…… Wash all the dangerous goods brought in from Lanzenave!


Even if the contents of the silver tube are not instantly poisoned, it should be no problem if they are all washed away. As I thought so, I slammed the magical power by chanting “vashen” to the auxiliary magic circle of wide area magic, so naturally a large amount of water begins to pour like a waterfall from the ceiling.


“What is this water?”


The voices of the knights of the Central Knights were mixed with the voices of my escort knights saying, “Wow !? Since it is an auxiliary magic team that was created assuming the amount of water that will wash away the auditorium, the water called by magical power will fill the auditorium. That was up to my schedule. I thought it would be good if I waited with my nose until the auditorium was filled with water and disappeared.


However, it was probably because I had imagined a washing machine in the place where everything was washed away, and those in the auditorium started to swirl at a high speed with everything involved, regardless of their allies. “What do you mean, Rose … gagbo!” When Anastazius screamed into the water and disappeared, I could not stand and left and right up and down It was swept away by the flow of water without any sense of it.


…… Higyaaaaa! failed! Help someone!


I want to praise myself who pinched my nose before I completely drowned. The casters, the escort knights, Labrut and Anastazius are spinning around like a laundry in the spiral. It is completely unexpected.


…… The eyes turn around! Breath! Breath! Uhi!


When I was screaming out of voice, I was suddenly thrown into the air. The water surrounding me disappears, and air enters through my open mouth. My breathing became easier and my field of vision suddenly cleared. Although it was just out of the water, it was no longer wet and my hair was swaying lightly.


… Eh? Ceiling?


It was the ceiling that was in sight with my hair. There is a ceiling close enough to reach if you reach out. The moment I knew that I was raised to a high position by the water current, my body was trapped by gravity. Without any questions and answers, the distance to the ceiling begins to widen, and blood draws at a stretch.


…… It falls!




It feels as if the surrounding movement is slow even though it is trapped by gravity and falling. I desperately stretch my arm to grab something, but nothing touches my hand.


Meanwhile, from the bottom, I heard the painful voice of someone called “Guwa” and the voice of Ferdinand who was impatient with “Rose Mine!”, And two amulets on my wrist reacted. The light of the counterattack flies from the talisman before thinking that someone was attacked, and a shuri and a band of light wrap around you. Is this an attack too? When I thought, I was pulled strongly and changed the angle of falling with a force different from gravity.




While screaming, I seem to have jumped into Ferdinand’s arm on the altar. I was told, “Shut up because it’s noisy,” and I’m sure it started being beaten by the question, “What are you doing, this idiot?”


“Uh, uh, a silver-filled tube was pointed to Ferdinand, so when I was in Vaschen, I was caught up in an unexpected water stream and was thrown out and dropped, but I’ll answer when asked again It ’s difficult. ”


“It would be enough to answer that, but did you think I would eat the same hand twice?”


Ferdinand humbly distorted his face while showing his chin while holding his face. I don’t trust it. I just vaccinated with concern. I want you not to have such a grumpy face. My heart is busy with a sense of security that was saved and a sense of tension toward the sermon.


“But why was it just sent to me? Everyone is still turning …”


Sighted away from anger and preaching, there are people who are turning around in the auditorium that has turned into a huge washing machine. Apparently my Vaschen did not reach the altar. There is a transparent wall obstructed by Lao Root, and the water is rampaging just beyond it.


…… My slim Vaschen was meaningless.


Vaschen has no meaning and Ferdinand was easily out of danger by himself. I was involved in my technique, fell on the altar, and was Ferdinand’s sermon. I’m going to crawl.


“Because you’re a qualified person who can go up here, you wouldn’t have been hit by the wall while you’re spinning. I’d rather worry that Vaschen hasn’t disappeared yet. Did you think that it should be removed? “


erasing the band of light, dropping me down, transforming the stap into a water gun again, Ferdinand glanced at the Vaschen whirl that did not disappear in a few seconds.


“Dangerous goods brought in from Lanzenave. If the contents of the silver tube are not instantly poisonous, it is dangerous …”


“I see. It may take some time to wash away if Toruk is in dangerous goods.”


Whirling in the auditorium, the water that swirled in the auditorium disappeared in an instant while Ferdinand was thinking about the current situation while shooting a water gun towards Gervasio, who had a recovery medicine. Like me, the knights who were floating in the water began to fall with the sound of gasshadsha.


“It’s dangerous!”


“The knight is wearing armor. You can’t die when it falls”


“I have a civilian on my side!”


“Don’t embark yourself. This time, you’ll fall off the altar.”


I was calmly pointed out by Ferdinand, and when I confirmed my feet, I hurriedly looked for the figure of Khartomut and Clarissa. Those who know that I use the widespread magical Vaschen, such as Ditter, seem to be able to act relatively calmly, and I see Leonore and Cornelius brothers who are ridiculous. Angelica jumped lightly on the wings of a beast spreading in the air.


“The Mestionola’s incarnation, Rosemine, looks very good on the altar.”


“What a godly! Supreme God …”


…… Oh, Harutomu and others look fine without any problems.


The Hartmut and others are noisy, pointing at the altar where we are, as if they were not so high. I don’t want to hear the details, so it seems better to listen.


…… It’s safe and above all, but a little quieter.


When I was looking for a cloak of Ehrenfest and stroking my chest, I heard Anastazius yelling, “What are you going to do? I heard it from a strange direction, so if I look around, I can see the figure of Anastazius that seems to be launched to the audience seat. Apparently it was safe to get involved in Vaschen.


