Almost at the same time as Ferdinand raises his voice, the people at the edge of his field of vision distort his face and begin to hear a whispering voice. The scene you see is the same as when you are intimidating. But now I’m not angry enough to make my head white. The feeling of scary has just expanded.


“No … I don’t mean …”


witnessing the current situation that the feeling of fear that swelled in me is afflicting others, the fear of the power of the goddess within me increases.


“Suppress Emotions, Rosemine”


Ferdinand grabs my shoulders to protect me from the power of the goddess so that I don’t show everyone. Ferdinand also looked down on me with his serious eyes, with his eyebrows struggling and dripping sweat. That Ferdinand hasn’t even repaired his expression.


“Ferdinand-sama, please leave. The closer you are, the effect …”


«Because Ferdinand is so important to me, I don’t want to hurt it with my power. I hope that Ferdinand will leave while clapping his hand on his shoulder.


The next moment, Ferdinand coughed. Memories are stimulated by the unusual noise of Kofu, and the memories that face each other in the temple after the baptism during the commoner era emerge in an intermittent manner.


At that time, I was desperate to protect someone and confronted the temple head and the priest at that time. I don’t protect anyone right now. I’m just hurting. I want to stop it as soon as I can, and I don’t know how to handle it, even though it’s the power that I should have.


“Use the power correctly to protect the city”


“… I don’t want to get angry. I promise.”


Commitment with someone unexpectedly resonates. It must have been an important promise. I wanted to cry because of the regret that broke it. Reason warns you that you shouldn’t be more emotional, but I don’t know how to suppress it.


“Mr. Ferdinand, away from the request. I promised someone. Use power to protect.”


If you look at Ferdinand’s complexion, you can see that the power of the leaking goddess has increased. From the edge of Ferdinand’s mouth, which coughed several times, the same red blood dripped as his memory.




¡I fled from the spot, shaking off Ferdinand’s hand stretched out to hug me. The sound of the rattan and the chair falling down due to the momentum of standing up.


…… How far is it all right? ……


I looked around the room looking for a place to escape. The door leading to the central building is on the opposite side of the table, and everyone feels more painful before reaching it. The door to return to the dormitory is behind you, but returning to the dormitory only increases the number of people you can hurt.


After looking at his hand, where Ferdinand was shaken off, he immediately wiped the blood from his mouth and looked at his foster father.


“Aub Ehrenfest grants Khartomuts permission to enter!”


“Put in, hartmut”


The adoptive father flies the old Nantes with the other hand while holding the chest with one hand.


As soon as Ordnance sang on the arm of Hartmut, “Put in, Hartmut”, the door to the dormitory opened, and six people, Hartmut, Clarissa, Matthias, Laurentz, Greater, and Rhoderich entered. .


“Excuse me”


“Hartmut, you too close to me …”


“It’s okay, Rosemine. We always have the power of Rosemine, so we can feel the power and its godliness, but it doesn’t have much influence.”


laughing, rest assured, the men of Haltomut standing up around me and building a wall with everyone in the meeting. I couldn’t hear the whispering voice that could endure the pain of the Goddess as much as possible. That alone will ease your fears and make your mind lighter.


…… Haltomut is not really painful.


Hartmut and Laurentz are smiling to reassure me. Matthias and Rhoderich have a serious expression that they must “do their job”, but they are not natural faces that are repaired or endured, but are very natural.


“I was waiting because Ferdinand told me that it might be necessary, because the overflowing charm of the Goddess may feel painful for the inferior.”


I wanted to try the job of taking care of Rosemine, and spread the silver cloth that Clarissa, who seemed to enjoy singing with nose singing, was in hand. Clarissa’s bright smile makes her chest lighter. I was relieved that there is a person who can be safe even now. The feeling of loneliness and fear fades away.


“Rosemine, the lyzers have arranged them in a cloak form because it is unsightly just to put a cloth on the eyes of the royal family and the people of Aub. The costumes can no longer be seen. I’m sorry, but … “


Gretier covers me with a silver cloth that has been transformed into a hooded cloak, and gently wipes my eyes while preparing to prevent an unpleasant habit. Gratia, who usually works quietly with almost no clue, is now relieved that she understands that she has chosen the words to try to ease my mood.


“Thank you, both of you”


“Oh, Rosemine, thank you. Thank you. It’s hard not to have a meeting if someone loses the beauty of Rosemine so beautiful that you’ll be amazed. Rose Mine’s Mestionola has earned love from all the gods … “


“Ferdinand-sama, how about it? If you have such an exposure, you can see your face and feel the power of the goddess, but I think it was suppressed to a level that is not too strong.”


