Base 7

Chapter 774 'Holy Meeting'

There was a big storm in Asgard, and the Republic of O'Brien was not idle.

The war between the Keles Empire and the O'Brien Republic has intensified. Now, the Keles Empire is aggressively attacking, and even plans to attack the ten main stars. As for the countless planets in the territory of the O'Brien Republic, they are all in chaos. .

Under such circumstances, the Republic's control over the planets is getting weaker and weaker.

On this day, an important person descended on the capital star of the Republic of O'Brien.

Assef, one of the four patriarchs of the church, arrived, accompanied by a cardinal and several archbishops.

The security of the capital star of the O'Brien Republic is very strict, and there are registrations for entering and exiting. The arrival of a person of this level will inevitably attract attention, so the church did not hide it, but came with great fanfare.

In the church, the Cardinal Archbishop can be in charge of all the affairs of the church in a large area. Church forces like the Republic of O'Brien are all under the jurisdiction of the Capital Star Cardinal Archbishop.

The four patriarchs already belonged to the top of the church, and their status was second only to His Majesty the Pope. They are the strongest personal force that constitutes the church. It can be said that they are the foundation of the church and escort the development of the church.

The four elders are all destroyer-level existences.

This kind of person has already been able to have an equal dialogue with the leaders of the Republic of O'Brien. If there is a public visit, Osman O'Brien will be interviewed.

Of course, in terms of status, the status of Osman O'Brien is half a level higher. After all, he is the leader of the republic, and his actual status is equivalent to His Majesty the Pope of the church.

But in terms of influence, His Majesty the Pope of the church is obviously stronger than the leader of the Republic of O'Brien.

Osman O'Brien's influence was limited to the Republic of O'Brien, while the influence of the church spread over all major planets in the known universe. Moreover, the believers of the church may respect His Majesty the Pope far more than the citizens of the republic respect their leaders.

After all, one is the church, which is about faith, and the other is the government leader.

Not long after Assef came to the capital planet, he announced a big news. He will hold a "sacred meeting" in the Republic of O'Brien, inviting believers from all planets in the Republic of O'Brien to witness together, and claiming that this is about all believers A 'holy congregation' of life and dignity.

As soon as the news came out, it caused huge waves in the capital planet of the Republic of O'Brien, and then the news spread through the churches of the major planets, causing a chain reaction in countless planets of the Republic of O'Brien.

Many people say that war will destroy the world, and the omniscient Creator who created everything in the world has come to save them, and God will use the hand of the church to save the world.

Moreover, there are more and more voices of this kind, and they become more and more intense, forming a fanatical atmosphere, and more and more ordinary people join the ranks of believers, especially those planets that are suffering from disasters.

They need faith and desire to be saved, so they can only pin their hopes on the illusory 'God'.

The behavior of the church is a bit embarrassing to the official of the O'Brien Republic. This is their territory of the O'Brien Republic, but the church wants to come here to save?

How does this make the people of the O'Brien Republic think of the Republic?

Therefore, this matter has caused huge controversy in the capital star, and countless people have discussed it.

Even Xu Mo, who hadn't paid much attention to outside affairs in the Austrian Temple, knew about it.

After all, it was about the church, and he paid special attention to it.

At this time, the elders of the church appeared on the capital planet of the Republic of O'Brien. Xu Mo had a feeling that it might be related to him?

However, Xu Mo was not too worried. Even if Zeus showed some flaws, there would be no direct evidence, and the church would only suspect at best.

And here, after all, is the Republic of O'Brien. In the Republic of O'Brien, there are two strongest forces, namely the official forces of the Republic of O'Brien and the Temple of O'Brien.

No matter how powerful the church is, with the presence of the Austrian Temple, it is impossible to move him here. As long as he does not leave the Austrian Temple, the church has nothing to do.

On this day, the church will hold a holy meeting.

On the side of the Austrian Temple, many people watched this incident, and even the news from the headquarters of the Star Church in the capital was broadcast on many screens in the Austrian Temple.

In the picture on the screen, there was a sea of ​​people outside the church, and there was no end in sight at a glance. The scene was extremely spectacular.

"What does the church want to do?"

Xu Mo sat in the rest area and looked at the screen, and asked Vera O'Brien, Vera's identity should be able to access more information.

