“If there is a Lanzenave royalty in addition to Leonzio, it seems better to hurry. Go to the workshop, Rosemine”


“Eh? I’m not listening to everyone’s report today …?”


“It’s decided to postpone. Report to us tell everyone to justusut and hartmut.”


Hours until I was ready for dinner, I decided to visit the workshop given to Ferdinand. Ferdinand’s room, given away west, is messed up by Lanzenave. There are scratches here and there, and scattered things are scattered around. I looked around the room and frowned.


“It’s terrible.”


“I just brought the remaining luggage into the room”


“Luggage that Ferdinand was able to rest in a separate room has already been moved by Zelgius, and the luggage brought from Ehrenfest is also put in that room. I didn’t expect to use it. “


In the baggage that was transferred from Ehrenfest, the wooden box containing the material brought out from the library workshop was carried on the wagon, and Yustox seemed to be unable to help. Cornelius, who was walking behind me, raised his voice.


“Please wait, Ferdinand-sama! Are you going to be in a hidden room with both Rosemine”? You can’t agree with any number of them.


“Those who want to get in will love it. They have no time and are in a hurry. Don’t get in the way.”


Ferdinand receives a wagon from Yustox and enters the hidden room. Brother Eckhart stopped in front of the hidden room, stood to escort him on the spot, and squeezed his chin as if saying “put it in”. I enter the hidden room whispering.


…… I think Ferdinand’s hidden room was limited by the amount of magic.


That was the hidden room in the temple. I don’t think that Arlensbach’s hidden room, which is often vigilant, has similar restrictions. After entering the hidden room, I waited for the Cornelius brothers to come. After all, no one comes in.


“… Ferdinand-sama, Cornelius seems to have been played?”


“There’s a problem”


Even while saying so, the magic tool for making contact from outside the hidden room shone brightly, and the voice of Brother Cornelius resonated.


“Ferdinand, please lift the restrictions immediately!”


“Don’t. They’ll increase their magic so they can enter here. Eckhart, if you make a lot of noise, tie them up. Don’t call until dinner”


Ferdinand turned to me when he told the magic tool to convey the outside voice and ended the conversation.


“Come here, Rosemine, I want to see you when there are no noisy people. It’s more important to know your current situation than anything else”


Talking about something terrible, Ferdinand touched my forehead and wrist and started a regular health checkup. While confirming various things, Ferdinand whispered unsatisfied, “I think it’s a lot better to repair.”


“Oh, isn’t there a place where you can be praised for becoming a very noble?”


¡When it was out of my mind that I was not able to complain and repaired it, when I sharpened my lips, Ferdinand lightly pinched my cheeks and praised me.


“I don’t feel praised at all, but …”


“Magic power is more unstable than I expected. Isn’t this instability caused by the torrent of magic power during prayers?” Prayers on a scale that jumps out of the city to heal the dead and heal soldiers Is it necessary?


“I just gave a prayer for the dead, including my enemies and allies, and I didn’t know the right amount because I had closed my eyes to the soldiers.”


In my words, Ferdinand looked at me with an unpleasant face, “Do you need to scold the enemy?”


“… I wanted to do it without Jurgenschmitt’s common sense.”


“That custom …”


As expected, it is Ferdinand. The story is early.


“I don’t say that the saints are doing bad, but watch out for the amount of magic power. Healing a commoner who doesn’t have magic power will have a negative effect.


“… was that terrible?”


“The amount was likely to spread throughout the city”


Perhaps it was because I wanted to heal all the people who fought at Ehrenfest, but it might have been excessive if I looked from the surroundings.


“Now you can’t suck out the swollen magical power with magic stones, so it’s safer to release in prayer …”


It seems that the danger to the surroundings when the magic power becomes unstable is increasing due to the fact that the body of the magical power has disappeared due to the disappearance of the magic power by Jureve. Ferdinand stares at me with a difficult face with a beard in his eyebrows.


“Insomnia, loss of appetite, fear of magic stones … Are there any other subjective symptoms?”


“There is no particular subjective symptom beyond that. I’d like to manage the magic stones somehow, but …”


Ferdinand has a tough face, what kind of magic stones are scary, what kind of situation he feels the most feared, and Stap seems to be calm, but there are other magical tools available do.


