Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 670: It's not easy for parents to be

"I said you are too, the firecrackers are so loud, why don't you put the child in and let it go?"

There are many sisters in the Luo family, and Luo Xiaohua is the youngest child. She has a baby and is discharged from the hospital. Of course, everyone has to come and see.

The old people on the two sides were not idle either, and rushed over early in the morning.

Since there are people from the Luo family, the Xiao family certainly can't leave, after all, in name, they are still descendants of the Xiao family.

Mrs. Xiao is here today, she is really laughing so much that she can't close her mouth from ear to ear, this grandson, but gave her two grandchildren and one granddaughter at once!

When I returned to the village this time, all of them were too envious.

"Hurry into the house. My grandson and daughter-in-law are suffering. Let me see our great-grandson in the Xiao family."

As soon as these words were spoken, the atmosphere became a bit discordant, especially the people on the Luo family's side.

"Then I will also take a look at our Luo family's great-grandson."

The old lady of the Luo family didn't admit defeat either, she stepped forward and stared at the other baby.

"Hey, this is Xiaobao, who actually smiled at me."

The old lady was even more proud now, looking at the old lady Xiao provocatively.

The two people exchanged eyes, and the old lady Xiao couldn't believe it, and stepped forward and took a look.

Unexpectedly, I really saw the child laugh.

However, the old lady who had always refused to admit defeat did not answer her directly.

"My dear grandson, you also give grandma a smile."

Turned his head to look at the child he had just held.

Looking forward to her, she didn't get the smiling face that Dabao gave her, but she still had a cold expression on her clothes.

Luo Xiaohua's expression changed a bit when he saw the two old men pull their swords, and then smiled and said to everyone.

"Grandma, there is wind outside, let's go in first."

After all, the child is still in the confinement, and the child can't stay outside for too long, let alone the fireworks just set off, there is a strong smell of gunpowder, which is not suitable for children.

Luo Xiaohua spoke, and the two old men did not continue to say anything, and they stepped aside.

There were a lot of people and things, but Luo Xiaohua was not disturbed, and returned to her room leisurely.

Don't tell me, she is really tired of all this.

"Take a mouthful of soup first, and then feed the child."

Upon entering, Xiao San immediately spoke out when he saw his daughter-in-law picking up Little Treasure.

Stepping forward, he blew the yam pork rib soup in his hand.

"I'll come down and eat myself."

Put the little **** the bed and get out of bed.

To be honest, she is still not used to eating in bed, which always feels weird.

Before, it was because the baby's fetal position was not correct and needed to be corrected, but in the later stage, he couldn't go much further, for fear of the child's premature delivery. Now, she can move freely. She eats by herself and never let her husband feed her anymore.


As soon as she put her daughter down, she heard her howling and crying, Luo Xiaohua was really helpless, and she sat on the bed and decided to feed her.

"This little treasure is a rusher, you eat first, I'll give it a hug."

Not to mention, some children are so spiritual. As long as adults eat and sleep well, they can wake up immediately. This is what they call "catch food."

However, some elderly people say that as long as the mother does not go to see the child while eating, the child will not rush the meal. Of course, there are exceptions.

Xiao San was also a distressed wife, so he assumed the responsibility of taking care of the children.

"I think this kid should want to drink this soup."

Sitting next to his daughter-in-law with his daughter in his arms, he couldn't help joking when he saw the girl's big, dripping eyes twirling there.

"How can it be?"

This time, Luo Xiaohua really almost laughed. Fortunately, she covered her mouth in time and didn't let this bowl of soup be discarded.

"If you don't believe me, look at it."

In order to show that what he said was true, Xiao San showed her the greedy look of the girl.

Sure enough, when Luo Xiaohua approached her, she saw Xiaobao sticking out her tongue.

"You don't really want to eat this, do you?"

Not to mention, Luo Xiaohua really feels this way when she sees a girl like that.

"Yes, yes, I want to eat!"

Xiao Bao grinned at his mother, but it was a pity that the sound he made was still that cute baby.

"Then I will give you some food."

When Luo Xiaohua picked up the spoon and leaned forward, Xiaobao opened her mouth wide, waiting for her to feed.

"You are too young to eat this."

The baby hasn't been in this half month, where can I eat other things.

She really couldn't help laughing at her daughter's greedy look.


Seeing that his food was just flying, Xiaobao frowned immediately.

"You eat it quickly, and feed them when you are finished."

As for the interaction between the mother and daughter, Xiao San couldn't help but shook his head, saying that he was speechless.

After eating and drinking, the three babies slept very sweetly.

However, at night, the couple couldn't help but frown.

"Do you think Little Treasure feels sick?"

She hasn't fallen asleep, her daughter has eaten no less than five milks, but she didn't eat much each time, but if you put her down, she would cry again.

This made Luo Xiaohua extremely depressed and helpless, because she had used countless methods and still failed to coax her daughter well.

"Or I will hug you."

After a busy day, Xiao San was too sleepy. He was already asleep, but when he heard his daughter cry, he woke up immediately.

"Then you try, and breathe out to her by the way, and be bold."

Here, when a child cries in the middle of the night, the man in the family will put his hand on his mouth and breathe when he gets up, and then he will pull the child’s forehead, which must be from the bottom to the top. Raise her Yang Qi.

In addition to using this method in the morning, children can also try to cry at night.


As a result, when Xiao San took over the child, she cried even more fiercely.

"How about I will take it to the hospital for a look?"

Listening to the cry of the child, the husband and wife felt distressed.



Now, not only Xiao Bao was crying, but Da Bao and Er Bao also started crying.

"The twins are telepathic, so nothing will happen to Little Treasure, right?"

The sound of crying really made Luo Xiaohua feel more distressed. Although it was not the first time she was a mother, she still felt uncomfortable facing the cry of the child.

"Huahua, what's the matter, why do I hear the child cry so much?"

Zhu Huifang, who was already asleep, came upstairs after hearing the crying of the babies and knocked gently on the door.

"Mom, go to sleep, nothing is wrong."

In order to prevent her mother from worrying, Luo Xiaohua, who was in tears of anxiousness, still did not express her worries.

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