Being a Koi in a Survival Game

Chapter 1100: "Are you there?" 45

   Chapter 1100 "Are you there?" 45

  The three of them went downstairs even more anxiously than before, just because they answered a phone call at the door.

   Membership is really not that easy to do, and you still need to do service, taste and other related surveys later.

  Everyone has never eaten this cake, and the cake is not edible at all. At this time, they drove to Qiqisheng Cake Shop in a hurry to buy the same cake.

   Fortunately, these were not thrown away before.

  The cakes have been delivered continuously for so long, and there are 11 styles of cakes alone.

  It is 7:00 p.m., and the quality inspector from Qiqisheng Cake Shop will arrive at 10:00 p.m.

  There are only 6 models ready-made in the store, and the remaining 5 models must be made now.

  Fu An'an hurriedly urged the clerk to quickly make these 5 cakes, so anxious that she almost started to operate them by herself.

  Finally drove these things out, and it was 20 minutes before I got home.

   Twenty minutes to try all the cakes.

   And you must be very careful to prevent anything from going wrong with that thing. But every time I take a bite, I think of the hair mixed with brains, the rotten internal organs, and the ears that were cut off in the same cake...

  The more you eat, the more tired you become, and the clearer the picture in your mind, even if you have seen strong winds and waves, you will also feel nauseated.

   Time is tight.

   Nausea also has to be stuffed into the mouth, and then savor it carefully.

  Fu Anan took out her baby notebook and recorded all the taste, texture, and appearance. When there were only the last two left, there was a knock on the door

   "Hello, is anyone home? I'm a clerk at Qi Qisheng Cake Shop."

  The familiar high-pitched voice came, and the deliberate gentleness and enthusiasm made people feel a little chilly.

"here I am."

  Fu Anan answered him in the house, "There is a family member in our family who is afraid of meeting people. Can we share the experience through a wooden door?"

   "Of course, you are our honored VIP."

  There were shrill laughter from outside, with a hint of trepidation, "First of all, I would like to ask you, what do you think of our signature cream cake?"

  Fu Anan glanced at the notes she took, "If the rating is 0-5, I can give it a full score. First of all, this cake is very dense and creamy, and it doesn't taste greasy.

  The appearance is also very beautiful, and the degree of bursting is just right. No, as soon as I opened it, it flowed everywhere. The flowing cream just covered the cake embryo, and the chocolate on top was also good.

   It is indeed a signature cake, very good and very thoughtful. "

"Thank you for the compliment."

   The slender voice sounded a little happy, "What about the second durian millefeuille?"

   "For Durian Melaleuca...I give it a score of 4.8."

  Hearing the score, Zheng Tianxing looked at her in surprise. Shouldn't you be boasting with your eyes closed at this time?

  Fu Anan looked at the notes and commented seriously, "Durian Melaleuca is very beautiful from the outside, I like it very much. In addition, the taste of Melaleuca is also delicious, whether it is the skin or durian, it is very fragrant.

  The small flaw is that it eats too much, it is a little bit greasy, and the durian itself is a fruit that I love very much and hate it very much. Some customers who don't like durian can't eat such delicious thousand layers.

   My suggestion is to get some other lasagne. Such as Banana Melaleuca, Apple Melaleuca, Mango Melaleuca, Spicy Strip Melaleuca..."

  Fu Anan gave several examples, "I haven't eaten spicy strips of thousands of layers yet, I hope Qi Qisheng Cake Shop will be willing to challenge this feat."

   Fu An'an: I suggest a spicy fried rice.

   Qiqisheng Cake Shop: ...Am I still embarrassing her?

   Good night everyone ヽ(*з`*)~



  (end of this chapter)

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