Chapter 480:

The injured animal is like a wolf and a wolf. It is like a fox and a fox. When asked about the guide, it is known that this animal is called a wolf fox. It has a very rich and beautiful silky tail. It has no odor of the fox, and the meat is tenderer than the wolf. Fragrant, its flesh and blood also has a good effect of tonifying kidney and replenishing qi, but the minions are poisonous, can be swallowed into toxic sputum and then ejected, and its bones and minions as well as venom glands are good bone-making materials.

Summarized in harsh words, this is a very economical species. If it is not the nine winds that the other party is a semi-intelligent creature, he intends to bring the wolf fox back to the East China for breeding.

The wolf fox does not speak human, but he can express his specific meaning through the cry. Although it is not very coherent, it is completely unobstructed to communicate with him.

The little wolf replied: "Are you a big bird?"

"No, I am human."

The little wolf foxes shrank.

The nine winds are poked at the little wolf fox. "The silent will not hurt you, you have to listen to him, don't obey you."

The little wolf fox scared his body to shrink.

Strictly cried and laughed, put the nine winds to the side, let him sunbathe with the two fruits, squat down, and slow down the tone to the little wolf fox: "Don't be afraid, let me see your wounds."

The little wolf fox stared at him for a while, wondering if he felt the goodwill released by the strictness. His body gradually relaxed and his body showed his soft belly.

The little guy's abdomen seemed to be a hole in the arrow, the arrow was pulled out, and the wound's hair was dirty with blood and mud.

Observing the wound gently and gently, I found that such a heavy injury can only be shed by bloodshed, but this little guy has persisted in the present, and he has run a long way with the nine winds.

If you change the average person may doubt the physique of the wolf fox, but the first time to notice the sludge wrapped in the wound.

Severely sniffed the sludge on his finger when he was just looking at the wound, and asked the wolf fox: "Is this your own?"

The little wolf fox whimpered softly.

"From the wound, did you run with the arrow for a while, then you figured out how to make an arrow, and then use this silt to stop the bleeding?"

The little wolf fox whispered in surprise. If it wasn't because he ran down the blood in his escape, the arrow made a lot of physical strength, and finally he was tired after he stopped bleeding, and he was not caught by those horns.

After a brief understanding of the situation, first comfort the little wolf fox not to be afraid, then gave him a detailed examination, and then arranged a minor operation for him.

On the other hand, the nine winds have two fruits to throw the little wolf fox behind.

The original battle to see the sun is good, just remove the childcare bag, open the lid, let the two sons bask in the sun.

Nine winds sat on the ground and pulled the pouches and put them on their laps.

Wu Guo wow wow, yelling, threatening the nine winds to let him down.

Jiufeng always felt that he had heard something, but he couldn’t hear clearly when he turned around.

The witch is mad, and he is still bred with Dudu. The soul can only be linked to the two bloodsmen. The nine winds are powerful and cannot accept his protest.

He turned to the elbow and turned away. He also liked the nine winds. Every time the nine winds bowed his head and kissed him, he smiled happily. He could ruin the self-styled brother's witch fruit.

"Little traitor"

Dudu smiled softly. He liked Wu Ge’s brother and liked the nine-wind brother, although he felt that he was the eldest brother. The children already have memories. He remembers that he is four and a half years old, and he has been with Wu Guo for so many years. He does not know how many years have passed, but he feels that he should be very big now.

He will call two younger brothers "brothers", just that the younger brothers seem to like him so much. To be a brother, let the younger brother, this is what TV says.

Wu Guo heard the laughter and was even more angry. When she jumped up, she hit the nine-wind chin.

The nine winds slammed, and suddenly the duck laughed like a man. He also stamped the witch fruit: "Come again, come again."

Wu Guo is faint. Dudu smiles, oh, my brothers are so cute.

The original battle 爹 touched the chin, why would he feel that the soft toot seems to be more powerful, this will not be his illusion

Later facts will tell him that this is not his illusion. The three weakest seemingly weakest toots perfectly inherit his sinister ingenuity and his trepidation, and then bring his own stupid attributes to the world. And some big guys don’t want to lie

Of course, this is another story that belongs to three small ones. I won’t mention it here.

On the other hand, he is not a veterinarian, but he can say that he has a traumatic treatment for the wolf fox with his current ability.

There was only a little episode in the middle, just as the former Black Point youth said, one of the other three horned bones who wanted to recruit him yesterday came to him.

It was the full-fledged beauty of the horns, and she also brought four guards.

Zhong Shen Shi seems to know her, and the two also said a while.

