Gong Nanbei had discussed with Wang Wangjiao before, and the revised script was still a bit convoluted, fearing that the audience would not understand it.

Gong Nan Bei can go to this day, relying on word of mouth, if word of mouth collapses, it is afraid that it will cause a lot of backlash.

Gong Nanbei shook his head, or decided to write down a few scripts first, and then hand them to the editorial department to see if they had revised their plans?

After all, professional matters must be entrusted to professional people. They are editors, and they must be more professional than Gong Nan Bei!

It's a pity that none of the editors posted the tasks that Wang Wangjiao can complete. They are all eager for quick success and quick profit. What they wrote is not what Gong Nan Bei wants, otherwise Gong Nan Bei doesn't have to want to go to the script.

Of course, this may also be due to the high requirements of the palace's north and south.

Writing scripts is a slower task, especially when you have to draw sub-shots.

Wang Mong Kok came here twice during the period. After seeing the script of Gong Nan Bei, he curiously said.

"Why do you always like to write some western scripts these days"

"Although we are going to the foreign market, there is no need to give up the domestic market."

"Our domestic audiences will definitely not adapt to Western scripts. The cultural differences are too great and there is a generation gap."

Gong Nanbei nodded, this is indeed a problem. It is difficult to adjust, how can we find a point that is acceptable to both parties? This is very important.

With a wry smile, he looked at Wang Wangjiao and said, "My mind has been a bit messy these past few days, and I don't have any good ideas."

Wang Wangjiao smiled and said: "Their movie is nothing more than two points, love and war."

Gong Nanbei stretched his waist and said: "But these two kinds of movies are too many, and the audience is almost tired of watching them. It is difficult to break through the box office if these two themes are filmed."

Wang Wangjiao shrugged and said: "There is a conflict between art films and the box office. You can't have both fish and bear paws. If we really want to win the prize, we can sacrifice some at the box office."

However, Gong Nan Bei was somewhat resistant to this. He did not feel distressed about the box office money, but felt that he could not be separated from the masses!

The box office is the best way to prove that the audience loves it. Although a movie with a high box office does not win any prizes, the audience will definitely love it!

A movie with a low box office, even if the heroes and heroines are both actresses and actresses, no one wants to see it as a fart!

Say a thousand words and ten thousand, the movie is made for people to see, since it is for people to see, it must be good-looking!

As Mr. Guo said in the previous life, the cross talk is to make everyone laugh. After reading it, just laugh.

It is unrealistic to dare to stop and startle the horse if you expect to see some life philosophies by looking at the intercourse.

And movies are for people to watch, no matter what you want to spread and express, first of all, you have to make people willing to watch it!

Wang Wangjiao shrugged when he saw that he couldn't help, he couldn't write scripts or something, but it's okay to read scripts!


Gong Nan Bei has thought a lot in the past two days. Westerners have a strong adventurous spirit and can make an adventure movie.

Didn't "Indiana Jones" win an Oscar award back then! The later "National Treasure" series also went well at the box office.

Foreign people like to watch this subject matter, and domestic people also like it, such as the "Tomb Raiders Notes" and "Ghost Blowing Lantern" series.

I won’t talk about word-of-mouth. The reason why my previous life was so bad was mainly because of the requirements of the top and the problems of the actors.

I haven't received a big pay for acting at all, and there are ghosts who can look good. If the North and South Media shoots, this kind of problem will certainly not arise!

Gong Nanbei squeezed his chin, Xindao can shoot, but which one is better?

And after all, this kind of film is not a literary and artistic film, nor can it teach people, and the chances of winning an award are not great.

Gong Nanbei took out paper and pen, and began to write anything on it at will, so that he could grasp the inspiration!

Gong Nanbei first wrote the three words "male and female" on the paper.

This is a reference to the setting of the Ghost Blowing Lantern series, which is a more enjoyable setting. For example, the squads in the previous life "A certain Ninja" were all teamed up with this setting.

The hero must be himself, so don't think about how to be the best actor.

The second man must also be a fat man. A fat man is born with a sense of intimacy and security.

Therefore, the two males in "Tomb Raiders Notes" and "Ghost Blowing Lantern" are all fat guys.

As for the choice of the two roles of Shirley Yang and Zhang Qiling, it is a bit difficult. It can only be said that each has its own advantages.

But in the end Gong Nan Bei decided to use Shirley Yang's role setting. There is no way. Zhang Qiling's persona is really eye-catching. If you take him, Gong Nan Bei's protagonist's identity will definitely be suppressed. This is the charm of the character. .

After writing down the setting of the characters, Gong Nanbei began to design the main story line.

He also wrote two words on treasure hunting in the notebook, and treasure hunting is divided into several types.

The most common one is the treasure map. The story begins with the demise of a dynasty, leaving behind a group of treasures. The person who guards the treasure drew a treasure map, and then the treasure map was passed on to someone in the family for several generations. I was looking for but nothing.

In the end, a descendant's character exploded, discovered the secret of the treasure map, and finally found the treasure and so on.

The second type is archaeology. Whether it is an expert or a professor, they found clues in some ancient documents and then took people to investigate archaeology.

The third type is tomb robbery, which is actually similar to the second way of expression, but it makes the audience feel more immersive.

The audience’s aesthetics are now different from before. The protagonist must be bright and stalwart in TV dramas or movies in the past twenty years.

They have no flaws at all, and they are almost entirely dedicated to the people.

This kind of protagonist image was very popular back then, but now audiences don't like it.

The reason is also very simple, too fake, that kind of person is more like a fabricated saint!

People now prefer those protagonists with minor problems, such as gluttony, love for money, lust, etc., as long as the principles are not chaotic in front of the big right and wrong!

Because people who are not sages and sages can do nothing, this kind of protagonist who has some minor problems is more real and can make the audience feel more immersive!

It's like the kind of tomb digging a good baby, and then selling money to buy a luxury car beauty, think about it!

The fourth type is passive. The protagonist's identity can be a certain scholar, who is then kidnapped by someone, forced to study something, and then go to a certain place to hunt for treasure.

These four are almost the most common in the movie market, but which one to choose made Gong Nan Bei hesitate.

In the end, he chose to Robber!

No way, the first is because this theme has not become popular in China. The current treasure hunts in China are mostly the second. This kind of novel start should be able to bring a wave of turmoil.

But it is almost impossible to win prizes in China.

Because no matter how much the tomb is robbed, it is a crime!

Just like "Mao Li" back then, the book is a good book, and the audience's reputation is good, but no matter how chivalrous it is, the thief is ultimately a thief, and there is no hope of winning.

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