Base 7

Chapter 230 Future Captain

Xu Mo got up, a little depressed, but seeing that pretty face, he endured it.

"Devil, why are you turning your face faster than turning a book?" Xu Mo chased after him.

No one paid him any attention.

"Devil, where did you get the money?" Xu Mo asked again.

"I made money by helping my roommates fight." Ling said.

"Hit a man?" Xu Mo asked.

Zero nodded slightly.

Xu Mo sympathized with the man.

So miserable.

"Didn't your mother restrict you?" Xu Mo asked, since Ling's communicator was confiscated, her mother should object to her contacting her.

"No." Zero responded, his eyes dodging a little.

"That's good." Xu Mo nodded reassuringly.

In front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the room, Ye Qingdie watched the two people's backs gradually go away. Under the setting sun, their shadows were stretched, this scene was unexpectedly beautiful.

Seeing this, a bright smile appeared in Ye Qingdie's bright eyes.

This is the youth that should belong to him, the love like a dream, pure and beautiful.


Xu Mo has received a lot of news recently.

"Xu Mo, will you participate in the Extraordinary Competition?" Su Rou sent a message to ask.

"Should be." Xu Mo said.

"I heard that there will be all kinds of extraordinary people in the extraordinary competition. I really want to experience it, but unfortunately my strength is too weak." Su Ju said: "But if you participate, I will go to the scene to watch."

"Okay." Xu Mo replied.

"Brother Xu Mo, can I sign up for the Extraordinary Contest? It sounds very exciting." Sun Xiaoxiao said.

Xu Mo couldn't imagine the scene of Sun Xiaoxiao driving the mech and sweeping around. Would he be beaten badly?

Fatty Sun traded her face as the mayor of Gangqiong City for her exchange student quota.

"Yes, it's exciting to be beaten." Xu Mo replied.

"Then you and sister-in-law protect me." Sun Xiaoxiao said.

"Let Xiaoqi protect you." Xu Mo replied.

Xiao Qi sent a message.

"Brother Mo, I heard that registration for the Extraordinary Contest is now open, and the capital, Chuanxing City, is reporting on it. Don't miss this 100 million yuan. I don't want to work anymore."

"You find Xiaoxiao to raise you." Xu Mo replied.

"If you don't care, I'll go find your woman. She is also popular now. It is said that the group is planning to increase her signing fee. You can see her posters in many places outside." Xiao Qi said again.

"Then go find her." Xu Mo said, not afraid of being beaten.

"..." Xiao Qi didn't dare: "Brother Mo, did any stories happen to you lonely men and widows during our absence?"

Xu Mo was too lazy to go back.

"Brother Mo, you have to hurry up, when you become popular with women, there might be more suitors, all of whom are sons of the capital, you have to cook raw rice to make it." Xiao Qi was teaching Xu Mo.

Ye Qingdie was sitting by the side, and Xu Mo showed Ye Qingdie the communicator.

Ye Qingdie smiled when she saw the message Xiao Qi sent to Xu Mo, and then sent a message with her own communicator, saying, "Xiao Qi, how are you doing at work recently?"

Xiao Qi shuddered, he had an ominous premonition.

"Sister Die, I'm very busy right now, so it's not convenient to chat." Xiaoqi replied.

"Come back when you have time, sister will prepare a 'surprise' for you." Ye Qingdie continued, Xiaoqi almost threw the communicator away.

It's over.

Golden husband and silver wife!

Xu Mo looked at Ye Qingdie beside him and asked, "Is it on fire?"

"I don't know." Ye Qingdie replied, she had no idea about fire: "However, the Stark Group's promotion has started, and it has won a promotional ambassador for this Extraordinary Contest, which cost a lot of money .”

This Extraordinary Contest radiates to the urban agglomeration centered on the capital, and has great influence. It is one of the biggest events of Byron Star every year. It is conceivable how strong the promotion effect will be if it wins such a promotional spot .

Before Xu Mo said to Stark that he would be popular, he had no idea, but now it seems that Stark has said so, and there is no suspense.

After all, Stark knows how strong their group's propaganda capabilities are.

Butterfly sister, may be famous.

At this time, Xu Mo's communicator vibrated, and he glanced at it, a little surprised.

Connected, Xu Mo said: "Lin Jue."

"Xu Mo, will you participate in the Extraordinary Contest?" Lin Jue asked.

"Should be." Xu Mo said, "Do you want to participate too?"

"En." Lin Jue nodded, and said: "Although the level of source power is a bit poor, you can drive mechas in the Extraordinary Contest, and you can still have the power to fight, but I'm afraid you won't be able to meet powerful people. The level and weapon level can only be below A, and the top extraordinary people in the capital can break mechs manually at the same level."

At the end of Xu, he was able to destroy mechas with human power. In the battle with the Southern Military Region, he destroyed several mechas at a low level.

And the top talents in the capital can do the same. The mechs are relatively clumsy, and they have no advantage in front of them.

Unless, there are also top mech masters.

Xu Mo is naturally aware of this point, the Chaos God Arena also has mecha masters, but the top few people are not mecha masters.

In the words of the teacher, the machine is the extension of the human body, and the talent is the foundation. If a person is strong, he will be stronger if he controls the mecha.

"Except for the final finals of the Extraordinary Contest, the front has always been a scuffle, and there will be a situation of teaming up. Olivia and I would like to invite you to form a team and experience the atmosphere of the Extraordinary Contest. I don't know if you would like to " Lin Jue said directly.

He has self-knowledge. With his and Olivia's strength, it is basically impossible to break out of the encirclement. If he is unlucky, he may be eliminated from the qualifiers.

Therefore, they wanted to form a team with Xu Mo and try to make more progress in the Extraordinary Competition.

