Base 7

Chapter 833 Counterattack

On the side of the Republic of O'Brien, Fernand asked, "Please tell me, what is the controversy in the Republic of O'Brien?"

The church had been prepared for a long time, only to hear the red-clothed Archbishop Ballmer say: "As the spokesperson of the Saintia star said before, in the era of the Silver Star Empire, many parts of the old empire were already decayed, which led to the instant collapse of the empire. ..."

"So, is Lin's joining the committee controversial?" Fernand interrupted the other party and asked.

Lin's extraordinary eyes suddenly became sharp, and he looked in the direction of Fernand. This old guy actually questioned Lin?

"Mr. Fernand, please listen to me." The archbishop in red continued to speak: "After the collapse of the empire, the current Lin family has also managed to cut off from the rule of the old era, and has always adhered to the current order and never disrupted the peace of the universe. , so there is no controversy. However, the direct descendants of the empire seem to be still there. Xu Mo is suspected of being the heir of the empire, and with the assistance of Gaia and Xinghuan, he has been trying to revive the empire and start a space war. Their existence threatens the current order of the universe. , and the Republic of O’Brien has shielded the forces headed by Xu Mo and Gaia, and even joined forces, which is a potential threat to the new order and does not meet the goal of the establishment of the Universal Federation.”

"Therefore, if the Republic of O'Brien can face up to this problem and hand over the forces headed by Xu Mo and Gaia to the Cosmic Federation Committee that will be established, then we will still recognize the Republic of O'Brien as a member of the Cosmic Federation Committee. The Republic of Bryan will be banned from becoming a member of the Universe Federation and will be sanctioned in the future," Ballmer said.

Xu Mo was not surprised when he heard this. Sure enough, the first thing to do when establishing the Cosmic Federation was to take him to sacrifice the flag. If the Republic of O’Brien disagreed, then he would be isolated and excluded from the Cosmic Federation. Not only did he fail to enter the committee, he even left outside the new order.

And this newly formed Cosmic Federation Committee will have legitimacy and impose sanctions on it, including financial sanctions and war sanctions.

It will be a catastrophe to welcome the Republic of O'Brien.

Once the Republic of O'Brien is destroyed, the Tyre Starfield and the Koriad Starfield will be followed by liquidation and encroachment, until in the end, several opposing forces will fight for the final control of the universe.

They actually wanted to do this a long time ago, and the establishment of the Cosmic Federation will make all this easier and logical, without obstacles.

Fernand felt a chill in his heart when he heard the other party's words. The other party's words were terrific. This move almost pushed the O'Brien Republic on the road of self-destruction.

No matter whether he agrees or not, Fernand understands that there should be no difference in the final result.

The first chosen target of this so-called Cosmic Federation is their Republic of O'Brien, and by provoking conflicts between the Republic and the Keles Empire, the Keles Empire will fight them at any cost. In this way, destroy The Republic of O'Brien also weakened the combat power of the Keles Empire, allowing the Church to better control it.

This calculation of two birds with one stone is a conspiracy. He knows what the other party wants to do, but it is difficult to fight against it.

"Isn't the Lin family today a member of the imperial family back then? Why did Xu Mo and Gaia threaten the order of the universe, but Lin did not? What is the difference between the two? Xu Mo and Gaia, when did they Has it destroyed the peace of the universe?" Fernand asked: "In addition, besides being the highest civilization in the universe, are there any other specific criteria for the members of the Federation Council of the Universe?"

"Can't these things be decided by just a word from the church? If that's the case, the Universal Federation should let the church rule directly."

Fernand’s voice made the surroundings extraordinarily quiet. The church and other forces established the Cosmic Federation in the name of peace. How could the Republic compromise.

"The difference is that the Lin family has been separated from the royal family of the old empire, while Xu Mo and Gaia have inherited the will of the old empire. These are unchangeable facts. As for the specific standards, it is naturally determined whether it will threaten the peace of the universe." The other party responded.

"From this point of view, you only suspect that Xu Mo and Gaia will threaten the peace of the universe, and there is no specific standard." Fernand said: "The Keles Empire has been invading the territory of the Republic of O'Brien for many years. Initiated a war, countless people died in the war, such behaviors of the Keles Empire are already destroying the peace of the universe, why can they still become members of the Federation Council?"

"The purpose of the establishment of the Cosmic Federation is to eliminate the previous wars and achieve peace for the future cosmic order." Ballmer said.

