Asked The Red Dust

Chapter 539: The significance of these years

The night is quiet.

The noisy tassels and gluttons finally ceased. Qin Yi Li Qingjun sat cross-legged on the couch and seemed to be practicing.

Actually had his soul out of his mind, and went to the temple where Li Wuxian prayed.

Huiyang class spirit travel is already an ordinary thing, both of them plan to see if this Li Wuxian will be set face to face.

At present, Li Wuxian is serious.

She was offering sacrifices in the south ancestral hall of the palace.

In general, the sacrifice is in places like ancestral tombs, rarely in the palace. Li Wuxian is in a special situation. He will not move to the south of the world from a distance of tens of thousands of miles, so he set up an ancestral temple in the palace. Li Duoxuan, Li Qinglin and others are all here ... I do n’t know if Li Duoxuan will vomit blood when he sees it.

In fact, Li Wuxian knew that Li Duanxuan was not dead. Li Duanxuan took Li Qingjun, and the girl witnessed it all the way. But this kind of spiritual position is for outsiders. There is no way, it can't be said that even the founding fathers are not enshrined ... So Li Duanxuan said that he received some sentient wishes from the sentient beings.

This thing is completely useless for Li Duanxuan's cultivation, but it has certain use for Venerable Mangshan ... At that time, Venerable Mangshan supported the descendants to build a country, but it did not mean that there was nothing like this, but Xihuang and Nanli were a bird. , Poorly small, that little power is equal to nothing, but farts are too much, and Mengshan gave up completely.

As for the matter of personally interfering to conquer Shenzhou, let ’s forget it. Just look at the end of Tai Yizong this time. The luck of bitterness still exists. Zuo Qingtian may not know how to toss Tai Yi this time. This can be foreseen. Inevitable decline.

This thing is of some use to the practice of Wu Shenzong, and it is not particularly important. It is definitely not worth it. Of course, if there is the willingness to send the door like Li Duanxuan, Mengshan will probably laugh to death.

This kind of thing is also a little tricky. Unwanted Li Duanxuan got it, but the wanted Mengshan couldn't get it ...

Zuo Qingtian also understood the idea that Mengshan would like to be stationed in Longyuan City for observation, not a feeling of taste.

I just want to see ... Jealousy doesn't make sense. Li Wuxian is a descendant of this kind of evildoer. If it's Hanshan, I don't know if this should be a relief or a cold heart.

Just as Qin Yi and Li Qingjun had to watch her in the middle of the night ... With her scheming and decisiveness to lead her country out, if they changed other passers-by, the two might have been far away from each other, but how could this source be cut off? Off?

Can only be more troublesome.

Li Wuxian set the spirit position very seriously at this time, and there were Taoist priests in Qianlongguan doing the dojo. Qin Yi clearly felt that there was a kind of wishful force gathering above, and slowly melted into the light.

In this kind of world, this kind of prayer really has certain effect, such as wandering injustice rest and reincarnation, smoothing out the grudge and the like. The effect of ordinary people is relatively low, and the generation's terrifying and unmatched capacity combined with the practice of the Qianlong Taoist priests can not be calculated.

But the premise must be the sincerity of the supplicant, resonating with spirit and spirit. Once the heart is not sincere, it is absolutely invalid, and fooling others is okay. For Qin Yi, the soul of the Huiyang realm at this time, it can be seen at a glance. Come out authentic.

try {mad1 (\ 'gad2 \');} catch (ex) {} At present, she is really sincere ...

The sense of concentration on that small face made Li Qingjun feel a trance.

Sometimes I always feel that I really look at myself at a certain stage.

Qin Yi also feels that if Li Wuxian took the initiative to absorb the knowledge of the elders around her when she was young, she should imitate Li Qingjun a little more. After all, she actually saw her father a few times, and the deeds were listened to by others. . Instead, he became a king for a year with the support of Li Qingjun. It was considered to get along with him day and night. He had received a lot of unintentional instillation from Li Qingjun. At least in terms of appearance and temperament, it must be closer to Li Qingjun.

This is the origin of her kind of heroic battlefield.

Maybe she said, "Master is always young on the fairy road, and you are old in a few years." Such words are all inadvertently spoken by Li Qingjun himself, but she listened to it and remembered it in her heart ...

Later, she was defeated by her own country. Li Qingjun wanted to teach and could not teach. Everyone separated. In the Grand Palace, it was impossible for anyone to teach her well, and he taught himself a lot of royal politics.

