"Very good!"

"The monster was stopped!"

Ninety-nine Yuki looked at the battlefield in the distance with a look of surprise on his face.

Although in her opinion, the terrifying curse monster turned out to be a plaything under Gojo Satoru, which was a bit of a shock to her, who was also a top-level curse master.

But it would be nice if the monster was stopped.

At the same time, Luo Lin, who was watching the show on the other side, rubbed his chin.

"Just stopping it is not enough!" Luo Lin whispered to himself.

With his eyesight, he can naturally see what is the most difficult point of this monster.

The kind of immortality originally derived from the Tianyuan Immortality Technique and the recovery power brought by the huge spell power, even the current Gojo Satoru would take at least half an hour to kill the opponent.

Regardless of whether Gojo Satoru can use the shelter with such intensity for half an hour, in just ten minutes this monster will disappear naturally due to the complete collapse of the island trial results.

"That's wrong." Luo Lin suddenly thought of what he had missed.

"At the speed at which this monster extracts mana power, in three minutes, the mana power of those 100 million people will be drained to an extent. By then, the monster's immortality should be weakened rapidly. In other words, within ten minutes Time should be enough for Gojo Satoru to deal with this monster."

Luo Lin nodded seriously.

Looking at the seemingly devastating battle in the distance, Jiujiu Yuki hesitated for a moment, but still did not retreat.

Although Gojo Satoru has the absolute upper hand.

But until the battle is completely over, we cannot relax completely.

And Jiujiu Youji believes that the trump card he keeps can be the final insurance.


Just when Kujiu Yuki was thinking about whether to get closer to the direction of the King's battlefield, a sudden chill hit his heart.

As a magician, his sixth sense is frantically reminding Ninety-nine Yuki.

Die! Die! Die! Die!

"This is..." Ninety-nine Yuki's face was full of horror.

"Did there be an accident on the battlefield? No, that's not right!"

Ninety-nine Yuki suddenly turned his head and looked at the sky in the distance.


It came from that direction.

What exactly is that?


Luo Lin looked at the fighter jets flying thousands of meters above the sky and blinked because he saw the mark on something dropped by the opponent.

"How dare you! Bald eagle..."

At this time, the source of the sense of death crisis for Ninety-nine Yuki is not other magicians or curse spirits, but...human beings.

It's a missile from a weapon!

Of course, what can make the super magician Jiujiu Yuji feel the threat of death, and even make Luo Lin feel the crisis, is not an ordinary missile, but... which kind of peace warhead is equipped with it.

"Aiming at that monster..."

Luo Lin looked at the battlefield in the distance, with a thoughtful look in his eyes, and then "Luo Lin tried to take out his mobile phone, turned on the camera and pointed it at the battlefield in the distance.


Looking at the clear picture in the mobile phone camera, Luo Lin fell silent.

Although I don’t know why, in theory, as a cursed spirit that cannot be left behind by ordinary cameras and other technological products, it clearly appeared on the screen of Luo Lin’s mobile phone.

And Luo Lin is sure that his own mobile phone has not been modified in any way, so...

Luo Lin raised his head and looked at the cloudless blue sky above his head.

What happened here has probably been detected by all countries in the world with satellite observation capabilities!

"A monster tens of kilometers long suddenly appeared on the earth, so bombing with peace bombs is quite reasonable, but this efficiency is a bit too fast." Luo Lin rubbed his chin and muttered to himself.

It had only been a few minutes since the monster appeared.

Even at the speed of an intercontinental missile, it would never be able to come from the Bald Eagle's homeland so quickly. You must know that the rabbit next door has not moved yet!

"So..." Luo Lin thought of a possibility and looked strange: "The bald eagle has the ability to launch peace eggs when it is nearby"||?"

Luo Lin believes that this peace egg was definitely not reserved for the island country.

but now...


"Speaking of which, it seems that the high-level officials of the island country were blamed by Rosso, right?" Luo Lin thought thoughtfully. Perhaps the Bald Eagle's decisive use of peace eggs had something to do with their inability to contact the island country's political leaders.

Just why, because of what kind of monster can be seen by ordinary people?

Luo Lin began to think in his mind, and soon, he thought of a possibility.


"It's because the monster is not a pure curse spirit, but a monster that expands based on the consecrated body!" Luo Lin guessed while stroking his chin.

