“We’ve been waiting for you, Rosemine, Melchior. Here are the merits in the battle of Ximen.”


Dermuel and Matthias welcome you. I looked around the soldiers as Ferdinand got me off the beast. All are kneeling and face down, but some are injured. I heard from Darmell that there were no seriously injured people, but the bandage is not a minor injury.


“There is an injured person on Rosemine’s older sister”


Melchior, who came with his aide, also got off the cavalry and whispered alongside me. The knights were healed by the knights and doctors, but the common soldiers would have had nothing.


“It’s okay, Melchior. I give you healing.”


“Is my sister still enough magic to heal multiple soldiers?”


Melchior, who prayed together at the temple, blinked his eyes. Melchior who was not enrolled in the aristocratic house and did not compress the magical power would have used a lot of magical power to crawl on the dead. I smiled and smiled, stroking Melchiol’s head below my gaze.


“The more blessings the gods have, the less magic they will need. Merchiol will also become the temple head. Prayer for the territories and the people, and blessings from many gods. You should make an effort to be able to do it. ”


“… I’ll do my best to be like Rosemine’s older sister”


“Merchhire is a much better temple head than me. Very good”


laughing, I lifted my hand from Melchior’s head and looked around the soldiers.


“I heard from you, Dermuel, who worked closely to protect this city, and you fought hard and bravely. If Volhenil led by the enemy entered the city, The common people would have been devastated. “


When I called out, the soldiers who cried and faced up raised their faces. Look at me and open your eyes with your mouth open. I have come to the West Gate in the same temple director’s costume one year before I came to pick up Clarissa. Therefore, unlike the common people who see in the distance from the gods, the change in appearance would have been well understood. Dad looked at me and narrowed my eyes as if I was looking at something dazzling. It’s a happy, proud, lonely complex expression.


I continued my words, pretending not to see the soldiers’ surprises.


“It’s not an exaggeration to say that this city was protected because of you, but it seems that some people were injured because of this. I will give you healing from now on so that I can protect this city as a soldier. I want to … Strait Kolben “


】 I closed my eyes and changed Starp into a fultelane wand and I prayed.


“The Goddess of Water, the goddess of healing, the goddess of Fruthrene, Lung Sumer, listen to my prayers, give me the holy power, fight to protect Gedurrihi, and devote myself to the power to heal wounded people Sacred study, throwing the finest ripples, and giving us a pure blessing ”


It can be seen that the light of green blessings overflowed even when eyes were closed. Not only the soldiers but also the entourage raised a surprise voice saying, “So much healing !?”


“Rose Mine, that’s good. Do it to me.”


Stopped by Ferdinand’s voice with a little impatience, I stopped pouring magical power. After chanting “Ryuken” and removing the stap, I slowly opened my eyes. Soldiers who were scolding with a painful expression unraveled the bandage and looked at their injured part.


一 人 One of the soldiers went forward as he was stroking his chest after the painful injury was gone. Tap the left chest twice with the fist of the right hand.


“Thank you for your unsatisfactory consideration of the common soldiers. I would like to thank you as the chief who unites them.”


“… Oh? Wasn’t the chief a Gunther?”


Although I have seen it, I was thankful as a chief by a soldier who doesn’t know his name.


“Günter has been resigned to move together as Rosemine’s exclusive family. The takeover has already taken place.”


Certainly, it would be a problem for the chief to disappear suddenly. One year has passed since I asked you to prepare for the move. It is natural to take over between the soldiers because the temple is taking over.


“To be honest, it is a great loss for Günter to leave the city, but it seems that this work has proved to be a strong escort that will surely protect Rosemine’s exclusiveness.” 19459002]


I knew that I was worried about my dad leaving his job and going to another land with his family. I whisper with a smile.


“I am very encouraging that Gunther will come with me …. I am honored by the adoptive father, who is the lord, for those who have worked to protect the West Gate and protect the territory. Melchior “


I call Melchior to introduce the new temple heads to the soldiers. I think that there are several people who met in the small shrine of Hasse, but it is better to connect as many people as possible.


“After me, my brother Melchior becomes the head of the temple”


“I want to be a temple head that can be relied on by the resident, just like Rosemine’s sister. Thank you.”


Melhior told the soldiers that he sent a signal to his aides and began distributing rewards. I ask the rewarded soldiers what the battle was. Some soldiers looked at Hasse several times and seemed to be as careful as possible in their tone, but they taught Dermuel’s success with a slightly cheap attitude.


“Since the time of the third bell, I went around here to call for caution, and to call attention to those who work around the ship. If Dermuel did not come, the damage was enormous.


