Chapter 915: Let's meet (5)

No reply.

After a while, the zero-degree head was dark and the line was off.

It’s because she just didn’t care for him for a long time. He thought she was not online. Did she go to sleep on the following line?

Xu warmth waited for a while, watching the zero delay did not go online, this also retired the game, closed eyes and fell asleep.


At the same time, Lu Bancheng, who was awakened from the dream by the alarm, was sleepy. After giving a warm joke, I wanted to continue to fall asleep, but because of the warmth of the words, I was upset. A little bit of sleepiness is gone.

She actually made a meeting with him.

If he is not Lucheng, if he and she have never had those nightmare-like things, he will not hesitate to return to her after a moment of hesitation.

But he is Lu Bancheng, the one who she is the most in the world.

If she met him, she knew that he was Lu and Cheng, fearing that he would not even have the chance to be associated with her only by zero identity.

It is easy to reject her request for the first time, but for the second time, the third time... every time after that? Can't always find an excuse to stop her? So going on, sooner or later, the identity of zero will still be disconnected from her...

Whether he sees or not, he and she seem to be the same ending.


At 9:00 the next morning, when Lu Bancheng entered the game, he received a warm message.

What was sent to him was the date she went to Shanghai.

I don’t always reply to her news, it’s not the same thing... Lu Bancheng thought for a moment and hit a line: “Why do you want to meet suddenly?”

Xu warmth is not online, until the lunchtime, Lu Bancheng opened the game and saw her reply: "I have known you in the game for so many years, don't you want to see me?"

"Not to mention, you have helped me so much, I am very curious about you, I want to know what you are in reality, and I want to thank you in person."

Although Lu Bancheng knew that he had escaped for a while and could not escape the world, he chose to delay the policy: "I have a look, because I have a lot of things recently, I am not sure if I will have time."

Soon, Xu warm gave him a reply: "Okay, if you have time, we will meet you. If you don't have it, it doesn't matter, I will make another appointment in the future."

"Yeah." Lu Bancheng back.


On December 29th, Xu warmed at 10 o'clock in the morning and flew from Beijing International Airport to Shanghai Hongqiao Airport on time.

I arrived at the hotel by taxi and checked in. The warmth sent a message to Zero: "I have already arrived in Shanghai. Besides this afternoon, I have time at other times."

Zero was not online, and the warmth didn't get back until I went to bed.

Woke up the next morning, she received a few messages sent to her.

The first one is a joke.

The second one is: "I'm sorry, I flew to Hong Kong yesterday morning because of work. I should have greeted you yesterday, but because I was too busy, I didn't have the game."

The third is: "It may not be possible to go back in the middle of next month, so I am afraid we will not see it this time."

The class reunion is a fake, and it is true to fly to Shanghai to see him.

Xu warmly sees the news of zero degree, not without losing it, but she is lost again, and there is no way. She can only pretend to be okay and return to him: "It doesn't matter, then I will have a chance to see you next time."

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