Well, ordinary humans can't see curse spirits, but they can see spellcasters, so the monsters transformed by spellcasters will be seen by ordinary people, which is reasonable and reasonable!

And since we can see it, there is a monster that is dozens of kilometers long, plus a special human who seems to be fighting that monster (emphasis added).

In this case, no matter what the bald eagle does, nothing is too much.


Who does a peace egg look down on?

Isn't there really someone who doesn't have the ability to escape from the explosion before that thing explodes?

No way! No way!

"That thing is..."

Gojo Satoru looked at the plane passing above his head. Although his six eyes were weaker at observing objects or people that did not contain magical powers, under such a clear view, he could still clearly see the dropped thing.

"Have you been discovered if you lost this thing?" Gojo Satoru blinked.

"Suga... I just said that I kept forgetting something. It turns out I forgot to put down the account!" Gojo Satoru said with a look of realization on his face.

Well, if you fight without letting go of your debts, Lao Wutiao has realized it!


"Even if the account is not released, the scale of the battle should not be such that this thing is dispatched! Could it be..." Wu Tiaoqing's electric light also spread towards the monster curse spirit.

If there's anything here that's worthy of the stuff above, it's probably only this monster.

"In other words, can this thing be seen by ordinary people?" Gojo Satoru suddenly frowned. As a magician, he quickly realized the reason and cursed in a low voice: "That bastard Tianyuan!

The power and spells of the curse spirit will not be seen by ordinary people, but the curse master will be seen by others. "And the monster Kuan Kang's body is Wu Wu's body that has not been completely transformed into a curse spirit!"

"It's troublesome!"

Gojo Satoru looked troubled.

Before the monster's matter was resolved, a bigger problem arose immediately afterwards.

The matter of the conjurer seems to be exposed to the eyes of all the major powers in the world.


The way of exposure seems not very appropriate.

Gojo Satoru looked at the monster below.


Although the magic cannon attacked by the monster will not be observed, the result, that is, the scene of hundreds of kilometers being instantly razed to the ground, can still be seen.

And only in this way can that thing in the sky appear here in such a short period of time.

Does that stuff work?

For a warlock, a direct hit from the Peace Egg is a sure kill, but for a spell spirit... it's not necessarily so.

Although guns and cannons have no effect on curse spirits.

But no one has ever used the Peace Egg to test whether it is useful against cursed spirits.


"Since this big guy is a magician in a sense, then maybe..." Gojo Satoru looked at the monster below and had an idea in his mind.

Forming a seal with one hand on his chest, the mantra surged straight into the sky, then turned into a canopy, flowing down from the sky, sealing off a hundred miles in radius.

Outside the account.

Gojo Satoru escaped the moment the tent was about to close.

"With a tent that lasts for a very short time, creatures containing magical power are not allowed to enter and exit, and has no covering ability, it should be able to trap the monster!" Gojo Satoru scratched his chin uncertainly, and disappeared in a flash.

"Use the peace egg to blow up the monster?"

From a distance, Luo Lin looked at Gojo Satoru's movements and immediately understood what the other person was thinking.


Can the Peace Egg really blow up that thing?

Of course, it wasn't Luo Lin who doubted the destructive power of the Peace Egg.

Although it is a technological creation, as the top weapon of modern physical civilization, it may not be ineffective even when faced with mysterious monsters like curse spirits.

I just don't know what the weight of this peace egg is. If it is small, I'm afraid it will be difficult to completely kill the monster.

And with the monster's vitality and the negative spell supply of the entire island country, as long as it has a breath left, it can recover at an extremely fast speed.

"Well...the damage to those who are used as energy sources may be much greater than expected!" Luo Lin thought thoughtfully.


Gojo Satoru suddenly appeared behind Luo Lin and greeted him.

"Ninety-nine sent away?" Luo Lin said casually.

"Yeah!" Gojo Satoru nodded: "Although it may not be anything to us, at this distance, Jiujiu can't bear the aftermath of that thing."

Luo Lin nodded and said: "Ninety-nine's spells are very strong, but their defensive capabilities are somewhat lacking."

The essence of the technique named Wrath of the Star by Ninety-Nine is a quality technique. It is so powerful that even Luo Lin cannot guarantee that it can be used to its limit.