“Darmuel has worked to arrange as many knights as possible to the West Gate. The appearance of defeating huge dogs one after another is the target of the apprenticeship of soldiers who were evacuating and scolding. The knights were using the same weapons as ours in this battle, so it seems that they will be able to get into apprenticeship lessons. “


Apprentices who were watching from a slightly lower level than the soldiers at the battle site seemed to be more excited. It seems that Darmuel, who is fighting while standing in front of the soldiers and defending the soldiers, is pouring a respectful view from children, giving instructions one after another with Ordnance. When I glanced at Dermuel, I was stuck with an unbearable face that was embarrassing.


… Dermuel, it’s good to be imposing at such times.


兵士 The soldiers who received the reward and saw the father who came here began to say in a mouth how much he was messed up with the amulet I gave.


“Gunter is the best person on the soldier’s side, but when he tried to protect his subordinates and beat the dog-shaped monster, his liver got cold. 19459002]

“It’s almost like Gunter fighting until the family amulet is used up”


dad laughed as if he was reckless and told the soldiers that he had no regrets.


“Thank you Rosemine for your strong amulet. And I’m very sorry to use the amulet you gave me, but I can afford to choose the means to protect what is important to me. It was n’t there. ”


“There’s no help for it. Life is more important than amulet”


…… After all, I think it’s painful to be my father’s daughter.


Darmuel and Ferdinand, who know our relationship, will think so much because they can’t help thinking about it. Both of them have face to say nothing.


“… Rosesmine, Melchior. It’s an awkward question, but is there a possibility that a similar battle will happen soon? How much preparation will be needed next?


Soldiers tighten their expressions in response to a question from a new chief with a severe expression. Ferdinand went one step ahead and shouted, “Do n’t panic”. At the moment Ferdinand came out, the air changed. The soldiers who were talking to me made a noise and lined up and stretched their backs.


“You will know that the battle has ended with the award from Aub Ehrenfest, and this enemy, Ahrensbach, will never attack again.”


Ferdinand said, holding my hand and pulling lightly. Ferdinand pushes forward to show off my presence to the soldiers, helping me get a little swayed.


“In this battle, Ehrenfest’s lord candidate Rosemine robbed the foundation of Ahrensbach, and in effect became Aub Ahrensbach. The territory of the next territory is Rosemine, and Ahrensbach will not be able to invade Ehrenfest. “




Soldiers shouted with joy and excitement, saying “It ’s wonderful”, but Melchior and his allies do n’t speak up, but they looked wide, compared me with Ferdinand. doing. I got a white head.




“We must now head to reign over Ahrensbach. The soldiers of Ehrenfest. Leave it to them to protect them. In order to leave us comfortably, I want you to keep peace “




Soldiers respond to Ferdinand’s words, accustomed to inspiring the knights, by hitting their chests with the right fist.


“Günter, you’ll be transferred to Arensbach, who still hasn’t settled, with his exclusives. Be sure to protect Rosemine’s exclusive”


Ferdinand said, removing the amulet on his arm and handing it to his father. Father looks at me and Ferdinand and the talisman handed to him, and after a complex expression, he will be sure to undertake.


“… Take a look around the town and return to the temple”


Ferdinand said, and put me on the beast just as he came to the West Gate. When I thought I would go straight back to the temple, I started to go around the downtown area. It seems to return to the temple from the West Gate to the South Gate, from the South Gate to the East Gate, and from the East Gate to the North Gate.


There is a person who finds us turning around with a beast and looks into his face through a window. The people on the road look up and point at the sky. I complained about the remarks at the West Gate as I looked down at the nostalgic scenery as I approached the South Gate.


“What did Ferdinand think about that?”


“I don’t vomit lies. You would have hoped”


“I haven’t told a lie at all, and I’d like to have a library city, but I’m not sure if it will be approved. In a place where the lords give a reward from Aub. Is n’t it a profession? ”


Hope and expectations are different from reality. I know that much, but Ferdinand cannot be sure.


“Everyone tells me that Zent isn’t suitable for me. Isn’t it absolutely necessary to bring the Messionola’s writing or Glutlisheit to the royal family? If I become an aub, Jurgenschmidt Do n’t expect too much because you do n’t have the prospect of clearing up various problems. ”


It’s harder to raise or drop than to fly low. When I look back and mourn for Ferdinand, Ferdinand begins to point the beast towards the East Gate, whispering, “From when I became pessimistic.”


“It’s not pessimistic but realistic”


“If so, see the reality more firmly. Is it really necessary for you and your royal marriage or you to become a royal to make a Zent with Glutlis Height?”


“… Without Glutrice Height, Zent cannot stand. There is nothing to do.”