Gretia moves forward to interrupt Clarissa’s praise and calls on Ferdinand. When Ferdinand saw me with a silver cloak, he said, “No problem.


“Would you show me the healing of the goddess’s incarnation, thinking Rosemine is a reward for a naughty subject?”


In a wink where Haltomut showed off his eyes, he wanted to see my healing in the power of the goddess’s incarnation. Hartmut’s expression, which seemed to be seemingly playful, but the orange eyes were still searching for my reaction. If I want to refuse, I will be able to give a ridiculous expression and tone as a reason to refuse easily.


“Thank you, Hartmut,”


“I’m sorry”


I chanted “Strait Kolben” and got a Fleetranee cane.


“The goddess of water, Lung Sumer, the genus of Fruthrene”


Just by calling Lung Sumer, healing pours into the room from the green magic stone at the end of the wand. The complexion of the people sitting in the seats is clearly improving and the breath of relief is leaked. Healing seems to have worked properly.


“What a beautiful … Messionola’s wonderful ability to use sacred tools from all gods …”


“They go down. I want to continue the discussion”


Supplied my entourage to adopt my fellow adversary to bring down his excited Hartmut while shaking his hand, and Matthias and Laurentz will immediately take Hartmut. Hartmut, who is sandwiched between two people, has no immediate side effects.


Adopter puts side servants in place of Haltomut and makes the tea drown. The movement of the side servants wiped out the urgency from the room and turned it into a slightly calmer one.


“Do you have a seat in Rosemine?”


Clarissa greeted me while showing that Gretia was preparing the chair that had fallen down, so I whispered and escorted to Clarissa and headed to my seat.


“Ah …”


My eyes met with Ferdinand standing in front of the seat. I shook my hand when I was trying to help, so I was a little awkward because I didn’t know how to speak.


“Well, Ferdinand-sama, is there anything that hurts? That, I …”


“There is no problem because of the healing of Lungsumer. You have calmed down, but you don’t shake emotions carelessly.”


Ferdinand took my hand from Clarissa and instructed Clarissa and Gratia to go down and let me sit on the chair. I stared at Ferdinand’s face to see if it really was a problem. Isn’t the goddess’s power struggling, but it’s forcing her?


“Don’t worry like that, you won’t hurt others with the power of the goddess.”


“If it was like that, I wanted to wear it from the beginning”


When I grabbed the silver cloth that touched my hand, Ferdinand glanced at the adoptive father with a seemingly irresponsible face.


“Since the silver cloth is always reminiscent of the Lanzenave members, it is not a good impression to have been dressed in the discussion with the royal family and Dunkelferger from the beginning. But I knew the power of the goddess. Now, there are people who say they should remove it. ”


…… That may be true, but I don’t think I need to hurt myself to make it known.


“Oh, yes. Rosemine, take your hand. It would be better to have this for the time when the power of the goddess would run away again”


“Are there any other measures besides silver cloth?”


Is it also an amulet? When I put out both hands as I told Ferdinand, a magic tool and a white box to prevent eavesdropping were placed on the hand. The white box changes its shape into a white bowl, with the feeling that magical power is sucked out before trying to open the lid. Since I have seen it many times, I knew if I had changed this much. It is a dedicated stone.


“Fe, Ferdinand, what does this mean?”


“I don’t want to get close to you in an emergency”


“That may be true, but if you call them like this …”


“Shut up”


I pinched my cheeks and sharpened my lips to Ferdinand. I think it’s wrong to use dedication for that.


“It’s impossible to give such a tribute like this, isn’t it possible, more or more, isn’t it a very important oath? Did you know if Ferdinand was dedicated by Eckhart brothers?”


My entourage gave each person their precious thoughts in their name. Ferdinand, whose loyalty and life have been devoted to the brothers Eckhart, cannot be sure of that. Although Ferdinand doesn’t want me as the main thing, giving a name as a mere means it feels terribly sad because their vows are downplayed.


“It doesn’t matter until the power of the goddess disappears …. I don’t want any more”


“So, as such means …”


“Until the power of the goddess disappears. If you don’t like it, you can order me and return it.”


“I don’t want to have a master-detail relationship with someone who feels like a family.”


Philipine, who thought she could be friends, and Dermuel, who knew the commoner era, would draw a line as a master-slave. I don’t want to have a master-detail relationship with Ferdinand.