"You guys have the nerve to say that you just don't stop that guy from Nine-Nine when he rushes over. You really have the nerve to watch here." Gojo Satoru complained.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll kill the opponent instantly and make you appear to be the strongest? It's just a joke!" Luo Lin spread his hands and said.

"Instant kill...how dare you say that!" Gojo Satoru glanced at Luo Lin helplessly.

Although he had fought against that monster and knew how terrifying it was, but... if it were Luo Lin, he might really be able to kill that monster instantly.

after all

Luo Lin is the strongest monster he has ever seen!

"Do you think that thing can be blown up?" Wu Jiao said as he came to Luo Lin's side and looked at the huge tent not far away.

"It's hard to say." Luo Lin shook his head and said: "The power of the Peace Egg should be able to severely damage that thing, but it is probably impossible to kill that thing. You have also seen the power of that thing."

"It's a serious injury! It's just as I thought." Gojo Satoru looked at the account he had set thoughtfully: "Speaking of which, I still feel incredible about the existence of that monster02!"

"Incredible?" Luo Lin gave Gojo Satoru a strange look.

Although it is indeed quite bizarre that such a monster would appear, it cannot be incredible at all!

"In the world of magic, there is a cause and effect that is well known but often ignored." Gojo Satoru said softly: "There is a balance between the magician and the curse..."

"The... balance of curses and conjurers?"

Luo Lin was slightly startled.

Inexplicably, I thought of the introduction of Gojo Satoru in the Juju Kaiba manga.

His birth broke the balance of the magic world, causing the modern curse to become stronger.

"Although that monster was transformed from Tianyuan, there is no doubt that the other party is a curse. In terms of balance, who do you think the magician corresponding to this monster will be?" Gojo Satoru turned his head, his blue eyes He stared at Luo Lin.

"There is also such a weird setting!" Luo Lin said casually, scratching his chin.

Although Gojo Satoru has made a leap in strength after improving again, in terms of size, he is not at the same level as the monster.

In contrast, Luo Suo and Su Nuocai, who were captured by him, were more like curses corresponding to Gojo Satoru.

So it’s clear who this monster corresponds to!

"It should be me!" Luo Lin said nonchalantly: "Although there is still a big gap between the monster and me, the so-called cause and effect should have done its best.

Give birth to that kind of thing..."

"Haha, you really dare to say that!" Gojo Satoru twitched the corner of his mouth slightly.

It was a monster based on Tianyuan and catalyzed by the negative spell power of everyone in the entire island country, but...

Gojo Satoru had to admit it again.

There was a very obvious gap between that monster and the monster in front of him.

If the island enchantment had not been destroyed, with the island enchantment's supposed efficiency in dealing with spells and the addition of the monster's curse spirit, he might be able to have a fight with Luo Lin.

but now...

"Monster!" Gojo Satoru looked at Luo Lin and sighed slightly.

And while the two were talking, the Peace Egg, which was still some distance away, was already very close.

Looking at the location, although the location of the two men is not the core detonation point of the Peace Egg, it is still within the scope of its explosion.

But neither Luo Lin nor Gojo Satoru paid much attention.

If they were at the center of the explosion, neither of them would be sure to survive, but the aftermath would not have much impact on the two of them.

The two of them just watched the peace egg sink into the huge tent.


Luo Lin turned around calmly, facing away from the explosion site.

Gojo Satoru did not turn around, but he closed his eyes, and forcibly closed the powerful vision of the six eyes, and activated the unlimited technique with all his strength.

Although they have never seen a peace egg with their own eyes, the two of them still try this kind of thing. They don't want to look directly at the explosion at such a close distance.

The next moment.

Without even using a fraction of a second, the tent set up by Gojo Satoru immediately shattered, and immeasurable light shot out directly from the large tent.

Heaven and earth are eclipsed!

A second sun seemed to rise on the ground.

A huge roar followed, resounding throughout the world.

"Is this the Peace Egg?"

Although Gojo Satoru closed his eyes and blocked the sound, he felt the terrifying power that was constantly impacting the unlimited barrier, and Gojo Satoru was shocked in his heart.


It's not like he never thought about his unlimited technique to resist Heping Danyi before.

But now Gojo Satoru is sure that if it is the Peace Egg Center, his unlimited technique cannot withstand it.

"Is this the pinnacle of modern weapons?" Gojo Satoru murmured, feeling inexplicably emotional.

They magicians...are out of date!.

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