Ask Sword

Chapter 572: escape

  Chapter 572 Escape

   Dozens of chains emptied all the machine guns in an instant, and Li Ang stood up slowly, slightly dizzy.

  Manipulating Weiyuan matter is not without cost. He feels as tired and hungry as if he has not eaten or rested for a week. Even if a cow is in front of him, he wants to eat two bites.


  The naturally stretched chain sensed danger, and was suddenly shocked. Li Ang subconsciously dodged sideways, clinging to the door of the armored vehicle.


  The bullet from the sniper rifle missed his neck by an inch, but hit the concrete road, leaving a clear pothole.

   Li Ang suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of the sound, and a chain shot out from behind, cutting off a street light pole, only the middle steel pipe was intercepted,

   After weighing it for a while, it was like throwing a javelin, and it was thrown heavily towards the roof.

  The sniper who missed a hit and moved immediately, was running on the roof with a gun, and then was hit by a steel pipe that pierced through the concrete eaves, piercing through the waist and hanging in mid-air.

  The last threat has also been eliminated, Li Ang rubbed his humming and tingling forehead, and walked to the rear of the vehicle.

  The officers and others in the car heard footsteps, silently drew their pistols, and aimed at the rear door

   Bang bang bang!

  Several chains passed through the rear door, pierced into the car, penetrated everyone's shoulders, nailed them firmly to the inner wall of the car, and dropped the gun in their hands to the ground.


  The chain pulls off the car door as easily as opening a can

   Li Ang looked around the people in the car indifferently, and his eyes stopped on the SAT operator.

"you lied to me."

   Li Ang said slowly, and the control chain rotated slightly, making the opponent's face pale with pain, and he was about to faint.

  Before I left the hotel and boarded the armored transport vehicle, I smelled the aroma of cherry blossoms, which should be some kind of anesthetic gas—those SAT operators were all wearing masks, so they were not affected.

"I did not lie to you."

  The other party said with difficulty: "Meteorites fell, people with supernatural powers were born, and multinational confrontations, all of these are true!"

   "So, what about the call from the embassy?"

   Li Ang was unmoved. If the embassy really learned of his situation and made a promise, the Japanese side should not dare to treat him like this—he was anesthetized and tied to the operating table, and his arm bones would also be taken away.

   Sure enough, the SAT operator's eyes flickered, and he said with difficulty: "That was the idea of ​​the General Affairs Department of the Metropolitan Police Department. Judging from your personal resume, you are a social elite who graduated from a prestigious university, and ordinary lies will be discovered by you.

  Therefore, it takes nine points of truth mixed with one point of lies to deceive you.

  The call from the embassy was told by the Chinese translator of the Metropolitan Police Department. The real embassy counselor's name and phone number were used. The purpose is to win your trust and buy time for you to inhale the anesthetic gas. "

it is as expected.

   Li Ang pursed his lower lip. He was too naive before, worried that the Weiyuan substance might be life-threatening, so that he would be deceived by the other party's lies.

  The same mistake, he will not make it again.

  Li Ang raised his palm, and the chain picked up the fragment grenade from a soldier's corpse.

  SAT operator's pupils trembled and shouted: "Wait, what are you doing?"

  The commanding officer stared at Li Ang, gritted his teeth and said: "The United States will not let you go, in order to obtain something as special as the primordial substance in your body, they will not hesitate to launch a war.

  The power of the modern army is far beyond what a superhuman like you can contend with! "


   Li Ang responded coldly, took back the chain, threw the fragmentation grenade into the car, and closed the door casually.


  Fire and thick smoke rushed out along the machine gun space of the armored vehicle.

   It's over, temporarily.

   Li Ang turned around, and the drone in the air fell with the destruction of the command communication vehicle. But in the northwest sky, the sound of armed helicopters came.

   came so fast

  Li Ang had no choice but to run towards the south, all the way across the lawn of the school building, casually found a set of clean clothes, trousers and shoes from under the sunshade film of a balcony of the dormitory building, and changed out of the simple hospital gown.

  Then walked out of the school and came to the street.

  Omotesando Station, where the previous attack occurred, is located northwest of Keio University, only three kilometers away.

  The traffic over there was completely blocked, which also affected this side.

  The traffic flow on the street was stagnant, and the horns sounded one after another.

   Li Ang mixed into the crowd, put his hands in his jacket pockets, buried his head, and walked forward silently.

  Two AH1 gunships approached gradually, circling over Keio University, and the searchlight beams swept back and forth, observing the end of the battlefield.

  A U.S. military armored vehicle came from far to near. Due to the traffic jam, these vehicles even rampaged, drove onto the sidewalk, and broke the continuous landscape trees.

  The firepower of the U.S. military stationed in Japan is far beyond the reach of the Self-Defense Forces, including 20mm cannons, 25mm cannons, 105mm wheeled assault guns, and even 155mm howitzers.

   If you touch it, the whole person will turn into minced meat, right?

  Li Ang, together with the ordinary citizens around him, looked up at the U.S. troops who were swaggering through the streets.

   These soldiers rushed into Keio University in a car, and cooperated with the AH1 gunship in the sky to search every corner of the campus.

   Seeing such a "grand" scene, the pedestrians around were talking in panic,

  Young people take out their mobile phones to shoot videos and upload them to social platforms, while older middle-aged and elderly people speed up their pace and stay away from here.

  Even the congested vehicles on the street moved forward a little bit, and the sound of horns could not be heard much.

   Taking advantage of the distraction of the crowd, Li Ang quickened his pace and walked into a small stall selling tourist souvenirs.

   Go along with a cap with a skull pattern, a pair of real sunglasses, and a beige scarf.

  He put on a hat, sunglasses, and a scarf, making sure that the surveillance cameras couldn't tell his face, and walked eastward.

  The national embassy is in the northwest direction,

  Considering that the U.S. military has dared to drive armored vehicles into downtown areas,

  The officer's statement about "the United States would rather start a war than get Weiyuan material" is probably true.

   If there is no accident, the embassy has been monitored by Japan or the United States.

  The telephone line was also monitored, and even replaced directly—it was not the staff of the embassy who answered the call, but the Chinese translator and other scams repeated.

   That is to say, I can't just rush into the embassy and seek asylum in the motherland-the so-called beyond reach.

   Li Ang buried his head in thought, the negative effects of excessive use of Weiyuan substances are taking effect, and the feeling of hunger and exhaustion is getting stronger.

  (end of this chapter)

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