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Chapter 1102: Underestimated the beauty of the girls from the two colleges

  Chapter 1102 underestimated the beauty of the girls from the two colleges


"10 billion?"

   "This total investment is a bit exaggerated, but it is understandable to distribute it within ten years."

   "The current market capitalization of Celebrity Group is only tens of billions, and it is indeed courageous to invest billions in cloud computing."

   "Even if it is invested step by step within ten years, the celebrity group is full of courage."


  Compared to the ordinary audience, the students from Peking University and Huaqing University were obviously more rational. After a brief shock, they began to analyze the information contained in it.

  Of course, boys are the ones who analyze more rationally. The girls can't help but admire the confident and energetic Mr. Zhou on the stage.

  Which girl does not love heroes, even the girls from the two top universities cannot avoid this common problem.

  Many students who came here after hearing the news, heard the discussions around them, curiously asked about the friends next to them, and then expressed the same emotion.

  But the leaders sitting in the first row couldn't sit still. What the other party said was too predictable.

   "Old Cheng, tell me, is this cloud computing really promising?"

  Zhang Qingfeng, who had just had some ideas at first, immediately became interested when he heard about the big moves of the celebrity group and TX, and turned around to ask about old friends.

  Once this news is true, then their capital, as the capital of China, must catch up with this bus.

  Whether it is the Celebrity Group or the TX Group, they are considered to be leading Internet companies in China. The projects they invest heavily in will definitely not be nothing but a question of the length of time for returns.

  Government achievements, in addition to short-term benefits, also depend on long-term future development, leaving good stories for future generations.

   "Even if this cloud computing has a promising future, the geographical climate of the capital is not suitable for the establishment of a computing center. The heat dissipation of the central processing unit alone is not eligible. You should just listen to it."

  Cheng Lingshu naturally knew what this old friend was thinking, but he also threw cold water on him.

  Whether it is a cloud computing center or a big data center, there must be a huge processor to support the operation. Just for heat dissipation, Beijing, which is located in the north and has a dry climate, has been passed.

  The climate in the south is more suitable for the operation of these two major projects.

  Reminded by this close disciple, Cheng Lingshu intends to do an in-depth research on these two issues and provide effective suggestions to the higher-ups.


  After hearing what his old friend said, Zhang Qingfeng's fiery heart suddenly cooled down.

   This is true, a smart woman can't cook without rice, no, it should be that money can't change the climate.

   This train, the capital will not be able to catch up.

   "The student who wears blue long sleeves, please."

   Waiting for the voice of discussion in the audience to subside, Zhou Anan once again chose a black long straight girl who had just sat down not long ago to stand up and ask questions.

   "Mr. Zhou, if you invest, which industry will have a better return rate in the next few years?"

   I didn't expect to be selected when I first came here. The black long straight girl who is obviously not a financial major thought about it and asked a relatively broad question.

   She doesn't know much about cloud computing and big data, so it's embarrassing to ask.

  Investment is something that everyone can do.

   "If you don't want to speculate in stocks, I suggest that this classmate should buy a house within the third ring road of Beijing or in the center of a first-tier big city if he has money. Don't be afraid of taking out a loan. You can borrow as much as you can. If you lose money in ten years, come to me."

   Touched the letter logo hidden in the sleeve, Zhou Anan looked at the other party's upper-middle appearance, and gave a pertinent suggestion.

  At first, he thought that the girls from Beijing University and Huaqing University were all nerds, but unexpectedly, there were many good-looking girls. Chen Hongxiu, who was recruited into the president's office, was not a special case.

   As for how many people listened to his opinion, Zhou Anan didn't care.

   At most, more than ten years later, housing prices in first-tier cities skyrocketed. Occasionally, a few high-achieving students who listened to his advice to buy a house remembered this and silently muttered admiration.

"What's the meaning?"

   "Why did you suddenly talk about real estate?"

   "Didn't you mean big data?"

   "Isn't this guy speculating in real estate?"

   "Some can't keep up with the train of thought?"

   "He is right. According to the current policy, house price rises are inevitable, but I don't know how much space there is?"

   "In terms of investment, non-financial majors really have a problem buying a house to appreciate."

   "I agree with this answer."

   "Thank you, Mr. Zhou."

  While others were discussing, Hei Changzhi smiled and thanked, but kept the other party's words in her heart.

  Replaced with other tens of billionaires, a small investment opinion may be worth a lot.

   If it’s really a loss, she will go to the other party, hehe.

   "Old man, you are a solid student."

  Different from those doubtful students, Zhang Qingfeng, who is a leader, knows that the proposal of this young rich man is very profitable.

  Due to the financial crisis in the first half of the year, housing prices in Beijing fell a lot, but this month the average price has risen by more than 1,000 in a row, showing great momentum.

  If you were an ordinary person, you would definitely talk about this issue, talking about the more imaginary aspects, and you would not be so sure and give others a handle.

  In the position of the other party, and on this occasion today, a bad answer will cause a lot of impact.

   "I'm afraid that these people will be arrogant and won't listen to what they say."

   In this regard, Cheng Lingshu, who has done research, is also clear, but his status does not allow him to express sensitive topics in public, so he is a different student.

   Cheng Lingshu expressed his satisfaction with the disposition of this closed disciple.


   Zhang Qingfeng agreed with this point.

  Young people are high-spirited, and they will not easily agree with other people's opinions, let alone students from the two universities, who are high-spirited.

  Especially most of the students present here today are students majoring in finance. If they have funds, they are more likely to invest in the financial market instead of investing in fixed assets such as real estate.

   "The student in the black shirt, please."

  After the black long straight girl sat down, Zhou Anan ordered another heroic girl with short hair to answer.

  The beauty of the girl from the two colleges is far underestimated. He was also misled by the comments on the Internet before, so seeing is believing.

   "Mr. Zhou, do you have a girlfriend?"

   The short-haired heroic girl who also didn't expect to be picked, stood up and asked a very presumptuous question, with a little blush on her face, but she wasn't too embarrassed.


  Hearing such an 'interesting' question, the students present couldn't help laughing, even the leaders in the front row were also smiling.

  Peking University students should dare to love, hate, and be the first in the world.

"First of all, I would like to thank this classmate for not asking me professional questions, which allowed me to perfectly avoid the embarrassment of not being able to answer. Regarding my girlfriend's question, I can only say that I regret not being admitted to Beijing University. Otherwise, I would definitely pursue this It's a pity to meet such a lovely female classmate now."

   Without the slightest bit of embarrassment, Zhou Anan answered cleverly, acquiescing to the fact that he has a girlfriend.


  This time, all the students present applauded unanimously, and the kind and humorous answers from the young rich man on the stage brought everyone closer together.

   "Thank you, Mr. Zhou."

   After the applause fell, the short-haired heroic girl with regretful eyes thanked her and sat down.

  As a student of Peking University, her IQ is naturally online, and it is normal for her to hear the meaning hidden in the other party's words.

   "The student in the purple windbreaker, please."

   Once again, Zhou Anan ordered a medium-length girl with medium-length hair, and Zhou Anan didn't plan to call the boy to answer.

  Of course he doesn't have any opinion on boys or prefers girls. He doesn't choose boys to ask questions, just to prevent some people from being unconvinced and asking more difficult topics.

   Regarding the development of the two major information technologies, he can only put forward a big concept, and he cannot answer the detailed questions.

  Since you want to pretend, you should pretend to be beautiful and straightforward.

   "Mr. Zhou, I am very interested in the concept of big data. If big data becomes popular, will there be any disadvantages besides allowing resources to be connected quickly and efficiently?"

  (end of this chapter)

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