"It's not clear yet, but judging from the news they released, important things may be announced, but no matter what it is, it will not be a good thing for the Republic." Vera O'Brien looked at the screen and frowned. , the influence of the church is stronger than imagined.

Of course, the church claims to be holding a holy meeting, and people from all over the capital star have rushed to it. It is not surprising that there is such a momentum.

On the screen, Assef, a patriarch of the church, appeared.

Standing above the church, with a loving smile on his face, he waved to the congregation and believers. Suddenly, there was a roar of mountains and tsunami, and it took a long time to stop slowly.

Assef waved his hand to signal the crowd to be quiet, and when it was calm, he pointed to the screen beside him, where a huge projection screen played the war screens of the various planets of the O'Brien Republic, and for a moment, the mood of the crowd changed. heavy.

After a long time, after the tragic scenes ended, Assef said in a heavy voice: "Over the years, wars have been harassing the planets, causing countless disasters, robbing all living beings, and not knowing how many people died in the wars. , Now, let us pray for the dead, the creator will bring them to a world without disasters, where there is no war, no fear, where there is light and kindness.”

As he said that, he closed his eyes and prayed for the blessings of all beings. A light, a sacred light, lit up on his body.

The holy light sprinkled down, and then continued to spread, covering the boundless space, and falling on everyone, making countless people bathed in the holy light feel the warm breath, making them feel very comfortable.

"It's just that blindly praying is meaningless. The tragedies brought about by the war are still happening. We need to do something. This is also the meaning of this holy meeting."

Assef continued: "Therefore, we need to take up our weapons and build our strength. I hope that everyone can unite and the people on every planet can face it bravely."

As he spoke, Assef held up the emblem of the church, which was a sword-shaped cross, symbolizing light, holiness, and cutting off all evil.

"At this time, there are countless people watching all of this on the major planets. I hope you can engrave this pattern on your houses and clothes. The churches on the major planets will do their best to protect your safety, and at the same time , all of you who have this pattern, bravely unite together and gather into a powerful force, no one dares to touch you."

"In addition, the Church will also negotiate with the Keles Empire and the Republic of O'Brien. War is their business, but I hope that the congregation of the Church can avoid all of this, and the war is not allowed to affect you."

Assef's voice is bewitching, but it has to be said that it is a brilliant speech.

Xu Mo continued to watch Assef's wonderful performance, thinking that this was a blow to the bottom, not just a slap in the face of the O'Brien Republic, but a hard rubbing of the O'Brien Republic's face on the ground.

In the territory of the Republic of O'Brien, the church wants to protect the believers and do what the Republic of O'Brien should do officially. It is so majestic, but it also occupies righteousness.

This war has indeed spread to every planet. After the planet is invaded by the war, it will enter chaos. At this time, the influence of the Republic is actually very limited.

On the contrary, although the church thinks of ways to let believers protect themselves, although it may not be able to achieve immediate results, it can develop an extremely large number of believers in a short period of time. This may form a 'herd effect', and everyone will follow suit, and even produce certain effect.

At that time, a 'snowball' effect will be formed, getting bigger and bigger.

This is undoubtedly a blow to the Republic of O'Brien. At that time, will those planets belong to the Republic of O'Brien, or are they controlled by the Church?

Xu Mo thought that war is not only an opportunity for the development of "weapon" groups like the Blue Star Group, but also a good opportunity for the development of the church. In this way, the Republic of O'Brien is afraid of internal and external troubles.

The 'Holy Meeting' was still going on, and Assef was compassionate, his voice full of kindness.

This congregation had a huge impact on all major planets. Assef called on the believers of the church to arm themselves, unite together, and let other people join the believers of the church. Then they can unite and the church will also will protect them.

After the congregation.

Assef walked back into the church, the sound of the mountains and tsunami outside was still there, but the benevolent smile on Assef's face had disappeared.

Hate war?

No, they like war.

No one understands the ultimate goal of His Majesty the Pope, but it is a great goal.

"Mr. Assef, I can imagine how displeased O'Brien Republic will be." Cardinal Clem said from the side.

"Unhappy?" Assef said with a smile: "Unhappy, what can change, I think, after getting the news, the Keles Empire should attack more violently. Such an opportunity should not be missed."

"Are we really going to negotiate?" Cardinal Clem asked.

"Of course." Assef nodded, "It is our duty to protect the believers. Get ready and meet the leader of the Republic of O'Brien, as there are other things to discuss."

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