“You were the first to use a dedication as a means to save my life. Give up this time. Anyway, it’s not that long.”


stubbornly said that Ferdinand took my magical tool to prevent eavesdropping from my hand and sat next to me. Even though it was an emergency, there was no room for objection if it was said that it was used as a means. I held a stone dedicated to Ferdinand and gently exhaled.


“Are you sure you want to resume the conversation?”


Ferdinand remarks after seeing that everyone drinks tea and the side servants leave the room. For the time being, there was Sigiswald who was running as Zent, ​​so we decided to discuss whether Sigiswald should be Zent.


“Do you want Zigiswald to be Zent? … that is …”


Traokkuvar and his first wife look at me and Ferdinand with great concern.


“If there is no other candidate, this is the case. The option here is that anyone in the royal family will become the Zent and change it to Jurgenschmitt as required by the gods. I will leave it to you. ”


“It would be best if I was recognized by the Jurgenschmitt nobles as the next Zent. I will be Zent and save everyone. Please rest assured.”


Sigiswald said with a gentle smile as usual. I can’t understand the feeling that I can be proud of as a pride in becoming a Zent to eliminate the royal family.


“The prince of Sigiswald will swear by the magic of light and the goddess of order Gebold Noon to make sure that the requests of the gods are fulfilled.”


“Contract magic …?”


“Yes. As soon as the power of the goddess has disappeared, it’s awkward to ignore the gods’ demands or postpone them too much.


This is not a contract with me. It is an oath to the gods using magic. Since it is a magic that directly contracts with the gods, there are few loopholes compared to contracts between humans, and it becomes a tough thing. If it violates, it seems that a severe iron hammer will come down from the gods. Jigiswald’s complexion became worse, whether he was going to escape from the demands of the gods and the gods, or if he was afraid of contract magic.


“Well, it would be reasonable to make a contract with the gods for the demands of the gods.”


“Yes. Isn’t it okay to swear how to lead Jürgenschmidt in front of all aubs before getting Glutlisheit? You can see what the demands of the gods are. “


The consent magic of Dunkelferger’s Aube and his wife agreed to perform contract magic. Sigiswald’s fist on the table is tightly gripped.


If you agree to the oath to the gods, you will decide when and how to perform the succession ritual. Then you can decide how to divide the land that has been treated or abandoned by other royalty.


…… I still have a lot to decide.


When I recalled the flow of discussion in my head, Ferdinand stood up.


“Prince Sigiswald, I think you’ve realized in the previous situation, but it ’s difficult if the Zents who receive the glory height from the incarnation of the goddess line up together on the altar and ca n’t go to the garden of the beginning. If you become a Zent, ​​give your name to Rosemine so you can prevent the influence of the power of the goddess. “


Sigiswald blinked in Ferdinand’s words. Certainly it would be difficult if a person who would become a new Zent in the ritual of inheritance falls upon the power of the goddess.


…… But I don’t want to give a dedication to that means. It ’s not the result of being beaten by a grandfather.


“I will give my name? Who will become the new Zent and then become Aub Ahrensbach?” Then, the Lord of Zent will be Abu … “


Sigiswald frowned at how funny it was. Although it is a means to protect life, as Sigiswald says, I think that it is a strange request considering the status of Zent and Aube.


Considering that, Traokvar, who had a bite like a bite of a bitter insect, gently raised his hand.


“What is it, Mr. Traokkuvar?”


“Rose Mine, I’m sorry to get your eyes dirty.”


At the same time as refusing, Traokvar stood up and tied Sigiswald with a band of light from the Starp.


“Sigiswald, the execution gives us the option to survive, and there is no qualification to become a Zent to those who cannot give their name to the incarnation of the Goddess who grants the Glutrice Height. He who refused to give his name and gave his name can no longer be a Zent.Understand, our way of life that had to be royal even without Glutrice Height was his Even though it had a profound influence on education, it was too stupid and unsightly to try to cling to a lost position. “


Traokkuvar distorted his face crying. The first wife quietly turns her eyes down. Looking down at the tied Sigiswald, Ferdinand looked at Traokvar.


“Are you sure you don’t let Zigzwald Prince Zent at Traokvar’s discretion?”


“I don’t think that today’s Sigiswald can become the Zent that the gods demand.”


“But if someone doesn’t become Zent, ​​all the royalty will enter the White Tower. Are you sure?”


Traokvar is in a state of patrol for a while in Ferdinand’s words. After looking around Sigiswald, his wife and children tied up by himself, he slowly went to the spot.


“Now, those who have had Glutlisheit on their own have realized that they are suitable for Jurgenschmitt’s Zent.… Ferdinand went up to the altar and disappeared with the incarnation of the goddess If so, do you have it? “


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