Speaking out of the news, the beautiful woman looked at him up and down, and smiled in front of Zhongshen’s face: “I heard that you still have a child”

Strictly looking at the servant of Zhong Zhong, Zhong Shen shook his head, saying that it was not what he said. In order to remind him of the sternness, he specifically said: "Lena heard that you have a little trouble and wants to help you."

Strictly closed.

The beauty of the bone teacher, Linna, is still smiling. The export is an imperative: "Take the child up and show it to me."

"He is already asleep." Slightly and faintly back, it seems that he does not put a senior bone teacher in his eyes.

Lina's head was astonished and she was surprised by the strict attitude. The four guards behind her remained silent, and no one stood up and shouted a strict attitude.

Strictly afraid to despise this beautiful bones teacher, this person is either very confident about himself or is extremely strict.

"Looking at you is like a wise man. We don't talk about whispers. The little white horn dares to bring a few hornless people to the city from near Mingyue City. If it is not him, it is very powerful. There is a problem with the horns. I guess you are probably a demon warrior."

Lena waited for a stern answer, and raised her slender fingers. "Don’t lie to me, the little dolls have been passed down as a magic boy. How can you not have a demon warrior? But I am not here to catch you. I am I want to ask you again, are you willing to swear to be effective and loyal to me?"

Suddenly, "I have heard about the little man who misunderstood the little doll, but it is not our child. If you don't believe it, if the people from the city hall come, I can take the child out to them. Recognize."

Linna smiled and smiled. "It’s not how the city guards and the few nobles have caught the hornless children of the same age from yesterday to now. Do you know that your child is not, you have to wait for the city. The guardian’s person took him back and asked carefully to determine. And your child can come back”

Linna didn't finish it, but everyone said it was clear.

Zhong Shen waited for the frown, and looked at Linna with disapproval.

Lena's expression has not changed, but a hornless child.

I have heard that many innocent hornless children have been squashed, and my heart is particularly uncomfortable. Naturally, the tone is also brought out. "Is it threatening me?"

"Threats" Lina sneered, "If you don't see you, there is still some value, you don't even have to be threatened. I will finally ask you once, are you willing to be effective and loyal to me?"

"If I want to, if I don't want to," I laughed out.

Linna was shocked and stunned at this time and even laughed, thinking that this person was scared, but she still proudly replied: "If you want, my Temple will give you and your child shelter, the city The health center is naturally told by my people. As for the aristocrats, I dare not look for the troubles of my Depp family. If you don't want to"

Linna caress her long hair. "You don't say it for yourself, but no one can help you with that child, even if he is not the magic boy. For the magical boy and the demon warrior, the temple and the king city I always have the idea of ​​being able to kill and not let go. Zhong Zhong, you said that I am right?"

Zhong Shen sighed, but did not refute Linna’s statement.

"I know, I will think carefully, please give me another day. Rest assured, I am also planning to participate in the bone contest, and will not escape." Slightly bowed, smiles also closed up, seems to be forced to yield

"Do you think that who you are still wants to think about the truth for a day, the people at the city sanctuary are now outside, if you refuse to swear allegiance to me now, they will come in and catch people later." Na is like patience.

Strictly and unequivocally reply: "The former ninth-level bone teacher who claimed to be a Karel has also come. He promised to give me a day to consider. If I promise you now, he may not vent his anger to you, but I, the grown-up will not be merciless. You don’t want the loyal bonesman to become a body in a few days."

When Lena listened to the name of the black horn youth, she picked up her red lips and whispered like a child: "The guy."

Zhongshen, who has never left, suddenly interjected at this time: "Lena, you don't have to be a hornless person, just give him another day. He always has to arrange his family and convince his current owner. ""

"He doesn't mean he doesn't have a master?" Linna saw that Zhongshen had given her a step, and she went down the trend. After all, her family was not good enough to offend a genius who was destined to be a big bone teacher in the future, especially that day. There is still a temple, Mr. Wudang.

"The young master is not my master, but my family and I have been cared for by them. For this reason, I have agreed with his father to promise that they will consider the loyalty of the young master after I become a bone teacher." Give a plausible explanation that seems reasonable.

"哼" Lena pointed to the tight nose. "I will come again this time tomorrow. You'd better give me a clear answer." Finished, unwilling to leave with the guard.

"Adults, the people at the gates of the city guards" sternly called Linna, if anyone can help him solve it, why should he spend more time.

Linna turned back and glanced at him. "You are smart, you want to use me."

"Lena." Zhongshen waited very helplessly, and snorted to her and whispered something to her.

Strictly, the ear force made him hear clearly. Zhongshen waited to persuade Linna: Of course, it is necessary to give people a benefit. If you take away the people of the city guard, you are just raising your hand, but for that. There is no horn, but you will be grateful to you.

