Back To the Farm As a Daughter

Chapter 420: Wan Nian Lao 2

"Oh, what kind of dishes are you cooking? It's just a waste of extravagance!"

When Luo Xiaohua was busy in the kitchen, a surprised voice came from her ears.

Looking back, it turned out that it was Xiao San's sister-in-law who liked to pierce her, and her brows wrinkled.

If this is a normal person, when she sees her having a big belly cooking, the general reaction is not to help, but instead, she will scream behind her.

Fortunately, she has a strong endurance, otherwise the fish in this pot will be useless.

"I said, Xiao Hong, can you make your voice softer?"

Tian Fen really didn't like Xiao Hong's reaction.

Luo Xiaohua cooks so many dishes, I haven't seen them come. Although they usually eat well, they shouldn't be so particular about it.

Luo Xiaohua didn't know the second aunt's thoughts at all, and even if she knew it, she laughed collectively.

She was pregnant, Xiao San had a leg injury, Lin had old illnesses, her grandparents were older, and her younger sisters were still nursing babies. Therefore, if you don't have a good life, that won't work.

"Why do you have so many mouths, can't I just say a few more words?"

While speaking, Xiao Hong couldn't help but stretch out his hand to the tiger-skin chicken feet on the plate.

This dish is not available in Nancheng nowadays. The people here usually either cook in soy sauce or make pickled peppers. No one makes tiger skin chicken feet yet.

In particular, Luo Xiaohua still has bones removed, which tastes better.

However, Luo Xiaohua actually likes to eat bones. It's just because my grandparents have bad teeth that I get the bones removed.

"Aren't you talking about extravagance, what do you eat?"

In the past, she was so beautiful to see that her little sister-in-law was a person of inconsistency.

"This is not at your house, what happened to me?"

After taking a bite of chicken feet, I only feel that my heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys feel comfortable. This taste is really amazing!

"I said, niece and daughter-in-law, where did you learn this craft?"

Xiao Hong is usually bitter and mean, but his family's business is good and he also made a lot of money. Therefore, the food at home is also very good, but, she has never eaten such delicious food.

"I learned it myself."

Luo Xiaohua answered without even thinking about it.

"Don't blame me, if you learned this craft from others, I will write the name backwards."

Xiao Hong thought that Luo Xiaohua was putting gold on her face, but she did not expect that she was really self-taught in cooking.

Others say that if you want to grab a man's heart, you have to grab his stomach.

And Luo Xiaohua's craft was actually learned for her daughter.

The daughter was born premature and weak in body. Therefore, in order for her daughter to grow up healthily, she bought a lot of recipes and made her suitable food every day.

Over time, she learned the most classic part and learned a good cooking skill.

"Have you seen these dishes in Nancheng?"

It's not that she blows, but this tiger skin chicken claw, no one has seen it in this Nancheng.

There are also pepper chicken and chili beef, which she wears with a toothpick.

I also made a pork belly chicken, which is the essence of the soup and is very nourishing.

Originally, she planned to make some of these dishes a day, but she didn't expect them to come today. Just get it out and greet everyone to have a meal.

"I haven't seen it, but doesn't it mean that there is no spreading elsewhere?"

Even if he hadn't seen it, Xiao Hong wouldn't admit that it was Luo Xiaohua's masterpiece.

In this regard, Luo Xiaohua no longer pays attention to this jumping clown.

When she looked at the yard from the window, she happened to see the man sitting on the easy chair.

Against the background of the warm winter sun, his whole person seemed to be plated with a layer of gold, which made people look warm.

With his legs and feet almost healed, Xiao San had long wished to walk freely without the crutches.

However, the wife said that his resilience is too amazing, and it will definitely arouse people's suspicion.

Therefore, when there are people during the day, he pretends to be a handicapped person. He walks freely only when two people are alone.

However, even with crutches, he usually gets up directly when the biological clock rings and then goes for a walk outside.

"Old lady, what are you doing idle outside, go to the kitchen to help sprinkle?"

Father Xiao, who was playing chess with Father Lin, couldn't help making arrangements when he saw that his wife was doing nothing.

"The granddaughter-in-law said, let me take care of the meal today, and she will take care of the kitchen."

Is it easy for her to become a mother-in-law from a daughter-in-law?

Now that she is finally able to want to enjoy Qingfu, why should she find her own sins?

"Even if you are in charge of eating, then you should help out. What if your granddaughter-in-law falls?"

"I said you too, don't talk if you don't speak for a day, it makes me angry."

While the old lady was swearing, she still lifted her steps to the kitchen.

Seeing grandma enter, Xiao San couldn't bear the excitement in his heart. He wanted to see what his daughter-in-law made Are you standing in the kitchen, why don't you help with the dishes? "

When she saw her daughter eating in the kitchen, Mrs. Xiao's expression immediately changed.

She didn't even taste such a delicious dish, so she ate it first.

"Mom, my clothes are made of genuine leather, so you can't get a little oil, or it will break."

"Then it's expensive, buy it back and let it go?"

Regarding the daughter, the old lady's face was also very ugly, and then such a sentence came out.

The other two people in the kitchen also couldn't laugh.

This Xiao Hong is really too pretentious, some women are bitter and mean, but she usually takes care of her own mother.

"Yes, sister, there is a lot of dust in our village and outside. If you are afraid that your clothes will get dirty, you can wear my clothes first."

Xiao Hong was a decade older than Xiao San, so she was not too old.

Or maybe it's because the business is good, and you have earned a little bit, and you don't need to rain or rain, this skin will naturally heal.

"That's not necessary, your uncle has already drove to the guest house to take it."

Since their return, they have lived in the guest house.

"You also said that we were wasting it. You can go to any store to get a piece of clothing, and you don't need to go back to Nazareth."

Tian Fen sneered, and she said that this sister-in-law is a person who can be a demon.

That uncle is also really good-tempered. He drives a car to get clothes, which will cost a lot of gas.

"That's how it works, just your clothes, I will get lumps when I come out and wear them."

Xiao Hong's words are really making Tian Fen so angry at this moment that she wants to kill her. The woman secretary's words are really awkward.

"You speak too much..."


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