To get the Glutlis Height, the royal family must be registered. When I sharpened my lips, Ferdinand smiled.


“What should I do if I don’t have what I want? Didn’t you have always done that?”


“… If I don’t have it, should I make it?”


I don’t think Ferdinand would say that I was amazed, but I answered with a question mark in my head.


“That’s right. Take the necessary materials from this workshop and create them in Ahrensbach …. It won’t take much time”


When Ferdinand said that it was halfway, he went through the East Gate. Even though it was the day after the battle, it seems that the city is back to life.


“Sir Ferdinand, isn’t it possible to look back on history?”


The major cause of the decline of the royal family and the loss of Glutlith Height is that it has inherited the Glutlith Height of the magic tool. If you give such a thing, it is the same thing again.


“Making things that disappear for a single generation. I think we should return to the method of selecting Zent from among those who can take it by themselves, simply surpassing the rapids.”


When Ferdinand said that it would be troublesome, he returned to the temple via the North Gate.


“You should trust me a little more”


“I trust you”


When I said so, Ferdinand shook his head and pushed his back toward the francs who were greeted by “Please change your clothes early.”


“How was the downtown, Rosemine? Did you destroy many things and many casualties?”


Monica and Nikola, who are not out of the temple, do not understand the state of downtown. He will take off the temple’s costume while saying, “There will be a report from Gil tonight …” The next day after the battle, when they told the state of the downtown area where they hardly felt it, they both smiled as if they were relieved.


“Do Rosemine do temple heads in Ahrensbach?”




A bomb remark came from an unexpected place, and I rounded my eyes. I don’t know why Nikola’s mouth says that. Monica tells me who is blinking.


“Hartomut talked to you while you were going to the West Gate. After the lord meeting, Rosemine was the lord of Ahrensbach, so I also took the side service to that temple. Fran and Zam were invited to do that. “


Monica and Nicola are said to serve here until Filine grows up, and then move together if desired.


“I was told to put the temple chief’s clothes in my luggage, but are you sure?”


“Yeah, it’s okay”


I looked at Angelica and Judith in the room as an escort knight.


“Did you know them?”


“… We heard to some extent from Hartmut when Rosemine and Ferdinand were talking before lunch. Now in the castle, Yustox and Rieserator are talking with Dunkel Ferger. It should be “


It must be Ferdinand’s involvement that such a large-scale rooting has begun all at once here and there. Of course, Ferdinand can see the seriousness of Hartmut. Apparently I wasn’t seeing the reality the most.


…… It ’s not bad at the time when Ferdinand and Hartmut formed. I noticed that when Harutomuth didn’t come to the West Gate, I realized something was going on.


“Fran and Zam …?”


“I think you’re serving tea to Ferdinand in the hall in front of the main entrance. You’re told to take Rosemine after you get dressed …”


I finished changing clothes and left the temple head room with Monica and Nicola. At the front door, you can see the Ferdinand and Haltomut men who are waiting for me to change their clothes. There was Melchior and his entourage, and I was already convinced that there was some explanation.


・ Fran and Zam also make me look a little uneasy when I see them.


“Rosemain, I heard from Ferdinand and Hartmut that Rosmain was able to become Aub Ahrensbach. In that case, he couldn’t move to arrange Ahrensbach’s temple in the same way. Or … “


Saam says in a gentle tone. Fran opened his mouth with a slightly skeptical tense expression.


“… Can I go with you if I want? With Rosemine and Ferdinand”


“That franc. It’s not completely decided yet, because Zent’s approval is needed.”


I say to Fran, smirking around the area that is already talking like a decision. However, when I saw Fran’s shoulder a little, “Is that so?” I unintentionally took Fran ’s hand.


“I haven’t finalized it, but if it’s decided, would you come with Franc? I want the temple I’m heading to be in Franc.”


“We are looking forward to the invitation of Rosemine to replace you.”


The faces of Fran and Zam like that were very similar to the expression of Razafam waiting for an invitation from Ferdinand in Ahrensbach. I feel like I have to come to pick up anything, and I mourn for Ferdinand who beckoned me out of the beast.




¡Ferdinand shook his nose as I drove with a beast.


“Why have you been hoping for a bad life while you were hoping for yourself?”

“… Do you really think that I can’t handle magic stones can become an aub?”


“Whatever happens if you tie your belly”


So Ferdinand says, I hope. When I was told that I couldn’t get lost even when I was anxious, I stared at the sky spreading out in front of me.


At the castle where I returned, there were smiley Hanneroles and adoptive fathers with a complicated face.


“Father, I will be Aub Ahrensbach”


“I already know”


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