's go, we should go back." ”

This mountain deer is not big. After the decomposition, the four pieces of meat are estimated to be twenty pounds. After returning to the camp, Claude cleaned the iron vortex, threw the piece of meat from the left front leg into a small pot and then hang it on the campfire and slowly cook it. The other three pieces of meat are ready to be divided into strips, then Use bacon to make bacon, so you can take it home if you can't finish it. How to say it is also the first prey of four people, or the mountain deer, bring back to let the family taste the taste and can also blow the cow by the way…

Welikro cut a few branches, set up a shelf, and then laid the mountain deer on the shelf, and carefully cleaned the peeled meat and blood without peeling off the skin with a knife. Charcoal is applied to it…

Borkal and Eriksson had no sleep, and they were surrounded by the mountain deer. "Welikro, you have a good shot, just passing through your head, without damaging the fur." I bet this mountain deer skin can sell a silver thale in the town…"

“More than that,” Borkal shook his head. “This is the mountain deer skin. All hunters know that the mountain deer is the most sensitive animal. It is a fairy in the mountains. And their courage is very small, they run right away with a little movement, it is very difficult to hunt for the mountain deer. I didn't expect that we were so lucky, we could hit such a mountain deer, the fur is so complete, not to mention the leather goods shops in the town, that is, those tailors will also rush to ask for it, no silver thale five riya ask us Not selling…"

"Welikro, will we ambush the creek tomorrow night, maybe we can hit another mountain deer."Eriksson's eyes sparkled with golden light, which would be in his mind, not the mountain deer, but a silver thale.

"Don't go, there is no possibility that there will be a mountain deer in the past to drink water."Welikro shook her head and didn't slow down the movement: "You all know that the mountain deer is a very timid animal, but their memory is also very good. We killed the mountain deer in the creek, so for a long time in the future, these mountain deer will not go to the creek to drink water. Because they will remember, where they lost a partner. ”

After drinking the broth and succulent, Borkal and Eriksson went to sleep first, because it was the first camping night, Welikro decided to spend the night with Claude, and there was something to take care of. I called Borkal and Eriksson again for the shift.

The shelf of the mountain deer skin has been placed by the bonfire that Welikro has moved to, ready to be grilled with fire to make the fur dry. He took a knife and cut a few pieces of mountain deer. The meat was grilled on the fire, and the grease dripped on the fire to make a "squeaky" sound.

See Claude hanging the chopped venison strips on the fire. Welikro pointed to a few pieces of venison that had been smashed by salt. Q: "Do you want to hang these pieces?"

"No, I am going to use these venison schnitzels tomorrow morning. Are we not bringing a pan and a piece of butter? Just fried up for breakfast. I think this venison should not be bad for a night. ”Claude replied.

"Not bad."Welikro said with certainty: "It's not hot at night, it's cool, and you can use salt to paint it, not so fast."

Claude hung up the bacon and walked back and sat down: "Welikro, will we really go to the magic tower ruin tomorrow morning? Are you camping there at night? ”

"What, are you scared?"

"No, I really want to see if the ruins of the magic tower you said are really big. Look at the walls. I am really curious. How did the ancient magician use the huge limestone to build the magic? The tower…"

"In fact, I was amazed when I saw it. It was all broken walls, nothing to look at."Welikro stuffed the venison into his mouth. It was probably not good to roast. He bit it a few times and spit on the ground.

"Then, is there a ground room at the ruins of that magic tower?"Claude asked: "I mean the magic tower has fallen, there is no above, is there a ground layer below it? Like the underground room below our house? ”

"Should have it…"Welikro thought about it and said, "I remember that there are three holes down, and a stone ladder, but I have not been there. Listen to my father said that there is a layer below, but for a long time, the thick layer of silt under the area has a depth of one or two feet. ”

Three holes down? I don't know if there are three stone steps connected to the space below, or a space separated by three layers, each with a stone ladder…

Welikro said that he has not been there, and he does not know what it is like. Claude thought in his heart, and wouldn't be able to look around the three stone stairs tomorrow to see if there was anything left by the mage who wrote the diary called Landers.

"What's wrong, what are you thinking?"Welikro asked Claude if he didn't talk and stared at the fire, and asked curiously.

