Becoming A Monk In Tokyo

Chapter 196: ?Space in the appendix

The uncle driver is not only good at talking, but his driving skills are not weak, and he is very stable.

Starting from Kamikawa Town, it took less than an hour to carry the school team to Higashikawa Town where Asahidake is.

After getting off the bus, enter Daisetsuzan National Park from Higashikawa Town to the main peak of Asahidake.

At this time, it was winter, and most of the two thousand-meter-high mountain peaks were covered in snow and ice, like a giant of ice and snow standing on the ground.

Depart from the hot spring staging area at the foot of Mount Asahidake.

Slowly arrived at Zijian Pond at an altitude of 1,600 meters by taking the cable car. During this time, looking down from the high altitude, the unobstructed snow scene was exceptionally beautiful.

Sometimes, the beauty created by nature can only be seen from another angle.

Lean against the window of the cable car and look out.

The white snow scene touched Yui Yui's memory, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of emotion.

"It would be great if it could fly."

"If humans want to fly, they can only use helicopters, airplanes and so on."

In addition to Yui Tamai, Marie Takai and other girls were sitting in this cable car.

After hearing Yui Tamai's words, Marie Takai asked curiously.

"By the way, Yujing-san, Miss Skylark is a monster, then what kind of monster is she?"

Yui Tamai can hear from the manner and tone of Marie Takai that she has no malice, but pure curiosity.

After all, I will go to the base of the monsters for a unique trip later.

Even if Takai Masayuki and them have experienced some spiritual events, facing this kind of thing now, they will also feel nervous and curious.

If you let them know that the main body of Hibari Aiyi is not a fierce existence, plus her lovely human appearance, it will be enough to calm their a little nervous mood a little.

Thinking of this, Yui Yui said with a smile.

"The body of Aiyi is the silver-throated long-tailed tit."

"so cute!"

When they heard the name Silver-throated Long-tailed Tit, Marie Takai and the others shouted in surprise, and their hearts became quite calm.

As a visual animal, thinking of that kind of white, round glutinous rice dumpling-like bird, even if it becomes a monster, it must be very docile and cute!

Marie Takai couldn't help saying.

"Since it is a silver-throated long-tailed tit, then Girl Lark will definitely fly, right?"

"Will she stretch out two short wings from behind and fly like a Christian angel?"

I heard Takai Marie's description of this obvious "layman".

Yui Yui couldn't help laughing, smiling like a fox.

"Aiyi can fly, but it doesn't fly like that."

"In fact, all monsters can fly."

"They don't normally rely on wind to fly, but... Now, flying is over!"

Yui Yui wants to explain the flying principle of the monster.

However, when she spoke, she realized:

Don't understand!

What do monsters rely on to fly?

Wind? no.

According to Yuzao's memory.

The flying of the monsters has nothing to do with gas, gravity, etc. They seem to simply want to fly, and then fly.

Can move freely in the air, stand in the air.

Because according to Yuzao’s memory, there were monsters who tried to test how high the sky was, and even flew out of the earth, out of the atmosphere, and into space...

Its powerful body allowed it to survive in space for a short time, and then it couldn't bear it and quickly returned to Earth.

Speaking of which, a long time ago in the monster world, there were also some indisputable guys.

They don't care who rules the earth or who is the strongest monster.

They just feel that the cage of the earth is too small, they want to leave the earth, they want to look outside the starry sky...

I don't know if it succeeded.

If anyone in this world can explain why monsters fly.

Then, it must be classmate Shiraishi.

Yui Yui couldn't help but think of the way Shiraishihide took her to escape some time ago.

Looking back now, at that time, classmate Shiraishi used the unique ability of a monster to penetrate objects.

As a human, he actually copied the talent of monsters!

Then, it doesn't seem impossible to learn the flying ability of monsters.


Reality is often more bizarre than people's imagination.

If it weren't for feeling that it's not necessary for the time being, Shiraishixiu has already learned how to fly a monster.

Now, Bai Shixiu is sitting in the cable car, carefully performing mana surgery on the appendix.

Try to transform the demon power lines in the night monster into mana and engrave it on the appendix!

This is actually not difficult.

Describing the lines of mana is water milling. The real difficulty is how to copy the natural ability of the night demon in the form of spells.

This difficult point, Bai Shixiu's thoughts have been completely solved since yesterday afternoon, until now!

At this moment, in the process of moving the cable car.

Bai Shixiu has engraved the lines of demon power on the appendix.

In fact, it is not the first time that Shiraishixiu's appendix has been strengthened.

In line with the idea of ​​"even if something goes wrong with the appendix, it will be cut off by surgery".

Shiraishixiu once portrayed a mana pattern on the appendix, simulating a special organ in the monster's body, thereby generating mana resonance and forming a solid escape technique.

At that time, this mana pattern was carved on the outer layer of the appendix.

This time, the night demon space pattern is carved in the inner layer of the appendix.