“The raw stones that are not processed at all are the most scary. After that, it’s Ordnance. When you see the creatures turn into magic stones, you can feel the state of the battle flowing through your head all at once. …… “


“Hum. Stupa doesn’t look like a magic stone, so he’s fine. Speaking of that, even when using the Fruitrene’s wand, he closed his eyes. Do you hate that? “


“… I was a bit uncomfortable in the process of thinking with my head, so I didn’t look”


“But it seems that you can use magical tools if you don’t get into sight. How about this?”


I was given a nut and I tilted my head. Isn’t the fruit that rolls in the palm of your hand a charlaup?


“The material itself is fine. Try putting magic in it. If you know the original material, you want to be able to touch it.”


The hand begins to tremble when asked to make a magic stone. Ferdinand took my hand and urged me to sit in the chaise longue. When I grab the fruit of Shallaupe, I sit down on the chaise longue with a hard seat. I felt that the fruit in my hand claimed a strange presence.


“That’s Ferdinand, I …”


Ferdinand sits next to me and hits her shoulders to encourage her, saying, “If you think it’s impossible, you can throw out the fruit of Charlaup or close your eyes.” Because of her growth, her face is much closer than before. Ferdinand’s thin golden eyes looked at me worried.


“It’s kind of gentle. Isn’t it angry to do it earlier in the past?”


If I think that it is necessary even if I lose physical condition or sleeplessness, I can’t think of it as Ferdinand who was doing it like a demon. When I let out my honest thoughts, I was asked, “Do you prefer tough people?” There is no death.


“I know you’re just vulnerable to the loss of blood and life, but chose to break through the center and prioritize saving the Gerlach Knights. This is the result. As an aristocrat who fears, he has a fatal weakness …. I hope you can recover by just a little sweetening, but isn’t that easy? “


Ferdinand is struggling to stroke my head. A little bit of shoulder power was lost due to the clumsy hand.


“Because you have decided to act together, and you can apply healing magic extensively and break through the middle, the Gerlach Knights have been saved. Don’t forget it.” 19459002]

“… Yes”


¡When magic was put in, the fruit of Charlaup began to turn into a yellow magic stone. The body becomes inevitably hard.


“The fruit of the demon tree, Rosemine. This is the fruit of Charlaup. Not a scary thing.”


Ferdinand greeted me, but what I see in my eyes is a magic stone. I was able to change the material into magic stones, but I was afraid of holding the magic stones. Shallaupe’s fruit turned into gold in no time.


“It looks like I can make gold powder, so I can give it to my foster father for repairs in the Gerlach pavilion”


“There’s no need to make such a bad laugh in a hidden room. I was scared and bad, but I was able to confirm what I wanted to see. You took medicine until I was ready. Please rest at. “


Standing up, Ferdinand weighed out the medicine in the cupboard and gave it to me, and he started to prepare for the preparation and preparation. It seems undoubtedly telling Cornelius that he had no time, and his hands are completely ugly.


Listening to Ferdinand taking out a bundle of paper, I smell the medicine that was handed over. It smelled different from the usual recovery drugs.


“What drug is this?”


“It’s a handy medicine when you don’t want to eat it, but you have to eat it. After this, can’t you keep your hands on Ahrensbach’s meal? ]


It seems to be hard to eat Ahrensbach’s food with a lot of spices in the current physical condition. I remembered the “good food for the body” that was served after sleeping for two days, and I decided to take the medicine obediently.


“Where is Mr. Dietrinde now? You can’t enter the dormitory or go back to the Lanzenave?”


“… There is a princess heading to the shrine in the Lanzenave palace and a transfer team used by the children who become the kings. That villa is in the Aristocracy. It’s a great place to get Glutlis Height. ”


Apparently Zent at the time of accepting Adalziza did not want to prepare to live in the central land where his residence was.


“Why does Ferdinand know that?”


“It flowed in. It’s good if your scriptures don’t mention them. You don’t need to know.”


Apparently, it seems that the knowledge that flowed in when getting the book of Mestionola. I will check my Mestionola’s book. I couldn’t find any mention of Adalziza relations.


“I want to write your knowledge here”


Ferdinand moved a low table in front of the chaise lounge and placed a large amount of paper with it. A lot of things are written on the magic paper I sent. When I thought about making a book from now on, my heart has come up a little.


