Be a Superstar With the System

Chapter 969: End of show

The idea of ​​changing careers appeared in his mind.

A few days later, he learned of his girlfriend's past when he was going to bed with his girlfriend.

It turns out that his girlfriend is a believer, and her family is also a believer, but she was kicked out of the house because of an abortion.

Li Dong said that he didn't care and was willing to take her to her house to help her reconcile the conflict.

After arriving at her house, he discovered that his girlfriend's father was a respected lawyer.

At the dining table, he began to habitually deceive people, saying that he was actually a lawyer before becoming a doctor.

But in front of his girlfriend's father, these little tricks were easily seen through.

He yelled Li Dong aside and asked him what he wanted to do. Li Dong put on a sincere face and said, I am actually not a lawyer or a doctor. I am just a poor who loves your daughter so much. Kid!

Unexpectedly, these words directly touched his girlfriend's father!

His girlfriend's father accepted him and taught him some knowledge about the law, and it only took him seven days to get the lawyer's qualification certificate!

In the future, with the help of his father-in-law, he became an assistant to the prosecutor's office!

A mouse came to the cat cage!

The audience at the scene was extremely quiet, with no words to speak. Wang Wangjiao looked at Zhong Lan beside him, and saw that his eyes were full of envy, and he stared at the big screen unblinkingly.

The reactions of the surrounding audiences are similar. There is no big scene in this movie, but the plot is exciting!

Everyone can't wait to know what happened next and what Li Dong's final result will be.

And the result is naturally that evil does not suppress righteousness!

On the day of his marriage, the FBI came to the door.

But the rat's sixth sense is very powerful. Li Dong realized the danger and quickly packed up and prepared to escape. He confessed to his girlfriend a bit, but his girlfriend couldn't accept it for a while.

In the last second, she was still a beautiful bride who was preparing to enter a happy marriage, but in the next second, someone told her that all of this was fake. Your fiance is an international liar, and at least more than fifty banks in the world want him!

After all, his girlfriend did not escape with him. He made a final effort and agreed with his girlfriend to meet at the airport three days later.

Three days later, his girlfriend showed up with a salute, but the airport was all plainclothes of the FBI.

Li Dong drove away. He didn't know whether his girlfriend was really followed or betrayed himself. Now it doesn't matter.

A mouse cannot be caught by a cat, or it will die!

But his appearance has been known by those FBIs, the airport is their eyeliner, he will definitely be caught as soon as he enters the airport!

He turned his mind and thought of a way.

He came to a local university as a pilot and said that he would interview ten girls to be future flight attendants!

He selected ten of the most beautiful female students and let these young and beautiful flight attendants walk into the airport around him!

Since low-key can't get past, then high-key can't get past!

Every FBI and police passing by their side will fall on these flight attendants, and no one will notice the wanted criminal among them.

Outside the airport, Li Dong also hired a driver to pretend to be himself, attracting a large number of police.

When Bai Hao and others reacted, Li Dong was already flying into the sky!

After that, Li Dong began to commit crimes on a large scale, and he has his footprints in Europe, Asia, and half of the world!

Seven months later, Baihao locked his position through the check paper. He was in Gaul!

Baihao single-handedly walked to the place where he made the ticket, but when Li Dong saw him, not only did he not panic, he shouted happily: "Happy New Year!"

Li Dong wanted to run after he finished speaking, but Bai Hao moved a chair and sat down. He said that there were more than 30 police officers outside. As long as he went out by himself, he would be shot to death.

In the end, Li Dong was persuaded and handcuffed, but the streets were empty after he went out.

Cat, won.

After Li Dong spent eleven months in a prison in Lican State, he finally got the opportunity to extradite and return to his country.

On the plane, Bai Hao curiously asked about his criminal methods and how he could change so many identities.

What made him most curious was what cheating tactics he used to become a lawyer in just seven days.

Li Dong didn't tell him. Through chat, Bai Hao told Li Dong that his father was dead!

Li Dong collapsed all at once. Although he was a liar, he still wanted family most in his heart.

Otherwise, he would not choose to marry a nurse in Lican country. Over the years, he swindled a lot of money and gave back part of it to his father.

In his eyes, the reason his family broke down was because his father suddenly ran out of money.

But after he became rich, he realized that it was not like that at all.

When he got married, he went to his father, hoping that his father and his mother would come to his wedding together, and he hoped to create an opportunity for his parents to get back together.

But he learned from his father that his mother had remarried and would never be able to go back to the past.

The world's number one master of deception, crying like a child in the bathroom on the plane.

Li Dong didn't come out until the plane landed. They broke in and found that the toilet was empty.

Li Dong removed the screws and ran away through the cubicle behind the toilet.

This time he did not escape, but came to his mother's house.

It is the Spring Festival of another year, and my mother has formed a new family, the home is warm and peaceful, and there is a small figure looking at him curiously, this is his half-sister.

Li Dong ran away for many years for such a warm home, but he did not find it in the end.

The police car chased him, and Li Dong took the initiative to get into the police car. He didn't want to disturb them, and he didn't want his mother to see what he was like now.

He was sentenced to twelve years! After two years, Bai Hao suddenly came to see him.

It turned out that a new scammer appeared in the world. He gave the FBI a headache, but Li Dong easily pointed out the flaw in the check and successfully solved the problem for them.

With the first time, there will be a second time, and a third time!

With the help of the police again and again, he has been commended continuously.

Even once, he was released on parole. After he was released from prison, he subconsciously wanted to escape. He didn't want to go back to prison again! He yearns for the colorful world outside!

But he was caught by Bai Hao again, just as he was about to board the plane.

Bai Hao just looked at him and said that he didn't want to arrest him for a lifetime. He knew that Li Dong was not bad, he deserved a better life, not a desperate world!

The next day, Li Dong returned to the FBI by himself!

Three years later, Li Dong was released from prison. This time he is no longer a famous scammer in the world, but a new identity, FBI anti-fraud expert!

The mouse... became a cat.

The movie screen slowly darkened, just when the audience thought it was over, the extravaganza began...

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