NothingClaude looked at the raging bonfire and said softly: "I was just wondering why the magician at that time was building such a magic tower on this Egret continent. By the way, Welikro, almost all the books I've read, say that the magician is evil, but why is it evil but didn't say it, do you know why? ”

“I don’t know,” Welikro said with a good smile: “You know that I don’t like reading books and I’m not interested in history. My father taught me that if you have a good life, you will do it. How much do you do? Anyway, there are big things that are naturally caused by those big people, and we are shutting our feet…"

“Hehhuh”Claude also laughed: "Your father is right. If you have a good life, you will do it. Don't worry about the big things, we are just a small fart." When we grow up, it’s enough to find a way to earn a nationals identity for ourselves…"

The woods in the distance have finally recovered, and various sounds have come and gone. A few words came from far away, "嗷….."The squeaking sound, Welikro made a sly gesture and listened.

Soon Welikro shrugged off: "It's all right, don't be nervous, it was supposed to be a bobcat howl just now, they may have found the mountain deer crap we abandoned on the creek, fighting to grab food, howling is their battle horn, indicating the threat to the enemy and declaring the Territory to belong , they are afraid of human beings, and there is no danger to us. ”

Except for this episode, there was no other accident in the evening. When the venison was smoked, it was almost four o'clock, so the two of Borkal and Eriksson were called and the arque was bolted to them. In their hands, Claude and Welikro got into the tent to sleep.

It was only the first time I went out to camp, and I hunted a mountain deer, and I was able to go to the magic tower site tomorrow, so Claude was a little excited and couldn't sleep. After a long time, listening to the slight snoring of Welikro and the whispering of Borkal and Eriksson outside, Claude finally slept in the past.

When I woke up, it was already bright, and the sun shone in the tent. Through the gap between the curtains, Claude found that his three partners were busy disassembling another tent.

"what time is it?"Claude got out of the tent and stretched out.

"It’s almost nine o'clock."Borkal picked up the crystal hourglass and looked at the time scale to answer. This is what he deliberately brought from home to remember the time. Six hours need to be turned upside down, so that the colored sand in the hourglass starts to remember.

"Why don't you wake me up early, it's so late…"Claude complained.

“Welikro said that you were tired of bacon for a long time last night, so let's not call you and let you sleep for a while. Ok, when you get up, hurry up for breakfast, we are all hungry. ”Eriksson said with a smile.

It seems that they are hungry, Claude found that the half-pot broth that was hung in the iron pot on the bonfire last night was cleaned by them, and even the bones were lighted. Quickly washed his face, slammed a few mouths, came to the semi-extinguished bonfire, put a few pieces of firewood, shove the fire, set fire to the pan, began to fry the venison.

After eating breakfast, the four people packed up the camping stuff. The boat was placed in the cabin. The backpack was taken away. In the evening, it was only camped at the magic tower site for one night. No need to bring a lot of things. . According to Welikro's plan, I arrived at the site at noon, so I went to the mountain forest to hunt in the afternoon to see if there was any luck and then hunt some prey. In the evening, camp on the magic tower site to exercise everyone's guts…

Walking along this abandoned rocky mountain road for a long time, Claude found that Welikro was right. This mountain road can be repaired not only by the magician but also by the input of manpower and material resources. At first, those rock blocks were destroyed by plants intermittently can not be seen, walking a section of the road in front of a large area of Rocky Mountain Road, Claude only to see that this Rocky Mountain road is not a ladder type, but is a winding around the hillside of the Panshan road, you can imagine in this Rocky Mountain road intact, From the foot of the mountain you can take a carriage all the time to the Magic Tower on the top of the hill …

Borkal and Eriksson also marveled at this rocky mountain road, which led to a long discussion about the horror of Egret, and the two of them almost repeated the legendary rumors about Egret in the town. Some of them are not heard by Claude. And Eriksson knows the most, and this should be related to the fact that he often mixes with the sailor crew on the dock to listen to the story. Many of the rumors about Egret are actually the gibberish of the drunken sailor crew.

Welikro dismissed these legends. Since his father had taken him to Egret in the winter of the past two years and camped at the magic tower site, he never believed in the stories and legends…

After walking for about two hours, Welikro pointed to the front and said, "We are here, that is the site…"

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