After listening to Lina, she again pouted her lips like a little girl, but did not refuse the advice of Zhongshen, and said to him with sternness: "I will let them leave, but only one day."

"Thank you an adult." Yan did not mind this time bending over Lina.

Linna left, and by the way, the people who came to the troubled city sanctuary were taken away. This temple in the lower city once again restored the calm of the past.

After a brief gratitude to Zhong Shen, he went back to the courtyard.

What does the Zhongshen wait to say, and the words stop.

The courtyard is in a nine-wind room.

The wolf fox viscera is also a little injured, and it still needs to be kept for a while after suturing.

Strictly asked if the nine winds with the little wolf fox came back, no one saw it, and the nine winds surely said that no one saw it.

Suddenly believe in the observation of the nine winds, he did not transfer the little wolf fox, let him stay in the nine wind room. The wild animals are so fast, the medicines he uses are good, and after the medicine is stimulated, it will take two days for the wolf fox to be able to move.

The little wolf fox screamed with a stern finger.

"Do you all race like you?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Part of it." Little Wolf Fox replied, and when he paused, he changed his mouth shyly: "Few, my family, I am. The elders said, a lot before."

“How long ago was a lot ago?”

The little wolf fox thought for a moment. "A long time ago, there was no horn."

Strictly speculated, he thought: Perhaps when the horned man did not come to the Western Continent, it should also be a place of survival consisting of many intelligent races, but no race has developed to dominate or has a specific civilization. At the point, there may be signs, but when the horns come, these intelligent races are devastated.

The horned people were originally forced by the various ethnic groups to leave the Eastern Continent. Some people may want to get along with other races, but the greater possibility is to implement extinction and self-protection. This is also the nature of a militant and overbearing intelligent race.

In this way, the development of the Wisdom race on the Western Continent can not develop, but the development is still a big step backwards, and some semi-intelligent people who could have developed into a Wisdom race are directly treated as wild beasts. . Only hornless people are used as slaves for reasons such as convenient shape or low energy control. Perhaps the same is true of the horned beast and the beast.

Of course, there should be some wise races that may retreat to a certain natural danger like the hornless people in the devil's abyss, and compete with the horned people for the final survival by the natural environment and the whole family.

"Is your home nearby?" There was an idea in the mind, and now the contact with the little wolf fox has become more clear.

"No, I ran out to play." Little Wolf Fox is very embarrassed.

Well, it seems that he has encountered a mischievous or rebellious escaped kid. "Where is your home?"

The little wolf fox did not answer, he was full of good feelings for this hornless person who healed himself, but the family land could not tell others, even if he didn't understand things, he knew what to say and what should not be said.

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to say it. You should leave it to be well-repaired. I will talk about it later." He smiled and touched the head of the little wolf fox. He calmly comforted him before leaving. After he got hurt, he can come and go free. Don't worry. I will leave him alone.

The real thoughts of the priests in the heart of the priests: When the time is to let the nine winds stare at him in the sky, I am not afraid of knowing where his family is hiding.

"Let's go, it's not early, we have to go to the Duke of Morton before the sun sets." Strictly busy the little wolf fox, unhurriedly began the next step.

The original war was to take back the childcare bag, and the nine winds were still unwilling to hold the two fruits away from themselves.

"They need a lot of energy every day, you are not enough." The original war did not have the kindness to appease the nine winds, directly to the facts.

Nine Winds knows that there is not much entanglement in the facts. He is only habitual and the original battle.

Strictly slamming the nine winds: "In the future, when you are in shape, you must follow me and the war. As the saying goes, the two fists are difficult to attack, and the horns are powerful. They also have aircraft. You don't necessarily have to suffer from them. ""

Jiufeng wanted to say that he was not afraid of them, but he added a sentence: "I will worry."

The wind rushed into the stern arms, and he liked to be silent.

Strictly picking up the nine winds, licking his little face, his heart is soft, and he told him that many hornless children were hurt by him. He intends to work with the original two to solve this problem. Who told him to look at the nine winds as a son?

The nine winds also looked back at him.

The original battle.

Yan Merle. At first, the nine winds probably used him as a pet, and he regarded the nine winds as a beast. Now, Jiufeng has probably changed his mindset to the chicks, that is, he has been seen as a scorpion, and he has long regarded the nine winds as his son.

The position of Sanxiao in his heart now, if there is no difference, it is a lie, but he really treats all three as his own flesh and blood, and becomes the treasure of the heart and soul, whoever suffers even a little bit of damage, He felt unbearable.

There are people ambushing the front and back of the temple. Whether it is the black horn youth card or the beautiful bone teacher, Linna has arranged for the guards to be strict, preventing the future slaves they are fancy from escaping.

