Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 563: Persuade people to get married

"That's OK, wait someday when you come back with me, I will do it for you."

The dish that Bai Ye said can only be made with a wood stove. Like this kind of coal stove, it is a soup or something. If it is a stir-fry, it is really not delicious.

"Eat, eat, why don't you eat to death for one day?"

After eating, Luo Xiaohua directly carried Bai Ye into the space.

The injury on his back looked so serious that he was still like a okay person.

"The people take food as their heaven, even if they are going to die, they have to be a devastating ghost."

For Luo Xiaohua's anger, Bai Ye didn't care at all, instead he smiled at her hippiely.

"Hurry up and eat this."

With one thousand merit points of his own, he exchanged a bottle of Concentration Pill.

If it weren't for Luo Xiaohua's careful observation, she would really believe his nonsense.

As for his divine soul that has already dispersed, if it is placed on an ordinary person, the soul may be scattered. That is to say, his physique is different from ordinary people. No, he is not an ordinary person in the first place.

In fact, it is more appropriate to say that it is not a person!

Bai Ye, who was grateful for Luo Xiaohua, turned black after hearing her yelling voice.

"Did you sell everything in me?"

During this period, all her thoughts were on the child, and she had forgotten about it.

Originally, I was thinking that I would sell it later when I saved more.

"This is the business qualification certificate for the paper mill, as well as the workshop certificate."

Bai Ye took out a large pile of things, and Luo Xiaohua didn't look at them.

"Since you want to find something to do, then you can toss it yourself."

As long as it is not something illegal or criminal, Luo Xiaohua is not a worried person. Since Bai Ye wants to make trouble, let him go.

"That's OK, when I get rich, the money will be given to the three babies."

Not to mention, Bai Ye is really handsome now in suits and shoes, and the shoes are also polished brightly.

Compared to his man, he is more like a successful person. In the words of later generations, he is a diamond king.

"What are you doing looking at me like this?"

Bai Ye didn't understand what Luo Xiaohua was thinking. He was a man, so why did he become a diamond again?

However, he is quite useful for looking better than her man. Someday, if Xiao San treats him badly, he will choke him with these words.

"I think if you don't go back, just make a home here."

Although the answer is definitely impossible, Luo Xiaohua said so.

Bai Ye froze for a moment, and then burst into laughter.

"Forget it, someday she will be old, I will still look like a teenager, this must not vomit her to death."

"That's not true. As long as a woman pays attention to the maintenance of her figure, she can still be as old as her eighteen when she is sixty."

Women nowadays are too bitter. They take care of their homes wholeheartedly, but forget that they also need to be cared for.

It's not that this is bad, but that the people who suffer are honest people.

Looking at the future generations, those husbands who cheat are often honest and honest people. They are diligent and conscientious in their husbands and sons, in exchange for their husband's betrayal and old age, derailed from society, they cannot find a good job to support themselves. Some people feel that they can't save this face, think that divorce is an extremely serious matter, and they choose to commit suicide.

And those women who know how to spend money on maintenance, how to dress themselves, and how to enjoy life, not only do not worry about life, but also look very young.

"Then the actual age can be compared with the biological age? Besides, when she gets old, shall I wait for her to reincarnate? Or find another one?"

Let's talk about the relationship without talking about the child first. The child does not matter. DINK will do anyway.

But this...

"You don't think I'm a playboy, do you?"

Suddenly, Bai Ye thought of these four words, his character is absolutely good.

"Isn't it normal for three wives and four concubines in your time?"

Monogamy didn't start after liberation. She didn't believe that he was not three wives and four concubines before?

"It's normal, but isn't it illegal for you now?"

"The other thing is, if we are a cultivator, if we find a wife, we can form a Taoist couple, and two of us can practice together."

What Bai Ye didn't say was that not only did the world practice monogamy, they also did the same on Fairy Island.

"That's a mutually beneficial thing."

The two people chatted in the space for a while, and then they were not talking about the topic of marrying a wife and having children.

Luo Xiaohua is actually quite interested in the paper mill run by Baiye, especially when the children are walking, it is really convenient to use diapers. If you use diapers, you don’t get a lot of money in a day. Eight sets of clothes were changed and washed, it was really overwhelming.

If you use diapers, you don’t have to worry about anything.

Moreover, the current market prices, those who can afford it, are rich people, as long as the quality is good, they are not worried about sales.

"That's OK, the specific plan, you will give me then, I will see how to operate."

Although Luo Xiaohua has never been in contact with this industry, she was in business before, so she still has a bit of a brain on how to expand this industry.

Besides, isn't Xiao San still here? She can't figure it out, so she can still ask him.

At the thought of this, Luo Xiaohua was also happy.

After returning to the ward, he immediately told him about it.

After listening to his wife's words, Xiao San looked at Bai Ye.

Good guy, this time I went out and started a big business.

Not to mention, this paper mill is super profitable.

However, the risk of paper mills is also quite high, mainly because the pollution is too serious, and the use of too many trees damages the natural ecology.

If he focuses on diapers, this is better, because the materials used are also very environmentally friendly.

"The toilet paper, I plan to make it out of bamboo."

For this, Bai Ye also thought about it. There are several kinds of materials for the panel. To say that the most convenient and, it is bamboo.

"You are good!"

The cost of trees is too high, and most people don’t sell straw. Bamboo is considered the most practical. You can plant a few acres of land by yourself, and you can grow a lot in a year.

Three people who are passionate about life, study this together in this ward.

Xiao San is an experienced person after all, thinking about every detail very comprehensively.

Bai Ye is a dreamer. His innovative ideas are extremely high. Two people can use a combination of two swords to describe it.

Luo Xiaohua is a person who pays great attention to details. When they chat, they list all the things that need attention.


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