Be Modest, My Master of Imperial Guards

Vol 2 Chapter 88: Make things difficult or temptation?


Mrs. Liao frowned when she heard Gu Yunxi talked about "Litchi Cream" and said to herself:

"I don't know the empress, the lychee was originally a fruit in mid-May, and it is now July. Where can I get the lychee?"

Aunt Li next to her pulled her sleeves with her hands, snickered at Gu Yunxi's face, snickered. +++All Tanmei novels: www.ltnovel.como

When Mr. Liao realized this, she stepped back to the side and gloated at Gu Yunxi:

"Hey, since the lady told you to do it, you can do it. There is only one thing, let alone our small kitchen at the moment, you can't find fresh lychees even at the dining room and the imperial dining room!"

Since the empress deliberately wants to make things difficult for the newcomer, why bother with the small kitchen, and see how she can make lychees empty-handed after a while!

Gu Yunxi and Liao Chuniang looked at each other and read out her inner thoughts. They pursed their lips and chuckled lightly, and there was a subtle glow in the clear and bright eyes:

"I wonder what recipe is used for the ice-water lychee paste that we used to make in our small kitchen?"

Chef Liao couldn't help laughing "haha". Upon hearing this girl's question, she knew that she was a layman and didn't know how to make lychee cream.

From this, it can be seen that the "Sushan" was also the lucky one for her. She only got the chance to make a piece of ice, so she could show off her craft in front of the ladies.

Chef Liao put on a lofty posture, did not answer Gu Yunxi's question, but turned to wink at Aunt Li.

Aunt Li took a step forward with a sad expression, and said hard to Gu Yunxi:

"The girl makes a crisp mountain, how can you never hear the origin of the lychee paste? Take five kilograms of fresh lychee to take the core and press the juice, slowly cook it with osmanthus and rice noodles for a moment, finely sieve to filter out impurities, and put the dough into the mold and put it in the ice room. Two hours in town, you can eat after demoulding. o"

Gu Yunxi lowered his eyes and smiled, his expression confident:

"What you are talking about is the most traditional method of lychee paste. The servant girl does not need half a lychee to make lychee paste, and the taste is exactly the same as traditional lychee paste."

"Oh, the tone is not small."

Chef Liao sneered:

"I have waited in Chuxiu Palace for many years and have never heard of lychee paste without lychee in the main ingredient. Okay, today we will come to open our eyes."

"Aunt Lao, please give me half a catty of ebony plum, 20 dollars for rock sugar, 1 coin each for **** juice, amomum, cinnamon and cloves."

"let me help you."

Lan Xin walked over, pulled Gu Yunxi up to the front of the storage cabinet, and returned to the stove with all the necessary materials.

Gu Yunxi began to do it.

Half a catty of ebony plum is decocted in water, Amomum villosum and cinnamon are decocted in water. After a moment, the two thick juices are out of the pot to filter out impurities.

Mix ebony juice, amomum cinnamon juice, and **** juice in a clay pot, add rock sugar, and simmer.

Gu Yunxi grinds the cloves into powder and occasionally sprinkles them in a clay pot and stirs them.

Immediately, there was a gurgling white gas flowing out of the jar, with a magical sweet fragrance of lychee.

Seeing that the heat was enough, Gu Yunxi used a wooden spoon to stir up the sweet paste in the jar. Seeing the consistency of the lychee paste, he knew that the lychee paste was made, and moved the clay pot off the stove one by one.

The cooks all came together.

Aunt Li, who was still disdainful of Gu Yunxi just now, her eyes lit up at the clay pot and said to herself:

"That's weird. I can smell the lychee scent all over the house, but this Nizi did not put a single lychee..."

Chef Liao looked unbelievable, grabbed the wooden spoon and put some sweet amber sweet sauce in the sun to take a serious look, then stretched out the tip of her tongue and licked it, her pupils glowing immediately. Net o

But soon her face became gloomy, and she threw the wooden spoon on the chopping board without saying anything, and went out of the kitchen in anger.

Everything is too early to lead to jealousy. This is the truth that Gu Yunxi had already understood long ago when he and the three cooks in the south courtyard of the East Factory had been involved.

Seeing Chu Xiugong's chef leaving the scene angrily, Gu Yunxi curled his lips silently, smiling slightly.

She poured the thick sauce from the clay pot into a five-petal crystal plum bowl, and asked Lan Xin to carry it in the ice cellar.