Of course, it's unknown how long they can last. After all, even if they form a team together, some people will be left behind first.

At the end of the Extraordinary Contest, it was a single strong confrontation.

In the previous battle with the Southern Military Region, Lin Jue and Olivia joined forces and wanted to experience it again.

"Aren't you joining the war in the name of the academy?" Xu Mo asked. Although Lin Jue was not in the capital's Royal Academy, he also entered the capital's first-class Transcendent Academy.

"We came from Steel Dome City, and we are newcomers." Lin Jue said, and Xu Mo immediately understood.

"Let me think about it." Xu Mo said.

If he participates, he will represent the Stark Group in the battle.

Moreover, besides him, the Stark Group will also look for other extraordinary people to represent the Stark Group to participate in this extraordinary competition.

"Okay, let me know if you have a decision." Lin Jue said, "If it doesn't work, I will compete alone."

"Okay." Xu Mo replied, and then hung up the communicator.

It seems that the Extraordinary Contest is setting off an upsurge in the urban agglomeration, as can be seen from the news he has received.

The group of them who had just arrived from Steel Dome City asked about the situation of the Extraordinary Competition, let alone people from the urban agglomeration.

Xu Mo dialed Stark's number.

"How many superhumans will the Stark Group send to compete?" Xu Mo asked.

"Five." Stark said: "If you participate in the battle, the group will select and send four other extraordinary people to cooperate with you and fight as far as possible to the back. Don't worry, the strength will not be weak, and will not hold you back , and, your price is definitely the highest."

"Aren't you going to fight yourself?" Xu Mo asked.

"Have you ever seen the young master play himself?" Stark said.

"I bring someone myself?" Xu Mo said.

"Who?" Stark said.

"My friend." Xu Mo replied.

"Brother, don't lie to me." Stark said: "The people selected for you are all B+ level of origin power, you can choose whatever type you need, you have to know that even if you are very strong in the previous qualifiers, You may also be tricked by other people's teams, you must have strong teammates to protect you from going on."

He was the one who found Xu Mo, and if the results were too bad, Stark would not be so easy to explain to his father.

"How do you know that my friend is weak?" Xu Mo said.

"It's not that I haven't been to Steel Dome City before." Stark responded that he was too lazy to go to the level of Steel Dome City's Transcendent Academy. If it wasn't for looking for Xu Mo, he would be lazy to go.

"It doesn't matter. In the end, it's still up to individuals. Although their source power level is not enough, they are all suppressed by firepower. With the help of weapons, the gap will not be so big." Xu Mo said: "Two mecha masters, two gunners , can just cover for me, and can also prepare mecha for me."

"Who do you want to take?" Stark asked.

"The two mecha masters are from Spyker College in Gangqiong City. You know the other two, Sister Die and Su Rou. Their marksmanship is very strong, so there is no big problem." Xu Mo said, Su Rou seemed to want to feel it. Extraordinary Contest.

Sister Die is a little bored at home, so you can take it with you to experience it.

Mecha masters and gunners can cover up the difference in the level of source power. Like Lin Jue, he has no problem controlling mechas of this level at all, and he can show his full strength. In the exchange meeting, his performance is not bad either. Weak, after all, the mech evaluation is S.

Olivia is weaker and can be specially trained.

"Are you going to compete or to play?" Stark said, "This is the Extraordinary Contest. Although it is limited to B and the age is under 25, it is still of the highest level."

"What's the fun in purely competing." Xu Mo responded: "Without partners, there is no sense of experience. Moreover, Sister Die is now an image ambassador. Wouldn't the effect be better if she participated in the competition? If she is out too early, the Federation currency I won't accept it."

"Since you want to have a sister, then I can only support it." Stark said.

"???" Only then did Xu Mo realize that there seemed to be three beauties among his teammates?

"Tomorrow, we will go to the Stark Group together. We need to sign up in the name of the group. In addition, I will ask someone to arrange a special training for a period of time. What do you think?" Stark asked: "This is also the previous practice."

"Okay." Xu Mo nodded in response.

Xu Mo hung up the phone, looking forward to it.

Will the female devil also participate in the competition, and if she gets to the back, will she have a fight in the extraordinary contest?

"I will also participate?" Ye Qingdie asked next to him.

"En." Xu Mo said: "There are a large number of contestants fighting in the qualifiers of the Extraordinary Contest. It must be very exciting. Don't you want to experience it?"

"It's fine if you don't dislike it." Ye Qingdie said.

"How come, I protect Sister Die." Xu Mo said with a smile.

Ye Qingdie looked at him with a smile. She found that Xu Mo had changed a little. He was too depressed in the underground world, and he was still fighting after entering Steel Qiong City.

Perhaps the current Xu Mo is the real Xu Mo.

game world.

"Xu Mo." Ye Qingdie shouted.

"Huh?" Xu Mo looked at her and said, "So serious?"

"What do you want to do in the future?" Ye Qingdie asked.

Xu Mo looked outside and said, "The universe is huge, I want to see it."

"Interstellar travel?" Ye Qingdie asked.

"Almost." Xu Mo said, "It must be very exciting."

"Should be." Ye Qingdie also looked outside and said.

"Sister Die, come with me." Xu Mo said: "When I have money, I will get a starship. Didn't you say that you want to open a warship in the future, Sister Die, then you will be my captain."

"Are you taking me?" Ye Qingdie smiled.

"En." Xu Mo nodded.

"Okay." Ye Qingdie smiled brightly.

"Would you like to toast the future captain?" Xu Mo said.

Ye Qingdie glared at him and looked outside.

This was the best vision of the future she had heard, and she suddenly knew what she should do.

However, the future is full of uncertainties. Can these beautiful imaginations really come true?

At least, now she is full of expectations.

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