Becoming A God At Level 100 From Hunter

Chapter 82 The Illusion Of The Ruins Owner X Dark Continent

The roaring sea, the gloomy sky, the dark and dead land, and the high wall that cannot be seen at a glance in the distance.

"here it is..."

Luo Lin was vigilant in his heart and glanced around.

"It's an illusion!" Jin suddenly said at this time, his palm was groping beside him, obviously there was an empty space in front of him, but Jin's palm could not be stretched out.

Luo Lin remembered that if there were no changes in front of him, where should have been the wall of this relic secret room.

"It really is an illusion!" Luo Lin's heart moved slightly, and he looked into the distance.

Over there, there was an endless, high wall that could not be seen at a glance, and there was a familiar door right where they were facing.

That's...the portal to the Dark Continent.

"So, the secret room in the ruins is actually a large projection hall?" Luo Lin thought.

"It should be right." Jin also nodded, but at this moment, his eyes kept scanning and observing around.

After all, this is the gateway to the Dark Continent, even if it is a fantasy, but this is the first time he has seen a place so close to the Dark Continent with his own eyes.

Just as the two of them were trying their best to observe their surroundings, in the roaring sea, a small boat was rushing across the waves.

Soon, the boat docked, and a handsome young man in ancient costumes got off the boat, looking towards the portal of the Dark Continent with his head held high.

Just when the young man walked to the gate of the Dark Continent, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, and then he saw the young man handing something out, and after a while of talking, the young man pushed open the gate and stepped into the dark mainland.

Unfortunately however...

Because everything here is an illusion, Luo Lin and Jin are trapped in the size of the secret room, they can only watch from a distance, and they can't get close to it at all, so they haven't heard any relevant information

Even because the young man kept his back to their side, he couldn't even lip-sync. As for the figure that looked like a gatekeeper...the other party simply didn't have a mouth.

Just as the young man pushed the door and the door closed, the scene in front of them suddenly disappeared and returned to a pure white space as if it had appeared.

"So... this is just for us to see?" Luo Lin was a little speechless, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

At this time, Jin and Luo Lin felt similarly.

Just as the two looked at each other, the scene in front of them began to change again.

This time, the scene was an endless forest, and behind him was the same vast wilderness. It was still the young man, wearing an outfit similar to that of Jin at this time, walking from the wilderness towards the forest.

And as the young man walked towards the forest, the forest in the distance seemed to have launched a grand welcome ceremony.

The earth trembled, and in the originally peaceful forest, a giant creature shaped like a dinosaur, but with eight legs, slowly got up and walked, and the ancient jungle trees tens of meters high reached the position of the opponent's leg joints.

In the next second, above the sky, a huge fly-like insect with four pairs of wings suddenly attacked, directly hugged the huge dinosaur in its arms, and pierced the opponent's body with sharp teeth, the dinosaur-like creature Before he could even scream, he tilted his head and died.

But at the moment when the huge insect was about to fly away with the dinosaur, the ground was torn apart, and the mouth with its seven or eight petals tore apart the ground, suddenly wrapped the huge insect and the dinosaur together, and a huge worm soared into the sky , and then fall back to the ground.

Afterwards, the vegetation surged, and the open area caused by the battle between the giant beasts was instantly covered by the jungle, and the previous calm was restored, as if nothing had happened.

And all this happened in front of Luo Lin, Jin, and the young man in the illusion.

The young man in the illusion paused, then continued walking towards the forest.

Looking at this scene, Luo Lin could say that he was just watching some sci-fi blockbuster, without much sense of reality.

But at this time, Jin was full of excitement, looking at everything in the picture, he could not replace the young man himself.

As the young man stepped into the forest, the picture disappeared again, and the pure white was restored.


The space changes several times.

The scenes that appeared in front of Luo Lin and Jin were also different, such as a vast lake like an ocean, a wasteland with towering strange rocks, and endless mountains without a blade of grass.

And in those scenes, the only thing that appeared was the scene of a young man stepping into it without hesitation.

After about twenty minutes, the scene changed more than a dozen times before it returned to the original secret room.

But whether it is Luo Lin or Jin, the mood is very surging at this time, and it is difficult to calm down.

Looking at the sculptures in the room again, the sculptures that were originally abstract paintings now have specific shapes in their eyes.

Well, if you pay attention a little bit, you can actually see that the scenes just now correspond to the pictures in this room.


Neither Luo Lin nor Jin are the kind of people who are always passionate, and soon they calmed down again.

Then think about it carefully.

The scene of the man rushing to the desperate situation just now is very handsome and exciting, but it seems... there is nothing else useful!

No, there is absolutely nothing else useful!

Luo Lin recalled his memory carefully.

He can be sure that apart from knowing the appearance of some creatures and plants in the dark continent, he didn't think of anything useful.

"This thing... should be the record of the ruin builder's adventures in various places in the Dark Continent!" Luo Lin said a little speechlessly.

"You know the Dark Continent?" Jin looked at Luo Lin in surprise.

"Know a little!" Luo Lin nodded.

"That's good, I don't need to bother to explain to you." Jin turned his head to look at the surrounding murals and said: "Don't praise the things here. The beginning of the adventure record is almost the same."

"If you insist on using adventure records to describe 520 words, it is probably written by a person. I opened a door to a magical place... I came to a dangerous forest... Except for the opening sentence, the following is It's all blank.

Kim gave a very vivid metaphor.

"That's what you say, but seeing how excited you are now, I'm afraid I'm really going to record the adventure for you, and I'm afraid you're not happy about it!" Luo Lin glanced at Jin.

As he said, the excitement on Jin's face at this time, eager to try, has been completely undisguised.

Jin's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "Isn't this a matter of course? Adventure, of course, will only be interesting if you experience it yourself."

"I'm different from you. I still prefer to watch other people go on adventures." Luo Lin shrugged and said, then walked to the corner of the secret room of the ruins.

"Come here, this is where there are those messages." Luo Lin said to Jin.

Hearing Luo Lin's words, Jin's eyes lit up immediately, and he hurried over to Luo Lin's side.

[You should find a craftsman with good craftsmanship to carve it, or leave more written records, what are these engraved, I can't understand it at all! Stupid!]

At the end of this string of text, there is a cartoon avatar very similar to Jin.

If Luo Lin felt the same way when looking at this string of text before the illusion appeared, he doesn't feel the same way now.


Did the person who left this string of text not see the previous phantom?

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