"In other words, the wars you initiated in the past are not counted, and you can enter the Cosmic Federation Council, but the object of your suspicion cannot enter the Cosmic Federation Council." Fernand sneered: "In this case, I am afraid it will be difficult to convince people. ah."

"I have read the conditions for the establishment of the Universal Federation before. If there is any disagreement on the establishment of the Universal Federation, it will be decided by the major forces in the universe." Ballmer did not continue to argue with Fernand.

"Wait a minute," Fernand said.

"What else does the O'Brien Republic have to say? If the O'Brien Republic destroys the establishment of the Cosmic Federation, they will be directly expelled and prohibited from participating in this meeting." Ballmer directly threatened.

"Of course I agree with the discipline of the meeting, but before that, for the sake of the future peace of the universe, there is something that needs to be announced to everyone." Fernand said, and someone behind him walked forward with a figure.

Seeing that figure, someone frowned in the direction of the church.

Aaron, a practitioner of the Austrian Temple.

"What's the intention?" Everyone looked at Aaron.

Seeing Aaron stepping forward, Fernand said: "I think you all know about the assassination of Longke, the prince of the Keles Empire by the Republic of O'Brien, Vera, the daughter of the leader of the Republic of O'Brien, O'Brien. The superhuman Anos and Aaron of the temple appeared nearby and were listed as targets of suspicion, this is Aron, let him talk about it now."

There was fear in Aaron's eyes, but he still looked up at the crowd, and said, "I am Aaron, a practitioner of the Temple of Ao Pull them to appear in the assassination zone."

As soon as Aaron said this, there was an uproar.

In the direction of the Kailes Empire, many people narrowed their eyes for a moment, staring at Aaron, and then looked in the direction of the church.

The handwriting of the church?

"Isn't such a method a little too clumsy?" Ballmer said, "Just find a subordinate to slander my church? Did he tamper with his memory?"

Ballmer, this is blocking the backhand. Just like this, you want to come back? Undoubtedly, it's a fool's dream, an Aaron can't change anything.

Puff... There was a sound, blood splashed out, Aaron's head was directly pierced, and then someone took the body away.

The people in the church narrowed their eyes and only heard Fernand continue: "Aaron is the second genius in the Temple of Ao, if you think that the Temple of Ao will allow me to slander and kill him, then there is nothing to say. "

"In addition, the Church's influence spreads all over the planets, and many planets in the Republic of O'Brien are the same, and they have done a lot of things. Among them, there is an action called 'Angel Project'. I don't know if Mr. Cardinal Archbishop remembers this. This project is designed to abduct children from various planets, and I have documents recorded here, is it that I forged it again?" Fernand raised his hand, and there was a virtual electronic document on it: "I rubbed it. A small number of copies will be sent to the major forces, can everyone in the church explain this plan?"

"We can explain." At this moment, two figures came out from the direction of the church, causing Ballmer to be stunned for a moment. Looking at the two figures that walked out, they were the archbishops of the church, Marvin and Sander.

"What are you doing?" Ballmer said in a low voice. The two ignored each other's words and continued to move forward. They accelerated and walked towards the opposite side of the O'Brien Republic, only to hear Marvin say: "About the Keles Empire As for the death of Prince Longke, the news I know is that the holy son Naga went to the Du Fei family to imply that the Du Fei family did it, as long as Du Fei is taken down, it will be clear."


A cold shout came out, and several powerful auras erupted from the church, but Fernand, who had been prepared for almost an instant, appeared behind the two of them, facing the direction of the church, and a powerful energy shield enveloped him The area where the holy light was pouring down did not threaten Marvin and Sander.

"Why, do you want to kill people to silence your mouth?" Fernand shouted loudly: "Today, the Cosmic Federation was established to establish the cosmic order. How do I think your church is the chief culprit in promoting the cosmic turmoil? Are others not allowed to speak now? "

"Fernand, your Republic of O'Brien actually sent someone to control the archbishop of my church? Are you already so frenzied in order to prevent the establishment of the Universal Federation?"

Assef, the patriarch of the church, couldn't sit still any longer, and stepped forward with a terrifying aura.

If the situation is allowed to continue, their church will be pulled from the bottom by the other party, and the so-called legitimacy will not be worth mentioning.

Unexpectedly, the ultimate move of the Republic of O'Brien is here. First, it unconditionally supports the establishment of the Universal Federation and promotes its smooth development, but at this critical moment, it exposes some of the things the church has done in order to overthrow the church.

Once these things that the church has done are made public, the so-called universal federation is like a joke, so what is the legitimacy?

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