Being a Koi in a Survival Game

Chapter 1190: the city where the sun never sets

  Chapter 1190 The City on which the Sun Never Sets

  Open warehouse, release food, celebrate.

  The open-air large iron pot is set on a wood fire, and the meat inside is boiled with water!

   Extravagantly gurgling.

  At noon, every refugee who survived had a big bun, a piece of meat four fingers wide, and a bowl of soup left over from cooking the meat.

   This was the first time they had eaten such a hearty meal after fleeing for so long.

  The strong sense of fullness is satisfying, and the refugee has a long-lost smile on his face. Some people slapped themselves severely after getting the food, suspecting that it was a dream; We ate and cried.

  Refugees are all sitting or lying down, eating freshly cooked food, reminiscing about the remaining taste in their mouths.

  The player has no desire for food and drink, and must be careful not to be discovered by others, while looking for survival cards.

   The struggle among the players is heated up on this last day with survival cards.

   Fu Anan was lucky, but he only found two survival cards in this round of the game. Fu Yizhi and the others killed many players on the way. Every time a player died, he would definitely drop his survival card if he had one. However, in this case, they only got four.

   From this we can see how difficult it is to collect the survival cards of this round of the game.

   On the last day, the possibility of finding a survival card by searching is almost zero.

   Players who do not have a survival card at this time will pay attention to playing other players to be more hopeful. Fu An'an rejected Lao Li's warm invitation to the celebration banquet, and took the other three people to avoid him whenever he could.

  In the last few days, losing a life is nothing, but if the survival card is gone, there is nothing. Pang Tong has been turned upside down many times by players, and there are no wild survival cards for a long time.

  If she puts her survival card in the space, she will drop it when she dies; if she hides a part, the probability of being found by others is more than 80%.

   After much deliberation, it is more cost-effective to survive.


  Even if they want to avoid other players intentionally, the four of them have big goals, and there are quite a few players playing with them.

  However, due to the scarcity of survival cards, the situation of uniting a large group of players to chase and intercept them is 0. In the case that the difference in numbers between the two sides is not big, they can fight if they can win, and flee if they can't win, which reduces the difficulty a lot at once.

  on the desert

  The sun is extraordinarily glaring, scalding the ground hot

   After running for so long, Fu Anan sat under a big dry tree to rest. Fu Yizhi was sitting next to her, and Lu Shen was a little further away, leaning against a big tree two meters away. (Obviously it is a movie of four people, Zheng Tianxing does not deserve a name.)

  The two of them had a fight at the very beginning, even on the way to escape, they were still at odds. The two are also secretly competing in secret places where they can't see, and they are jealous → what Zheng Tianxing imagined in his mind.

  Unaware of the undercurrent surging, Fu Anan was observing the surroundings.

   As the so-called big hermit hides in the city.

  She chose this place to integrate with the refugees.

  The attack was launched last night and has continued until now. After eating and drinking, these refugees casually fell to the ground and fell asleep.

  They were chased all the way, crawled on the ground, and there were all kinds of blood on their bodies. With a little modification, they can perfectly integrate into the refugees. She lay on Fu Yizhi's lap, yawned heavily twice, and was about to rest for a while.

  The sound of refugees snoring came from all around.

   A disheveled man played the loudest.

  Xu also dreamed about the taste of meat in his dream. He smacked his mouth, the saliva that gathered in his mouth was slowly gathering around his lips, and just when it was about to gather into a big water drop and slowly fell down, the saliva evaporated.

  At that moment, people felt an intense burning, and instantly woke up.

  (end of this chapter)

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