The two are just separated by a layer of intestinal tract and will not have any effect.


With an experimental attitude, Bai Shixiu completed the depiction of the night demon space pattern, and provided a certain amount of mana for the activation test.

Then something happened!

Obviously the two lines of mana, one inside and the other outside, are isolated.

But when the spatial pattern is activated, the escape technique pattern seems to be stimulated and resonates!

The magic lines on the surface actually passed through the cells that hindered the two by themselves, overlapping with the spatial lines, accompanied by a wave of spatial fluctuations...

Shiraishisu's appendix...


With the help of Tianyantong's observation, Bai Shixiu found that the whole body of her appendix had become a pure gold color.

If you don't consider the color, it can be seen.

The texture of this color is very similar to the black of the night demon.

At the same time, this small section of the appendix, which is eight centimeters in length and 0.5 centimeters in diameter, has undergone great changes inside!

How much space can the original appendix have?

1.57 cubic centimeters.

However, when Bai Shixiu's Tianyan passed through the surface of this golden appendix and looked inside, a feeling of endless endless arose!

Bai Shixiu quickly calculated the size and was shocked.

This is a cylindrical space with a length of 8,000 meters and a diameter of 500 meters, with a total volume of approximately 1.57 cubic kilometers.

Although there are certain psychological expectations.

Bai Shixiu is still impressed by the power of this space.

This is the power of nature.

Just an uncomplicated witchcraft pattern can create such a legendary change. If Bai Shixiu is allowed to think about it out of thin air, it is probably impossible to think of it.

Perhaps the power and allusion of the mustard Nasumi mentioned in the Buddhist scriptures is similar to the power of this kind of space.

Shiraishixiu successfully copied the night monster space in the appendix.

Naturally, it must be tested.

Because the lines of the escape technique and the space are merged into one and merged together, a change that Bai Shixiu did not expect occurs.

Bai Shixiu's first test was the ability of solid-state escape.

Release the mana, trying to resonate with the body.

With a move in Bai Shixiu's heart, her fingers naturally penetrated the chair of the cable car and fell into it.

The solid state escape is still in effect.

why? Where does the resonance come from?

Bai Shixiu carefully observed and discovered that the resonance still came from the appendix, but the inner space of the golden appendix.

The Sky Eye scans the interior space to inspect the source of resonance.

I finally discovered that at the edge of the space, outside the space barrier formed by the mana patterns, there is a special pattern suspended—

Escape lines.

The escape technique lines did not disappear, but were hidden.

Seeing this scene, Bai Shixiu immediately came up with a wonderful idea.

Since the lines of escape can overlap with the lines of space.

So, what if you draw a new spatial pattern on the surface of the golden appendix that is now free?

Will it be absorbed by the appendix again?

Will it still take effect after absorption?

Will it create a new space in the space like a doll?

Just follow the principle of putting a space bag in a space bag, unlimited dolls?

In other words, it will expand the current size of space and expand infinitely.

Until as endless as the universe?

This novel idea made Bai Shixiu immediately try it.

However, it failed.

The golden appendix seems to have undergone a radical change due to the influence of the internal space-it will absorb mana.

Bai Shixiu's mana will not stay on the surface at all, but will directly enter the space through it.

In other words, it is impossible to continue to depict lines on the surface.

It failed.

The idea has just started, but it has failed, but Bai Shixiu is not disappointed.

It is normal for scientific inferences and experiments to accompany failure.

Even Baishixiu can't guarantee that his guess will be realized every time.

Let's do other tests next.

How can the appendix space in Shiraishi Xiu absorb external things?

If it is the same as the night demon, you must open the entrance and swallow it...

Then, even if the appendix in the body opens the entrance, it must pass through Shiraishixiu's abdomen before it can reach the outside world.

You can’t have a laparotomy every time Shiraishixiu wants to use the appendix space, right?

Although according to Shiraishixiu's current physique, there is no problem. It is estimated that the injury of the caesarean section will be completely healed in a few minutes, and even the scar will not be left.

But it will be painful.

Bai Shixiu felt it for a while, and realized that it didn't need to be so.

As the master of the internal space.

Bai Shixiu has a very high control over the space, not only can control the size of the internal space, but also zoom in and out.

Even, as long as it is within a certain range around your body.

Then you can **** anything into the appendix space!

This range is approximately three to four meters.

Bai Shixiu tried it and swallowed her phone.


The opened cell phone appeared out of thin air in the appendix space, lying quietly in the center.

Bai Shixiu can see the mobile phone screen lit up, there is no signal at all——

The signal representing the space inside and outside is isolated!

In this way, Bai Shixiu's original idea was completed.

Next time you face the demon-powered missile, you can install it directly into the appendix space in your body, and you don't need to care about what explodes in your body.

You are not afraid of the monsters detonating in the air, you can leave some research materials.

In addition to loading demon missiles.

According to Bai Shixiu's understanding of the night monster space.

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