When returning to the penthouse to rest, Lan Xin brought two bowls of rice. Seeing that Gu Yunxi had been busy all morning, and hadn't even had lunch on time, Lan Xin specially left her a meal, waiting for her to have time to eat together.

The two talked to the table while eating.

"Muxue, I really want to thank you for helping me in the morning. The crisp mountain without you, I must be taken to the violence room and punished by Aunt Jinzhu."

After Lan Xin said gratefully, he gave Gu Yunxi the big cured duck legs in his bowl.

Gu Yunxi swallowed his food, frowned slightly, his expression did not have a hint of joy, but he seemed to be pressed by several layers of sad clouds:

"I'm too aggressive in doing this, and I will definitely annoy Aunt Liao."

Lan Xin didn't take it seriously, and rolled his eyes:

"Ignore her, she is jealous. You don't think she is born with a harsh face, she is less knowledgeable, and sticks to stereotypes. She is jealous when others are better than her.

But I really admire your prescription for lychee anointing, it's absolutely amazing..."

Gu Yunxi smiled far-fetched, lowered his eyes into memories, and said lightly:

"Litchi is precious. I watched others eat it when I was young. I couldn't eat it myself, so I thought about it and tried to blend it with different spices many times before I came up with this recipe. Quan Zuo Wangmei quenches my thirst..."

At that time, Gu Yunyao secretly gave her the first lychee in her life. That sweet smell, rubbed the sisterhood, can make her remember for a lifetime.

"You are so capable!"

Lan Xin smiled sullenly, then inquired:

"Muxue, will my daughter in the morning be fun? Are those women of the emperor all gorgeous and beautiful?"

Gu Yunxi put the bowl, his expression was a bit sad:

"Don't mention it, they are extremely beautiful, but they are ruthless people. They fight when they don't agree, which makes the atmosphere boring."

"What's this? So many women serving a husband, naturally they want to make themselves more outstanding. It is normal for them to step on others to climb up."

Lan Xin said lightly, shook her head, and continued to chop rice in her mouth.

Gu Yunxi was silent for a moment, raising his eyes to Lan Xin:

"Tell me, what is the origin of that Jinjieyu. When I was studying at the Gongyuan Academy, I often heard the Gong girls talk about Yu Zhaoyi and how she was spoiled, but I never heard that she had a younger sister."

In order to hear about Gu Yunjin, Gu Yunxi simply made up a lie.

Lan Xin knew everything about her good partner, wiped the oil from her mouth, and said solemnly:

"It is said that Yu Zhaoyi and Jin Jieyu were originally a pair of sisters, and Yu Zhaoyi entered the palace earlier than her sister. When she was favored, Jin Jieyu was a talented person, but she was chilled by the emperor for a long time.

Then she will naturally not be willing. On the night of the Cold Food Festival last year, the emperor was hungry and passed some cold food.

In the end, guess what, it turned out to be Jin Cairen who carried it into the Palace of Qin Ming. At that time, she was undressed, and her whole body was wrapped tightly with various fruits and vegetables, green groups, and black rice noodles.

Most of the women in the harem abide by the rules of the palace, and no one has ever given such enjoyment to the emperor. The emperor couldn't bear seeing Jincai so interested.

After that, he cleaned the people and the rice together. The next day, he named Jin Cairen and gave the meat dish a name. What is it called... Oh, meat plate! "

Meat plate?

After Lan Xin finished speaking, she saw the opponent Gu Yunxi seemed to be frozen, with an expression of embarrassment and disgust with dislocation of facial features, haha ​​laughed for a moment before continuing:

"Do you think it is the next job? But the emperor likes him. If it is not for his taste, how can the Queen of the East Palace let Jinjieyu be? However, some people say that Jinjieyu is backed by Princess Wan."

Gu Yunxi fell silent, his teeth clenched the head of his chopsticks, and his heart kept moving.

Those rumors are indeed reasonable.

Once Gu Yunjin offended Governor Leng and was disqualified from entering the palace. Afterwards, the West Factory took over the Gongyuan, and Gu Yunjin entered the palace smoothly and used shameless means to fight for favor. It can be seen that he was on Minglan's ship. Isn’t the power behind Minglan and Xichang the imperial concubine——

At this time, Gu Yunxi sighed secretly, thinking of coming to this palace, the various relationships and strengths are intertwined, joining hands or fighting each other, it is really complicated.

If one step is wrong, what is waiting in front is probably an abyss that will never be restored.

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