The other two skeptics who are also interested in recruiting and seeing Kale and Lenna are sure to win, and they still despise the hornless people. I feel that even if the test results are perfect, it is only the initial level. One to three levels, if it is tested to level 6, his performance is still perfect, then how do they have to join in and fight for the battle, but they do not even report to the third level, they just gave up.

With two competitors missing, Karel and Lina are very happy. The two of them, especially after the card, have no prominent family, and it is the time when they need to recruit useful people to fill themselves. And if you want to recruit a good bone teacher to your own, how hard it is, there are horns who know, let alone let them finally become loyal to themselves and even be slaves, and only to the hornless people, they can be so unscrupulously force.

Kale’s family knows how to do it, because he has made several perfect results when he tested himself, so he deeply understands how difficult it is to get such a result. The other two feel that it is only the lowest level of three, even if there is nothing perfect, but he followed one of the great masters of contemporary big bones, how can you not understand the more primary the more you want to get perfect results, the harder it is, but it involves all aspects. Basic knowledge, even some animals and plants are not produced in this continent.

Kale wants to be strict, and wants to know where his inheritance comes from. If you can get it, then it is best.

Kale thought that Lin Na Bacheng had the same idea as he played.

It is a pity that the people of Kale and Lena are staring harder, and they can't prevent a blood-stained warrior who can walk through the ground.

The original battle with strictness and nine winds, God left the temple unconsciously, until it was about to reach the destination, only came out from the ground.

The two looked around and found that the surrounding walls were towering, like the lanes of two noble houses.

This kind of roadway generally does not have people who don't have long eyes to use it. At most, the people of the two houses use the partial door to take a walk.

"The Duke of Morton is here" and asked urgently.

The original battle raised his left hand, "This is the left side." He has confirmed the path yesterday.

The two saw no one around, and they moved in the direction of the south.

Because I heard that the people in the city guards were arresting the hornless children like the nine winds everywhere, in order to avoid trouble, the nine winds were turned into small birds on his shoulders.

The nine winds are so good, and they are steady on their shoulders.

"Hidden" is a strict finger, and the mouth only spits out a word.

On the side of the original battle, I found that the nine wind figures on the shoulders of the silence disappeared instantly.

"You can shrink into a word." The original battle was happy for him.

"There are only some special ones." Yan is also very happy. Although only a few have been completed, the prospects are obviously good. The most important thing is that this can greatly improve his defensive and combat ability.

"How to do it" The original battle and the strict side, while walking and asking.

Speaking with excitement: "The soul force projection. The meaning is"

In the process of strict interpretation, the two men walked through the roadway to the road.

This film seems to belong to the residential area of ​​the higher aristocracy. Most of the passers-by on the road are neatly dressed and rarely see people like the poor.

The Duke of Morton covers a wide area, the door is wide open, and there is a similar wall covering in the door. There are two horn guards in front of the gate and four corners of the horns.

Strictly seeing the bones picking up the eyebrows, this horned man's use of the bones is almost as fast as ever, even the bones of his own people are not missed.

The two are about to go forward to use the dominoes to see Buhua Morton, and suddenly there is a buzz in the open door.

The two stopped and after a while, the snoring became louder.

A woman, a white-horned woman, was lifted out by two strong women with her arms. At the gate, two brave women threw the seemingly weak white-horned woman outside the gate.

Followed by officials and like a housekeeper, the hand is standing at the door, coldly and coldly said to the crying white-horned woman: "We are not afraid of ugly, you dare to run again, we dare to lose again. If you are not ordered by His Royal Highness once, you think that you can live until now.

The white-horned woman screamed and cried on the steps, crying and crying: "I beg you, I just want to meet my son, I just want to see him, beg you"

"There is no child in Rollon House, and then dare to entangle, the consequences are conceited." The housekeeper seems to be extremely disgusted with the woman, and turns around to retreat. Others also turned their eyes on the white-horned woman and turned away.

The white-horned woman crouched on the steps and wanted to climb up. She was unceremoniously picked up with a bone spear.

The woman screamed and squatted on the ground and cried so badly.

Many people passing by are secretly watching the excitement, but no one dares to stop, and no one dares to pull or ask a woman what happened.

For the first time in the original battle, I saw this type of horned woman, and I was very curious to look at her eyes. "She is a white horn."

Strictly, "Well."

"Is this a black horned man bullying the white horns?"

Severely shaved: "No, I think it is a small three to find the door, and the result is that the scum male bird does not recognize people."

The original battle with a strong understanding of the ability to understand, eat and laugh, "maybe not, I heard her seems to be calling to see his son or something."

Strictly the first reaction: "Hybrid is interesting"


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