“Glutrice Height”


Ferdinand sat next to me and wrote his own Mestionola, and opened it. As a big book was opened, I peeked like I was standing next to me. A letter came up. But here and there are holes.


“Lose Mine, look for a description of this part from your Mestionola book”


He was told to point to the perforated part of Ferdinand and look for “a description of the border gate.” I search for my Mestionola’s book. In the meantime, Ferdinand reaches out to the table, looks through several pieces of paper, and picks up a piece with a perforated description.


“This is it”


¡Comparing the description in my book of Mestionola with the book of Mestionola opened by Ferdinand, I confirmed that there was no mistake. As Ferdinand looks at my Mestionola’s book, he transcribes it to fill in the holes in the description in the magic paper he holds. It’s fast to write, but it’s hard to write all this.


“Ferdinand-sama, how about copying this magic paper with a copy and paste? Is it difficult to copy everything?”


“… It’s helpful to be able to save time, but is it possible?”


“Fun, please take a look”


I put my fingertips on my Mestionola’s book and specify the start and end points.


“Copy Cite Pettan!”


“Rosemine, text size is not right”


“Oh, is that?”


I have never copied and pasted a blank where something has already been written. I couldn’t put it in the right size for the characters.


“Well, it’s not complete, but can you read it?”


“Not beautiful”


“… Is that right? I really thought so”


Because the size of the text suddenly changes, I don’t think it looks beautiful and honestly it’s hard to read.


“It’s not very beautiful, but this part is only text, so it can be read somehow even if the size of the text is different. I can’t use magic. “


“Please wait a moment. I’ll try to see if I can zoom in or out”


“You said you don’t have time. It’s faster to write by yourself.”


Ferdinand simply gave up on the copy and paste.


“It should be quite useful. Don’t truncate that easily.”


“I’m not truncating it separately. I’ll do my research later. I’m saying I don’t have time now.”


“I developed it to save time!”


Isn’t it too sad if it doesn’t help here? Insisting on how useful it was, Ferdinand turned my Mestionola’s book to me to be troublesome.


“If so, try to see if you can copy the contents of your scriptures into my scriptures. It’s cumbersome to have you show them one by one, so it’s very helpful if you can.” If you can’t, give up this time “


“I understand. Let’s do it. Copy paper pettan!”


I copied and copied the Ferdinand scriptures. Try to fill in the blank. Suddenly the magical power was sucked along with the letters.


“Done! Done, Ferdinand-sama! The size of the letters is perfect and the knowledge is completely buried”


Isn’t this useful? When I looked at Ferdinand with my expectation, I looked angry with my arms crossed so that Ferdinand thought about something.


“Useful but convenient …”


“Is there any problem?”


After Ferdinand thought a little, he stood up slowly and brought two tubes like test tubes.


“I think it is very convenient and reasonable to save time … would you please do this after drinking this?”


“What is this?”


“I’ve been drinking it before. You will know if you drink it.”


Try drinking without understanding. The first drink was sweeter and easier to drink than the recovery pills, but it had never tasted before. To be honest, I’m not sure. But I understood the second one. This medicine was given as a first aid when the magic was exhausted.


“I didn’t know the first one, but I knew when the second one was taken. But I now have enough magic …”


“Did you not understand well? Yeah. Well, well. Fill in all the parts that will be shown.”


Ferdinand shook his head lightly and exhaled once, then swung the page as if he had regained his mind. I look at it, search and copy it. That’s a repetition.


“… Ferdinand-sama, you’re feeling sick, but are you all right?”


Listening to Ferdinand sitting next to me as I copy and paste as shown. Somehow holding his head, rubbing his second arm, and Ferdinand are strange.


“Don’t worry about me”


“I’m curious! What a strange thing it looks …. Ah! Won’t you rest on the trap after receiving that poison? Those who prioritize rest over making scriptures …”


“Cornerius is in that condition. Next time, there is a possibility that you can’t put it in a hidden room. If you have copied only the part that you need for business, you can make it yourself.


I was told that I only have time until dinner, and I continued to copy and paste as instructed. Copy cite petan, copy cite petan.


“If this is all I need, I can manage it alone. There is a process to deal with magic stones.”


By the time the copy and paste process was over, Ferdinand appeared to be loose.


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