She is a bit like a super-brain computer ...

Actually ... I am eager for someone to teach her, care about her, and do n’t always let her absorb the learning.

So I was happily criticized and punished, but rather happy? Because that made her find the teachings of father and master?

Therefore, the implementation of punitive measures is also very sincere and very obedient.

Is that right?

Both felt distressed at the same time.

Li Qingjun pursed his lips, and said after a while: "You go back and rest, you are tired these days, I just look at it."

Qin Yi turned to look at her.

Perhaps Wuxian did not understand. When Li Qingjun tried his best to rebuild his home but was inexplicably destroyed by a monster, that kind of hard work and persistent pain of being destroyed once, if not to save the child, Qingjun will fight Die from the south and never retreat.

Perhaps the original intention and result of breaking free of her are good, which does not mean that you must appreciate this way.

Human emotions are not cold programs in the computer. This is all the things that Li Wuxian can't understand simply by rationally analyzing everything around him by natural aura, and the paradox is that Li Wuxian himself is expecting emotion.

But Qin Yi can see that although Li Qingjun is straight-faced, the forgiveness in her heart is faster than she thought.

Her heart is the same as tofu.

"No more." Qin Yi's void hand stroked her cheek: "Let's go back to rest together."

"But ..."

"You have nothing to bear, you are just Qin's housewife. If you have educational responsibilities to her, it is my master."

Li Qingjun was startled and smiled: "Big man. This world is full of queens and empresses, and I don't know where your big man came from."

Qin Yi akimbo: "Because what you said, most of them are known to me."

Li Qingjun is absolutely down.

try {mad1 (\ 'gad2 \');} catch (ex) {} …………

The next morning, when the genius was bright, Li Wuxian went outside the hall and saluted respectfully: "Tuer asks Master for peace."

Came from Qin Yi's voice: "Huh? You don't want to go up?"

"It wasn't so early for the Chao Hui, so please ask Master for peace first, and I want to apologize."

"Your aunt is out ..." Qin Yi said: "Come in and sit down if you are not in a hurry."

Hearing that Li Qingjun was going out, Li Wuxian sighed and lifted the step door.

Saw Qin Yi painting at a glance, and Li Wuxian stepped up, his eyes quickly flashed with a sense of surprise.

That is her portrait, which is what she looked like when she was making a snowman seven years ago.

Qin Yi stopped her pen, turned to look at her, and smiled gently: "In fact, you are still in the same way in Master's heart. This seven-year retreat has become so big, and I haven't adapted to it."

Li Wuxian picked up the scroll and looked at it. He said nothing in his mouth, but his eyes were full of joy.

Qin Yi said again: "In these years, you have faced the treacherous palace and the world's surging in Dagan alone ~ ~ I can imagine how much pressure you are shouldering. I have not been able to help me as a master. Just cursing people is not good enough. "

Li Wuxian shook his head: "Master has his own things to do ... you have done enough. This road of stealing is all paved by the master, and he has passed me the gold medal of creation, the magic weapon is in my body, in fact I There is nothing difficult ... "

Unify the world, you said you are not difficult ... Where is this thing that can be used for a little cultivation and magic ...

Of course also has certain uses. For example, she can hardly sleep much, her time and energy are much more abundant than others, and her memory is many times better than normal people. At the same time, she doesn't worry much about security issues. Besides, of course, it is due to her own ability. She may be able to be the master of Qin Yi in turn for her political and military capabilities.

Qin Yidao said: "You have learned so much in Dagan, is it taught by Mr. Qianhuang Youpai?"

Li Wuxian said: "In the early years, a bachelor came to enlighten and taught reading and writing, as well as some history. Afterwards, there was a big mess, and the emperor couldn't take care of these, and he stopped. It's unhindered, and I want to see what to see. "

Paused for a moment, and there was a weird look on the small face: "Does Master teach me to govern the country?"

Qin Yi covers her face. What do you mean by this weird expression, look down on our traverser?

Before waiting for him to die, he heard Li Wuxian said: "In fact ... Wuxian didn't have much interest in governing the country or something. Even playing this world, fortunately, Master said yesterday that it was worth rewarding Things, only let me find the meaning of these years. Otherwise, if it is as negative as the previous Nanli thing, I do n’t even know what my ten years are for. "

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