…… Where is Lao Route?


The figure of Lao Root, who was in a position to protect the altar, is no longer in the same place. When I looked around the auditorium while strengthening my eyesight, I thought it was difficult to understand because there were many black cloaks where it was washed away, and the door of the auditorium opened wildly.


…… What is this time! ?


Unintentionally staring at the door, a large amount of blue cloak came into the snow. There is no mistake. These are Dunkel Ferger’s knights.


“Care to Rosemine and Ferdinand!”


“Oh oh!”


As usual, the head is Aube Dunkelferger, and next to it is a female knight-like figure with a black and blue cloak. Because it has a heel, it is difficult to see the face, but it is obvious from the shape of the armor’s chest that it is a woman.


“The Labrute, who was the chief of the Knights who defended Zent, ​​but he did not forgive Raoblut, who was poisoned by Traokvar. Now that my husband cannot move, my wife, I, will defeat him.” [ 19459002]


She immediately identified the position of Lao Root, which I could not tell, and aimed her weapon. Although wearing a black cloak in the center, the figure lined up with Aub Dunkelfelger with his mouth and weapons reminiscent of Hannerole on the battlefield.


“… Is that Magdalena?”


“Are there other wives who call Traokvar the husband and have their own weapons next to Aube Dunkelferger?”


…… Even if you become a wife of Zent, ​​what you do will not change … Dunkel Felger is really a Danker Felger.


“Aub Dunkelferger, Raobulut, and others, will be responsible for capturing traitors in the Central Knights!”


Ferdinand gave instructions from the top of the altar while continuing to attack Gervasio, defending with Gettilt’s shield. Dunkel Felgar’s participation in the battle increased his strength. It would be better to leave the fight below to Dunkel Ferger and Ahrensbach knights.


“I took it! … But the formation was messed up and I couldn’t tell the enemy’s allies! For the time being, catch the black cloak of the Central Knights from one end! It’s postponed! “


Immediately after I felt reassured by the cooperation of Dunkel Felger, I became very anxious. As usual, it is rough and bold. However, under the direction of Aub Dunkelferger, Dunkelferger’s blue cloak gets caught up in Vaschen and begins to move quickly in the auditorium.


“… Ferdinand, Prince Anastazius is likely to be captured by Dunkelfelgar’s knights, is that really a problem?”


“The priority is to capture La Froot as part of it. As Magdalena is acting with Dunkel Ferger, you don’t have to worry about Prince Anastazius.”


… Is it really good?


When I heard my heart, Ferdinand exhaled a sigh.


“Shouldn’t you be able to capture Gervagio as soon as possible than Prince Anastazius and think about the planning of a library city plan?”


“That’s right!”


As the Ferdinand says, library city planning is more important than Prince Anastazius, originally called insurance. Since I became Aube Ahrensbach, I am participating in a battle to catch the Lanzenave as an obligation, but to speak out, I would like to throw out such a battle and advance the library city plan.


…… I, like ancient Alexandria, which had a herb garden in a huge library, I made a book that was printed by Gutenberg and designed a library city that included Ferdinand’s research institute and my library. .


Ahrensbach with the sea is perfect. But in order to do so, the battle must be ended quickly, either by capturing or defeating Gervasio, who led the Lanzenave.


“Because the amount of magic is balanced, it is highly possible that binding with magic will not work for Gervasio. I will leave you defense while I collect magic.”


“Hey! Goddess of the wind governing the defense, Szteria”


As soon as I closed my eyes lightly and started to say a congratulatory message, Gervasio said, “That’s Mine?” At the moment when I was surprised to be called “Mine”, I opened up my eyes and said, “It’s just an obstruction. Concentrate on the congratulatory words.”


“Twelve goddesses who belong to the side”


“Mine, why do they cooperate with each other without killing them?”


Gervasio said that he seemed to be jealous while holding a Gettilt to prevent Ferdinand’s attack. Something is said by Airvermeen. I don’t think of anyone else who says such a nasty thing as killing each other.


…… I refused to Ervermin on the spot, but did you hear it? Did you hear it?


I will continue to conceive the contemplation and try to avoid hearing the call to Gervagio’s “Mine” as much as possible.


“ I don’t know how long Airvermeen has been in the yard, but it’s not strange that my ears are far away. Even though it is a former god, I’m sure he won’t be able to win the yearly wave. Perhaps Jurgenschmitt’s magical power is gone, which may have hindered that part of Airvermin.


“… A shield of the wind that keeps harmful things out of my way”


The shield of Szezelia was completed with a hard sound reverberating. As soon as that happens, we changed the weapon from the water gun, which Ferdinand had been using as a restraint, to swords and began to accumulate magic. There was a sense of security that we could say that even if there were no meetings, it was possible to share roles as usual.


“Quinter is not the one he must protect. He would rather have to kill Quinta and get everything. Isn’t he ordered, Mine?” 19459002]

“Die right now without saying anything more”


Ferdinand swings his sword down, saying quietly. A rainbow-colored magical mass jumps out of the sword, and a god statue is blown from the altar along with Gervasio who has a shield with Gettilt.


“Ky !?”


god statue that was blown away and floated in the air … To be precise, all the sacred items worn by the god statue shined all at once. Pillars of light stand from the priests and intersect. I closed my eyes tightly in the bright light.


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